*^E^«* The Daily Register >l on mouth (ounl>\ Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 270 SHREWSBURY. N.J. TUESDAY, MAY 19,1981 20 CENTS White House urged to modify tax plan WASHINGTON (AP) - The chief tax Barber Conable, R-N.Y., senior Republican on devoting so much time to the president's budget writers In Congress, agreeing only that their Ways and Means. cuts. differences are many, are signaling the White Talking to reporters after the session, the Dole said he, Long, Rostenkowski and Con- House they want to talk about finding a con- four were unanimous on one point — no agree- able discussed the general size of a tax cut, sensus on tax cuts. ment on a tax plan was sought and none was whether it should be for three or fewer years "We hope we can Indicate to anyone who reached. and whether the bill should be limited to busi- might be interested" that efforts should con- "We now agree on what the problems are," ness and individual cuts designed to set the tinue toward finding a tax plan acceptable to Conable said. "We thought this meeting was economy on a steady growth pattern. That Congress and President Reagan, Sen. Robert J. preferable to continue reading in the papers would mean a second tax bill to consider such Dole, R-Kan., chairman of toe Senate Finance what each other is doing." ideas as reducing the "marriage penalty," un- Committee, said yesterday. The Reagan administration opened the door der which a working married couple pays more Dole went last night to the White House, to compromise last week amid mounting indica- taxes than if each were single but earning the where he conveyed that message to Reagan's tions that the president's Individual tax-cut plan same income. chief of staff, James A Baker IH. Is in trouble. That plan would reduce personal "We reached no conclusions," Dole said. "They're willing to listen," Dole said after tax rates by 30 percent over three years. "This was a chance to see if there is common the meeting. "But so far they see nothing better The four chief tax writers in Congress agreed ground that we can find to speed up the proc- than their proposal. ... If, in fact, we could put to the lunch in an effort to expedite pasaage of a ess." together something to present to the president, tax bill. The only solid development to come out Reagan's tax-cut plan is under attack by we'd be in business." of the meeting was Rostenkowaki's announce- those who (ear that a commitment now to a tax He said the White House wants to avoid a ment that the Ways and Means Committee like- cut in future years would worsen inflation. The lengthy debate that could delay final action on a ly will begin writing It* tax bill on May 28 president Insists that workers and businesses tax bill until October. House and Senate leaders hope to complete need the assurance of future-year tax reductions Dole bad lunch at the Capitol yesterday with work on the measure by early August. The to plan their spending. Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La., senior Democrat on Reagan administration asked that the individual House Republican leader Robert Michel, R- the committee; House Ways and Means Com- tax cuts take effect July 1, although that sched- mittee Chairman Dan Rostenkowskl, Dill., and ule is jeopardized because Congress has been. See White, page i Middletown residents, object ASSESSING DAMAGE — Henry Cosby looks over the vegetable patch he maintains In Lincroft near the Luftman Towers housing project, which became the apparent target of a Board shifts principals racial attack late Sunday night or early yesterday. ByJOELSIEGEL MIDDLETOWN - Over the strong objec- Probe racial aspect tions of many residents, the Board of Education voted last night to transfer eight principals to different schools within the district at the end of the current school year. The board acted on the recommendations of in garden vandalism Superintendent of Schools Bernhard W. Schneider, who said the transfers will bring new ByJOELSIEGEL tomatos, scallions, peanuts, lettuce and other experiences to the principals, giving them a vegetables inside, he said. wider perspective in handling the operations of MIDDLETOWN - Henry Cosby found the "When I felt like going out I would do a little their schools. serenity of his garden at the Luftman Towers gardening," be said, adding he hoped to give But residents and students, speaking during •eaior citizens project fluttered yesterday some of his harvest to others in the complex. when he discovered a racial epithet scrawled on last night's meeting in the High School North In addition to the sign and dead plants, a auditorium, said the transfers will break-up a piece of metal and rows of plants dying from concrete post used to hold up a portion of toe exposure to an apparently poisonous substance. productive relationships the principals have fence was knocked down and a collapsable fostered in their communities over several Cosby, who is black and lives at the Uncroft redwood picnic table and bench Colby had complex with his wife and son, discovered the placed near the garden was stolen. 'This Is a total educational experiment," damage at about 8 a.m. yesterday. He went to Cosby said be doesn't know who caused the bed at 11 the night before after looking out a said Jill Rudolph of Monmouth Hills, one of the damage, althrough be suspects a resident at the more than 250 people at the meeting. "I don't window and finding the garden in perfect condi- complex may be the culprit. What he does know tion. see that any social aspects have been considered is that the vandalism was the second such at all." "A nigger KKK spray vegetable with DDT," incident this spring. Six weeks ago vandals The board voted 7-2 on most of the eight the sign said in white lettering. It had been knocked down the fence around the garden, be transfers. It also voted to table four other placed on the four rows of collards and turnips said. transfers of assistant principals until applica- SUPPORTING HER PRINCIPAL — Bridget Duffy, S, of Navesink, holds sign voicing her damaged by the as-yet unknown substance. The latest incident, though, bothers him a lot tions can be obtained for two other assistant feelings, as well as others, about the Middletown Board of Education's plans to transfer a Capt. William Halliday, head of the police more, he said, because of the sign and the killing principal posts which will be vacant next year. number of principals in the school system. Despite protests, the board authorized the department's detective bureau, said, last night a of the plants. Word of last night's scheduled vote spread detective will be assigned to the case today, and transfers last night. "I do feel that if I found out who did it, I throughout the township over the weekend, but that samples of the plants will be taken to the don't think I would be able to hold (my anger) the board made no public acknowledgement ol lab for analysis. back," he said. the proposed moves until last night because the "Anything that smacks of racial prejudice matter involved personnel, board members Most mysterous is the substance apparently we Will look into," he said. "We will investigate said. million rate increase this case." used to damage four rows of collards and tur- Transferred last night were Morris Radler, Cosby, a retired owner of a variety store in nips, be said/Whatever thy put on It klUed it quick," he said yesterday while sitting in the sun from Baysbore Junior High School to the Newark, said "it would be bard to describe" Leonardo School; Anthony Racioppi from how he felt when he saw his garden this morn- on one of the benches In front of the large senior recommended for JCP&L citizens complex. Leonardo to Navesink; Anthony Falvo from ing. "I felt so depressed. I could only wonder Navesink to Fairview; Robert Smith, from why. I have many friends here,"he said. "I went out with the superintendent this Fairview to New Monmouth, and Fran Dermer NEWARK (AP) - An administrative law year, the figure recommended by Marshall He said he fears someone may have tried to morning to take a look. I have a cold and from New. Monmouth to Middletown VlUage. judge has recommended that Jersey Central could give JCP&L a total Increase of $143 mil couldn't smell anything. But be said it smetled Power & Light Co. receive an W million in- Don. poison the plants "so that I would eat them and Also, William Golublnski, from Middletown like chlorine," Cosby, a former resident of the crease, 130.5 million leu than requested by the If the 10 percent proposed Increase is ap- it would hurt me and my family." Village to Thompson Junior High School; Vic- Hillside area of the township, said. proved, the monthly bill for the average cus- The garden measures M feet by 24 feet and is toria Taylor, from Thompson to High School financially troubled utility. Cosby said be wants police to test the soil and tomer using 500 kilowatt hours would rise from located a couple hundred feet west from the North; and Nicholas Campanile, from North to The recommendation issued yesterday by the other plants to determine the presence of 145.84 to I4».»7, said George Dawson, board complex. Cosby started It this year after receiv- Port Monmouth.
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