Pafire Pour VILLANOV AN Tiiefldmy, NoTember 30, 1943 Conway Court Schedule and make them the finest quintets \J in the country. Honor Roll Contlaued From Page Oa* Caatiaued From Fage Three Day-Hops SCHEDULE - C'oatinaed From Page One Ceatlnued From Page Three ocrtainly not least, Vlllanova Col- the final game of the season, Feb- DecembtT Murphy, Louis Silva, Jaines O'- Fediganltes decided to freeze lege. ruary 26. Bucknell 9—Loyola (Baltimore) away th« From will come Brien, John Weldin, Joseph Joyce, In High School Cart any- 11—Swarthmore ball. At this crucial moment Jim did a Marine and Navy team to take home Joseph Morin, Robert Casey, Rom- thing but specialize and hear up, after lapse 14— U.S.M.C home Hobbs wc a of a few years In an Paska, Cyril Johnson, Paul of Mendel literally stole th« from an unusually reliable source basketball, it's 18—Princeton away where football squad Simpson, Robert Fitzpatrick, Thad- ball out of unwary hands, and shot (hiniselO that he was "on the ball" left off two months ago. In keep- 21— (OPEN) VILL deus Pula, Alfred Jamison, Ray- a pass to Fred Gerngross, who, witii NAH in several sports. (Any resem- ing with this spirit of replay, the January mond Kasper, Louis Vuona, Clar- his usual under-the-baslcet tech- blance to a pun, living or dead, la soldiers of Fort Dix, opener of last 8—Muhlenberg away ence Call, Donald Palmer, Lawr- nique, slipped it through the hoops purely coincidental.) season's court year, will once more 11—Sampson N. T .S home ence Pilot, Walter Meserve, Pat- to pull the Mendelites ahead 30-29. Vol. No. 16 N. A. A. S. X-660 VILLANOVA COLLEGE, VILLANOVA, PA. Cart wasted no time once he hit journey to the 15 F. & M away 17— TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1943 Main Line Field — ric'« Reagan, Joseph Bonaflglia, Fedigan here muffed the only the ilain Line and was soon airing in 18— F. & House an attempt to disprove M home Francis McGuinn. chance to tie as Jack Malone miss- his views as a member of the the high 75-55 22—Bucknell scoring defeat of last away Senior engineering — Frederick ed a foul shot just before the final Freshman Debating Team. Shortly year's star studded 25— Fort Dix aggregation. home Gerngross, Ihomas Calpin, Lawr- whistle. The starting lineup for thereafter he took to expressing Close behind these games comes 29—Rider home ence Belz, Paul Cleary, Philip Wen- Fedigan included Kelley, McMahan, Student Bond Committee In 2nd Week Of Activity; his thoughts on paper and became Rider College, February War long-standing rival del, Herbert Ban^bach, James Hen- Campbell, Reap, Kiely; the begin- attiliated with the "Villanova Engi- of 2 Swarthmore the Wildcats, who will be back — away ry, William Meeley, John Allen, ners for Mendel were Gerngross, "Belle Air." 5 Bucknell neer" and the trying for victory again this year — home Thomas Dougherty, Gerald Walsh. Femiano, McManus, Hobbs, and To further show his great love after the rude 48-32 mauling hand- 7— Loyola (Baltimore) home Forty-eight Sondheimer, who played a rip snor- Comdr. Milner Commended For 91.8% V-12 Cooperation for his chosen profession, Cart be- 9 Navy Pre lieds ed last year's team. — away tin' game throughout, and ended of both P.K.P. and 12 Freshman science—Richard Pet- came a member Prominent in the remainder of —Sampson N. T. S away up third best scorer of the contest College Is Investing Share^ tinato, . Robert Latimer, tiie student branch of the A.S.M.E. 15--Aberdeen P. Robert the schedule is the appearance of G home with 6 tallies. purely Murphy, Edward Magner, Robert of Funds In War Bonds; Don't mistake his interest as 19—Army ., f.^ ••* • . away both military academies, Annapolis .n* McFariand, James Gallagher, Da- The Alumni basketeers rolled academic, for Pete has been one of 22— (OPEN) .>^:.:,';V,;;'' 'v Faculty Is Purchasing Large and West Point. Neither team has vid Chesen, George Courie. over the Residents to the tune of the greatest supporters of the frat 26—Muhlenberg ';;>i.i',,;^;;i,,;i home met the Wildcats on the court be- Sophomore science John 23-17. Ed Harvey nosed out Resi- and Student Council dances that — Demp- Amounts fore. Both are away games and sey, Louis Jakovic, John Atkinson, dent Bill Boyle for high scoring po- • we've seen in some time. Since we will be played on February 9, and James Diamond, James Daly, sition by one point, earning 9 points With the anniversary of Pearl have just finished reading about Bond Drive 19, respectively. In consideration Continued James Humes, Edward Bacsik, in all. The game was one sided all added incentive, the his being appointed platoon com- From Page yne Harbor as of the records of both these teams Paschal Corbo, Joseph Boyle, Ar- the way with a 9-6 score at the bit of alliteration third War Bond Campaign entered mander, a swell week, it on the court in the past ,much abil- we most certainly can da mand Waldo, John Flynn, Edward half. Joe Walters, second high scor- came into our mind. So here's to ,iv auspices in months." : its second week under the ity and keen competition will be two v Cannon, Robert er for the pill rollers played a pro- Cart Conway — sobei statesman, Sillery, John Mc- forthcoming in these two games. In order to show what a student Cann, Richard Bernstine, fessional game at guard for the of the Villanova College Student studious scholar, saU> sailor, and James * Also during this time the Navy of body can do when it gets started, O'Rourke, John Tooman. Aluninites. Committee. solid sleeper. ..:..• •. Villanova will meet the Navy from the following statistics were releas- • '* " Junior Science — William Drum- At the same time facts were re- Sampson, New York, for among ed. my, Robert Nevins, Wendell Yealy, POSTUS RECEIVES AWARDS ' in this week's line up is listed The students of Hallahan High leased clarifying the statement NEXT the service teams' on the William Kvokacko, Stephen Vassa- Harold Peifer of the Phila- promising will School recently "purchased" their Al Postus, brilliant halfback of made last week by Very Rev. .Ed- 'Cats' schedule, most lotti. Jack Deiken, William Hughes, Stanford, O.8.A., President, delphia and U. S. Navy Peif- be Sampson N. T. S. whose football second bomber, and they are still James Helsper, Thomas McFariand, the Wildcat football team for the ward V. be college administration, faculty, eis. That birthplace is not to squad edged out the Wildcats a going strong. Albert Nemez, Thomas McBride, past three seasons has been award- that all been doing taken seriously since, like most month ag6 by a 17-7 count. Aber- Illinois Wesleyan University in Richard and students have DuPree, Nicholas Ragni, ed fL post on the All Eastern sec- seen a good Bloomtngton, III., decided their part since that historical day Navy sons, "Chick" has deen Proving Grounds will send up to "buy" Robert Moser, John Mead, Velio ond team as picked by the United treachery. bit of countryside. a representative five on February a jeep for Uncle Sam through fra- Berardis, Richard Sproch. of Jap ternity and sorority competition. Press. He came home to roost rather 12, with a reputation perhaps as Senior science—Melvin Samuels, This is the second consecu- College authorities have gone so early, however, since we next en- good as that of last year's crack When sales were totaled, the stu- Michael Daly, John Koval, Austin tive year that the Main Liner has far as to invest such restricted the local Over- quintet. Finishing out this impres- dents were delighted to find that as scholarship money and counter our hero at Gavin. been selected for this honor, having funds brook High School whei e he spent sive array of teams will be the they had sold more than enough Twenty-four Financiers other trust funds in the country's Bonds to finance 100 jeeps! The been chosen last year to the same pur- many profitable days. We slip in final Navy V-12 representative, Sophomore C. & F.- Ralph Call, future, and the total of these winning sorority and fraternity re- position. that adjective because it was about Lancaster's Franklin and Marshall William Temmink, Donald Saw- chases has now reached the sum ceived certifi<5ates at a dance call- the this time that our playboy met Bet- College. The Diplomats will also be telle, Joseph Foley, Gerard Smith, This past week saw Al receive of $166,150. For an Institution still rates bill- among those making their initial ed the "jeep hop." tie, the girl who top Henry Zerhusen, Jack Evans. Jun- the Maxwell Award given by the Smith College announced that ing in his phone book. appearance against a Wildcat team. ior C. & F.—Charles Koerwer, "Civvies" students bought $2,550 in Bonds, Maxwell Club of Philadelphia to The next big step in "Chick's" Unique feature of the teams this James Mann, Inguald Kongsgaard, $550 over the quota, on the first outstanding life came when the entered this in- year will be the great uncertainty Hugh Burns, Patrick Coughlin, the player of the week Smith Bond Day of the stitution as a M.E. student in the encountered by every one of them. War new Charles Quindlen, James Dever, for his worlc in the Temple game. /^^^ semester. class of '44. In a short time the Fate in the form of military orders Hector Martinez, Ernest Lee, Victory Council at the object of our attention had become has shifted entire teams from one The Uni- George Beuchert, Francis Dwyer, versity of Maryland, College Park, one of the best dance promoters school to another, leaving in place John O'Connell.
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