Grosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 13 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, March 27, 1986 30 cents 38 Pages for your information Park misusing public funds, firemen say By Pat Paholsky a special election on the issue of Palmer Heenan Jan 27 constitute ence Committee for Public Safety, Park firefighters say they Will consolidating the police and fire campalgmng, firefighter Joseph "I have adVIsed the councIl that Stephen Wasmger And two-thirds file a formal complamt thiS week departments The councll approv- Blalk says The pubhc safety com- the $10,000 or whatever the CIty of the back page ISused for a ques- agamst the city council for misuse ed the merger Jan 13after a two- mittee consists of counCilmen spends for informmg the cltizen~ tlon-and-answer format on public fyi year study Da Vld Gaskm, James Robson and of pubhc funds. They charge that and not supportmg or opposmg by safety the $10,000 appropriated by the "The firefighters collected Carroll Evola name or clear mference would be The Save Our EMS/Fire Depart- Hark! 'Tis a hawk councIl to explain the publIc safe- more than 2,400 signatures, ex- "There's been a three-page let- a proper expenditure" ment Committee is mailing a ty concept to reSIdents is m VIOla- ceeding the 1,871 that were re- ter out," Bialk said "Who paid for Park reSidents can expect to three-page letter this week to all of It appears that the big bird we tIon of the Campaign Fmance Act qUIred The speCial electIOn that their postage, their bulk permit? hear plenty from both SIdes The the people who Signed the petI. reported last week that photo- of 1976 had been set for Tuesday, June 17, "There are multiple forms under Park Commumcator, the CIty'S of- tlons The letter IS Signed by at- grapher Betty Carpenter saw IS now up III the air, accordmg to the Campaign Finance Act," he Accordmg to the Act, citizens fiCial newspaper which is mailed to torney Michael Hunter, and Will m- is indeed a hawk Two residents City Clerk NunzlO Orhsi added "We have to fiIlt them out can file a complamt With the all residents, has a front page story elude a Save Our EMS bumper called With their own stories "The electIOn commISSIOn diS- for any expenditure - the red tape by the chairman of the CItizens sticker, Blalk said Woods resident Janet Drew Secretary of State Campaign Fi- allowed the datE' we "elected" we have to go through " llcl.I1Ce SectlOlI JI1 Lall~Ulg The said she hrst saw It last year Ortlsl SaId, due to the school City attorney Herold McC Dea- agency has the authonty to order and then agam a couple of weeks board election scheduled for June son said, "It's obvIOUS they're the practice stopped, the amount of ago Her husband Elmer sur- 9 Local elections cannot be not paymg any attentIOn to what reshtutlOn to be made and the prised It when he stepped out scheduled Within 30 days of each the councll has said or done I'm amount of fines to be leVied the door The hawk, with a other The matter has been perfectly cognizant of the Cam- pigeon m Its talons, dropped Its The council approved the appro- turned over to the city attorney paign Fmance Act and the defmI- prey and flew off priation of $10,000 from the fund for an opinion, Ortlsi said tlon of expendItures It does not m- Gerri Posch of the Shores balance of the general fund Jan 27 Any mailmg or other expendi- clude communication Otla subject Said the bird VISItStheir back- The action was taken to counteract tures by the city or the publIc safe- or Issue If the city does not support yard every mornmg by Itself or efforts of the fIrefighters to force ty committee appomted by Mayor or oppose It by name or clear Infer- With Its mate Her husband, Dr. Joseph Posch Sr., says they are chICken hawks and since he's from Mmnesota, he should Woodsparking policy questioned know, his wife said. The hawks By Peter A. Salinas meters and payments of parkmg Sit on the lawn furniture on the Beaupre said "And I'll be recom- No one likes to get a parkmg VIOlatIOns have generated about mending thiS experiment to the patio and "they chase the squir- ticket, but everyone likes to fmd a $176,000 durmg the first eight rels and the sqUirrels chase commlttee-of-the-whole. " parkmg spot. months of the current fiscal year, Petersen said he already has them," she said. She described Woods Councilman Paul according to Chester Petersen, Ci- them as "all different shades of made a different recommenda- Beaupre argued on behalf of an ty admimstrator tion to the city council He recom- brown and beige with black experiment proposed by the "Those figures are down 7 per- worked m and their heads are a mends contmuing With the city's Woods Parkmg CommissIOn, cent from our anticipated current level of staffing for park- lot like an eagle's." which would tone down the ag- revenues," Petersen said. If the doctor says it's a mg enforcement gressiveness of the city's parkmg Expenditures during the same "The problem area Isee is that chicken hawk, it's a chicken enforcement, before the city penod have totaled $238,000, but hawk Even if It eats pigeons m coming years the increase of council earlier this month that includes a recent $45,000 pur- traffic on Mack Avenue Will force We all know that chicken He made a motion to reduce chase of a house and lot on 1944 pickms' in Grosse Pointe are the elimmatlOn of on-street park- parking enforcement personnel to Ridgemont, located behmd Mr. mg," Petersen said. "That's why nard to come by. Ain't many one full-time person, one day m a C's Deli on Mack Avenue WhICh coops in these parts. we have such an aggressive park- given week. The move, he argued, wIll be used for a mumclpal park- mg program - to get turn-over of 01' Floppy Ears would not be permanent, but mg lot. available parkmg numbt>r one, would be studIed to determme if Beaupre says that the city and number two. to (generate is coming to town parking space turnovei' was nega- should try thiS experiment of cut- revenues) acqUire enough new Load your cameras, pack up tively affected tmg survelIlance m half to see If a lots .. Beaupre's motion was turned less-aggressive enforcement your kid dies in the car and head Petersen said the Woods IS one over to the counCil's committee- policy Will still get local business out to the Village Locksmith, of the few local communities 18554 Mack Ave., tomorrow or of-the-whole - a move which Will patrons to turn over parkmg postpone discussion on the matter spaces. which furmshes parking at no ex- Saturday. There'll be a 7-£oot- pense to the businesses the lots for at least 60 days, perhaps "The deSire IS to turn over tall rabbIt - whose name is not and metered spaces serve. He longer. parking spaces for the benefit of Harvey - handing out candy pointed out that m the City and St and balloons. Hours are from 3 Beaupre contends that the reSIdents and busmesses both," parking enforcement policy the Beaupre said Clair Shores, new parking lots to 5 p.m Fnday and noon to 3 were constructed with a special city extends IS "too aggressive" He added that the current en- p.m. Saturday ThiS big b~~ assessment giVen to the bUSI- loves camera., .- .............. _ "What Js the intent of our en- forcement staff is writing about nesses they serve.. Mowbray of the Village Lock- forcement - policy?" Beaupre 10lrparking tickets a day. He feels smith, and he'll pose with any asked dUring an mtervlew "Do the city could achieve the same "We Will do what ever the coun- we want parkmg, or do we want parking turnover rate with 50 cIl decides," Petersen said "The kid, no matter what age. Even Photo by Peter A Sail nas 60 years old. revenues?' , tickets a day. parking commission can only Street dancing Mowbray said this is the He says that the city wants "I thmk we would keep every- recommend to the councIl. The fourth year the business has ar- both Revenues generated by one happy with 50 tickets a day," (Continued on Page 15A) It's spring and the skateboards are out. Mike Woodruff, in ranged for the Easter Bunny to the foreground, and Chuck Weiss cruise downhill on Kerche- make an appearance. Last val near Fisher. Story and more pictures are on Page 12A. year, they went through two tanks of helium and gave away 700 balloons. Take a survey Police chase speeding car Science, schmience There are lots of answers to any prop- through Pointes, Detroit osition, as the Farms council By Nancy Parmenter high speeds are justified only when found out when it tried to deter- Officers from Grosse Pointe the mdlVidual offIcer knows or has mine the WIdth of a lot on Shores apprehended a Detroit man reasonable grounds to believe the Mapleton March 17. The build- after a middle-of-the-mght high- person being chased has commit- er produced a survey, but was speed chase through the Pomtes ted or attempted to commit a hooted down by the home- and DetrOit almost to East Grand <;p.rlousfelony " Officers are told grown methods of the residents Boulevard March 15, receiving to exercise moderation, conSider opposed to hiS project The on- $900worth of damage to their scout the safety of the public and not to ly thing missing was a dowser.
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