GENERAL AGREEMENT ACCORD GENERAL SUR mwsm ON TARIFFS AND LES TARIFS DOUANIERS pV.,9. ,„.. 17 Octoo&r 197.: TRADE ET LE COMMERCE Special Distribution »iorî:in_^ Party on Trcde in Textiles Groups de travail du congiercc des textiles "(17-ÏL October "Î972) TÏ7-1S octobre"ÏÇ72") "" M§T_ OF J^y^SIiTATIV. _ _ S___ . ^ LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS Chairman; Mr. 0. LONG (Director-G. ncial) President: ARGENTINA Représentante s Si". Anj-el M. Olivcri Lopez Consejcro ao Eabajada, rlision Permanente ante la. Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. J.A. Livingston Consejero econor-aico y comercial, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra AUSTRALIA R:presentative Mr. W. McKeown Counsellor ( Comicrcial), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. P.M. Schulz Second Secretary (Coiauercial), Peruanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva AUSTRIA lî^resentative Mr. Gottfried Dinzl Director, Federal Ministi-j for Trade and Industry Adviser Mr. Heli'-ïut Ruber Federal Chamber of Couuerce Secretary of Working Party; Ltr. M. Salib, Annex II, Tel. Ext. 2013/4476 Conference Officer; Kiss S. N 1:1 '.us, Villa Le Bocage, Tel. Ext. 4-422 TEX/"4/9 Page 2 BELGIQUE irïfipj-é sentants Ii. R. De Smaele Directeur, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Coîxierce extérieur Mme J. De Glercq Ingénieur en chef, Directeur, Ministère des Affaires éconouiques M. S. Taloen conseiller, Ministère des Affaires économiques BRAZIL Reore sentative s M. Paulo Nogueira Batista Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Lauro Barbosa ca Silva Moreira Second Secretary of S bassy, Pémanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva CANADA Representatives Mr. Campbell Stuart General Director, Office of Special Import Policy, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce Mr. L. Howey Acting General Director, Apparel and Textiles Branch, Department of Industry, Trade and Comuerce Mr. L.M. Russell Chief, Import Policy, Department of Finance TEX/W/9 Page 3 CANADA Representatives (cont'd) Mr. J.P. Clark First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. A. Sarna Office of Special Import Policy, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce COLOMBIA Représentante Sr. Luis Lascarro Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra CUBA (no se ha recibido la lista) DENMARK Representative Mr. Erling Oxenb/^11 Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva EGYPT Mr. A. Orabi Director of Cotton Textiles Consolidation Eund, Geneva Mr. I. Kamel Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva EL SALVADOR (no se ha recibido la lista) TEX/w/9 Page A ESPANA Représentantes Sr. Humberto Villar Delegado Permanente Adjunto para los Asuntos del GATT, Comerciales de la CEE y de la UNCTAD Sr. Camllo Barcia Primer Secretarlo de Embajada, Delegacion Permanente ante los Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra Sr. Alvaro Iranzo Consejero Comercial, Delegacion Permanente ante los Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra Sr. José Ramon Borrel iiinisterio de Comeroio Sr. Roman Bertrand Massana Asesor Técnico, Ministerio de Comercio FINIAND Repre sentati ve Mr. G. Blomberg Finnish Textiles Council FRANCE Représentants M. Pierre-Marie Colmant Représentant permanent auprès du GATT M. L. Lavenant Ministère du développement scientifique et industriel M. B. Duroselle Ministère du développement scientifique et industriel M. F. Vigier Ministère du développement scientifique et industriel Mme E. "iichaud Attaché, Délégation permanente auprès du GATT TEX/W/9 Page 5 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Representatives Dr. C. Brebeck .-••- Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance Dr. Busse Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance GRECE Représentant M. D. Scouroliaros Conseiller d'Ambassade, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève INDIA Repre sentative s Mr. 3.X. Bagahi Joint Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. I.S. Chadha ... I-. Deputy Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. N.R. Rege Chief Research Officer, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva IRELAND (list not received) ISRAEL Representative Mr. B. Bardan First Secretary Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TEX/W/9 Page 6 ITALIE Représentants Mlle M. Barontini Attaché, Mission permanente auprès des organisations internationales à Genève M. F. Galdi Ministère du commerce extérieur M. C. Ciocca Ministère de participations de l'Etat JAMAICA Cfi (list not received) JAPAN Representatives H.E. Mr. H. Kitahara Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. T. Suzuki Counsellor for Trade Policy, International Trads Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. M. Mizoguchi ffl Counsellor, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Y. ¥ada First Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. K. Takeuchi Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Fujisaki Ministry of Foreign Affairs TEX/w/9 Page 7 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Re pre se ntative s Mr. Sung Moo Park First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Eun Tak Lee Attaché, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva LUXEMBOURG Re rares entant S.E. M. Marcel Fischbach Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève, Ambassade à Berne MALAYSIA (list not received) MEXICO Re pre se ntante « Sr. Eduardo Alcaraz Consejero economico, Delegacion Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Fernando de Mateo Attaché, Delegacion Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra NETHERLANDS, KINGDOM OF THE Representatives Mr. J. Tiemensma Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. W. Fokke Ministry of Economic Affairs TfîX/tf/9 Page 8 NORWAY Representatives Mr. A. Sveen Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. S. Hopland Association of Clothing Manufacturers PAKISTAN Repre s entative Mr. Mohammad Amin, T.K. Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva POLAND Representatives Mr. Romuald Daniel Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Jerzy Mitoraj Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. Franciszek Krucrkowski Expert PORTUGAL Représentants M. Armando Santos Nogueira Vice-President, Institute dos Texteis M. Eduardo Nunes de Carvalho Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Delegation permanente auprès du GATT M. J. Gomes de Almeida Attaché, Délégation permanente auprès du GATT TEX/W/9 Page 9 RuUMANIii Représentants M. Mircea Petrescou Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. Jerban Th. Modoran Troisième Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève SRI LANKA (list not received) f$ SUISSE Représentants M. A. Dunkel Représentant permanent au Conseil du GATT M. M. Krell Chef de Section, Division du commerce, département Fédéral de l'Economie publique M. P. Veyrassat Division du Commerce, Département Fédéral de l'Economie publique SWEDEN Repre s ent ative s Mr. L.A. Stâlberg ïirst Secretary, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. A. Degerman Board of Commerce TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Representative Mr. Lingston Cumberbatch First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TEX/W/9 Page 10 TURQUIE Représentants M. 0. Kafaglou Ministre, Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. 0. Besneli Conseiller, Affaires économiques, Délégation permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. K. Taskent Deuxième Secrétaire, Délégation permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND itatives Mr. J. Povmall Chemical and Textiles Division, Department of Trade and Industry Mr. G.L. Pearson Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TËX/W/9 Page 11 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Representative Mr. Anthony J. Jurich Special Advisor to Ambassador-at-Large, Departraent of State Alternate Representative Mr. rfilliam K. Miller Minister--Counsellor, Mission to the international ... organizations at Geneva Advisers Mr. Harry M. Phelan Fibers and Textiles Division, Bureau of economic and Business Affairs <9 Department of State Mr. Arthur Garel Director, Office of Textiles, Department of Commerce Mr. Irving I. Kramer Assistant director, office of Foreign economic Policy, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Department of Labor Mr. John T. Stewart Mission to the international organizations at Geneva URUGUAY (P Représentante Dr. B.E. Brum Ministro, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante el GATT YUGOSLAVIA (list not received) TEX/W/9 Page 12 ZAIRE (Liste non reçue) COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES COMMISSION Représentants M. ¥. Ernst Directeur, Direction générale du Commerce extérieur M. A. Vagliasindi Chef de Division, Direction générale du Commerce extérieur M. C. Paoli Chef de Division, Direction générale du Commerce extérieur M. M. Lehembre Administrateur principal, Direction générale des Affaires industrielles, technologiques et scientifiques M. P. Vrebos Administrateur principal, Direction générale des Affaires industrielles, technologiques et scientifiques M. C. Weydert Office statistique des Communautés européennes
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