REPOR TRESUME S ED 011 810 SE 000 744 A DIRECTORY OF INFORMATION RESOURCES INTHE UNITED STATES. PHYSICAL SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES,ENGINEERING. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. PUB DATE JAN 65 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.54HC-$14.32 359P. DESCRIPTORS- *BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, *DIRECTORIES, *ENGINEERING, *PHYSICAL SCIENCES, INFORMATION DISSEMINATION, SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, NATIONAL REFERRAL CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOURCES OF INFORMATION FOR BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ARE LISTED. THEY INCLUDE--(1) LIBRARIES,(2) CENTRALIZED INFORMATION CENTERS, (3) PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND OTHER SPECIALIZING ORGANIZATIONS, (4) INDUSTRIAL FIRMS,(5) GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES OR OFFICES, AND (6) OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES WHICH MAKE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DATA AVAILABLE. ENTRIES ARC LISTED ALPHABETICALLY AND INCLUDE--(1) LOCATION, (2) A DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION, (3) GENERAL LISTINGS OF MATERIALS AND PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE, AND (4) POLICY REGARDING THE USE OF HOLDINGS. A SUBJECT INDEX IS ALSO INCLUDED. THIS DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402, FOR $2.25. (AG) 0 ysica ciences job° ica ciences Fngineering U.S, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROMTHE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A Directoryof InformationResources in the UnitedStates Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Engineering National ReferralCenter for Scienceand Technology L.C. Card 64--62809 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $2.25 Foreword Established in 1962 in the Libraryof Congress with thesupport of the National Science Foundation, the NationalReferral Center for Science and'Technology was given the responsibility ofidentifying all significant informationresources in the fields of science and technology; acquiring data describing thespecialized capabilities of these resources; and providingguidance about theiruse.This guidancewas to be provided through direct assistancein response to requests forreferral service and through the publication of directoriesand guides in various subjectfields.With this directory, the Center beginsto fulfill the latter of these two functions,initiating a publi- cations program which will includethe issuance ofa subsequent directory for the social sciences, the preparation ofa variety of listings in more specializedareas, and the recurrent updating and revision of all ofthese. This directory has beendrawn from the central register ofinformation resources being built up on a continuing basis by the National ReferralCenter.Because that register is still evolving and growing rapidly at the time ofpublication, the directory itself must be considered as a preliminary and exploratory effort ratherthan as a prop- erly comprehensive guide,or even a properly selective one.Many resources of known significance have been omitted,for lack of dataor other reasons; some resources of uncertain value have beenincluded because of thatvery uncertainty; descriptions of services and functions are frequently less clear than could be desired,for lack of definitive terminology.These and other constraintsmust await future correction. The selection ofresources included in the directory, however,serves to illustrate the concept that underlies the National Referral Center'sefforts to alleviate the prob- lem of scientific communication by guiding scientists andengineers to resources capable of meeting their specific information needs.This concept is inherentin the extremely broad interpretation givento the term "resource."Included under this interpretation libraries and other traditional bibliographic services; centralizedinformation cen- ters capable of providing processed and evaluated data; professionalsocieties and other organizations throughwhich contactcan be made with individual specialists; industrial firms willing to extend their information servicesbeyond theirown organiza- tion; Government agencies or offices able to provide assistance inspecific areas of interest; and many other resources which make scientificand technical information available in some form. Each entry in this volume hasbeen submittedto the organization it describes in order or institution to insure that the text accuratelyreflects the activities of the resources selected. The entries are listed in alphabetical order by organizationalname.In cases where several information resources are parts of a single organization,such as a uni- versity or Government agency, the individual unitsare entered alphabetically under the main entry; cross references have been introducedto aid in locating specific units. In the subject index, the full names of the informationresources are given below each pertinent subject term to allow for rapid scanning andidentification. Amore detailed explanation of theuse of the index is given in the explanatorynote on p. 277. iii Ir In a rapidly changing information network, no directorycan be definitive. Comments on any facet of this volume are solicited,ontributions for subsequent directories are welcomed, and users are encouraged to supplement the benefits drawn from these pages by directing requests for further guidance to the National Referral Center.It is hoped, however, that this first attempt will provide for increasedaware- ness of the many and varied information resources that are available and will help to establish direct contact between members of the scientific and technical community. iv ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF documents are accessible for on-site reference byem- PHILADELPHIA ployees of the U.S. Government and Government 19th and the Parkway contractors with certified need-to-know.Materials Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 are not available on loan and searches are seldom Telephone: 564-3921 (Area code: 215) made for other than corporate personnel. The Academy, founded in 1812, conducts research in systematic biology; ecology; limnology; and the Aerojet-General Nucleonics earth sciences, and maintains comprehensive collec- Aerojet-General Corp. Post Office Box 77 tions in these fields.Its library, which includes the li- Foot of Fostoria Way brary of the American Entomological Society, contains San. Ramon, Calif.94583 mostly primary research literature in these fields from Telephone: 837-5311( Area code: 415) all over the world. In addition to some 125,000 vol- The Technical Information Department umes, there are extensive manuscript and map col- has a technical library of books, journals, lections. reports, micro- The Academy also operates a natural history form, microcards, documents, and museum for the public with school teaching programs. pamphlets on nuclear physics, plasma physics, chemistry, All facilities are available foruse by scholars and ad- fission vanced scientists. chemistry, nuclear propulsion, engineering, materials Industrial firms requiring extensive and metals, mathematics, and nuclear technology. use of the library are asked to pay membership dues. English, Members of the Academy and institutions in the Phila- Spanish, French, Russian, and German sources are represented. delphia area may borrow books and receive All library accessions and other documents are indexed in depth and retrieved library service according to needs. The general public by computer. is welcome to use the readingroom. Notulae Naturae, a serial, monographs, and special Corporate Technical Information Center publications appear at irregular intervals andmay be Aeroj et-Genera1 Corp. purchased in individual copies. The annual Proceed- 1100 West Hollyvale ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences ofPhiladel- Azusa, Calif.91702 phia may be purchasedas separates.Frontiers, a pop- Telephone: 334-6211(Area code : 213) ular journal, Notulae Naturae, and the Proceedingsare also available on subscription and through The Center maintains a collectionon propulsion, exchange. infrared, oceanography, explosive ordnance, propul- Indo-Pacific Mollusca is publishedat irregular inter- sion chemistry, structural materials, missile guidance val; by the mollusk department of the Academy,and is said on subscription. and control systems, automatic warehousing anddis- tribution systems, torpedoes, nuclear reactors,aux- iliary power systems, space research, fission chem- istry, ADHESIVE PRODUCTS CORP. aeronautics,lifesciences,rockets,filament 1660 Boone Avenue winding, electronic systems, andweapon systems. New York, N.Y. 10060 The library contains books, journals,reports, patents, Telephone : 542-4600 (Area code: 212) filmsand photos,data, and maps anecharts. Sources are in English, French, and German.In- The Corporation manufactures all types of ad- formation contained in corporation reports is indexed hesives, coatings, paints, fillers, and liquid plastics,but in depth and retrieved mechanically. has as its primarypurpose to assist industrial firms in solving adhesives and coatings problems.Laboratory Technical Library and manufacturing experience is used inanswering Aerojet-General Corp. technical inquiries.Fees are determinedon an indi- 11711 Woodruff Avenue vidual basis. A complete laboratory is alsomaintained Downey, Calif.90241 for molding and casting techniques. Telephone: 773-0130(Area code : 213 ) The Library contains books, journals, and reports.
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