, . / I INTRODUCING ... " I, Wayne County's Our Want Ads Oldest Wukly Newspaper Reach More Than Established 1869 20,000 Readers IF IT'S NEWS ... AND IT HAPPENS IN NORTHVlllE. ..YOU CAN READ IT IN THE RECORD THIS WEEK Vol. 98,-No. 44, 28 Pages, Three Sections. Northville, Michigan - Thursday, March 14, 1968 • 10¢ Per Copy, $4 Per Year In Advance School Seel~s2 Sites In Nine Mile-Taft Area Northville's school administration "squared off" - perhaps at Nine Mile building. Butbefore giving its authoriza- longer used locally for educational pur- j. ., received board authorization Monday road, leaving all developments north to tion, the board voted to permit expan- poses, leasing fees do not cover depre- night to begin negotiations for ac- the Novi school district and thus hand- sion of the building's use by Schoolcraft ciation, because an un-named private quisition of two future school sites ing the small-lot problem to Novi. college and renewal of The Cavern's enterprise has inquired about it, and in the Nine Mile-Taft road area. ****"'*****"'** lease of the cafeteria side of the build- because its sale W(l!.!:ctplace the buIld- Under consideration are two par- Board members also authorized the ing. ing on the assessment rolls thus gain- cels of land either owned or held by administration to begm negotiating for Sale of the building is being consid- ing the district and the city additional Marc Alan developers on the north possible future sale of the community ered, it was explained, because it is no tax dollars. side of Nine Mile road on either side ***** ***** ***** of Taft. Alan, according to Superintendent of Schools Raymond Spear, has indicat- UNSAFE- This entrance bridge to council has been notified of the ed plans for development of two large Tax-Free Land Relief Bid Rural Hill cemetery has been de- possible danger. Pictures of the housing developments in both locations clared .. unsafe" by the Wayne bridge structure, along with fur- Which are to get underway within the next two years. county road commission. Although ther comments, appear in Speak ing Spear was directed. by the board the cemetery is in the township, Gets Hearing~ Little More for The Record, page 8-B. to attempt to negotiate a land donation the bridge is in the city. The from Alan. Vice-president Stanley In the process of Whittling state aid trict's valuation. tion that if Northville finds these in- IJohnston emphasized that the district proposals down to palatable sizes, the . should first attempt "to get free land", Representative William L. Jowett stitutions detrimental to its economy education committee of the State House of Port Huron. vice-chairman of the perhaps it would rather see the prop- and, failing this, to "pay as little as of Representatives took but seven min- possible if anything at all." educational committee, took the posi- erty developed for home sites - thus Third 'Class Status utes at Lansing Thursday afternoon to increasing the student population. The district has already received a hear Northville's unique appeal for local promise of 10 or mo"re acres of free tax relief. Furthermore, Jowett asked if Spear property from the Thompson-Brown Review Boards had developed figures sho\ling how company off Six Mile road. (It pur- It was pretty obvious that com- much such an amendment would cost Sought for School chased the Ida B. Cooke junior Wgh mittee members, anxious to hammer Hear Protests state-wide. He referred to other com- site from Thompson-Brown). together the long-delayed state aid bill munities which might qualify for relief Northville school district "Voters 'elect to change from fourth class to The superintendent said Alan plans so that it could be moved to the ap- Board of review hearings were com- under Northville's proposal. propriations committee this week, held pleted Tuesday night in the township, wlII be asked to approve or disap- third class status. Northville'scurrent to develop 140 acres directly across Spear responded by saying that he prove "promotion" of the distrlctfrom population is 2,741. The district passed Nine Mile road from Connemara sub- out little hope for NorthvllIe's propos- whlIe in the city one more session is al to win credit for some 3,000 acres represented only NorthVille, that it fourth class to third class status in the 2,400 mark in 1964. division. Initial proposals call for 317 scheduled for Tuesday, March 26. should be the responsibility Cfthe Leg- June.' , Still other dlfferencesbetween third single-dwelilng units and 240 multiple of non-taxable state, countyandDetroit Because the township underwent re- property in the township. islature to determine the total state cost The board of education accepted_ and fourth districts include: units. This number of units, he said, assessment this year, there was con- of the proposal. In Northville, he said, siderably more activity at township the recommendation of Superintendent --The secretary and treasure of a would produce some 200 elementary That Superintendent RaymondSpear it would mean about $150,000 more In hall meetings than at city hall. The Raymond Spear and voted Monday to third-class district may be non-board students. He pinpointed a potentlall0- and Business Manager Earl Busard state aid. place the matter on theJune 10 regUlar members who are paid salaries fixed acre school site· on this land in a loca- citX reassessed all property last year. , were placed on the agenda at all ap- Concerning suggestions that a com- school election ballot. by the board. tion between the Christensen and the peared to be a matter of courtesy since Up until Tuesday evening's hear- ing the townshlp.had received 110 in- munity like Ypsilanti, which houses .~, !Jain differences in lhe. stat!1S iT. ,-Sr~c~al.,t'le1"",''', !let!~oned '-} . M::Elro~' ~ro~..l Hell. ,,,," ¥ Representatives Cliiford Smart and the non-taxable Eastern Michigan uni- elude the.p6sSlbillty of six-year'board electors requires 10-percent of the reg- The second Alan proposed develop- ' quiries. Of those !l6 property owners Louis Schmidt, chairman and member versity, would have similar cause for terms instead of four and biennial istered school voters as opposed to ment is to be located west of Taft and filed protests seeking reductions in of the committee, respectively, repre- demanding relief, Spear argued that elections instead of annual elections. five-percent under fourth-class status. north of Nine Mile road. It would adjoin sent the Northville area. assessments. In both of these c;J.ses, under third- --Term of the superintendent may or nearly adjoin the Ten Mile-Taft To date the city has had 46 in- off-campus taxable private housing for In fact Smart, in opening the com- teachers and students and significant class statusr the decision rests with be extended to five years instead of roads development proposed by Max quiries. About a third filed protests, the board of education. the three-year maximum under fourth- Sheldon. This project of Alan is ex- mittee meeting, made it plain that the another third were reduced and the trade by students and faculty In Ypsi- Should the board elect to vote bi- class status. pected to be of a similar size. Spear Northville representatives would be remainder left unchanged. lanti businesses represent a totallydif- ferent situation than in Northville where ennially, such an election may be held --A third class district may estab- indicated that a site midway between absolutely the last persons to be heard The city's final hearing will be institutions add "very little" to the in conjunction with a city election, lish museums and libraries separately Nine and 10 Mile roads would be most before the committee got down to the conducted from 9 a.m. until noon and thus sa ving some election costs, Spear operated by boards of commissioners. advantageous. task of approving sections of the bill. from 1 p.m, until 4 p.m. on the 26th. economy of the district. explained. The school that might eventually "Our chances don 'tlook very good," According to the superintendent, be built on the latter site would serve admitted Spear later. "But that doesn't districts \'.ith a student population of Alan's second development and the mean we're giving up. I hope our citi- Bx One Vote 2r400 or not more than 30,000 may development of Max Sheldon. The other zens will write to their legislators and proposed school would serve Alan's tell them that wewant somethingdone- first development, Connemara sub- and that we want it now." division - where construction has been Spear presented a six-page propos- Village President City, School stepped up \Iith the installation of sew- al to the committee, together with sev- Spring ers, and the giant Slatkin development eral maps sho\ling the areas within the to be located on both sides of Center school district which house tax free In Accord street south of Nine Mile road. Slat- institutions. Redecorating? kin's development is to begin yet this Upset in Novi SpecificallYr the committee was year. asked to give the Northville school Both proposed schools, Spear in- Two new Novi council members farmer's political career that began On Paving district financial relief in the form were elected Monday in a surprising \\ith the village incorporation of Novi a ~~~~Thot time of, year IS here when Q nouse- ;~~~ dicated. would be attended by students of "an exemption from deductible mill- :::: holder's thoughts turn to getting rid of :::: who could walk to school. upset that saw Novi's veteran official, decade ago. Anderson had served on A bottleneck relative to the pro- age in an al1)ount equal to the non- :::: unneeded furnishings.
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