University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Kaimin, 1898-present Montana (ASUM) 5-28-1929 The Montana Kaimin, May 28, 1929 Associated Students of the University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Associated Students of the University of Montana, "The Montana Kaimin, May 28, 1929" (1929). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 1106. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/1106 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STATE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, MISSOULA. MONTANA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1929. VOLUME XXVIII, NO. 6% BOBCAT SECOND BEST IN DEBATE MEDALS TO BE GIVEN Masquers To SeniorWomen DR. HENRY NEUMANN WILL GIVE TO GRIZZLY BAND MEN W o m en H ave WITH GRIZZLY FORENSIC ARTISTS A T 8. 0 . S. THIS F R ID A Y ADDRESS TO GRADUATING CLASS Initiate; Elect To Be Quests Convocation R u n Smith, University, Aw arded First Place in Intercollegiate Singing-on-the - Steps will Is a Nationally Known Educatin’ and Ethical Culture Leader. New Officers Debate; Ed Eagle, College, Second; H. Fitz­ be held at Main hall at 7:30 gerald, University, Third. Friday evening fo r the last Of “U ” Dorm W ednesday time this year, according to “ Making a Living and Making a mental - or - Progressive - Education Life” will be the subject of the ad­ business. It Is altogether too dan­ Drama Group Will Take in Russell Smith, junior In the Law college won second place, and third Nelson Fritz, Yell King. The Graduating Seniors Will Revision of A. W. S. Con­ I Twenty Pledges. school o f the State University, won place was awarded to Harold Fitz­ new University flag will be dress which Dr. Henry Neumann, gerous. We simply cannot expect first place in the Intercollegiate ex­ gerald of the University. presented as part of the pro­ Dine in Halls, As in nationally known educator, will de­ children, teachers, to take to heart stitution to Be Voted gram and also the medals temporaneous debate contest be­ Six contestants debated individ­ Old Days. liver at the Commencement exer­ what Is taught in these new schools, Upon. Hie Montana Maaquera will meet which are given to students tween Montana University and the ually the question o f the justifica­ cises held in the Men’s gymnasium and at the same time remain good, lit tie Little Theater next Thursday who have been members of State college, held Friday evening tion of the policy of the United at 9:30 the evening of June 10. Dr. upstanding preservers of the ideals jlght to elect officers for the com- the University band for four All senior women who lived in There will be an Associated Wom­ In Bozeman. Edwin Eagle of the States in the Caribbean. Neumann Is leader of the Ethical of the Founding Fathers. bg year and to initiate 20 pledges years. The new Yell King the women's residence halls on the en Students’ convocation Wednesday This was the first debate to be University campus during their Culture society and closely associat­ “ Modern education obliges the afternoon at 4 o’cldck in Main hall Into the organization. will be appointed at this time. held with Bozeman for a number of ed with the Ethical Culture school, teacher to ask herself, 'How long i, Students to be initiated are: J. MILITARY UNIFORMS freshmen year, will be the guests of auditorium. According to Hazel years, and the first extemporaneous North and Corbin halls at dinner both of Brooklyn, and is well known would your pupils stay in your dart Kellett, Ezra Ruyle, George MUST BE TURNED IN Mnmm, A. W. S. president, all mem­ intercollegiate debate to be held in this evening. for the numerous pamphlets and classroom if -they were not com­ bers of the organization should at­ jpiimsn. Curtis Barnes, Gretchen BY TUESDAY, JUNE 4 the state. Those women who are graduating articles which he has published re­ pelled?’ School is getting to be less tend the meeting as revision of the Gayhart, Marian Hobbs, J. E. Mayo. garding ethical training and educa­ The general subject for debate MAJOR GENERAL from the University this quarter are and less a place where children are constitution will • be discussed and Sows Morrell, Esther Edwards, R. 0 . T. C. cadets are re­ tion. He received his B. A. degree was “The United States Foreign invited to the hall in which they compelled to learn. In the new voted upon. iQeorge Husser, Mildred Hacker, quested by the military de­ HINES REVIEWS from the College of the City of New Policy,” and the specific phase of lived as freshmen. Those who lived schools children are encouraged to The A. W. S. executive board 'Badcliffe Maxey, Harold Ruth, Ger­ partment to turn in their uni­ York and his Ph. D. degree from in Craig hall are invited to attend speak up and ask questions about trude Gustafson, Charles Alderson. forms at the time designated this question was decided by Dr. LOCAL R.O. T.C. passed upon the changes advocated the dinner at Corbin hall. While the University of New York. what is on their minds. Some of Helen Maddoek, Dutch Corbly, Uriel on one of the following days: David Barrows, head o f the politi­ at their regular meeting yesterday guests of the halls, the women willl | In his most recent article, “The them dare to ask why America signs Cooper, Frances Erickson and Peg cal science department of the Uni­ afternoon, and as is the annual Monday, June 3,8:30 A. M. Commander of Ninth Corps go back four years to the time they Social Portent in the New Educa­ a peace treaty and at the same time practice, the changes will be sub­ Sharp. to 4 P. M. versity o f California. Contestants A rea Makes Final were freshmen, and enter the din­ tion,” published in “The Survey” builds more cruisers. To the elder­ Following the business meeting Tuesday, June 4, 8:30 A. were given two hours to prepare mitted to A. W. S. members at the Inspection. ing room and take their places as for March 15, Dr. Neumann said. ly and orderly all this is very dis­ ■embers and their guests will at­ M. to 4 P. M. their talks ou the specific phase of convocation Wednesday. The chang­ formerly. “ Something, it would seem, will quieting. Small wonder that the tend a circus party. Any student failing to turn the question. es which are agreeable to the or­ This morning at 11 o’clock the According to Elnore Ayres who have to be done about this ’Expert- regents of a certain state univer­ ganization as a whole will become a in his uniform before 4 Bussell Smith receives the $50 Grizzly battalion appeared for its has charge of the dinner, A. W. S. sity, a few years ago, were asked to part of the constitution. o’clock Tuesday, June 4, will gold medal awarded as first prize. final review and inspection for this plans to sponsor a 'similar dinner find out whether it was not Rus­ be subject to exclusion from Margaret Brown, ’30, was elected BIOLOGICAL FRAT sian propaganda that was respons­ year. The inspection was carried | for the senior women every year, IOWA FORFEITS Big Sister chairman for next fall examinations. A ll radets are ible for the combination of lawless­ out by Major General John L. Hines ! and to make it a tradition if the quarter at the meeting yesterday. WEEK-ENDS AT requested to see that the fol­ ness on the part of the present gen­ FORESTERS GET of the Presidio army post at San dinner this evening is a success. MEMBERSHIP IN She will begin plans for the Big lowing details are carried eration with cartailed clothing and FLATHEAD LAKE Francisco,, California. Sister movement right away. otd: EMPLOYMENT IN BIG TEN GROUP the teaching of the new psychology.” 1. All collar ornaments General Hines is commander of the entire ninth corps-area and Is Concluding the article, Dr. Neu­ Mrs. T. C. Spaulding and R. T. are to be left on blouses. NATIONALPARKS LEADERS CHOSEN Out, After Completion of at present making a tour of inspec­ man said: “ If more and more chil­ Young Accompany 2. All non - commissioned Football Schedule “U” Orchestra to tion of all headquarters and army FOR NEXT YEAR dren get a schooling which increas­ Phi Sigma. officers’ chevrons are to be Students Placed in National Next F a ll ingly rejects the thought of com­ removed from uniforms. posts within his zone. Furnish Music Forests From California IN DORMITORIES pulsion, which encourages them to 3. The R. 0 . T. C. shields To New Hampshire. The general Is one of the few Members of Phi Sigma, honorary Iowa University will be forced to unite freely for purposes of their are to be left on uniforms. World war heroes on the present For Graduation biological fraternity, Mrs. T. C. Olga Hammer of Valier, Cho­ forfeit its membership in the Big own choosing, which trains them 4. Each legging will be active list of the army. He is con­ Spaulding and Dr. R. T. Young, in­ Almost 40 forestry students have sen Student Assistant Ten conference January 1, 1930, by to inquire and think and find out rolled separately and then sidered one o f the best commanders Women’s Glee Club Will As­ structor o f the biology department, been placed in forest service work Director.
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