GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME 15, 1993-1994 Page Blackbirds reach Barrington Tops, New South Wales . 273 Bowerbird, Great, Chlamydera nucha/is (Ptilonorhynchidae), An exceptionally elaborate bower structure of the . 314 Correction. 365 Cassowary, The voice of the young . 41 Catbird, Green, Ailuroedus crassirostris, Distraction display of the . 230 Coot, Anti-predatory behaviour of the . 192 Courtship, Is it a necessary prelude to mating? . 96 Cuckoo-shrike, Black-faced, Coracina novaehollandiae, Reproductive behaviour of the . 195 --. -, ~hite-bellied, Coracina papuensis, A note on the, in the Geelong area, Vtctona .. .........: . 225 Currawong, Grey, Strepera versicolor, employs the 'zirkeln' method in searching for food . 160 ---, Lord Howe, Strepera graculina crissalis, Notes on the . .. .. ..... 310 --, Pied, feeding on ants . 382 ---, ---, Strepera graculina, A technique employed by a, to capture a Spotted Turtle-Dove Streptopelia chinensis . 320 Currawongs, Pied, Strepera graculina, Caching behaviour of breeding . 275 Editorial .. .. ......... .... ... ...... .. .. .... ... ... ... .. 237 Egret, Great, Ardea alba, A feeding interaction between, and Fairy Tern Sterna nereis.... ... ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. 228 Fairy-wren, White-winged, Malurus leucopterus, Black-and-white form of the, in western New South Wales . ... .. ... .. .. ........ .. .. .. 321 Falcon, Brown, Falco berigora, Breeding behaviour and diet of the, on the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales . 19 ---, ---, ------,Mediated flushing: the use of avian 'beaters' by the............. .............. .. .. ........ ... ......... 164 Falcons, Peregrine, Falco peregrinus macropus, Contributions to the natural history of Australian, I. Behaviour at two Victorian nests . 3 Friarbird, Noisy, Philemon comiculatus, and the Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculatua, Seasonal variation in the distribution of the, in eastern N.S.W. 49 Galah, Cacatua roseicapilla, Comments on the taxonomic position of the. 60 Godwit, Hudsonian, Limosa haemastica, A, in south-eastern Tasmania . 283 Goshawk, Brown, Cannibalism at a, nest . 45 ---, Chestnut-shouldered (Burger's), Erythrotriorchis buergersi, The black morph of the . 212 ---,Chestnut-shouldered (Burgers'), Erythrotriorchis buergersi, Etymology, type locality and morphology of the . 380 ---, Christmas Island, What is the? . 377 Goshawks Accipiter spp., Response of prey species to foraging . 94 ---, Red, Observations of an aerial display by ... .. .... ... .. 325 Grasswrens, Thick-billed, Another instance of, hiding in burrows . 278 Greenshank with deformed bill . 323 Herons, White-faced, Do they really eat dead cows? . 40 Honeyeater flocks, Mixed, in northern Queensland . 260 Honeyeater, Regent, Xanthomyza phrygia, Batesian acoustic mimicry by the . 250 --, --, ----, Breeding behaviour and morphology of the . 366 --, Yellow-faced, The, on Cape York Peninsula . 279 Jacana, Comb-crested, lrediparra gallinacea, Feeding association between, and Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae . 324 Kingfisher, Sacred, Captive studies reveal extensive vocal range in the . 298 Kite, Square-tailed, Lophoictinia isura, Feeding behaviour of a . 280 ---, Whistling, Haliastur sphenurus, A possible attack by a, on a Sooty Oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus . 167 AUSTRALIAN GENERAL INDEX BIRD WATCHER Lyrebird, Superb, Menura novaehollandiae, A critical analysis of the factors responsible for the decline of the, in Sherbrooke Forest, Victoria . 238 Magpie, Australian, Gymnorhina tibicen, Vocal repertoire of the, in South Australia 162 Magpies, Australian, Juvenile, persistently eating honey bees . 144 Mannikin, Chestnut-breasted, Lonchura castaneothorax (Estrildidae) at Blackwater Lakes, Middle Sepik River, Papua New Guinea..... ... .. ... ..... 277 Manucode, Trumpet, Manucodia keraudrenii (Paradisaeidae), The status and distribution of the, in Australia . 218 Martins, Tree, occupying Fairy Martin nests . 93 Miner, Black-eared, Manorina melanotis, The identification of the endangered 116 Needletails, White-throated, Hirurulapus caudacutus, Tree perching and presumed roosting of . 43 Nightjar, White-throated: a breeding record for the Australian Capital Territory 229 Notes on selected bird species on the south-western coast of Tasmania, between Port Davey and Cape Sorell . 265 Notices: Nature conservation: the role of networks . 159 Parrot publication . 18 Thank you, Will Rolland . 47 Obituary: Raymond John Swaby. ... .. ........ .. .. ... .. .... 383 Owl, Barn, Tyto alba, A note on the diet of the, in the Kimberley district, W .A. 231 ---, Masked, Tyto novaehollandiae, The, in Victoria . 124 ---, ---, ------, Correction . 191 ---, ---, ------, The mainland: a review . 168 ---, Powerful, fledglings, The successful rehabilitation of two . 287 Parrots, Some additional food items of two . 161 Petrel, Cape, Daption capense, An albino, off Tasmania . 42 Raven, Australian, Predation on Common Starling. 211 Redshank, Spotted, Tringa erythropus, in Australia . 149 Reviews: Birds of Prey & Ground Birds of Australia by Penny Olsen, Francis Crome & Jerry Olsen . 233 Healing the Planet: Strategies for Resolving the Environmental Crisis by Paul R. Ehrlich & Anne H. Ehrlich . 192 The biology and status of the Long-billed Corella in Australia by W.B. Emison & I.D. Temby . 385 The Birds of Sydney by E.S. Hoskin, K.A. Hind wood & A.R. McGill 145 The Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Plan: 1989-93 by Peter Menkhorst & David Middleton . 46 Robin, Hooded, Melanodryas cucullata, The breeding and non-breeding behaviour of the, in Canberra, 1990-1991... ... .......... .. ... .... .. 99 Robins, White-browed, Poecilodryas superciliosa, Observations on nesting . 328 Rosella, Eastern, Notes on the breeding behaviour of the red variety of the . 137 Rosellas, Eastern, Platycercus eximius feeding on acorns . 166 Skylarks and_Br o:-vn Songlarks, Singing frequency over the year of, at Gatum, western V1ctona . 35 Sparrowh awk, Collared, Accipiter cirrhocephalus, Breeding behaviour and diet of the, in northern New South Wales . 68 Swallows and martins, Observations of, using a flyway in western Victoria . 108 Thrush, Song, Turdus philomelos, Vocal mimicry of native species by a . 92 Treecreepers, Red-browed, Possible protective behaviour in a group of . 327 Vertebrate fauna, The, of Point Nepean, Victoria II. Birds. 24 Waterbird counts, Ten years of, in Western Port, Victoria, 1973-83. I. Waterfowl and large wading birds . 333 IT. Waders, gulls and terns . 351 Waterbirds, Aerial counts of, on Narran Lake, New South Wales . 13 Wet-season feeding by four species of granivorous birds in the Northern Territory 306 Woodswallows, Dusky, Food piracy by . .... ...... .... ... 143 ---, White-breasted, Artamus leucorhynchus, feeding on distasteful butterflies 38 VOLUME 15 389 INDEX OF AUTHORS ANDERSON, Marc DEBUS, S.J.S. & EDELSTAM, C. A possible attack by a Whistling Kite Haliastur Etymology, type locality and morphology of the sphenurus on a Sooty Oystercatcher Chestnut-shouldered (Burgers') Goshawk Haematopus fuliginosus . 167 Erythrotriorchis buergersi ............ 380 AP-THOMAS, David --, -- & MEAD, D.A. Thank you, Will Rolland . 47 The black morph of the Chestnut-shouldered BOLLEN, Chris (Burger's) Goshawk Erythrotriorchis Breeding behaviour and diet of the Brown buergersi . ...... ... .... ....... 212 Falcon Falco berigora on the Southern --, LEY, A.J., TREMONT, S.M., Tablelands of New South Wales.. 19 TREMONT, R.M. & COLLINS, J.L. BROOKER, M.G. Breeding behaviour and diet of the Collared Aerial counts of waterbirds on Narran Lake, Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrhocephalus in New South Wales. 13 northern. New South Wales ........... 68 BROUWER, Joost FORD, Hugh A. & FORD, Jamie A. Singing frequency over the year of Skylarks and White-breasted Woodswallows Artamus Brown Songlarks at Gatum, western Victoria 35 leuchorhynchus feeding on distasteful BUCKINGHAM, R. butterflies ... , ................... 38 Pied Currawong feeding on ants . 382 FRITH, Clifford B. Obituary - Raymond John Swaby 383 The status and distribution of the Trumpet BURTON, Andrew M. Manucode Manucodia keraudrenii Cannibalism at a Brown Goshawk nest . 45 (Paradisaeidae) in Australia ........... 218 Response of prey species to foraging goshawks Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Lonchura Accipiter spp. 94 castaneothorax (Estrildidae) at Blackwater CARTER, Mike & SUDBURY, Aidan Lakes, Middle Sepik River, Papua New Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus in Guinea ............................ 277 Australia . 149 --, FRITH, Dawn & WIENEKE, Jo COATE, Kevin H. An exceptionally elaborate bower structure of Another instance of Thick-billed Grasswrens the Great Bowerbird Chlamydera nuchalis hiding in burrows . 278 (Ptilonorhynchidae) . 314 CONOLE, Lawrence E. Correction .......... 365 A note on the White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike GARNETT, Stephen C'?racina papuensis in the Geelong area, Do White-faced Herons really eat dead cows? 40 V ICtona . 225 -- & CROWLEY, Gabriel COURTNEY, John Wet-season feeding by four species of Comments on the taxonomic position of the granivorous birds in the Northern. Territory 306 Galah Cacatua roseicapilla . 60 --, LOYN, Richard & TULLY, Debbie CZECHURA, Gregory V. & CZECHURA, Robin E. Feeding behaviour of a Square-tailed Kite Observations of an aerial display by Red Lophoictinia isura ..... 280 Goshawks . 325 GRIFFITHS, G.A. & HOLYOAK, D.T. DANN, Peter, LOYN, Richard H. & BINGHAM, Pat Tree Martins occupying Fairy Martin nests . 93 Ten years of waterbird counts in Westem Port, Juvenile Australian
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