Gc M. 12 94^.2501 Su8c V.29 1295846 CWENEALOGY COLLECTiON \) ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00724 4426 Sussex ^rci^aeologtcal gjoctetg^ SUSSEX arfl)afolo0iral ColUfttons, RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY. PUBLISHED BY Ciic Sussex ^rriiacologtcal Society. YOL. XXIX. SUSSEX: ALEX. RIYINaTON, HIGH STREET, LEWES. MDCCCLXXIX. CORRESPONDINa SOCIETIES, &c. The Society of Antiquaries of London. The Eoyal and Archaeological Association of Ireland. The British Archajological Association. The Camhrian ArchaBological Association, The Eoyal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. La Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie. The Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. The Essex Archaeological Society. The London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. The Somersetshire Archaeological Society. The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshii-e. The United Architectural Societies of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Noi'thampton, Bedfordshire, Worcestershire, and Leicestershire. The Kent Archaeological Society. The Surrey Areha;ological Society. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Society. The State Paper Office. The College of Arms. — CONTENTS 1295846 PAGE Report .... vii Statement of Accounts . ix Lis t of Members xi Corresponding Societies ii Rules of Society xvii Erratum .... xix List of Illustrations 1. Bishops of Chichester, from Stigand to Sherborne. By Rev. MACKENZIE E. C. Walcott (continued from Vol. xxviii) 1 2. The Black Friars of Chichester. By Rev. C F. R. Palmer 39 3. The Lavingtons. By Rev. Thomas Debaey. 46 4. The Ancient British Coins of Sussex. By Ernest H. Willett, Esq. 72 5. The Hundred of Swanborough. By Joseph Cooper. 114 6. Ancient Cinder-heaps in East Sussex. By James RocK, Esq. 167 7. The Ecclesiastical History of Brighton. By Fred. Ernest Sawyer, Esq. 181 8. Earthquake Shocks in Sussex. By Fred. Ernest Sawyer, Esq. 211 9. Spershott's Memoirs of Chichester (18th century), with Notes. By W. Haines, Esq., and Rev. F. H. Arnold. 219 .0. The Publicatioa of our County Records. By the Editor. 232 —^Sa^C^StQff'^t.— NOTES AND QUERIES. 1. Proclamation against Sir Wm. Wyndham. By Rev. F. H. ARNOLD . 235 2. Edw. IV.'s Jacket. By Rev. F. H. Arnold . .236 3. Anderida. By John HARRIS, Esq. ...... 237 4. On some Recently Discovered Cinerary Urns. By Joseph Cooper , 238 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Portraits of Bishops of Cliiclaester (Patryngton to Sherborne) face 1 Bp. Sherborne's Tomb faces 38 Bp. Wilberforce's Grave CA Richard Cobden's Grave IS on 70 Ancient British Coins in Sussex. Plate I. faces sy Plate II. 97 Plate III. lOG Swauborouffh Manor House . lU Ancient Spear Heads and Celt from Swaubor 134 Fibula and Carved Stone-worli from Swanborougli 134 Facsimile of Domesday relating to Swanborough faces 135 Roof of Swanborough Manor House is on 138 Gateway, ditto 139 Newel Staircase, ditto 140 Arches of Doorways, ditto are on 140 Fragments of Carved Stone-work from Kingston Manor House faces li-J, Marble Plaques at Kingston Manor House are on 142 Arms of Vinall 146 Arms of Ridge 149 Iford Church faces 149 Kingston Church 150 Inscriptions on Kingston and Iford Church Bells face 150 Cinder- heaps in Beauport Park are on 170 Roman Pottery, ditto faces 174 Old Font in S. Nicholas Church, Brighton is on 200 West Gateway, Chichester 219 EEPOET, &c. The condition of the Society's affairs at the present time is prosperous, and the character of the Society's proceedings during the past twelve months has been such as to keep up its -well-earned reputation. A volume of Collections was published for members at the beginning of the year, and a general meeting was held on Thursday, August 15th. The general meeting, which took place at Brede, afforded an opportunity of visiting the churches of Icklesham, Udimore and Brede, and also the ancient mansion kno^vn as Brede Place. Icklesham Church, built at different periods, is one of the most picturesque in its interior of all Sussex churches ; Udimore is the Dodimere of Domesday book, which may be taken to be D'eau de mer or else the same as Pout Audemer, in Kormandy, rendered in latin Pons Aldomari. The manor of Brede, it has been conjectured, was a part of the Domesday manor of Eameslie, bestowed by King Edward the Confessor on the Abbey of Fecamp, and the chnrch was built under the auspices of the great Benedictine monastery. The architectui-al features are striking, and the building a very fine one. Brede Place has been fully described by the late W. Durrant Cooper, in Vol. xii. of Collections, and is well worth a visit. The dinner took place in the great parlour with the present owner, E. Frewen, Esq., in the chair, to whom, for presiding on the occasion, and for kindly affording the company assembled every facility for visiting the building, oiu" best thanks are due, as well as to G. Slade Butler, Esq., E. B. H. Cartels, Esq., J. F. Smith, Esq., and J. C. Vidler, Esq., for the active part they all took in promoting the success of the day's proceedings. Since the last volume of our Collections appeared, the death of an old, well-known member of the Society has occurred, to whose memory a passing tribute is due. We refer to the late Mi-. George Peter Bacon, of Lewes, who for the last nineteen years printed and published the annual volume of the Sussex Archaeological Society. Mr. Bacon always evinced a great interest in the proceedings of the Society, and took an active part in promoting its objects; for many years he regularly attended the meetings and, by his excellent reports and published papers, helped much to create in Sussex an active interest in archaeology. The publishing of the annual volume was to him a labour of love, and he spared no trouble or expense in the work. Mr. Bacon came to Lewes in 1843 when he became proprietor and editor of the Sussex Advertiser. He was the son of Mr. E. M. Bacon, of Norwich, a gentleman well known in the literary world and eminent as a provincial journalist, and under his tutelage the subject of this short notice received an excellent training for his future career, and thus himself became honourably distinguished as a journalist also, while his consistent conduct as a politician gained him the respect of all parties. — ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR 1878. EECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. £ s. £ 3. d. Annual Subscriptions 181 Exors.Mr. Bacon—Vol. 28 130 5 9 Ditto, Arrears 2<i 10 Illustrations, do. 45 4 Ditto, paid in Advance 5 10 Editor's Salary— Vol. 29 50 Overpayments 6 Elitor's Expensps 2 2 Editor—Index Vol. Four Life Compositions and X o-i n 28 4 two Entrance b'ees 3 Clerk's Salary 20 Sale of Books 14 14 Clerk's Expenses 18 6 Dividend on Consols 10 5 Annual Meeting 8 3 6 Visitors to Castle 99 6 Stamps, Stationery, Printing, Sale of Catalogues ... 2 18 &c 2 8 3 101 2 Sundries 1 13 3 Books purchased for Library... 3 12 Castle Account Eent 31 9 4 Warder 26 Ditto Commis- sion, 1877 5 10 Taxes and Sun- dries 11 8 1 Coals 6 Wood 2 10 82 8 5 Balance 9 14 4 £360 8 2 ^360 8 2 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, JAN. 1, 1879. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at Treasurer's 61 19 Subscriptions paid in advance 5 10 Invested in Consols 374 18 Morgun, Commission, 1878 ... 5 Arrears of Subscriptions .£75, Sundry Bills 10 es'imated to produce 37 10 One Quaiter Castle Eent 8 Garden Rents due 3 10 Surplus Stock of Books, esti- 28 10 mated at 50 Balance of assets 499 7 8 £527 17 £527 17 8 : : : : JANUARY. 1879. Siussex ^rci)aeolo3tcal <§)OCtetg. COMMITTEE. 1. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS. ^1 resilient The EA.RL OF CHICHESTER, Lord Lieutenant aad Custos Rot, ©ite-^rcsibmts The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir SiBBALD D. Scott, Bart., F.S.A. The Duke of Norfolk, E.M. Sir b\ H. Sykes, Bart. Tlie Marquess of Abergavenny The Rev. Sir Geo. Croxton Shifpner, The Earl De La Warr Bart., M.A. The Earl of Egmont The Very Rev. the Dean of Chichester. The Earl of Sheffield F.R.S. Lord Viscount Gage W. L. Christie, Esq., M.P. Lord Colchester G. B. Gregory, Esq., M.P. The Lord Bishop of Chichester A. J. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P., D.C.L., Lord Talbot deMalahide,F.R.S.,F.S.A. F.S.A. Lord Zouche Robert Henry Horst, Esq. The Right Hon. The Speaker, M.P. W. Townley Mitford, Esq. The Right Hon. S. Cave, M.P. T. Brassey, Esq., M.P. The Right Hon. John George Dodson, J. G. Blencowe, Esq. M.P. Rev. J. CoLLiNGWOoD Bruce, LL.D., F.S.A. The Hon. Percy Wyndham, M.P. H. W. Freeland, Esq. Sir Walter Barttelot Barttelot, Rev. John Goring, M.A. Bart., M.P. Edward Hussey, Esq. Sir Walter Wyndham Bukrell, Bart., P. F. Robertson, Esq. M.P. Montague D. Scott, Esq., M.P. ^onornrn ^ccrelarits : Francis Barchard, Esq., Horsted Place, Uckfield, The Eev. William JPowell, M.A., Nevvick^ Lewes. STrcasurtr Geo. Molineux, Esq., Old Bank, Lewes. dtbitor of CoUjttions Charles Francis Trower, Esq., M.A., 7, Kensington Gate, W. ^ottoraru Curator anb ITibrarian: Joseph Cooper, Esq., F.S.A., Manor House, Kingston, near Lewes. i'otal SctretariEs; W. Borrer, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., Cowfold Rev. T. Medland, M.A., Steyning George Slade Butler, Esq., F.S.A., Rye Mr. J. Phillipps, Worthing Thomas S. Byass, Esq., M.D., Cucktield J. M. Richardson, Esq., Tunbridge Wells H. Campkin, Esq., F.S.A., 104, Pall MaU Henry Rogers, Esq., M.D., East Grin- Eev.
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