FREE a newspaper for the rest of us www.lansingcitypulse.com August 30 - September 5, 2017 CityPulse’s Summer of Art: "The Fire that is Fall," by Andrea Jeris. See page 9 for story. 2 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • August 30, 2017 Valid through September 6, 2017 NOW RECRUITING FOR THE NEW HORIZONS BAND Game night ADULT & JAZZ BANDS • COMMUNITY FOCUSED • ALL MUSIC LEVELS WELCOME (517) 355-7661 or www.cms.msu.edu every monday 4930 S. Hagadorn Rd. CMS is the outreach arm of the MSU College of Music East Lansing, MI 48823 happy hour all night long $2 off all signature cocktails bring your own game or play ours 112 N. LARCH | LANSING | 517.999.2631 AMERICANFIFTHSPIRITS.COM DANCE CLASSES NOW FORMING! FALL CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 11TH! TAPJAZZBALLETLATINBALLROOMTODDLERPROFESSIONALS REGISTER BEFORE AUGUST 31ST AND RECEIVE $20 OFF TUITION! REGISTER AT PLATINUMDANCEACADEMY.COM • 517 7125887 City Pulse • August 30, 2017 www.lansingcitypulse.com 3 AN HOUR WITH ANDY SHOR The Likely Next Mayor of Lansing What: Join City Pulse editor & publisher Berl Schwartz and reporter Todd Heywood who will be discussing mayoral politics with Andy Schor When: Thursday, September 28 @ 6pm Doors open @ 5pm Where: Andy Schor Lansing Brewing Co. 518 E. Shiawassee St. North of Lugnut Stadium Watch: Live on Facebook, Lansing Mayoral Event page, streaming through ACD’s Fiber Optic Network Welcome Back Students!!! We have the used books you REALLY want to read! Curious Book Shop Archives Book Shop 307 E Grand River E. Lansing 519 W. Grand River E. Lansing (517) 332-0112 We validate parking! (517) 332-8444 Free parking! Mon.- Sat. 10-8, Sun. 12-5 Mon. - Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5 www.curiousbooks.com [email protected] 4 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • August 30, 2017 Correction VOL. 17 ISSUE 3 Because of a reporting error, a story on Kevin Wirth, who was murdered in his home on Kalamazoo Street, incorrectly reported the reaction of a friend (517) 371-5600 • Fax: (517) 999-6061 • 1905 E. Michigan Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912 • www.lansingcitypulse.com of his to the decision by 54-A District Judge Louise Alderson to delay trying ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: (517) 999-5061 his accused killer after he was found incompetent to stand trial. The friend, or email [email protected] Christin Harris, was incorrectly reported as saying she was “disappointed” in PAGE CLASSIFIEDS: (517) 999-5066 the decision. It should have said that she was “disappointed that the criminal justice court process can take so much time.” 6 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER • Berl Schwartz [email protected] • (517) 999-5061 Dispensaries nervously await city, state regs. See P. 6. ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER • Mickey Hirten [email protected] ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR • Eve Kucharski PUBLIC NOTICES [email protected] • (517) 999-5068 PAGE PRODUCTION MANAGER • Amanda Proscia CITY OF LANSING [email protected] • (517) 999-5066 SUMMARY OF STAFF WRITERS • Lawerence Cosentino ADOPTED ORDINANCE # 1215 7 [email protected] Todd Heywood Lansing City Council adopted an Ordinance of the City of Lansing, Michigan, to amend the Lansing Get to know the founder of the Michigan Chicken Wing Festival. Codified Ordinances by amending Chapter 1442. Signs, Section 1442.15 Window Signs; Permitted [email protected] Zoning Districts. SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR • Rich Tupica Effective date: August 30, 2017 [email protected] PAGE ASSISTANT SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR Notice: The full text of this Ordinance is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office, 9th Mandy Jackson • [email protected] Floor, City Hall, Lansing, Michigan. A copy of the full text of this Ordinance may 8 be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, 9th Floor, City Hall, Lansing, Michigan Contributors: Andy Balaskovitz, Justin Bilicki, Daniel at a fee determined by City Council. E. Bollman, Capital News Service, Bill Castanier, Monday was the 13th annual Pulsar Awards. Here are the winners. Mary C. Cusack, Tom Helma, Gabrielle Lawrence Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk www.lansingmi.gov/Clerk www.facebook.com/LansingClerkSwope Johnson, Eve Kucharski, Terry Link, Andy McGlashen, CP#17-230 Kyle Melinn, Mark Nixon, Shawn Parker, Stefanie Pohl, Dennis Preston, Allan I. Ross, Rich Tupica, Ute Von Cover Der Heyden, David Winkelstern, Paul Wozniak Art Distribution manager: Paul Shore • (517) 999-5061 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF MERIDIAN NOTICE OF POSTING OF TOWNSHIP BOARD MINUTES Delivery drivers: Frank Estrada, Dave Fisher, Jack “The Fire that is Fall,” by Andrea Jeris. Sova, Richard Simpson, Thomas Scott Jr. On August 17, 2017, the following minutes of the proceedings of the Meridian Township Board were sent for posting in the following locations: Meridian Township Municipal Building, 5151 Marsh Road Meridian Township Service Center, 2100 Gaylord C. Smith Court Hope Borbas Okemos Branch Library, 4321 Okemos Road Haslett Branch Library, 1590 Franklin Street Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Roada nd the Township Web Site www.meridian.mi.us. July 24, 2017 Special Meeting August 1, 2017 Regular Meeting BRETT DREYFUS, CMMC TOWNSHIP CLERK CP#17-232 CITY OF EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS 50-792, 50-793 AND 50-794 OF DIVISION 6 – EAST VILLAGE DISTRICT – OF ARTICLE VII – OTHER DISTRICTS - OF CHAPTER 50 - ZONING - OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EAST LANSING. Please take notice that Ordinance No. 1403 was adopted by the East Lansing City Council at the regular meeting of the Council held on August 15, 2017, and will become effective 7 days after the publication of the following summary of ordinance. SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1403 THE CITY OF EAST LANSING ORDAINS: Ordinance1403 is intended to stimulate interest in redevelopment in the East Village District by reducing some of the restrictions that may be preventing redevelopment. The ordinance made the following general changes to the district: • Loosened the required housing mix • Eliminated the requirement to provide for commercial land uses on the first floor in some areas of the district • Eliminated the requirement to implement the concepts recommended in the 2000 East Grand River Corridor Study • Eliminated the requirement to provide for a public pedestrian pathway adjacent to the Red Cedar River • Eliminated the two-story minimum building height in certain areas of the district A true copy of Ordinance No. 1403 can be inspected or obtained at the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, Michigan during normal business hours. Marie E. Wicks City Clerk CP#17-231 City Pulse • August 30, 2017 www.lansingcitypulse.com 5 PULSE NEWS & OPINION year. the right mix of stuff, I have no doubt they ‘Good luck with that’ Prescott said an associate of Rathbun would make money, because I live in that approached her about moving Mert’s to the neighborhood and people are clamoring Insurance man pushes for elusive old Rum Runners spot, but she declined. for it.” downtown grocery store “I wish him well, but that’s a terrible Rathbun said he pays $1,600 a month OF THE WEEK location and there’s no parking,” she said. for 800 square feet in his current loft, a Everybody thinks it would be “awesome” “And there’s no neighborhood either.” block east from the Rum Runners spot. but it never happens. A grocery store in But many variables skew the calculus of “They’re not the cheapest place to rent,” downtown Lansing is a humble dream the grocery business, and it’s hard to com- he said. “The people that live in my build- compared to a casino or a performing arts pare one situation with another. ing are professional people, they are doing center, but it has proven just as elusive. Rathbun contends that his spot is closer a residency at Sparrow. They walk there, Paul Rathbun thinks the and some of them don’t even time is right. Cows are not kept have a car. They want to live in here, and neither are coolers, a cool building downtown, and but this man wants his milk. they want the whole downtown Last summer, Rathbun, a experience.” Eyesore Revisited partner in the Rathbun insur- Bob Trezise, director of 6109 S. Cedar St. ance agency, bought the for- the Lansing Area Economic Lansing mer Rum Runners, at 601 E. Partnership, said it would be Michigan Ave., at the northeast “great” to get a grocery store down- corner of Michigan and Cedar town, but it’s hard to tell if the Street, across from the ballpark. demographics support it. He has the building nearly “Whether we are at the tip- This property was featured as an Eyesore of the Week (see below), in cleared out, listed the property ping point or not, it’s impossible March 2015, following a reader tip. last week, and he’s pushing for a to say,” he said. At that time, the owner had indicated downtown grocery store as first- The Lansing City Market, only his preference to work with actual floor tenant. two blocks away from Rathbone’s tenants rather than building speculative The cleintele, Rathbun building, offers another caution- structures in the hope of attracting said, would come from the ary lesson. After a long life as a businesses. However, he also indicated new apartments going up traditional city market, the city that a new development had been downtown and an established tore it down and tried several identified and that a new building was coterie of loft dwellers, includ- combinations of fresh produce, imminent. ing himself, who don’t want to dry goods and specialty stores in The site’s former service station has get into the car to pick up the a new building along the river- been replaced with a tidy new Dental day’s needs.
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