EDITORIAL WEATHER The "Scampus 'ly a Cloudy and cool today with 4snow or sleet changing to rain. lot of fun, it al.-o pro" Rain and milder tonight. (Eottttfrttrut Satl£ (UampitB able point too. See page two. "Serving Storrs Since 1896" Complete UP Wire Seriice NO. 103 VOL. LX1II Offices in Student Union Building Storrs, Connecticut, Thursday, April 4, 1957 State To Enforce Law Senate Bill 111 Killed On Littering At Diana's This spring Diana's Pool is going to be the object of an all- out law enforcement drive. According to Fish and Game War- den, Steve Muska, students in the past have violated several By Committee Tuesday state laws while using the area. Mr. Muska's chief complaint is the discarding of empty cans and bottles in the park. In describ- THE B THE AFTEHBOBIEB ing the effects of littering in the area. Mr. Muska said that the •M». ,■ i, .«H .•-■»*• *-. .«•-..• «Mav**, park was beginning to look like the Willimantic dump. •■-n— I..- ---*■ *%. M-uu Gog Works Increase Not Responsibility v Although Mr. Muska said .... '• 1*1 B-* >-»*» a> «>i- . « that there were also complaints -. twtMkl '■ - »■»»» f*m' about night parties and the - , - —. ».» <■»—■■ Of Senate Say Legislators . .*.. v . ■ :.. lighting of illegal fires, he said, Greeks Hold -- . .- .• - ,-W "the new enforcement drive is r. w «■ - ^ - _«.!.**-□, Chicago U. Paper Senate Bill 111, the bill which Grele. Grclo spoke against the • ■»*•* n-»y wts •»! m »«>• :»«>*•» - could have cost students at the 'i'"- aimed specifically at people -,.iJ-». x.—. saW« —»» — who are littering the area with University of Connecticut hun- Advocating pr Work Week were it's co-sponsors Rcpii-• . empty bottles and cans." State , „-«.■ -...-.,«— ii-i.^—., « —i. ■ Hit*. rio.vi. of *. Bit!, knr dreds of dollars a semester, has law provides for arrest and fine ■ - - <k£ t>r*tl ». 3* aUx •€ <•»> u*V* Publishes Satire tive Marsillius (R> and ... ■. u. 4 -, «'.i ,*— . ««. «~ -« ,„ i^„ , vi*«« tv: w ft- «w»~ -' . » been defeated in committee and AtkinSi head of a private re- up to $200 for anyone caught 4 ','aut tMMftMl* V*4M»J*Mt"(»-I'.ttm, w..*. *. SMM< - >• i.Mt * «—- •*•! «*- b»r- IFC To Sponsor Project; The University ol Chicago the administration and faculty discarding refuse in the park. M«*«.•*Wft* H.LA.-4- * «--~.-v_* *. »m - *.-- )-—■ - ' thus will not be brought up search group (, Public Four Work Days Planned ...Z.-w.*- !»*.,,«— -J-. *">—»***- f« — **i-»*-.-—.-,.** — paper, Ufa Mafi I I should not take offense: that it again this session of the State Expenditures Council. Police Join Drive the other day that the Maroon wai all in fun. .... ....... •*.»>•- • -*-« 1—Jrtf.n— **»am~i',i. tfct —«■»»». ^-•*-' -^ ^"1(i. iW— *>«-. W The annual Greek Work 1 Legislature. State police are also planning » »-. iMM> »»- -*••- - ..,«— |" 'I' *I *■• •«**••■ Vl. tta„ I'.mW. !*.(• Gag i.--m w.i- thej Censored to join the new drive, aiming Week sponsored by IFC will be campus polii on Mondav, when the gag is- The bill met its death late specifically at enforcing state . ■ I _ — — • j< ev >rf»w unm JW —•»« •'■**' ttmm -*•»»»* c» -<*» ■ Legislation To held May 13, 14, 15. and 16 ac- tronl page ol I , ,, „ SUpposed to be distri- Tuesday afternoon when the ed- '.liquor laws, which have been cording to Howard Sorenson, thc confix:.' buted, there was no issue. The'ucation Committee turned in an frequently violated at the Pool, I*~. *4W< K*:- I i-.,j-i ■ ...» , -r i'«^-.-.- . <W •• Lambda Chi Alpha, chairman of Ol the annual humor edil ; ,„0,.mng the special issue ] unfavorable report stating, "We Mr. Muska said that he didn't the paper. , . _ i iming the ad- Clamp Down this year's Work Week. U1 nl oul proc a feel that any increase in the fees know exactly what measures Tl" Maroon rep ted thai the ,i istration-s "censorship." The first three days will be M n at the University of Connecticut the Fish and Game commission f/Vs/ /ssue 'campus police, acl In- u Q{ ^ ^ would take, but indicated that work days in which members rtruxtion. from. tyoJ and sUte teachers colleges should On Minors Represented is the first page of the Air Force FOTC's den|s hcJd mflss meetingSi and the final decision would de- of all the fraternities will work Chicago admirustratJon, had circu- not come under legislative jur- Hartford, April 3— (UP)—The pend on the attitude of students new newspaper, the Afterburner. Cadet I.t. CoL Alphee numcrous pclitions were on two projects—one on cam- seized and burni-d the I lated. It wasn't until later that: isdiction but rather be handled House has adopted a bill clamp- using the Pool this spring. Babineau, editor-in-chief, has announced tentative plans ing down on school trouble-mak- pus, the other in the surround- 'lay that most students reahzed | by the e^ o( the university for an issue every four to six weeks. Babineau also ex- ers. ing community. The last day that the gag issue was the one and the Board of Education re- pressed a need for new staff members. He stated that tion for "gestapo-like I that announced that the fictitious The bill permits expulsion of will be used to finish up any spectively. students interested in any phase of newspaper work that and for destroying the Erecdom gag issue had been confiscated. pupils without a hearing, to State Leaders uncompleted tasks. This project of the press. prove that they are incorrigible, would like to join the staff should contact him at Sigma Scampus Confuses will only extend over four days One article announced a mass Yesterday morning, the Daily M required by present statute. Level Charge since other University functions Phi Epsilon. (Campus photo copy). rally at which the outlawi Campus published its annual sa- Minors' Auto Insurance Raised — » sue's COnl I be dis- UconnAlumni tire issue, the Daily Scampus. The House also adopted and are planned for the rest of the closed. week. Mr. Sorenson stated that which carried a banner headline sent to the I At Governor Gag Issue stating that "State Passes Sen- i fen insurance requirements for with one-hundred per cent co- Gryk Retracts Charge In fine print in the masthead To Top Drive ate Bill 111 in A Surprise Move motorists under 18 years of age. Hartford, April 3—(UP)— operation from all the fraterni- on page two appears the follow- —Uconn To Turn Ivy With Tui- The bill was approved aft) I Senate Republicans launched an ties, plenty can be accomplished ing statement: "You are now tion Increase." However, it was surano :mer- , all-out attack on Governor Ri- in three days. reading the ann No In Hartford while the Scampus staff was put- legislator that it would not ap- bicoff today in the first full- Sororities May Join In Mansfield Court appeared i no Ncal F. Blackman- of Wethers- ting the final touches on this ply to tract dress debate of the year. The In the past this has been A charge was withdrawn in [ceased was certainly oblivious papers were con: d this field and Dr. Stanley Smith of story that word came through The Howe has killed a bill es- debate came as the senators primarily a fraternity function, Town Court this morning in the to what he was doing. He did issue hasn't one word of truth Hartford have been appointed about what really happened to tablishing minimum salane. prepared to reduce taxes on in- but the sororities are invited to case of David O'Neill, a Univer- not take steps to save himself," in it (except for the ads)." co-chairmen of the Fifth Annual SB-Ill. This curious set of cir-1 teachers, surance companies' interest and sity of Connecticut graduate join in this project if they so the prosecutor said. The two issues of the Maroon Scholarship Fund drive, it has cumstances led to considerable The bill would have withheld dividends. desire. student charged with negligent preceding the scheduled public:. been announced by Attorney Carl confusion on the campus at State aid from towns not | Other factors included were lln llve They leveled charges of A project off-campus is being homicide, by Judge Wesley C. tion date of the humor Nielson, president of the Greater Storrs as students and faculty •" -> thousand dolla |>"sham" and "blackmail" at the Gryk. that Siezega had his back to the told of the forthcoming edition. Hartford Chapter of the Univer- alike tried to discover which way beginners and 10 dol- planned this year to dispel the lars after 10 J chief executive who earlier notion that fraternities are only Prosecutor John R. FitzGer- oncoming car, and an impartial-The advance publicity told nflsity of Connecticut Alumni As the story broke. called the proposal the "rawest No Penalty For N6t Voting social groups. ald recommended the nolle, witness stated the area was the slightly off-color or no ,tion. Said one Daily Campus editor. giveaway in the state's history." saying he studied the circum- The House also killed I Picnic Held very dark. lewd contents, but stated thai During the drive which began "We hope we haven't left our Shameful Effort stances leading to the accident Monday and will end in June, readers in any more confused a penalizing person lad to Last year Greek Work Week and disagreed in part with the more than five thousand alumni vot ould Senate President Theodore S. included such projects as re- .Ute than possible by following f; ." * .' ,*•■ Ryan of Sharon declared "no findings of Hartford County New Panhellenic Council in the Greater Hartford ' area the Scampus story with the real «nehg>ble for old age assistance seeding the lawn surrounding Deputy Coroner Francis J.
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