UNIVERSITY OF IRVINE UniversityVOL. 7/NO. 2O/FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, 1975 NewCALIFORNIA. ■■B International Women'sYear 1975 by Lavon Gieselman The United Nations has proclaimed 1975 as International Women's Year. The three-fold theme of IWY is as follows: equality of the sexes,totalintegrationof womeninto the social and economic efforts of nations, and recogni- tion of women's contributions towards strengthening world peace. UN goalsare to promotetooliticalawareness of the plight of women They lace severe deprivationof basic opportunities. Thegrowth of women's potential will be seen as beneficial to the developmentof a country's potential. Women's Year came into being because despite decades of progress in eliminating discrimination against women, in no country have they attained lull equality. Growing global recognitionof the importance of women in nation building is another factor contri- buting to the initiation of Women's Year. A chief concern confronting women is the Student Power With Strings Attached? lack of opportunity and inadequate prepara- tion for the full participationof women intheir respective societies. The general tendency in most cultures is to place greater value on males than females: hence, among the 700 million illiterates in the world, the majority are women.In.some areas, ASUCI may high as 85 percent. HOY OVERRULES run as 80 to V.C that The UN's commission on the Status of Women promotes women's rights in the political, economic, civil and educational fields The commission correlates women's REG FEE FIRING on page 7 COUNCIL ON continued by Lance Robhins awesome responsibility, as Setting the Scene each member's votes affect NOBEL LAUREATE the very lives of people and de- The most powerful com- within mittee at UCI met last week partmental programs ses- Student Affairs. This year, and started its two week reports Committee mem- CONDUCTS CLASS sion with arguments, dissen- a ber, "money tighter than UNI CENTER sion, andbitternessamong the is by Paul Harch. BSSA ever, and needs to be care- Sir John Eccles. the first of three Nobel Committee members. The right RegistrationFee Committee, fully distributed" in the Laureates to be hosted to UCI by Biological places. Tb,us. the Com- APPROVED which consists of six students, Sciences Student Association and ASl'd, will mittee was faced witha lossof begin lecturing January 13. His course. two faculty, and three Stu- members, each experience when it was so BOARD HAS Lecture Series in Developmental and Cell dent Affairs badly needed. CENTER Biology, meetMTW for three weeks from year handles 2' t million dol- will the student regis- The Council Takes Action STUDENT MAJORITY January 13 to January 30. Because of in- lars of The real battle began when creased enrollment, the room has been tration feesanddistributes the Com- money throughout the students on the by changed from SH 167 to PS 104 while class the various mittee, majority Terrv Moore departments who hold a meeting time is still 3: 00-3:50 p.m. of Student vote, appro- Affairs, had more than its questioned the months of bickeringbetween ASUCI Sir John's lecture material will center priateness of having Peggy After around psychobiology and neurcbiology and share of strain and problems. senior repre- and Student Affairs, a University Center pro- These "problems" resembled Kravitz. the posalhas been approved and sent to the Chan- will include chapters from his new book, The sentative and a member ofthe Brain, about memory, perceptual the typethatone would seein a cellor for his approval. Both sides had to Self and Its huge Reg Fee Committee for three illusions, problemsof perceptionas they relate stockholders meeting, voting compromise some, but still everyoneseemed with members engaged in a years, remain as a reasonably happv to the visual senses, the self-conscious mind member of the Committee. with the results. and the brain, music and speech: the artistic proxy fight and new people trying gain The reasons for this inquiry, ASUCI Vice-President Greg Thomas com- functions of the brain, and lesions of various to control.In a few seemed, spelled short weeks the student it had been mented, "I think we got the major things that areas of the brain. out in the legislation of the we wanted. First, the UniversityCenter Board He is alsopreparedto talk about any aspect members of the committee were locked in a fierce ex- ASUCI. in a regulationpassed will be set up immediately, and will have a of his book. The Understandingof the Brain, rule stated Second, is change with members of Stu- last summer. The large student majority. the Board and will illustrate his discussion with slides that "...nostudentmay serve essentiallyindependentfrom Student Affairs." from the book. dent Affairs over the rulesand Committee, intending regulations of the Reg on a to He wasalsopleased that the UniversityCenter Thecourse is twounits,P/NP, andis open to represent student interests, if Board wouldhave the right to rejectplans pro- all majors. No prior knowledge of psycho- Committee. of in- Planning The Committee was plagued there would bea'conflict posed by the Physical and Construc- biology and thebrain is required,however,itis terest' with the said student's tion Department (PP&C). recommended that students unfamiliar with from the start. TheRegCom- Ad- mittee's main purpose for present job within the psychobiology consult any general biology or ministration ..."Peggy Kra- According to the proposal,students would be psychology text for a basic discussion of the having students serve on the question as automatically members of the center, as they Committee,one studentrepre- vitz came under brain. Reading material for the course is on she presently holds a very im- would be paying a quarterly fee starting when BiologicalSciences Library. sentative from each class Center opens. Other members of the Uni- reserve in the graduatestudent, portant position within Stu- the Following Sir John's lectures, there willbe level plus a Head Co- versitycommunitywould buymembershipsin is in order to receive a wide dent Affairs as the informal discussions from 4: 00-4: 50 p.m.inSH ordinator of Administrative the center voluntarily, at the same rate as for 172, during whichrefreshments willbe served. range of input: ideas and students. opinionsgenerated Interns. Students should remember that Sir John's from a dif- ASUCICouncil first ferent level of knowledge. When the to cam- visit toUCIhasbeen initiatedandorganizedby met.it was proposedthat Kra- Some facilities beincluded include a and ASUCI. Con- Policy has it that each mem- pus bookstore, lounges, food facilities, and student members of BSSA ber appointed vitz be removed from the lounge. sequently, is primarily interested in shall continue avoid any "con- perhaps even an overnight commuter he as the nextyear's representa- Committee to person who purchased a meeting with students while at UCI. flict of interest "becauseof the Thomas said that a that he will only be on tive. job University Center membership would be able His time is limited in she holds in Student ornocost. For 3.5days of each week. groups Before the Committee con- Affairs. to use these facilities at reduced campus Student hamburger for 75C tonon- and organizations interested in meeting with venedthis year,however, four Kravitz. however, protested example,a might sell members, 50c to members. Sir Johnare also welcome. Office hours will be of the experienced student the "conflict" charge, and but for office, SH 387. representatives had re- to monitor postedoutside his asked the Council Vice-Chancellor Jack Hoy said he was On January22 Sir John will also be givinga signed. This meant that new, her actions and judge for Lecture Hall inexperienced students would "delighted and optimistic" that the proposal free public lecture in the Science themselves as to whether had passed. He said that he had begun dis- from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The lecture, "Hierar- fill those vacant seats. To there was a situationor action of Movement," learn the workingsof the Reg cussion with the Development Office for get- chical Concepts in the Control where there could be a con- donations, that he "quite unit up tothe Committee in such a short flict The Council ting outside" and was goes all the way from the motor of interest. satisfied withthe waytheproposalhadturned voluntaryacMon in the brain and will include a time,and then toperformand judge continued on page 7 out. discussion ol the cerebellum. as best one can. is an PAGE 2 NEW UNIVERSITY FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1975 FORSALE:Brandnew AtomicShortSkiswith Student to takecareof house andchildren unmounted bindings. Cost over $200 to- ages 6, 13, and 15 for vacationing parents CLASSIFIEDS gether, sell lor $110.Brian, 673-4683. from Wed.,Jan. 15 to Sun., Jan. 19. May be away from house from 8:15 to 2:15 Thurs. FOR SALE: Brand new Texas Instruments PLANNED Parenthood offers pregnancy and Fn. Salary $15a day. Call, 644-6534 SR-50 calculator. A beautiful present for testing, contraceptive clinics, counseling Chanukah. Christmas or birthday. $140 or Non-profit. 639-3023 PUKA Shell Necklaces!Direct forHawaii!Ex- Corey 833 and information. bestoffer. Call at 673-7234 or 5470884. cellent quality. $29. Call 750-1871. 6868 after 5 p.m. If not there leave a message. ROOMMATE WANTED: 2 bdrm.apt. on Bal- FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 4 Savings and Loan, $110 plus Each person bdrm. apt. on BalboaIsland with 3 other JAN. 10. 1975 Fullerton ENGLISH MA experienced as writer will boa Island. utilities — 18020 S. Brookhurst, Fountain has own bdrm. Susan or Michelle, 673- girls. Has a dishwasher, carpeting and Get Together/Fellowship edit and rewrite theses, manuscripts and Agate. to the Valley, near the San Diego Jeff 8165. balcony, store on comer. 120"? Comeand bringa friend termpapers. Quick ,and reliable Call $81.25. Cathy, Susanne, Laura or fun get-to- Freeway, at 7:30 p.m.
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