24— MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 24, 1989 TOWN OF MANCHESTER LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE MISCELLANEOUS IWANTEO TO CARS I CARS The Zoning Board of Appeals of Andover, Ct. at a meeting I FOR SALE The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on held on November 15, 1989 took the following action. FOR SALE BUY/TRADE FOR SALE Monday, November 27, 1989 at 7;00 P.M. in the Hearing #307 - Joseph Remesch - Hebron Rd. Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connec­ NEEDED-Mahooanv BUICK Century Wagon, Requested relief from the Andover Zoning Regulations for a lot O L D S M O B I LE-1984 ticut to hear and consider the following applications: 1980. R u n s. N eeds he owns at 187 Lake Rd.. A variance of one foot is requested bedroom set or Its Omega Broughman. END ROLLS equal. Dresser and work. $500. 649-6250 of- Item No. 1 in fence height restriction of Section 24.3 of the regulations. 27W width — 25«t Loaded, new tlres- crib. Call 524-8824. ter 4pm.____________ /brokes, tuned. $3,900. Appl. 1370 Variance is granted. 13" width — 2 for 25«t New England Residential Properties - An appeal from the FORD-1984, LTD Wagon. 643-0204.____________ #308 - Mr. and Mrs. Scott Surdam - 94 Wast St., Vernon, Ct. Newsprint end rollt can be Loaded. 70K, damaged order of the Zoning Enforcement Officer to allow an existing picked up at the Mancheeter MUSTANG Convertible- Requested relief from the Andover Zoning Regulations for a lot left front fender. $1,600. fence to remain wittiin a town right-of-way at 40 Olcott Street, they own at 21 Merritt Valley Rd. A variance of 57 ft. is re­ Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. 1966, 6 cylinder, stand­ B2 Zone. 645-0673.____________ quested in the front yard requirements and 20 ft. in the rear Monday through Thursday. I CARS a rd transmission. Item No. 2 yard requirements of Section 11.2 of the Regulations. FOR SALE CAMARO-1983 auto­ $2,500. 646-2304 after Appl. 1372 Proposed home would have 43 ft. front yard, needs 100 ft., matic, Incredibly low 6pm. W.W.F. Associates - Request for a special exception under and would have 50 ft. rear yard, needs 70 ft.. Variance is mileage, V8, red, great HONDA-1988, Civic Article IV, Section 5 and a reaffirmation of a variance to Article granted. FORD-1981, Granada, olr, body. 523-7169 after Hatchback. Sunroof, 6pm.______________ _ IV, Section 5.03.02 to permit retail sales at 285 Main Street, #309 - Bruce Goulet - 19 Shoddy Mill Rd. TAG SALE au tom atic, new pinstrlping. Call after B3 Zone. Requested relief from the Andover Zoning Regulations for a lot brokes/storter/tune- T -B IR D , 1983, V6, loaded, 6pm, 646-2990. Item No. 3 owned by Priscilla Goulet at 19 Shoddy Mill Rd. A variance of MANCHESTER- up, Cleon, 90K, $900. 53K, one owner, stereo, OLDSMOBILE, 1985, 98 Appl. 1373 10 ft. is requested in the front yard setback requirements of Handyman's Garage After 4:30, 646-0089. wire wheels. $5,200.646- Regency-Excellent Meadows Manor West - Request for a variance to Article II, Section 11.2 of the regulations to permit construction of a Sale. Tools, lown- MERCURY, 1979 Mo­ 5265.________________ condition, fully loaded, Section 2.01.01 to replace a gazebo within the front yard set­ garage/carriage shed. Garage would have 65 ft., regulations /garden equipment, narch. 4 door, 6 cy­ CHEVY-1975, El Comlno. new tires. Asking back at 333 Bidwell Street, R R Zone. require 75 ft. Variance is granted. ladders. Much morel linder, air, new brakes. Runs excellent. $1,500 $7,400. 647-1701, 646- Item No. 4 # 3 1 0 - Michael S. Block - 185 Rt. 87, Columbia, Ct. November 25-26, 9-6,18 $500/best offer. 643- or best otter. Coll 871- 2598. Appl. 1374 Requested relief form the Andover Zoning Regulations for a lot Starkweather Street. 1714. 0014 otter 4pm. Ernest Plerog, Jr. - Request for a variance to Article IV, Sec­ owned by Margaret E. Martin known as lot #15 V\fest St. A tion 5.03.02 and Articio IV, Section 6.01.01 and a special ex­ variance of 136 sq. Ft. is requested in the dwelling size re­ ception under Article IV, Section 5 to conduct automobile quirements of Section 11.1 of the regulations. Proposed home repair at 435 West Center Street, I Zone. would have 864 sq. ft., regulations require a minimum of 1000 At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written sq. ft. for a single story dwelling. Variance is granted. communications received. A copy of these petitions has been Dated at Andover, Ct. November 15, 1989 filed in the Planning and Zoning Department and may be in­ THREE DAY SALE Zoning Board of Appeals spected during business hours. Andover, Ct. Edward Coltman, Secretary Richard Higgins, Chairman FRIDAY NOV 24 9-6 • SATURDAY NOV 25 9-5 Zoning Board of Appeals 042-11 026-11 MONDAY NOV 27 9-8 PRICES WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED V >.\ r CD ( 5 ^ ON ALL VEHICLES 0 . ilanrl|palpr Ipralb NOW AVAILABLE ON SELECTED MODELS FACTORY REBATES • LOW G M AC FINANCE RATES Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Come in for Sweet Smelling Prices G M AC LEASE SPECIALS Saturday, Nov. 25,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm New 1990 Olds Calais New 1990 Olds Ciera Choose from Coupe or Sedan Choose from Coupe or Sedan PS. PB. 5 spd frans. 2 5 liter. A c y i. dual mirrors, detune wheel PS. PB. 2 5 liter, deluxe wheel covers, front wheel drive, tinted covers, tinted glass a k >. f \ i stereo, m uch more glass. A/C. txxfy side mqlding. AM/FM stereo, more. ACT NOW FOR SPECIAL SAVINGS ON ALL VEHICLES Czech boss forced out By Alison Smale world in Eastern Europe. Cizek, Miroslav Huscava and Miroslav after police clubbed peaceful protesters The Associated Press The party Central Committee elected Zajic. — capped a day in which 300,000 people S-10 BLAZER-4 X4'S little-known Karel Urbanek, member of Premier Ladislav Adamec, who broke jammed the square for the triumphant New 1990 Olds Cutlass Supreme New 1990 Olds Delta 88 Royale PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia — Hard­ the party’ s ruling Politburo only since O c­ with years o f policy this week by meeting return o f Alexander Dubcck, the bold Choose from Coupe or Sedon Choose from Coupe or Sedan line Communist Party chief Milos Jakes tober 1988, to replace Jakes who resigned opposition activists, was among those reformer ousted in 1%8. PS. PS, oufo. A/C. FWD. dual mirrors, bucket seats. O u od A Front wheal drrve. A/C, PS. PB. AM/FM stereo, auto trarrs. V6. 4 X 2'S ■ APV MINI VANS resigned Friday, forced from power by a Friday along with the rest o f the 13-man Politburo members who lost their seats, “ An old wise man said, ‘ If there once engine. 5 spd tr<y^s. AM/FKt stereo much much more week o f massive pro-democracy protests Politburo and Secretariat. meaning a new premier will likely be was lighL why should there be darkness LUMINA ■ CAVALIER that surpassed even the “ Prague Spring” At the end o f a 16-hour closed-door named soon. again?’ Let us act in such a way to bring o f 1968. session that lasted until early Saturday the Thousands o f people poured into Wen- the light back again,” Dubcek had told the CORSICA • BERETTA Jakes became the third Soviet bloc Central Committee reshuffled the ^ lit - ceslas Square late Friday night, dancing, jubilant crowd. leader to be swept out o f office in a stun­ buro, shrinking it to nine members. It singing and popping champagne corks at Later, when he heard the news o f the FULL SIZE VANS • CAPRICE ning five-week wave o f political upheaval elected Urbanek and five holdovers along the news o f the old Politburo’ s resigna­ $ 1 ^ 7 0 GEO PRIZM • GEO STORM that has washed over the Communist with three unknown new men, Josef tion. The joyous celebration — one week Please see CZECH, page 4 • Ofoo' yc--/ c^^O'Co c* cc C 's A'l rce’’^' too eo tn d u'e css.c*'go *o d e a e i T BOB BILEY OLBSMOBILE GEO TRACKER ■ GEO METRO □ 259 Adam s Street. Manchester IE' (Exit 62 o ff 1-84) 6 4 9 - 1 7 4 9 CARTER CHEVROLET/GEO 1229 Main Street, Manchester, CT • 646-6464 (Exit 3 - 1-384) . - l U i Ik e I I. L n HOURS WILE MOTORS IS OVERSTOCKED!! HOURS OHLV WE mUST LIQUIDATE 40 CARS BV THE OHLV FRIDAY - 10 A.M.-6 P.M. CLOSE OF BUSIHESS THIS SATURBAV FRIDAY - 10 A.M.-6 P.M. SATURDAY - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Wile Motors Has Leased A Lodal Because Of Our Lack Of Room The SATURDAY - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. ' i , November 24th & 25th Stockyard Just 400 Yards From Our STOCKYARD SALE Will Be Held At November 24th & 25th Showroom. That Location •FIH A H C IH G A V A IL A B L E ‘ 44 CARS AT SACRIFICE PRICES EXTRA FINANCE PERSONNEL WILL BE ON HAND FOR THIS SALE SAVE THOUSANDS ON SPECIAL PURCHASE AND TOP QUALITY USED CARS Patrick FlynrvManchester Herald SCRUTINIZING SHOPPER — Doris Brac- Manchester Parkade Friday. The day is con­ largest shopping day of the year.
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