Friday, June 29, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 1 The dependent IN Reformer Belize’s Rebel Paper Vol. 2 No. 25 Friday, June 29, 2007 $1.00 YYYankankankeeeeee RippaRippaRippa BushBush SerSerenadesenades CARICOMCARICOM It was a swell party, President George Bush inviting the heads of Caribbean governments to Washington, finally, as his days in the White House wind down. The regional leaders, seldom consulted even though they represent what some in the Beltway call the “soft underbelly” of the Americas as far as homeland se- curity is concerned, were given the chance to present their views, and needs. The conference, convened just a month after CARICOM heads ex- pressed some reluctance over pushing through a free trade agreement with the US, had that trade agreement as a cen- terpiece, although it was deftly sur- OAS top brass, Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza, flanked by Permanent Representative of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ambassador Elsworth John (left) and Assistant Secretary General Ambassador Albert Ramdin of Guyana (right) welcome Caribbean rounded by a host of issues including journalists to a seminar on June 18, the day before the opening of the Conference on the Caribbean violence in the region, health, tourism, education and investment. One key such as in the suggestion that a portion Bush at the US State Department, congress “review the Caribbean Basin component of the Conference on the of remittances should be used for in- Belize’s Prime Minister Said Musa at- Initiative Act and trade arrangements Caribbean was face to face meetings vestment rather than just to meet daily tended a question and answer session with the Caribbean. But not just to re- with Caribbean nationals living in the living needs. It was also pointed out that with members of the diaspora gathered vive the CBI, but to modernize it, ex- United States. to a large extent remittances are circu- at OAS headquarters. He announced tend it in light of events that have taken These were well attended and focused lar, ultimately benefiting the US economy the President indicated he would have (Please Turn To Page 3) primarily on the “brain drain” and re- since a large portion of the money sent mittances. While there was a lot of posi- to family in the Caribbean travels back tive bonding and bridge building, as to the United States when it is used to usual there was some disconnect be- purchase goods and services originated TTopop StudentStudent tween the reality of successful Carib- in the USA. bean Americans and those left at home, Following meetings with President US Ambassador to Belize, Robert Dieter, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Charge D’Affairs Xux-Ek Novelo of Hummingbird Elementary topped the 2007 P.S.E. Mike Mena and CEO Amalia Mai at the opening of the Conference on the Caribbean, (See Story on Teen Page, Pg 11) IMF Headquarters June 19, 2007 Friday, June 29, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 2 Editorial Director LettersLetters toto thethe EditorEditor Ripe for the Taking then set his Master Plan in motion. peaceful revolution; but even he knew Price was at least Belizean by hered- that his days were numbered. Let us Meb Cutlack Dear Editor, ity, character and thinking. Here comes remember his words: “Any man who is Firstly, let me say that the article, this Foreign Entity… hungry, and greedy afraid to speak for freedom is already “Senate Sensation” (June 18, vol.2 beyond comprehension. Will stop at dead.” And Malcolm X who preached no.24) in the Independent reminds me nothing, respects nothing... a True So- that only through force will change truly that there are still some “good people” ciopath. He reminds me of the “Joker” come. “Plymouth Rock landed on us,” left in Belize. I certainly hope that this is in the Batman movie... The Joker says... he said.” He too knew his time was the silent majority coming out of the “Wait till they get a load of me”!!! numbered. Editor woodworks....no offence. Said Musa revolutionized Belize in a It took a couple more Good I am a Belizean living in Toronto, way that Belizeans could not compre- Samartians... John and Bobby Kennedy Canada. I was a Metro Toronto Police hend. He implemented fraud and cor- before true change came. Officer for 15 yrs. I lived in San Pedro ruption to a level where even North The U.S. did change, but at a great Karla Heusner Vernon for a number of years in the late 90’s American Law Enforcement and Judi- cost! and have always maintained strong ties ciary would be baffled and not know Belize can expect the same. and remained informed about my coun- where to start or what to do. Sincerely, try Belize. The problem is that Belize is GONE- Charles Lawrence Payne Belize reminds me of the U.S.S.R. - stolen, taken by a very few. Even the and Lenin’s rise to power. Or Edi Amin’s colonial Brits are starting to look good More Belize All Over General Manager in Uganda. Belize was ripe for the tak- at this point. At least they left us some- Dear Editor, ing! Said Musa saw this and went for it. thing to work with when they pulled out. Have you thought about having a re- The PUP was a well tuned machinery If Barrow wins he will be governing a gional/district section of your paper Trevor Vernon just waiting for a Despotic leader. Said bankrupt country in all respects. debts, which could include pertinent or inter- was smart... blood-lined it into George land, no assets, liabilities etc. etc. esting stories from each district or town? Price’s family and Empire. As he waited, It will be mind blowing when the true This could let those in the rest of the he planned and conspired, building his financial damage finally comes out... if country find out what is happening in Design/Layout Mafia Organization waiting for Manuel it ever does. the different districts, info that might not Esquivel to make his honest mistake. An Two freedom fighters come to mind:. be making the headlines. I know there honest man is soo predictable. Musa Martin Luther King, who preached a (Please Turn To Page 15) William G . Ysaguirrre Comments? Suggestions? or want to share your thoughts & photos? Email us at [email protected] Published by: For an online version of the INdependent Independent Publishing Reformer visit us at Company (of Belize) Ltd. www.belizenorth.com P.O. Box 2666 OR www.belizenews.com Belize City, Belize INdependentThe Telephones: Reformer [email protected] P.O. Box 2666 (501) 225-3520 Belize City, Belize YES! Send me my FREE T-shirt with my year’s subscription of the INdependent (501)600-1627 Reformer“Quote for BZ$60.00 inof Belize the (US$60.00 Week” international) Name (please print) Address Apt. City State Zip Email Address Printed by: Payment Included Bill me later Prices for subscription and postage may vary for subscription outside Belize. National Printers New Road Friday, June 29, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 3 Yankee Rippa, Bush Serenades CARICOM (Continued From Page 1) for ethanol production. place.” Referring to the end of prefer- Prime Minister of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, ential markets for many Caribbean coun- said there were two broad areas discussed tries and drastic changes in relations with with the US leader 1) economic well-being the World Trade Organization and Eu- of the region 2) security and illicit activities, ropean Union. primarily drug trafficking, small arms trade, The promises come even after some deportees and money laundering. banana producing islands are seeing “We know the US will not keep these their economies collapse and some sugar criminals here, but they should help us producing nations have closed their in- reintegrate them into our societies. In dustries and even transformed agricul- terms of financial commitment to fight tural land to golf courses or adapted it (Please Turn To Page 15) The OAS’s Executive Secretary for Integral Development Alfonso Quinonez and Acting Director of the Department of Trade, Tourism and Competitveness, Sonia Johnny gave presentations on the importance of sustainable development Belize’s Prime Minister Said Musa was available for questions from the Caribbean diaspora community, at OAS Headquarters on June 20 Pablo Zuniga, Dept. for State Modernization and Governance and Marguerite Sullivan, Director for International Media Assistance offered support to Caribbean journalists Try all Canned Vegetables Available at your favourite Supermarket or Grocery Store. Distributed by: Grace Kennedy (Belize) Ltd. Bringing Good Taste to Life Friday, June 29, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 4 CaribbeanCaribbeanCaribbean CallingCallingCalling lated lives. I tried not to listen, but it was Hearing this conversation actually As the presenters presented and col- impossible sometimes. Then there were assisted me when I arrived at my leagues collaborated, I think we all re- times when I wanted to listen, “Trinidad destination: the Caribbean Journal- alized what a rare opportunity it is for was great! It reminded me so much of ism Conference in Washington DC. us to get together, due to distances, ex- pense, busy schedules. But we have so “Whenever a government feels it is much in common, whether we are from the larger media houses which feature about to lose an election, they tend to regional news and reporting, or small local papers just starting up. blame the press.” We face the same problems in terms By: Karla Heusner Vernon of getting government advertising—or I was between planes in the Miami Nairobi. Oh? ....No, its way down by It was sponsored by the OAS and not getting it— as governments attempt airport and marveling at how many South America….you have to fly there, like was the first time in a long time I had to squash what they perceive to be op- people were walking around talking to four hours.
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