![3T Rfs Xyfsix Xt Yfqq Fx \Mjs Mj Xyttux Yt Mjqu F Hmnqi](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
@Wie8da_?SdlgcEZd[`W5W`fWdBgT^[eZWV4[?a`fZ^k NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2019 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA VOLUME XXXII , NUMBER 6 3TRFSXYFSIXXTYFQQ FX\MJSMJXYTTUXYTMJQUFHMNQI 1 3XEOLFDWLRQ%L0RQWKO\ 6RFLDO0HGLD &RUH\0DWKHZV WK 1HZV'HDGOLQH² 15 RIWKHPRQWK %LOOLH-R (GLWRU5LFN$OOHQ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ&KDLUPDQ /DUU\*UDQW (0DLO 0DU]XTVKULQH#FRPFDVWQHW 0LPL 0DU]XT7HPSOH Information for Hospital $$2106 86$ &KDUWHUHG-XO\ ,PSHULDO:HE6LWHZZZVKULQHUVKTRUJ 3RWHQWDWH %HQQDUU5HYHOO /LVD &KLHI5DEEDQ -RH5RGJHUV Shrine Club Presidents 0HOLVVD 0DGLVRQ6KULQH&OXE%HQ-RQHV $VVLVWDQW5DEEDQ -RKQ*DWOLQ 0HHWVQG7KXUVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK 6KHUU\ +LJK3ULHVW 3URSKHW -HII+RIPHLVWHU 0D\R6KULQH&OXE 6WHYH0DSOHV QG 6LVV\ 0HHWV 7KXUVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK 2ULHQWDO*XLGH &RUH\0DWKHZV 3HUU\6KULQH&OXE 3DWULFN:KLWW %LOOLH-R WK 7UHDVXUHU /DPDU%RZGHQ6U 0HHWV 7KXUVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK (ODLQH :DNXOOD6KULQH&OXE $VKOH\1HZHOO 5HFRUGHU %HQ+DUW33 VW 9LUJLQLD 0HHWV 7XHVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK VW&HUHPRQLDO 5HDQH\5XVKLQJ $PDQGD QG Past Potentates &HUHPRQLDO :D\QH6L]HPRUH -RDQ 1989 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU-RVHSK*LOOHVSLH Sir Joseph Gillespie 0DUVKDOO -RKQ:LOORXJKE\ 1990 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU&KDUOHV:DWVRQ Sir Charles Watson* &DSWDLQRIWKH*XDUG 'DYLG7UDQFKDQG 1991 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU/*DU\:ULJKW Sir L. Gary Wright 2XWHU*XDUG :LOOLDP'XQQH 1992 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU(OYR\/DQG Sir Elvoy Land 'HORUHV 1993 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU5RODQG0LOOHU Sir Roland Miller 3DUDGH0DUVKDOO %RE0L[RQ 1994 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV Sir6LU R.5 Michael0LFKDHO6LPV Sims 9LUJLH 1995 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU7UR\7KRPSVRQ Sir Troy Thompson* &KLHI$LGH %REE\%UDQWOH\33 1996 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU,YDQ5RZHOO Sir Ivan Rowell 3DWWL 1997 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU&ODXGH³%XGG\´7RRNH Sir Claude “Buddy” Tooke ([HFXWLYH$LGH 0LNH6WHSKHQVRQ 1998 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU5RJHU%HUWUDQG Sir Roger Bertrand* .D\H 1999 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU%RE*6PLWK Sir Bob G. Smith 3HUVRQDO$LGHV %XFN0LOOHU 2000 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU-DPHV³-LP´0F3KHUVRQ Sir James “Jim” McPherson* -XG\ 2001 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU&5D\%XUNH Sir C. Ray Burke* $XGLH7RZOHV 2002 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU''DYLG6HVVLRQV Sir D. David Sessions $QQD 2003 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU:/³0DF´0F/HQGRQ Sir W.L. “Mac” McLendon 3DWULFN:KLWW 2004 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU7RPP\*UHHQH Sir Tommy Greene* $PDQGD 2005 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU.HLWK/DZVRQ Sir Keith Lawson 2006 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU5':KLWH Sir R.D. White ,OOXVWULRXV6LU*RUGRQ+DQFRFN Appointments 2007 Illustrious Sir Gordon Hancock 2008 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU*DUU\6PLWK Sir Garry Smith $WWRUQH\ -DFN+DUQHWW 2009 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU&HFLO2VZDOW Sir Cecil Oswalt* 0HOLVVD 2010 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU'RXJ.QRZOHV Sir Doug Knowles $FFRXQWDQW 'HZH\-HWWRQ 2011 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU:HV3ULQH Sir Wes Prime -XG\ 2012 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU.HLIIHU/LQGVH\ Sir Keiffer Lindsey %XLOGLQJ (TXLSPHQW -:'X%RVH 2013 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU5DQG\0XOODO\ Sir Randy Mullaly &LVV\ 2014 ,OOXVWULRXV6LU5LFKDUG-R\6UIllustrious Sir Richard Joy, Sr. &KDSODLQ &KDUOHV6DQGHUV 2015 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU7HUU\+HUULQJ Sir Terry Herring %UHQGD 2016 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU Sir Ben%HQ+DUW Hart 7 (GLWRU 5LFN$OOHQ 2017 Illustrious,OOXVWULRXV6LU Sir Bobby%REE\%UDQWOH\ Brantley )UDQNLH 201 Illustrious Sir &DOYLQ&RQH +RVSLWDO&KDLUPDQ $QWKRQ\0DOODUL *DLO +RXVLQJ&KDLUPDQ /DPDU%RZGHQ6U 2IILFH+RXUV $0±30 (ODLQH 7HOHSKRQH 0DF0F/HQGRQ33 ,PS'RQRU5HODWLRQV )D[1XPEHU 6XH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV 3RVW2IILFH%R[ -RKQ+XQW ,QVXUDQFH 7DOODKDVVHH)/ /LQGD *DU\+XII 3K\VLFDO$GGUHVV 1RUWK0RQURH6WUHHW 0HPEHUVKLS 6XVDQ (0DLO$GGUHVV PDU]XTVKULQH#FRPFDVWQHW 5HFUXLWPHQW 0LNH/DPSOH :HE6LWH PDU]XTRUJ 'DUOHQH 'HFHDVHG 2 Table of Contents Potentate’s Message.……………………………………………………………....4 Assistant Rabban…………………………………………………………………...5 High Priest & Prophet……………………………………………………………...6 Marzuq Motorcycle Escort………………………………………………………....7 2018 Shriners International Membership Hall of Fame …………………………...8 Annual Election of Officers.....…………………………………………………….9 In Memory………………………………………………………………………....11 2019 Marzuq Shriners Fall Classic Golf Tournament…………………………12-13 Tarsus Temple, Daughters of the Nile Craft Bazaar……………………………….14 Happy Birthday……………………………………………………………………22 Calendar of Events………………………………………………………………...23 IMPORTANTIMPORTANT INFORMATION INFORMATION Nobles and ladies Nobles please and call, ladies use or please shop with call, all use of or our shop sponsors with ofall theof ourMarzuq sponsors Messenger of the and Marzuq other fundraisers as they help us in supportingMessenger our andefforts. other fundraisers as they help us in supporting our efforts. 3OHDVH6XSSRUW2XU:RQGHUIXO%XVLQHVV6SRQVRUV $FH+RPH&HQWHU$OO$ERXW*HQHUDWRUV% 76PDOO(QJLQHV%HULJDQ3DLQWLQJ&RQWUDFWRUV %HYLV)XQHUDO+RPH#JH#FOE-BXO&OGPSDFNFOU %URZQ¶V5HIULJHUDWLRQ$BSQFU0OF 'HZH\ - -HWWRQ &3$ 'RXJ &UROH\ ,QVXUDQFH 6HUYLFHV '43&RS\ 3ULQW *LGGHQV$LU&RQGLWLRQLQJ+BZ8BMLFS&OUFSQSJTFT *OD +JN#FOOFUU1MVNCJOH -RKQ :P'X%RVH6SHFLDOW\(OHFWULFDO6HUYLFH.HLWK/DZVRQ&RPSDQ\.ULVS\.UHPH -FPO4DSFFOJOH3FQBJS 0LNH¶V-HZHOU\&DUH&HQWHU1FSSZ#VSHFS,JOH 1FSSZ1BXOCSPLFST 1J[[B)VU 1IPUPT 'SBNFT5SPQIJFT 6LUPRQV¶%UDNH $OLJQPHQW +BNFT"4UFQIFOT0% 5BMMBIBTTFF8FMEJOH.BDIJOF4IPQ5DOODKDVVHH0RELOH59 6HUYLFH 5PNNZhT"VUP 7UH\+\DWW3OXPELQJ:%HQ+DUW $VVRFLDWHV 3 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE Dear Nobles, The end of the year is just around the corner and this will be my last article as your Potentate. It has been a year of some life changing events for me, but you have to get up, dust yourself off and keep going. I think of our hospital kids and the challenges they face everyday. They keep struggling through surgeries, rehabilitation, pain, and disappointments, but they keep going. It’s our responsibility to try and help these children in whatever way we can. A couple of weeks ago, Marzuq had our second annual Golf Tournament at Golden Eagle Country Club. This fund raiser is strictly for raising money for our Shriner Hospitals. It was a beautiful sunny day with 16 golf teams. The players all had a fun packed day starting with a breakfast sandwich, coffee and juice. Refreshments were also on the golf course; Gordo’s supplied some small Cuban sandwiches and Spirit It Restaurant supplied some libations. After 18 holes of golf, lunch was served, door prizes were drawn, and the winners were announced. The final numbers aren’t in yet, but we’re pretty sure we had a good day. As soon as the final numbers are in, we’ll let everyone know. I would like to thank everyone involved in the tournament; without their efforts this fund raiser wouldn’t happen. It’s not hard work, but it takes some time to put on a good golf tournament. Columbus Day is set again for next year’s Tournament. I urge you to get involved in this great event and let’s do our part and help our Shriners Hospitals for Children!! We have a big list of events coming soon, by the time you read this the Perry Forest Festival Parade will be history. The Hillbillies will once again be cooking for our Ladies and Awards night in November. Boston Butt tickets are now available in the Temple office. High Priest and Prophet Jeff Hofmeister is heading up this fundraiser this year, please give him a call if you can help with this event. Keep an eye open for emails on parades and other events. Yours in faith, Bennarr Revell Potentate 2019 4 Assistant Rabban I hope that this article finds you in good health and spirits. Though time has flown by this year, I hope each of you have had time to enjoy family and friends. It has been great to see many of you at the meetings and get to hear of the adventures and experiences from the summer months. As we begin to bring this year to a close, we still have many opportunities to get engaged in Temple activities. We recently held our annual Golf Classic at Golden Eagle County Club and though final numbers are not yet available, I know that we had more teams and more sponsors than last year. This improvement is directly related to more members being involved and gaining greater community support and participation. Go ahead and mark you calendars as we have already scheduled next year’s classic for Columbus Day 2020. A special Thanks to our Potentate for taking the lead on this event. He has done a tremendous job of leading not only this event, but this year despite the many hurdles place in front of him. Upcoming in the month of November, is our traditional Boston Butt sale. We will be cooking only 250 of these delicious butts, so make sure you don’t wait to purchase and let your friends know of there availability. For tickets contact the Office, this year’s cost remains the same at $35 each. There are several parades and special Lodge events upcoming in the next several months and I encourage you to make one. These are opportunities to meet other Shriners and Masons and to develop our Temple. Lastly, as we approach this time of year when we focus on what we are thankful for, I want to say that I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of something much bigger than me. Having had the opportunity to hear not only at our Temple functions, but at ever Temple I have had the opportunity to represent you at, the difference we as Shriners make. I do not have the words to explain what it does when I see a young adult or mature adult speak about the difference a Shriner made in their life or the life of their child. For the many of us that have children, we know what we would and have sacrificed for our children and just to know that we have eased the burden from that child and/or parent is worth many times more than the minimal time or financial
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