u. $. I, HOOVER INSTITUTION BIBLIOCI1AIHICAL SEI]IES : XVII LNSDAP Flauptarchiv Guide to thc Hoovcr Institution MicrofiLn Collcction ComPiLecl bg CRE1L. HLI\Z rrrd AG\ES I . l'llTERiO\ Tlre Iloover llstitulnrt on War, ltcvohrlnnr, $,d Perlce Stxnfor.l Uli\o:itl 1961 r !_ f.. -'1-... []1. | \ I Ht.li,'r i,-t t t: TABLE OF CONTENTS vii List.J Abbrewiati.ns 1- Collection NSDAP Hauptar.hiw Arrsngcd by Subject Gr Ps I 1. Hitler Pe!soenlicli 16? 1 63 ?5 5 I1L Die Paitei 6 iY. Ilitle.putsch r12 12? 9 v part.i -Flhranzei.llcn und Mcdaillen 128- 131 1o VI- Catre, Kr.isE, Ortsgruplen 132-214 10 \rll. !ntcrgliederuDgen oder Formationen der Partei 241 fgi! 13 Llll. Rei.hsparreitag. und Aulma€rscne 21 IX. Kirche, Religion, Frcimaurer, Rassenfrage 31 X. Erlebnisbericnte von Natiodalsozi:listcn aus d.r Xampfzeit dcr B!wcglng 513 534 34 XI. Wailen, Abstimmunse., SitzuDged 539 - 589 31 t Xll. Pro--." iM.'l ,lbd.. P^rt".und'h . \d cnq.' 41 xIII C.s{ hi.hi. und P.lihk 13 xlv. Besatzunssz€-it 191s/ 2,1 westsebiete, Danzis, Qberschresie, 45 XV. Oestc rreich XVL Deutschtud im Ausland 655-691 4a X\,11, F!eikorps und Buendc 691,708 50 X1t1l. Einvohncr{ehren 5t XIX. Politis.he PartcieD 1la ts20 52 XX. Andcrc Parteicn urd Verbaende 821- 905 5a Xl<L K.ieASwereine nDd Ve.!aerde 63 XXlL Ceserkschafte! 932 91L XXIIL Ernacllrulg urd Lrndvirtschatt, AgrarFolitik 142-962 aXIV. Presse, Verlag, Rurdfu'k 963-1r79 XXV. Pnrteikanzlei 1130 1131b XXVI. Stellvcrtrcier des Iuchrers 113 2 113 6 X\Vl1 D_ r -i z 1od' 11€7-1r91 11 xxvllt. Sowjet Russ land 7rj2 t199^ 78 XXix. vcrs.hicdencs tzaa tlzt 2. Collc.tior NSDAP Hauptaichiv Arrangcd by Piovenance 95 1. Polizcr Direktion Muerchen. Press€akie 7426,1]149 95 lI- Polizei-Direkrioa Mtr.nch.n Bayeris.hc Politis.he Polizei 1450 1594 13 35 1aa0 L892 l9Z0 III. Amtsg.ricllt Mucnchcn t595-t639 119 iY. dtsgcritLl Mucn.her. Registerakten t640 1129 1,23 188 L v. Porizei Direltion Nnernberg ruerth 1130 7744 129 1332 1a9l Vl. Eaycriscties Staatshinisterium d.s Imca 1745- 18 34 l1z VlL nrichswenrministeii!h 192L L922 r40 VIII. NSDAP HauptarcLiv t923r t9z31t 141 3 Collcctioq Streicher and Collcction Himtulei 143 At- t, L3, 15, 13 lNTRODUCTION an outtine of It may prove helPtul to thos€ corsulling thc "Collsction NSDrlp tlauptarchiw" to h3ve Partv (Natiolalsozialistiscbe the history and contents of the main ar.hiv. .I the GermaD NalionaL So.ialist its present Jorm on micro- Deutsch€ Aabeiterpartei or N6DAP) alit to know the sltrges wherebv it reach'il Hislory o{ th€ NSDAP HauPtarchiv lntheiakeofitstliudp]ralconsol]dationol!olver,tl]eNatioDalSocialistPartydecidedtocslan. 1 lish an archiwe to lresene for Posterity rts oRn records and those ol the Deuts'he Arbertslro't On January 15, 193'!. at the suggestion of Reichsschulungsleiter Otto Gohdes lcadquarters f'r an arcniwe and library under the name "NSDAP Haultar.hiw" {ere eslablished in Berlin' The Eaultarchiw was not vithout its lorerunners lt scems that in August 1926 Adof Hitler asked F.auMathildevonscheubnclRichter(thewidowolMaxvons.heubncrRichtel,killedilt]rePutschof worked Noremt,e" 9, 1923) to start a Pless archiv€ for the partv in Muni'h Frau von Schdubt'r Richter her tb,ere, togcthcr witn HeiDri.h Himmle!, for one and a ha]J vears The Prcss archives' accolding io r.collections, had !hr;e Jnnctiors: to collect material o! all hoslilc !ersonalilies' to cleck a'd clip the shole Communist press, and to cleck and clip the eheiging National Socialist Press' ArouDd 192a' uE organizalion {as taken ovei by the Reichsrropagandaleitung of the NSDAP which rlso collected Ii1' copies for the us' of of!oste!s, leailets, pamPhl€ts, and other Propaganda and election mateiial oI th€ parrv warious National So.ialist organizations. TheNsDAPdecidedatlhesametimetobolsteritspolitica]docuhcntationbyPu!chasinEa.ollec h Munich as the tion on coDtehpor:ry bistory started il 1914 bv Friedrich Maria Rehse a'd orgarizcd - Rehsc Ar.Iiv. This coUection was rich iD matcrial concebilg ure NSDAp' He'ce' rhe rolenbon w's r' set up thc pictorial holdings a,d the rearia ol th. Rehse Archiw as a separate museum on National Social- i"-; amalgamated vitb the NSD'Ap's osa archive Tr'es' Pr""" t},e pii,t.,1 -"terial {a3 to be "'"" the archive matcrialized. Tle Rchse,\r.hiw lemained a separate etrtily, andaJt€rth' vartle bulL 'f Iould ixs wtry to thc Library of Con8ress: some dnplj.ate items came'to the Hoover Instihrtior' The NSDI.P Haupiarchiv's tirsl di.e.ro. wrs Dr. Ericn Uetrecht, lrom the Reichsschulul8saml' The archiwe moveil i! Octobe! 1934 from the Maerkiscnes Uf€r in Be'1in t' its permancni l'' atiotr in Mrnich, 15 Barerstrasse, adjoirirg Ctrbelsbergcrstrasse, and tlle alreadv existile ar'njves oJ the Reichs plopagandaleitung were incorporated {ith it ln mid-1935 rhe e.tire organization was madc directlv responsible to Stellvcitreter d.s Fuehrcrs ntdoU H.ss. -The1 Listolical inlormatioD given her' has been cu[ea Primarilv trom the mic!orilmcd ..rd'rs a lumber irems Irom utc 1923I and 1I (Ree1s 96, 17A) of tLs aolr..tion NsD-r.P llauptar'hiv, ir vhich 'f administrativ; It1€s oI tnc Hauptarchiv, includins correslondencc wilh the slorrge depot in Neumrrkt_ st. veit, have beea pre"..,..l. laaitiontrl tacts or ih. early hisrory of tne archiwe turred uP idcidcntauy i! aolder 1263 (Rcci 53) under a report .I Frau Matitde von S.llcubner Richlcr' jis i' Amc F.r ftrther infoimation on thc Hanplar.hiv and eYentual transfer 'icD hands, the coh.ilati.n .ontained in thc Na;ioDar arclivcs Captnr€d Germe Documcnrs oicrofilmed ar tt" s".ti" o.".i-."t c"nre., T-5a0, ne.I 2?--mieht be c.nsultedj this i,cludes a 1951 rePorl bv the last dir.ctor of ihe Haupt chiv, Dr- Amold Brueema;n, and a r€Port by D!. Ant.n Hoch, ar'hirist of th' hstitut {ucr zeirge;chi.hte i! Muai.h, pnt ar tlc disposal ol th. Bcrlin Docnmert Center in 1951' ri,qll{a&s&iLair:iii9;@rd!Br&i'r;&!*e*- r I ]NTRODUCTION I ot ol lLc ar'hiYc trrrs !o l'ng'r rhtrr aclintl as I cl:ntral cll:arnrshousc T!. purpos. 'f,c1xsiv']v " idorm3t!onforlLc'ariouspartvorg'rizaiions'lnadditirnlo'01l'i'tinehoohs'r'psftrPcrr'"riodicals' sort !f s'rwicrr for parlv gowcolridrl liEtr's' atrd , ----..nr DtrbhcaiLon 'crer!:n'c 'nd '..-n]J.do.caslo,allxlrl,rrs,t},.pJ1l)...]jiy.]\'trSr.]r.ilLnn]ind.P.sito.yl.Ido.uU)Cntsr.L:rcdr' frDm jts davs' Urc p3rrt's historv 'a11i':sl diJlicultics in finding {s a rc1zri!. lat. comtir in ln. f,r'hiv:l licld th' llauPtar'hiv h3d grtri Lut htr'lr't bother''1 orjgnral naterirl. Ih. mcmb.rs !I d'e pariv had mrd' a rcwolurion' thc i!!chiwists apPtrled to part' Witn ihe nelp ;f n.tr'spa?.r adLcrtisi'g lc'Jl'ts, rnd qxtstionDair's' '1d ih.irPtrsonal recollt.iions- m.m]rtrs i. do,atc lheir m.rnola|i1ia of 5l.il!] tolndays aldi. wli|{,doM crraLlished The ar.lrivc had still otlcr hattl.s lo fiSht i. its qucst lo' sDurct rntrl'rial ' Th€ 'ld statealchiweswcl.unwi]lilgto!nrno'tltheii..lltciions.fPalqrmat.li:1],onlytll.]vlunichpolicetrnd lhe l'ISDAP' I! 1938' re B:'arian !.]ili.a1P.li.e galc ur. lliuptar.lrL' ihcir ?rP_1911 docuin'nralion 'r mcm..ardun discLssLne ihe of a1l Gt'Dm Jr'hivcs Dr Eri.h U.rrc.hl wrot.r 2n.1trbo!ate "organiz:iion Th' rt5ult of thit \ras and assierllg thc llJnpt2r.hiv a ci,rtral pla.e 'w'ntual 'n'morandum to lhc slatc trg'n'ies dire'tiDg themto a.ircular sigrcd by Rud.U lless aDd s.:nt in Julv 19l9 'a'iods in rcspoDst th'se drev up lisls vhich cn3b1'd the Haupt_ .olabo.rlc hlly {ith ttrc HauPtarchiv: '3tr'i's archi!to asccrtai, th. l.cation.f fil(:s p.rtin.rt to NSDAP )ri5iDrv, rlth'uAh tnr d'cumtnts thcrnsrlv's ver! not lrarslerred, Fd!ltr!r; and ! ln 1939, t]1e HaxPtarchiv was .l.signated as drPo'ltorv for rht St'llvc'rn'icr diis Kanzlei.]cs!.uenreIs,aswcltasthcR.i.hslcjtungd.rNSDAP'It!!as:lsogiwlnjurisdi.tionovcrlht HJ' va.ions G3u ar.hives atrd tle archives oI the NSDAP "Clicd'runrl'!" (e-g" S A ' S'S" N'S'K K' N.S. Doztnterbund) ard th. 'anges.hloss.n.n V.rbaeds" (D.A'F and N'5'V ' among oth'rs)' r'd that th' B-rr 1943, it had be.omc:!par.nt that Munrc[ Fa5 no longcr s:!f! lron rtrial atta'k mo.. precious holdings of ihc HanPtar.hiv {ould trav. t. br movcd' Thrcc Bav:rian sitcs !v!:rc sclect'd f.r storage: Pa5sau Feste_Obcrhaus, Ncutnrrtt-St. vtit, and Lcnggri's scllDss I'IohcrburA The matcrialtransferr.d.onsis&dmrinlvofdrc.r.lrr\a] >rrnonproP!r' T ' t1r':'i und!ritsr'whcad Dr. Arnold Brucgmann, .onti.u.:d to oPtralc ir Mlnich trDiiI wtrs *ipcil out !v bombing i! Janury 1945 tbe Rc.ords lor mtrtcrial storrd at N.umarkt St. V.:it go uP to MJr'h 19'!5 Ar thr ':nd ol t1lr wrr' '^lmri- canarmyseizedtr[at:rchivcsit.outdfirdinPassauandN.um]rktSl.Vtit'(ThelatcoflheLcnEgli"s' umcnt Ccltcr mare.ial is urkn.vn. ) Th. .o.Ji5cai.d documcnts wcrc rh.n r'asscmbl'd at th' B'rlin D'{ s.oF ol th. NspAP rrauptll..hiv is a d.Pos:t"v for sourct n:nriial whi'h hisr'rians !f Th.
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