explain their presence •,t their posts with governmental control, due to f by the statement that they like their slowing r down of production, unless NORTHW[SIT work. However. SPORTS thelly ould no work an annual deficit is paid by the tax- RETURN for the salaries government RHIL[AY lthe payers of the country. (By.United Press.) would pay, they add. Spokane port News Moscow. Ida., Aug. 29.--Coach The railroad men through the As- UP TO THE VOTER sociation of Hailway Executives. Bleamaster's prediction that the comlprising practically all of the rail- SEGRETARY OF LABOR 1919 gridiron pggregation will be (By United Priis,.. GOSSIP NOTES roa(ls of the counltry. have suggested Cafe the greatest team in the football the New York, Aug. g 'Tr]lat to congress ai counter proposal for history, of the University of Idaho, present leaders il railro,:l divelop- governmenlt ownership. Clean, Pleasant, Cool. is backed up by the tact that 23 ment and the inonieyed icitr,o sr.,, REFUSES INFORMATION veterans. 17 of whoimi are letter men, The railroad executiiv(s' plan pro- 17 S. MAIN. which have been blhacking i:ilrnlids \ides for private ownership under will report for practice Sept. 15. not make a strugul t~, keep will close government conltrol of finance. The warriors who haves won em- transportation lines frimn g•ing leir- (Special United Press Wire.) Is feeding more people than I SPORTOGRAPHY blems, and who have promised to re- wages. rates., and roulte- throulgh the any cafe in Butte. The reason o --0 CASTOFFS manently to governmenl own\lrship,. Washington. Aug. 30.-Secretary HAVE mIrdiunt of a secretary of tharn to the game this season, are: railways. of Labor Wilson -better food ior less money. By "GRAVEY:" is evident from thei ttitull, Ilken has refused to in- Arren Barber, Boise; -larry Hart- LO be a m1temher of the cabinet of the form the house of the activities We cater to the working people. MAY I NOT by New York chiefs of filnance alntl well, Buhl; Leon Perrine, Nez Perce; president of thie U'nitedi States. which the department of labor may * * suggest that Mays would railroading. * DONE VERY Marvin Railroad executives rdt financiers be conlducting in Itho case of Tom WEL Pastine, Pocatello; be a good name for a suspender? Felix "It is a question nltirtly ti to Rooms in connection agree wit i the laborers that specu- -l ooney wiho was convicted of bomb United Press.) Carnahan, Kennewick; Boyd Cor- the people of the countri." is the None better in the city SiBy Moscow; u:tin Gowan. lation mutst be eliminatl'd from rail- throwing in the San Francisco pre- After a short try-out, baseball has New York, Aug. 30.--It was Dick nelison, way railroad execulti s 1nd fi- road development and p•redness day parade. The informa- "failed to knock the French dead. Rudolph who was umainly responsible Caldwell; Grover Evans, American nanciers refer to the I Ilin b hill. that labor $3.50 and up. Nez Paul must get better pay and shorter tion was asked for in a resolution were wild over the thing at for tie Braves' roughshod treatment Falls; Richard Fox, Perce; providing for governllmenlt ownership They houlrs. which was passed by th(e house. first, according tb reports, and were of the Giants in 1914. Evans, American Falls; LeRoy of the roads. Wall sir, oit c all ly -Lowever, they feel that the SAM & JOHN KENOFFEL Rtu- latter will ntever bIe -He did not dleemln it cnmpatibile getting up leagues and everything. Milton Stock had quite a little Thompson. Boise; Neil Irving, would not object, if lgoVterniient a;ccomplished pert; Ralph Brashears, Caldwell. with public interest to make public But now that most of the doughboys finger in the 191I pie the Philliex ownership ended witlh he railroads. the activities of the dlepartment they have ap- Tillman Garlow. Boise; Boyd Brig- have left their shores cut. However, financiers are aptllrtioonsive which effect the .Mooney case, W\ilson ham, Moscow; Albert and Fred Graf, parently passed up the hit and run In 1916, Riube Marquard hbar that once labor leaders gain the wrote Speaker Gillettee. pastime, because they are shy of something of importance to do with Coeur d'Alene. railroads, they would dmland othi er game of the season teacherns and the like, the winning of a pennant by the The opening industries and filanc.il ilnstitutio s GENUINE OLD TIME MALT LAMBROS Dodgers. will be with Oregon, Oct. 18. at as well. Sir Tromas Lipton, that dead game In 1917, Eddie Cicotte ruffled the Moscow. Gonzales will meet Oct. 25 Money invested in ol t•r industriis. EXTRACT sport, is getting all set to try ASKS FOR INFORMATION old ied Sox by ilefting the White Sox at Spokane or Moscow Washing- tIther than in railroalds, y hiclis ar Still on Sale in (ompliance with . cup again. He's got POOL HALL for America's into a world's championship. ton State will be Idaho's opponent better reurns as a rtle. s;i\ ih;ltklrs. the law. soow, and he's calling this another \hat's it all about? at Pullman, Wash., Nov. 1. Mon- This may account for lthe flt that FREE OF ALCOHOL "Where Good Fellow. Meet" "Shamrock IV." He may have one Nothing touch, except that Dick tana will battle Bleamaster's men at much of the railroad stohk n; the Dark 14 R[EIiDINC HER BROTHER on account of oz. can for 6 gal bev- some luck this time, Rudolph was tossed off by the Giants Moscow Nov. 8.. with Whitman fol-country is held tl•sewh'lier than in erage ....................... $ .25 shamrocks being supposedly four leaf and so were Stock and Marquard lowing Nov. 15. The scene of the Wall street. Light 14 oz. can for 6 gal. bev- packed full of charms. Anyhow, Sir contest will be decided later. The If there is a fight to lprevelnt, the ......... .................$ .25 In a letter to City IHealth Officer 42 E..Park St. Thomas deserves eleven dr twelve Cicotte was spurned by the Red Soa erlage Thanksgiving date is still open. railroads fronl going perml':nlently Dark S oz. can for 7 Criggs, Miss K. Berge. cheers for his ability to take a lot in the past ages. And Bill Rariden to gal bey- 2849 Frinlk Over People's Theater erage ....................-.........- atreel . Scrantont . Pa., asks that of- of )eating. I bet he thinks America's Heinie Groh, Eddie Itousch and Slim government ownershilp, it mulist tIe ill $150 United Press.) heaviest thing in the world Sallee, now championing for Cincin- 1 By congress and by congress, say rail- Delivered prepaid with 5c ficial to forward to her (definitein- cup is the Aug. for postage. --- he can't even lift it! nati. were blown off by the Giants. Corvallis, Ore., 30.--With road executives, who deny that they formlnationl relative to Ithe alleged the return of many former Oregon have any plans for publicity cam- Unequalled preparations for death of hIer brlother, Fred WV.Berge, milking a sparkling, healthful Eddie McGourty, the Money Mad The Giants paid $40,000 fot Agricultural college stars to school paigns. They say they think the whoim sthe says she Ibelievecs droppedllt at buzz Arthur Nehf---or so it is claimed .his fall, Head Coach William Htar- railroads will he nmuch better( man- good old style drink at home. d(oald suddenlyll oni the streets of PONY CHILI PARLOR box fighter who would battle Easy to moake. saw if there was enough Jack in it Judged by that, what is Babe Ruth giss is confident of turning out one aged in private hands, and wiill give BIutteo lout five years ago. The city for him, is going to mingle with no worth ? 3f the most formidable football ag- better service, but deny that it is to ADOLPH (GRAF. mortality records fail to disclose the Our Chili Always the Best. Beckett, heaveyweight Nehf lost his first two starts fol gregations in the history of the agri- the interest of railirou;iters to kecep Sole Distributor death of any titan by thie Iaole oi Chill and Tamales put up to less than Joe Pred \V. BIerge. ntd in the belief champion of England! Sweet Cookie the Giants. although he pitched fair- cultural institution. Hargiss says control of the roants. 726 So. Montana St. Butte take out. that thelli in soughit Imay still be -what that Oshkosh cut-up will do ly hat nearly 40 former gridiron war- PIlhone (1576-J. well in both pastimes. Both garnme "Executives a;re betctr paidii nd the city Ihysiciain hats reittuest- pay! The slaughter has lieen riors have promised to report at the alive, 883 East Park St. for were vital in the averages of the have greater opportunliit es in other newspapers to pblishl the for Sept. 2 in London and the opening pactice Sept. 12. "Every ;3SA Y•5t) SAW IT IN HIIALiR'TIN ed the set floundering New Yorkers. In one oa industries." say railroad men, who fact of the iniquiry. boys will quarrel over a purse of them the Reds punched him full ot old regular is going to have a battle $10,000 with a $5,000 side bet. Ed- holes and climbed out another, game io make his place," he added. die has been punching his way all "Butts" Reardon will captain the comers over Europe, knocking all Jack Lempsey has left'the sock Aggies. He played quarter and half dead and many of his victims were with the Mather field aviators last this ing business flat and is uplifting the heavyweights, but on the dope, circus, where Jess Willard left off :season.
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