M% News Of TM Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere-Pay no more Carteret Borough Kids Comics Inside VOL XII, No. 9 CARTERET PRESS ('ARTKRF.T. N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER Y, 1 cm PRICK THREE CENT* MUST LEAVE TOWN WOR Ordinance Ida Jordon and Frances Bnrnfy, LINK PARTY ! colored, who failed to appear for a PerthAmboyShiekXmas Party Plannes d fkFriendship link NoZ, 25, Order at hearing in police court Tuesday night, the Golden Chain will hold a Chsnu- Local Legion Men Passed By Council were rounded up Wednesday aTid nr There were Hbout twenty tables kah party for members and thoir raigned before Police Justice L. T Are Arrested Here in play Wednesday night at a card By Local Rebekah? children, in Odd Ft!lows Hall TUPS- Kovrtcs who ordered thorn to leave artv h cId in the d«y night, December 19. There wilt Back 4-Ponit Program Company Agrees To Demands town and.stay out. He said thry ;iri- _ ,, «.,,,„ „ P . Borough Hall under After the Of Borough In Three-Year al menace to public morals. rollce Kick Up Four Young the joint auspices' of the Carteret Each Member To Be Pres«nt Carteret Post Members Strong Men In "Nite Angel" For ^^ftfe WjaSH ft and Bring Present At Party nlwtinlf «t the link. Contract—Storage Company Annoying Girl*. ... For Policy Favored At Chi- freshments were! served. To Be Held December 20. WanUTo Build Tank*. The arrangements were in charge cago Convention. Knights Plan Supper Four allege„._d shieks,-o, f Perth Am- of a joint committee including; Mrs. „ were rounded up 'Sunday night Harry Gteckner, Mrs. Theodoro Deborah Rebekah Lodge at a meet- Th^ ordinance vacating streets in ing Wednesday night made arrange- At * meeting nf th e !Curt tret Pott East Rahway so that a transmitter by Acting Sergeant John Connolly Pfennig, Mrs. Clifford Cutter, Mr?. __ _ o'•f• thmre America^ipiit-i u nn ii 'I.eginn , ~ ' brought to police headquarters Walter Sak and Mrs. Joseph Mittuch ments to have a Christmas party :it 1 tlui horo WOR was passed on final reading at And Future Activity and r the next meeting in Odd Follows FlMl "If " •'" "ft*i h«ll .-.„„,- fo_.r. annoying girls. They were Ii3t- f° the auxiliary, and Morris Cohen, Nearing 141IU able time was (riven to preparations gljation rruny Me erected theflq by ed as disorderly persons The girls Walter Tomciuk, Fred Ludwig, Wal- Hall, December 20, and appointed a a short meeting of the Boroutfn Pigs Knuckles And Sauer committee to take charge of the t\r- *»« »-. -w^ for the card party held Wednendty went to the police; station and upset ,ter Boyer and Commander Clifford 7 n>ght un Council Wednesday night. At the rangements. Every member of th,» ""'^ * *t«vU In Waiv- <l«r the joint umpires of the Kraut At Columbian Club an alibi of the young men who claim- Cutter for the post. [»"»t and the auxiliary. Smme routine same time a resolution was adopted ed they knew the girls. The girls! lodge is expected to attend and on -h granting a building permit to th«| ra- Tue*day Night—First And is asked to bring n present. i •r» — Content* Come In At .business was dinpiwd »f. Th» mem- said they did not know them and did Rate Of About $12,000 A v!{!"' ti".PoM,wtlnt ?n rp<1°f<l « dio concern upon conditions contain- not want their attentions. The committee in chnrgp includes: ' ed in an agreement which includes Second Degrees Dec. 19. Mrs. Matthew Sloan, general ohair- j ' being unanimously in favor of tht all the promises made by the Bsm- The four gave their names as: Mi- A Communication man, Mrs. Walter Vonah, Mrs. I,ouis! Way, four-point program adopted by th« A Pig-s Knuckle ivnd Sauer Kraut chael Misak, 805 State street; Jos- '—• • national body in ('hioiuro this year, bergeT Broadcasting Service in cor- eph Tedesko, BOO State street; Hav-' Dear Editor:—I don't sec Scrog- Vonah, Mrs. Eatelle Jamison, Mrs. \ respondence with the borough. The Supper will be held in the Colum- Willia„,,,,,„m„ JJamison. so , MMrs., . HeleHele,. , n AmAmi"-*-, ,T - , n ^thi Bstead wwky drivo has been carried A copy of the progrnm and of th« bian Club under the auspices of the ry Temko, 803 State street, and Mi-fins all week til yestiday an he looka Zl U T fc rVf f1 :' - " «7 Edward J, Hell and f^ge of National Commander E A contract runs three years with re- n 'l M P. nl"- Corn(ilus j his reorganisation commits of the »»y han . »n tie wall of thr meoU gard to servicing sets that may be Middlesex Council, No. 867, Knights chael Medwick, 797 State street, all 'ike .he's beeki through snmtfliinK M r of Perth Amboy. They were in. a special. The old white hat aint, hard- Doody Mrs. FVter Pehnnger, Mrs. First National Hank until the »m- ing room. It is n, follow,: troubled in reception. The company of Columbus, Tuesday night Dec- Violet Vornbaum, Mrs. George Put-iounl of money needed in waivers is 1-Thal now, war veteran ember 12. Johii Powers ia the geno- green roadster marked "Nite Angel" ['y white at all; his eyes aint much agrees ta employ local labor if possi- when Connolly who had been folrcrw-! better titrerTnp than the cat's fen* he's erson, Mrs. Thomas Mow. Mrs. John i now only nbtx.t |7R,tMM>. "M\t trig t«- l» the lint of duty ble Ifi the construction work. nri uliaii IIIBTI. UK them made the arrest. j generally all shut. But the cat's ateal- Mrs. J. EggoU Brown, ul of $881,000 needed when tho ductiim 11 f those Wn*flU granted Application wag made by the Gen- The first and second degree will n Mrs. Ifcadore Brown, Mrs. Josephine campaign started has twen practical- "uc*> veterans in th* World War be exemplified by the degree team The four were arraigned Tuesday ' g the. whole show at that. H«'s got Brown and Mrs. Gus Wulf. eral American Tank Storage and morning'and the case was postpon-) that there cat waddlin' along side ly wipeil out and the reopening of Veterans Act as in effect prior to Terminal Company Inc. for permits of the Knights of Columbus Chapter Besides arranging for the Christ- the bank is assured. "—Marcvh 11>3S'""". No. 4 of Middlesex and Somerset ed to last night when the girls are'him hauling a: little tin mail box :>n mas party the lodge attended to rou- to erect several tanks in a tract ly- expected to appear against them. The wheels with one of them glass peep Thq figure j;iv*»n above, as needed, 2—That hospitalizatiun under ing between two railroad tracks in counties in the Council Chamber tine business and then held a sociul $75,000 was announced aft government aurpicw b« «1- Woodbridge on December 19. arrests were part of a drive start- holes. I|pefe a lotltof Kttle scared wWto ^...u uui,,,,cK.i «•«• '•'"•" »<:•" » WJCIUI I j(,i,uuu was announced after a "uerm government aunpicra b« «f- the Bast Rahway section. The mat- ed by Chief of Police Henry J. G. Im 'ce in the box. Scroggins musta session at which refreshments woro ! meeting of the committee last night, forded to all veterans not dishonor- ter was referred to the council as a Harrington against "Cruising", n rigged the thing up on wheels and Many more waivers have scome in ably discharged who require hospital whole and a public hearing was set Carteret pirl Becomes Bride Derm aplied to youths who drive ] fixed the shafts so's he could hitch today and the compilution of figureit treatment and -who are not able to for December 20 when the public slowly about in care trying to pick the cat to it like a mule, I mean the tonight probably will show another reasonably pay for their own trea* may voice any objections to the pro- ' At Philadelphia Ceremony up girla. cat, or either of 'em for that mat- ten or twelve thousand in consents ment ject, ter. Fords Firemen Play They havu been coming in at tlw 3—Thatl prepeUtioh of scrvic* The date of the hearing was orig- Former Councilman and Mrs. I wants to ask what about it bu", rate, of about twvlve thousand a day connection for all veterans properly inally set for December 14 but wan Samuel B. Brown, of upper Roose- all that I get out is "What the ... " j for the past several days. At that granted such service connections, changed because the Carteret Wom- velt avenue, announce the marriage Scroggins don't wait for more, he Here Sunday Night rate the required number will bo se- under law* in exi9tenc« proir to an's Club has an important meeting of their daughter, Dorothy, to Rob- Wwnan'sClub Notes cured by the early part <>f the week. March 20, 1!>33, be recommended 85 just yells: "Why you poor this and The ™A XK - - . procedure required by the an item of Legion foliey, scheduled for that date in the bor- ert Seader, of tip Roosevelt avenue r*k , . , T, , ,, that> aint you "heard the repeai is m ough hall. at Philadelphia**-on Thanksgiving orda Firemen quintet ; fp(ieral h&nking authorities for re- 4-That thb benefit;, privided for Day. The marriage took place in the T*e club's annua! food sale held here?" i" I".?.
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