Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-8-1991 The BG News March 8, 1991 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 8, 1991" (1991). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5193. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5193 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. March 8, 1991 Friday Vol. 73 lisue 93 Bowling Gretn, Ohio The BG News BRIEFLY USG hopefuls Inside Women 'out of gat': Falcon women end season debate major in Detroit with MAC tour- nament loss to Central Michigan 84-72. ►See SPORTS, page 7 campus issues Player* aim* at atti- tudes: The Cultural Diversity by Robert Davidson chey and runningmate Kelly Players try to create under- staff writer Warner were critical of past va- standing between cultures cant senate seat appointments through drama. and stressed USG presidents ►See CAMPUS, page 5 Undergraduate Student should encourage diversity in Government candidates moved to their selections. Candidates profiled: discredit their opponents Thurs- "I would not choose people who Profiles on remaining day night, brandishing fresh solu- are carbon copies of myself," he USG senate hopefuls offered tions to issues troubling the stu- said. along with tidbits on the dent body. Presidential candidate Mike USG presidential candi- Ticket opinions clashed at the Sears, running with Rob Rout- dates. debate, sponsored by The zahn, said his team would meet ►See page 6 New-sand Sigma Pi Alpha politi- with campus groups to hear cal science fraternity. nominations for the position be- Teams responded to 15 ques- fore making a selection. tions from a panel of University Coughlin said he would like to City media representatives and about see more extensive review of an 150 students. Question topics appointment during senate con- ranged from University-city re- firmation, but he stands by his Welcome home: lations to USG internal relations. selections. There will be a rally to Major debate focused on the "I would make every appoint- to N»wl/Todd Swanson honor the troops of Desert USG budget, appointing of senate ment I made again," he said. USG presidential and vlce-ptesldentlal candidates watch as the rules of Thursday night's debate are ex- Storm 2 p.m. this Sunday in seats, partisanship in USG and As debate turned to parti- plained. The West Hall debate was sponsored by The News and Sigma PI Alpha fraternity. Pictured led to City Park. University administration re- sanship and administation re- right are Greg Richey, Rob Routtahn. Mike Sears. Damlan B i llok. Kevin Coughlin. and Sara Parish. Comments by State Sena- lations. lations, Coughlin's opponents tor Betty Montgomery of Presidential hopeful Dave criticized his record heatedly. are unnecessary in the re- Perrysburg, Mayor Edwin Gagner, running with Sharon Coughlin said he believes parti- lationship between USG, Gradu- Miller and performances by Seifert, said the USG budget was sanship has no place in USG. ate Student Senate and Faculty the Bowling Green High a one page document most sena- "Senators should be of the Senate but he did stress the Board Cough/in discrimination School Band will be among tors did not understand when it mindset they are serving only one of Trustees needs to put more the highlights. was voted on. group — the 17,000 students of USG bills on its agenda for con- He stressed if elected he would [the University]," he said. sideration. verdict may take five days make the budget, "a more Sears disagreed with Coughlin, Parish criticized Coughlin for faultering in representing stu- A Standards and Proce- Hearing officer Tonia Nation thorough document — and follow insisting USG needs the input of dures officer and witnesses Stewart, director of Off- it." groups with different viewpoints. dents on the board. deliberated for more than Sara Parish, presidential can- "The Democrats and Republi- "It is the president's duty to Campus Housing and Mi- First troops head three hours Thursday to ad- nority Relations, has up to didate, said she and partner Da- cans are not dividing USG, take bills to the Board of dress charges of discrimi- home: mian Billak think the problem Coughlin is dividing USG," he Trustees," she said. "The student five working days to deliver The first U.S. ground nation brought against Un- a decision. with the budget is rules are not said. on the board cannot be a rubber dergraduate Student troops deployed in the Per- beingfoUowea. Richey and others agreed with stamp to what the trustees sian Gulf crisis headed Government President Ke- If Coughlin, who is run- "[Persons making requests] Sears. want." vin Coughlin. home Thursday in jubilant must get General Assembly ap- "We cannot discriminate ning for re-election is ac- spirits, looking forward to Lesbian and Gay Alliance quitted of charges prior to proval for expenses over $50," against any group," he said. Routzahn stressed bills are an President David Steeves, home cooking, soft beds and she said. "This has not been done Gagner said he does not think effort of USG, GSS and other rul- the Tuesday elections, his delayed Christmas celebra- who is gay, alleges he was status as a candidate is un- this year." partisanship exists but the con- ing bodies are best received by denied an interview for an tions. Incumbent Kevin Coughlin and flict in USG is more a matter of the board but he said group affected. Elements of the Army's open seat on the senate as a However, if Coughlin Julie Martini differed with Par- "who likes who." efforts have not been the rule. result of his sexual orienta- 82nd Airborne Division, ish; Coughlin said he does not be- Candidates accused Coughlin's "It is a travesty that USG has wins, and is later found which arrived in Saudi Ara- tion. Coughlin has refuted guilty of discrimination, the lieve the president needs to work with the Board of Trustees not worked as closely with these the allegation, including a bia 210 days ago, were sent request $50 allocations from the as not representing the interests groups as it could," he said. "We position could go to run- home to Fort Bragg, N.C. assembly. of the student body. need to keep the lines of commun- column in The News. ningmate Julie Martini. An additional 900 soldiers Presidential hopeful Greg Ri- Coughlin said major changes ication open." were in the first group to leave and were due home Friday afternoon. More than 100 men from the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) began the Drinking age: economics versus law exodus of American forces to watch the underage crowd, but erally-imposed 21-year-old drink- earlier Thursday, to be fol- by John Kohlstrand ing underage." It is a matter of economic real- few bars will get rich by charging ing age, traditional college bars lowed by more than 14,000 city editor are serving underagers just to others during the next week. ity. The 21-year-old drinking age at the door, Meek said. has cut the legal market by 50 survive. It is probably Bowling Green's percent or more for downtown's Local bar owners agree most "It's a lot more common out worst kept secret. college bars. Operations have bars make the bulk of their there — you're vying for a smal- Spew your anger: But for the underagers who been forced to adjust to survive. money by serving drinks. ler legal market," said Bowling Forget about f inding that The local standard is to mark special someone to share don't know: yes, dear readers, In fall, 1988, Uptown was the Green Police Chief Galen Ash. sunsets and fireside chats. youca/i get served in a local bar. only downtown Bowling Green up the cost of a drink 150 percent "To compensate for that, if you Probably tonight, if you wish. nightspot to even allow before serving, according to Jeff can pick up a few underage drin- If you'd rather find that Adventurous students must underagers in the door — and Hobbie, owner-operator of Up- kers and get away with it, you're special moron who bumped town-Downtown. goin(> to pick up a few extra dol- you in the checkout line, a find this out for themselves, of then only on Sunday and Wednes- weekly shopper has just the course. Business and civic day nights. (NOT!) Club SOP is probably Bowling leaders rarely discuss the subject But today the underage list in- Green's only exception. SOP is Every dollar makes a big dif- ticket: Anti-Personals. UNDERAGING IN drawing so many people through ference to a struggling bar, DeS- Manhattan Pennysa ver except in broad rhetorical terms, cludes College Station, Brathaus, BOWLING GREEN and blatant underage havens are Mark's Pizza Pub, Club SOP, the door with cheap drink prices mith said. invites readers to §ive the never named publicly. Good Tymes, and Howard's Club that it profits off the cover "Get that dollar, that's all gift of hate" by placing an is operating by the rules. [bars known for serving advertisement in a special But a candid bar operator will H — with typical cover charges of charge, more than one liquor- admit underage service $1 for legal drinkers and $3 for Meek said he allows license owner has said.
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