TO, linanciat tollitterct31 renirie INCLUDING Railway & Indusil Compendium Public Utility Compendium Bank and Quotation Section State 8c Municip,Compendium Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Repreenting the Industrial Interests of the United States OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, 1924, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 119—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Copyrighted in 1925, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. O. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis It INDEX [Vol.. 119—PART 2. INDEX TO VOLUME 119-PAR' 2. OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 31 1924. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLI Page. Page. Page. gricultural Bureau Reports on Cotton A or Egypt, Great Britain Regains Control of France (Concise_ Grain. See Cotton or Grain. Situation _ 2564 Jusserand. Jt French Ambassador to Allied Reparations Commission. See German Egypt, Negotiations Proceeding Between United Statile° 1902, to be Replaced Reparations. British and Egyptian Governments 2685 by NoskY ge Daeschner 1878 American Bankers Association Speaks Out on Egypt Pays Indemnity of £500,000—Egyp- Moroccan SW and Affairs in Tunis the Questions of the Day 1539 tian Parliament m Prorogued 2444. 2445 as Affected tritish Action in Egypt..-2446 American & Continental Corporation for In- Egypt, Trouble with Great Britain—Assassi- Reception in tnce Given to British dustrial Financing in Germany Organized 1771 nation of Major-General Sir Lee Stack_ —2443 Guildhall Speech 2216 American Federation of Labor Opposed to Egyptian Prime MinbA Government Appeals to League of Russia, Arrival Leonid Krassin, First Support of a New Political Party 2693 Nations, Great Britain Opposed 2445, Soviet Ambal France 2567 Arts of Peace. The Navy's Contribution to...2109 3r to Austrian 2564, 2565. 2686 Russia Soviet ;cognized by Herriot Bank Reduces Its Rate of Discount-2103 Election. See Presidential Election. Austria, Chancellor Government_ 1995 Seipel Resigns as Result Election Returns, Attempted Analysis 2692 of Railroad Strike Russian Pre-Wamots to France Not to be 2218 England. See Great Britain. Considered Debts According Austria, New Chancellor Named IwAllied 2336 England, Bank of, Weekly Return 1546. to Premier Het 2333 1671. 1775, 1879,1996, 2103, 2220, ank of England 2336. Trade Treaty W Germany. Progress of B Weekly Return. See Eng- 2448, 2570, land. 2686, 2802, 2925 Negotiations 2332 England, Her Enduring Strength—The War Debts, Interned. See Inter Allied Bank of France Weekly Return. See France. Career of Viscount Long Banking 1784 War Debts. Institutions, Mortgage Loan Invest- Europe, Conservatism and ments Progress in 2690 2579 European Banks, Weekly Banking Returns of Gold ermany, Bank eileekly Return...1546. Progress. A Century of. By W.0. and Silver Holdings_ _1549, G Scroggs 1674, 1778, 1671, 1775, Ii. 2220, 2448. 2570, 1886 1882, 2000, 2106, 2223, 2340. 2451, 2573, 2687. 2926 Banks—A Service Charge for Small Accounts 2576 2690, 2806. 2929 Germany, German larations, and French Baruch. Bernard, and a Court of Commerce_2342 European Money Centres, Rates at. See Occupation of tkuhr-- Belgium--German Reparations and the Ruhr Money Rates at Foreign Centres. Anglo-German Tre signed__. 2569 Occupation. See Germany. Exports and Imports of Blair United States. See American & Contiktal Corp. for Indus- & Co., Strictures of Inter-State Com- U. S. Foreign Trade. merce Commission trial Financing hermany Organized-1771 on Sale of New Orleans Holding Texas & Mexico Chancellor Marx HDIfficulty in to Missouri Pacific 2679 allures. See Business Failures. Book Notices— F Together Discoint Factions_ _1544, ederal Constitution. See U.S. Constitution. "Memories." 1669. 1670. 1773 by Rt. Hon. Viscount Long, Federal Government, See U.S. Government. of Wraxa11 Chancellor Marx 1,igns but Continues 1784 Federal Reserve Banks, Comment on Weekly "A Century of Banking Temporarily _ 2681, 2797. 2923 Progress," by W. Returns.-1546, 1671, 1775, 1879, 1997, 0. Scroggs Cologne Area Not Be Evacuated Be- 1886 2103, 2220. 2337, 2448, 2570, 2687,2802. 2926 cause of Failure oftmany to Disarm —2924 "An Unofficial Statesman; Robert C. Og- Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount Election, General. Rats of 2681 den." by Philip Whltwell Wilson 2110 Rates_ _1547. 1672, 1776, 1880. 1998,2104. Export Tax Plan, Announced British Election. The—Political Difficulties Chges in, 2221, 2338, 2449, 2571, 2688,2804, 2927 by Seymour Parke:Albert Jr., Agent- of a Labor Government 1778 Federal Reserve System, Its Imperfect Work- General for Reparains 2331 British Election, The, and the Return to ing—Over-Saturating Credit and Currency.2323 France's Proposed Ta)f 26% on German Conservatism 2000 Federal Reserve System and the McFadden Exports 1544 British Foreign Trade Statement. See Great Bill Britain. 2698. 2699, 2795 German Finances Grey Improved 2798 Federal Taxation. See United States. Succeeds Business Failures— Gilbert. Seymour Pter Jr., Financial Situation, The-1539, 1663, 1769. Commissioner In September Owen D. Young a for 1540, 1665 1875, 1991, 2099, 2213, 2330,2443, In October 2563, Reparations 1995 2100 2679, 2795. 2917 Commission In November Inter-Allied Military tntrol 2563 Finding Inspiration in the Years as They Pass.2930 Reports That Germy Has Not Ful- Business, Pure Science and the Universities -1676 Foreign Exchange Market, Weekly Review. filled Requirements f Treaty of Ver- Business in the Higher Aspects—The Career 1547, 1672, 1776. 1880, 1998,2104, 2221. sailles Regarding Dimament 2924 of Robert C. Ogden 2110 2338, 2449, 2571, 2688, 2804, 2927 League of Nations, Gmany's Probable Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at Entrance 1669 Campaign, Presidential. Lessons into 1543. of 1884 Foreign Centres. Loan Morgan An- apital Flotations. New— for $200,000,000.. P. Foreign Trade. See U. S. Foreign Trade. Negotia- In September nounces That He Eh Begun 1887 France— In October tions 1668 2348 Bank of. Advances Its Discount Rate 2686 Loan in In November for 9200.000,000 irought Out 2934 Bank of, Weekly Return_1546, 1671. 1775. U. S. and 1770, 1771 Cereal Production, See Grain. Other Counlies 1879. 1996,2103, 2220, 2337,2448,2570. Loan for Signed__ -1770 Child Labor Amendment. Crusading for 5200,000,000. Citract 2575 2687, 2802, 2925 Monarchists Government_2923 China, The Problem Demand Penn of 1553 Budget of Clementel Provides for Equilibri- Prussia Called 1876 Christmas Day, The Enduring Lesson on to Electllet of__ —2807 um Between Receipts and Expenditures-1544 Reparations tactically Abol- Christmas and the New Year Commission 2933 Budget Figures Discussed 2216. 2332 ishes Its Organization..... 2217 City and Country, Contrasting Types of— Communists Causing Herriot Administra- Reparation Funds, Rapii1Progress In As- Closeness to Nature 2453 tion Much Trouble 2682, 2800, 2921 sembling 1771, 2331 Civilization, or War 2456 Communists to Be Prosecuted 2921 Reichstag resident Ebert Comptroller of the Currency Henry M.Dawes Dissolved by Dawes Report, Progress of. See German and General Election 1875 Resigns 2583 Ca.xl Reparations, Trade Treaty Progress of Congress. See United States Congress. With Franc, Diplomatic Service, Changes In 1878 Negotiations 2332 Coolidge, President, and Presidential Elec- Inseparably Disarmament and Security Uncertainties Involved in Nw Election......1876 tion. See Presidential Election. Joined Together, Says Premier Herriot_ _2332 U. S. Ambassador—Baron Ion Maltzan to Coolidge. President.--Patriotic versus Parti- Discussion Triumph as to Whether of Succeed Otto Wiedfeldt_ 2682 san Voting 2225 British Conservatives Will Adversely U. S. War Claims, Allies Oraose Payment Coolidge. President, His Message to Con- Affect Herriot Ministry 2102 Out of Collections Under Dawes Plan. gress--Common Sense at Home and Foreign Loan Arranged With J. P. Morgan Abroad 2574 2684. 2800. 2920 & Co 1773, 1879. 2332, 2447 Great Britain— Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Foreign Loan a Success Great 2447 Anglo-German Treaty Signed 2569 Grain. FrenchiConcern Egyptian Uprising Over Baldwin, Prime Minister. Aims to Make Cotton. Agricultural Bureau Report on_1664. and British Action 2444, 2445 House of Lords a More Active Body_ - -.2568 1991, 2214. 2330. 2680 French Debt to United States, Ambassador Court of Commerce Broached—A Utopian Baldwin, Stanley, Forms a Nei, Cabinet Jusserand's Statement of French Diffi- • 2101. 2215 Scheme 2342 culties 2100, 2566, 2922 Baldwin, Stanley, His Speech al Banquet French States, Great Debt to United to Lord Mayor of London.... 2215 avis, Presidential Candidate, Criticizes the Treatment D Britain Insists on Equal for British Election, Difficul- Administration—The True Foreign Pol- French The—political Debt to Her 2566, 2884. 2800 ties of a Labor Government 1778 icy for the United States 1675 French Indebtedness to United States— British Election and the Return ef Conser- Dawes. Henry M.. Comptroller of the Cur- Discussions and Negotiations_ _2447. rency. Resigns 2563 vatism 2000 2565. 2684. 2800 Chamberlain, Austen, Delusions, Organized. and Government 1885 German British Foreign Sec- Reparations. See Germany. retary, His Visits to France. Denmark's Attempt at National Disarma- Herriot, Premier, Chamberlain, France. See and Austen Commons, House of, Reassemblrg 2568 ment 2004 British Foreign Secretary Discuss Mat- Conservative Government Assumes Con- ters of Mutual Interest 2568. 2799 trol _________ _ 2214 conomk vs. ,
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