/ Thurnday,~1~1~1 __________________________________~T~H~E~~J~E~W~IS~H~P~O~S~T _____________________________________________ P_ag~e __ Thre___ e Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, March 14, 1968 On Sunday, March 31, ~ 8:8'0 p.m; Town HcallS.chedules at' .th,. Sl;Iaarey :Zed~k, Dr. Simon Green'berg will give a public lecture Pioneer Women Sponsor WORLD ZIONIST CONFERENCE, Mor~1 on ''The -New Mor'!lity in the Old llwlSH PeST Jerusalem, (JTA) - A three-day consultative organi~ation, hut individual, and depended on Lecture World." Dr. Greenberg, a, leading Men's Child Rescue Dinner The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada assembly of the World Zionist Organization , increased educational activities. <-., Jewish educator, is vice-chancellor and vice-president of the Faculties (Issued weekly in the inter~ts of Jewish Commup.ity activities wound up here with a majority of the delegates Mrs. Rose Halprin, chairman of the Je~i"&Q. in Winnipeg and Western Canada) supporting the establishment of a "magshimim" of the Jewish Theological Seminary Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Agency Executive in New York, disagreed with movement:-groups of Zionists who personally "those who claim that if we fail to achieve the , ' of America. He is a trustee and member of the executive committee PUblished every Thursday by pledge to settle in Israel within a given period goal of aliyah, the Zionist movement has no (the faculty group) of the Institute EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD. of time. They stipulated that such groups must raison d'etre. We are faced with a maze of prob­ for Religious and Social Studies, a ~ Printers and Publishers be outside t.he framework of political parties and lems that we must solve in addition to aliyah, graduate school conducted with the ELIZABETH MALKIN CAM, Hons. B.A.LEO J. LEZACK embrace a wide variety of diaspora Jewry. although that is the foremost . problem," she Editor Advertising Manager The question of aJiyah (immigration), espe­ said. Rabbi Irving Miller, chairman of the Ameri­ cooperation of <:atholic, Jewish and Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg 4, Canada cially from Western Countries, dominated the can Zionist Council, suggested that the Zionist Protestant scholars. Dr. Greenberg Subscription: $4.00 per annum conference. A closely linked problem was the program be revised to lay most stress on aliyah is a mem.b~r of .the executive COID-' Phone 589-7331 Eve. Phone 489-2989 a:bsorption of new settlers. A majority of the and education. rnittee of the Institute on EthiCs and Authorized 8S second elMS mail by the Post Office DeD3rtment. assembled Zionist leaders from Israel and abroad he is a Fellow of the Conference on Ottawa. and for payment of postage .In cash. favored retention of that responsibility by the Science, Philosophy and ,Religion Jewish Agency. The conference urged that the and a leader in its affairs. Zioni,st program be amended to place greater ,Six o " He is the author of "Living as a Israel's Gre,atest Spy" .,emphasis on the fields of Hebrew education, The Day, Baftle Jew Today," the "Ideals and Values .' .. ". .', <~;;; '\ ". aliyah and iilformation. of the Jewish Prayer Book," the Purim has trllditionl3l11y beCoIp.E! an appro­ London, (JCNS) - It was inconceivable that Aryeh L. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Israel would ever again allow Jerusalem to be Hanshon series of textbooks for use priatefestival for ,carnival and masquera~e. Agency, told the conference that Zionists in each in elementBl'Y Hebrew, education, Spies are the greatest masqueraders of all. Fic­ divided, said the Earl of Balfour, nephew of the country should establish a,."-magshimim" move­ first Lord Balfour, when he spoke at a dinner ''The First Year in the 'Hebrew titious stories or plays of intrigue and espionage ment and pledged that the Jewish Agency will Schoolo k Teacher's Guide," and' a ABE RICH•. here recently. ABJi: Y~NOFSKY are capable of generating a. feverish pitch. of series of"brochures on The Conser­ • • • dinn~ render it the fullest support whether or not the He added that Israel had made it very clear C().dIain\lan , •• ," dlJUte.- co-chairlnBn excitement in the reader or viewer. The tensIOn movement is part of the World Zionist Organiza­ vative lMovement· in Judaism, its ~. is doubly fierce when one reads the hiography of indeed that people of all nationalities and creeds tion. Referring to critks of the Jewish Agency should have access to their own holy places in standards, its attitude towards a re&l-life espiohage agent. within the Government and in sections of the Zionism and its teaching regarding "Our Man in Damascus," the story of Israel's Jerusalem. Israeli press, Mr. Pincus said an effort must 'be In a forthright speech about the 'Middle East God, lMan, the Torah and Israel. Dr. Eli Cohen written by Eli Ben-Hanan of Tel Aviv, made to change the atmosphere that surrounds Greenberg has contributed papers situation, Lord Balfour said he could not see , -- journalist' and author, is vivid and authentic, ~nd Zionist matters in Israel and to emphasize the i to the Conference on Science, Phi­ requires no embellishments. The author wntes Israel again allowing "a great handful to be mutual responsibility of Zionists and the Govern­ thrust into her side, virtually dividing the country I losophy and iReligion and the Insti­ with journalistie starkness. ment for relations between Israel and the dias­ into two." ! tute for Religious and Social Studies, First ·printed in October, 1967, the book IS pora. 'Mr. Goldmann said that the importance of , as well as to Jewish and general now in its seventh printing. Within a month of Israel, he stressed, must prevent Syrian 'bat­ aliyah notwithstanding, the success of the Zion­ teries being established on the Golan Heights ed ucational publications. ~e is a pu:blication, it became a best seller. in Israel.. It ist movement cannot be measured solely on how member of the Presidium of the has been translated from Hebrew mto Enghsh, where they could bombard without fear of retaliA­ many olim (immigrants) it 'brings to Israel. tion except from the air., Israel had, he said, , World Council on Jewish EducatiDn. I French, German, Rumanian, and Idish. It. is Mrs. Golda Meir, secretary-general' of the already stated that she had no territorial claims This outstanding contributor to the " published by A.D.M, Publishing House, Tel AVIV. \ new Israel Lalbor Party, proposed the creation in Sinai but Egypt must not be allowed to estab­ cultural life of Judaism is being The author's foreword states that "the book of a new 'body to be run exdusively by Israelis lish bases there from which to launch some sporisored in Winnipeg by the is 'based on fads and events which took place II Shaatey Zedek, Rosh Pina, Cana­ which would incorporate the aliyah (immigra­ further attack. ' : I on the dates and in the places indicated. The tion) and absorption functions of the Israel Gov­ Lord Balfour referred to what he, ealled the dian .Tewish Congress and the YH­ dialogues,," and some of the names, .have been ernment and the Jewish Agency. Mrs. Meir, "Six-Day Battle". He called it a "battle" he said, HA. Tickets are on sale for this changed. in order to complete the picture, and addressing the assembly, said such jl new body because the war._wasIWt·-ov;er yet.""'But·'-Is'rael program at all offices, or the spon- SO as, not tQ prejudice persons still living among made sense because the present Zionist leader­ had won a fantastic victory - probably the soring ol'g~tions. us:"" . ship can only tell Jews !lib road : "go there", greatest military one the world had ever seen - The tale relating how the Egyptian born Eli whereas Israelis can say: "come here", and "this and it was a battle that had completely altered "':JIIi"?~'P.» n """I"": -"t:.'t'r" '~.\'<4~ ".-':: -~..a:a !l Cohen was changed into Kamel Amin Tabet, a may make all the difference" with regard to Record. Turnout Marks T.T~ Dinner MRS. NETTIE KOFFMAN I, the whole Middle East situation and world think­ . dinner project chairman wealthy Syrian bachelor, held us spellbound aliyah. ing and had turned Israel from a small country MRS. LIL ROSENBEllG through all of the book's 185 pages. Particularly Mrs. Meir, herself a veteran of the Zionist in danger of extinction from her neighbors ihto Sharing honors with an enthusi­ . pri>jeet co-chainnan interesting was the account of Cohen's transform­ movement and the former 'Foreign Minister of one of the greatest powers in the Middle East. astic committee of men for the an­ wide interest in the dinner's guest ation from a civilian into an intelligence agent. Israel, took a dim vi~w of the forthcoming W orJd Referring to the early days of Zionist endea­ nual successes of the Men's Child First, Eli had to study codes; he had to learn Zionist Congress in June as an event that will vors to obtain a homeland for the Jews, Lord speaker, and are predicting a new Rescue Dinner, Which sets new sup­ attendance record. to handle tiny cameras, recorders, and a secret in any way affect the problems of aIiyah. "Noth­ Balfour spoke of his uncle's meetings with Weiz­ port records each year, is a dedi~ transmitter. Then he was required to study ing has changed in the field of immigration mann and then about Britain's role as the manda­ iMrs. Koffman also announced that cated women's brigade of the Pio­ the annual Awards Luncheon for enough of the Koran so that he would appear despite the fact that almost a year has elapsed tory power in 'Palestine.
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