a place – a time percussion (1 player) eva-maria houben © edition wandelweiser 2021 catalogue number ew16.359 a place – a time flying leaves for a percussionist eva-maria houben 2021 for aaron butler. a place: a place outdoors or indoors where you could have a good mind to spend a good time. a time: a time you spend at a certain place staying there for a while. maybe you are inviting the light, the wind, or the thunderstorm to enter. maybe you are inviting the rustling foliage, the run of water, the speaking stones, the branches, the birdsongs, the traffic, the working noises, or fragments of speaking voices or shouts to accompany you. finding a place filling the place with one’s own breath feeling the special atmosphere of the place putting together some loose sheets that could respond to this place performing—any order of the sheets, any order of the sounds on one sheet ending somehow, somewhen the score opens for all sounds of the environment. intervening and letting (something) happen have the same nature as intentional activities. the score touches both realms of actively doing something and actively letting something be. here and there undetermined instrumentation. all sounds are (rather) soft. repetition sign: number of repetitions ad libitum. all sounds find themselves in a one-line system. sometimes you find two, three or more sounds distributed above, on, or below the line: the different distances from the line for an instrument with pitched sounds indicate higher or lower (defined) pitches, not exactly a certain pitch. the sounds of an unpitched instrument appear in the same way in different distances from the line as different tones (of the material / instrument); this difference of ‘tones’ depends on different touch points. durations: - ○−−−−−−−−−−− : very (maybe even extremely) long. - ○ : (rather) long. - ● : (rather) short. - vibraphone - marimbaphone - glockenspiel - drum - cymbal - (small) cymbals - triangle - wind chimes - woodblock - claves - branches - leaves - skin - water - rustling paper - (small) stone on stone (plate) - any metal - any wood - … - … I metal stick / w any metal œ œ / œ œ œ œ œ œ / œ œ glockenspiel œ œ II w w w / w w w w vibraphone w (metal) stick / œ ™î (small) cymbals bow / w cymbal III / w w w w w ™î vibraphone (wooden) stick / w cymbal IV UŒ / œ ™î branches w bow w w / w w marimbaphone w w w V / w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VI w w w w / w w w w vibraphone w w w w / w w w w w glockenspiel w ad libitum bow rep. w ™ / vibraphone ™î VII w w w U / w w w ∑ ™î U U w U w w / w ∑ w ∑ w ∑ ™î U œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ / œ VIII bow U √ / w ∑ w ∑ ™î any metal bow / w vibraphone IX U / w ∑ ™î wind chimes wooden stick / w any metal bow U / w ∑ ™î X UŒ √Œ / œ œ ™î √Œ / œ ™î œ U U œ Œ œ Œ / œ œ œ œ œ œ marimbaphone œ œ XI UŒ / œ ™î any wood / w ™î marimbaphone ™ w bow / w ™î any metal ™ XII UŒ UŒ √Œ / œ œ œ ™î branches √Œ / œ ™î woodblock XIII bow w / ™î w / w ™î glockenspiel / w any metal XIV / w leaves / w w ™î marimbaphone XV UŒ UŒ UŒ UŒ UŒ / œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ™î skin √ U / œ œ œ œ œ ∑ œ œ œ Œ claves œ œ / œ œ œ XVI / w water U / œ œ œ œ œ Œ ™î any wood ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ / œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ glockenspiel œ œ XVII U U U U / œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ roll µ U / w ∑ ™î any metal ™ roll µ / w skin XVIII U / w ∑ ™î wind chimes / w rustling paper U √ / œ Ó œ Ó ™î triangle XIX µroll / w marimbaphone U / w ∑ ™î wind chimes UŒ √ / œ œ ∑ ™î claves XX bow √ / w ∑ ™î any metal bow / w w ™î marimbaphone roll µ U / w ∑ ™î any metal XXI UŒ UŒ √ / œ œ œ Ó ™î any wood UŒ UŒ / œ œ ™î claves U Œ / œ ™î any metal XXII roll µ / w drum XXIII bow / w any metal XXIV (small) stone / w stone (plate).
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