W V 2 HE GAZETTE FT WOETE TEXAS THURSDAY EEBEUAEY 42 torial districts Besides H Brownlee representations got Sll from Mrs Pierces Harry lister and C Posey have the low IT WAS A DULL DAY who has signed said call as chairman daughter aud also procured S15 comedy work which thev handle very ac-¬ has no authority td act as such from Frank Daggett on a forgeti draft ceptably Misses Glad 5 Vivian and chairman I hold my commission that em- ¬ One of tho city officials also fell a Minnie Burroughs at the Spanish powers me to call said convention together victim to his misrepresentations and helped Key West pointers aro deserving ap-¬ to rcsplenish his exchequer On- of sDecial mention beinj very handsome ¬ which I will proceed to do when tho somewhat But Little of Interest Trans portionment for the state is made for repre-¬ tho strength ofhis owning 320 acres of land young ladies and endowd with no small pires in the City sentation by tho stato committee and when in an upper county tho officer was degree of talent N s tho congressional districts arc defined and induced to lend him on amount All through the three acts runs a vein of 34 Proadway 2 as has been tho custom heretofore desig- ¬ of money after taking a mortgage bubbling humor that kjeps the audience nate the same time and place to hold the on the real estate Upon writing constantly in a roar of laughter Carmen re- ¬ ASSETS Over LITTLE CORINNE IN CARMEN congressional convention as will have been to the county officials however it was will be the bill at the matinee and again 1200003000 agreed upon for that of tho Republican vealed that tho fellows land was a myth tonight state convention Respectfully The Jatter then went to Hillsboro and THE PULSE OF XEW TOEK SURPLUS Over G W Gillespie was taken sick with hemorrhage of Grade Emmett supported by one of tho 15000000 companies appear at- A Chat with the Bright Little Chairman Sixth Congressional District the lungs He had left his wife best traveling will and two children here withont any means Greeowalis oiiera housa next Saturday WM H BEERS President bdy of subsistance and they were and are still matinee and nightin Howard P Taylors Nuptials < Smlthliurcess in destitute circumstances Two nights melodrama The Pulse of New York The V<WW WA W W I A <W W V <VI <W WW > AtC oclock yesterday afternoon W H ago the man in question pur- ¬ San FranciscoDaily Alta says and Miss Lillian Burgess were mar- ¬ Tifw A Slightly Shady Transaction Palled In- Smith chased 25 cents worth of morphine There never was a happier and better flhs New York TpSjlW flwrcprnp established its ried at tho residence of the brides mother and attempted to take was pro pleased audienca than that leaving the BanjoGnltar Club ¬ it but tho Acre The Therewerono attendants and only the im- vented His wife has left him as he failed Bush street theater last night after seeing business injfcdw fttlftrirflie war has never withdrawn it3 labor Money ToDay At the Fack- mediate friends of the contracting parties to support her and is now living with her Gracio Emmett in the Pulse of New 5om state TO Ing House Other City News were present After tho ceremony Mr and two children on lower Houston street York the and IS HERE STAY Mrs Smith started on a bridal tour and OLE OLSOX Liberal contracts given to iirstclass life men will visit Marshall Tex Galveston and an entirely insurance A CHAT WITH COEIXKE Combining new dialect with Money New Orleans an interesting story and introducing a rol- ¬ Apply by letter or wire for the next thirty days to labor ToDay Mr is bookkeeper at Cameron Secretary Burn3 and Assistant Collier Smith Hon the XJttlo Lady Appears Behind the licking Irish character a pretty dancing mills and is well known and esteemed soubrette and the Sweoish lady quartette were bnsy yesterday with the check book Miss Burgess is a popular young lady and Scenes Her Life and today over 7000 in cash will be Ole Olson offers more in a nights enter- 8c hard well liked by her many friends The bridal During the last act of Carmen last night tainment than any fares comedy now on the JOHN T DANIEL BOONE circulated among city laborers This ¬ the couple were accompanied as far as Arling- a Gazette reportor enjoyed a brief chat stage This Scandinavian dialect comedy Is owing to an especial arrangement made ton upon trip with Corinne during the intervals by secretary their has been a marked success for two seasons State Agents for Missouri Texas Pickwick Hotel the when she was not singing and comes to us the opera house on and Fort or dancing on the stage it at A Match Called Mcotlnc- Monday February S Worth or Windsor Hotel Dallas or Blllnrd She is ono of the few women who are JOB JEFFEKSOJf Arrangements are being made for a bil- ¬ Tho Democratic executive committee will really handsomer on a close inspection meet 4 oclock in tho oiHco- The Joseph Jofferson comedy company liard contest between Eoss of FSrt this afternoon at than from before tho footlights Speaking opera orTJ of the city marshal Business of import- will appear at the house Thursday Worth and All Taj lor Cleburne Tho of her Spanish dance she said February 11 in Sheridans comedy in three L HILL Manager St Louis Mo game will occur billiard par- ¬ ance to transact J P Nicks Fashions In dances change at the Elks Chairman Just acts The Rivals lor the style of the gamo being threeball- the same as fashions in dresses To those of artistic dramatic taste who Mention the Fort Worth Gazette balkline billiards Tho number of points You know tho too dance was havo not seen Joseph Jefferson as Bob j willbeSOO MUSICAL AN 1> tllEKAKY- quito the fad for a time Of coursa I tried Acres Fighting Bob tho performance that and in Arcadia I introduced a sword JalL of The Rivals will bo most enjoyable At the An entertainment to be Given at the First dance Have you seen Arcadia Well while to those who aro familiar with tha IEL 0 Nine unfortunates were placed behind Baptist Church then you know how difficult it is I have impersonation it will bo no less a treat DOR the bars yesterday vagrancy and theft be- ¬ A musical and literary entertainment will frequently had petitions come back comedy needs no word audience to Sheridans brilliant ing tho charges recorded six for vagrancy be given in the parlors of tho First Baptist from tha introduce this nor does Mr Jeffersons Bob Acres tha lat¬ and three for theft There are noiv an church Friday eve February 5 at Soclock- dance in Carmen but of course it- ter boing the most deliciously humorous 8 even dozen ready to go to the county road Tho following programme will bo rendored- is impossible I admire and am more fond and captivating impersonations of today Cofflissioi feclains to do service of the Spanish dance than any other It Jefferson keeps PARTL own overy motion Mr tho faces of his 1 Instrumental selection mandolin violin has a languageof its and audience wreathed with smlle3 and the Lcavo tor Pecos CHy and piano v MissesFelld- breathes tho languorous poetry of this chuckles deepen into hearty laughs at nis 106 Front Street Consignments Solicited of- S Recitation Misi Mildred Beanet- nation of poetry Yet it is a hard quiet though effective drollery Mrs John This morning the building committee a Vocal solo Schuberts Serenade am obliged to spend tho city council Messrs Day Darter task I Drew is so well known as Mrs Malaprop Orr Mrs E M Walker an hour each day in practice in or-¬ ¬ at least almost seems as the belonged accompanied iy Secretary Burns leave for 4 Piano solo spinning song from the Fly- to activeness and suppleness that it if part Pecos City to inspect tho building stono ing Llstz Miss Tomllnson- der retain the to her Sho is so identified with it that the CHSSf SCHEUBER CO Dutchman necessary to a successful and graceful per-¬ there and will not return beforo Sunday B Vocal quartette Come Where My Love best of actresses will hesitate to play the Ryan probably go being Iiles Dreaming Foster formance For some reason I cannot ex- ¬ role dreading comparison The supporting Alderman will a Messrs Furman and Orchard plain have always had a passion for tho member of the committee but urgent busi- ¬ I company is very strong including such Port Wort may part ir- Spanish dunce from the time I first saw it artists as Viola Allen Fanny Denham ness at homo prevent L Piano solo waltz Chapln Miss Terrell This Is my first trip through Texas for of Kainey Rouse Maud Monroe Louis Jamos J H 5 Recitation Shadow a SongMiss a number of years and I have been sur- ¬ Information Wanted 3 Vocal quartette Sit Women Domini Barnes W F Owen Georgo W Denham- Guy prised at tho cordial reception given mo tho month of 1S0O my son Silas Mrs Price Miss BragassI Messrs- Fitzhugh Owsley Joseph Warren H W In June Shorband Miller Glovanl Caliano everywhere and the fact that everybody Odlin and Joseph Locan Edward Johnson generally called Eddie 4 Reauing selection Miss WatUtns- seem to know me Texas audiences was working on tho now railroad as cook a Vocal solo Sins Smile and Slumber I think aro the most sympa- ¬ for Dan Careys company building through Gounod MissFosdick thetic I have met anywhere They e of Nelson from Wichita Falls to Seymour on the Violin obllgata seem to realize that I am striving hard to o Mansion bar Brazos He wrote to hi3 parents tho latter win their approval and approbation I- part of June ho would bo at home in August The Republican Kxecntlvo Committee do hopo I have pleased all that big audience PERSONAL loHowiug That is the last account of him The Republican cxecutivo committee of- out there they seem to
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