Established 1865 VOL. 33, NO. 41 $1 HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2018 Cabalgata MARSING HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING goodwill parade brings horses to Homedale streets Organizers envision annual downtown event Hundreds of horses and their riders are expected to celebrate North American goodwill with a parade through Homedale on Sunday. Organizers hope the cabalgata will become an annual event through downtown Homedale. They –– See Parade, page 3A Homedale council looks to future of Huskies faithful heats up western expansion Homecoming festivities Airport engineer contract Above: A Homecoming reveler performs her own personal fi re dance during the bonfi re on renegotiation possible Thursday evening in the fi eld behind the gymnasium on Main Street. A large number of Marsing High Even though there are still empty building lots School students, family, friends, teachers, and other inside city limits, Homedale councilmen will interested parties gathered for the annual event, discuss extending infrastructure out of town to- which also included a car crush, where students night. took turns smashing an already smashed-up car Although nothing is set in stone, the discussion with a sledgehammer. during the 6 p.m. council meeting could set the Right: Seniors Dawson Walker and Katelyn tone for future development into the town’s west- Fewkes were crowned Homecoming King and ern impact area. Queen during a pregame ceremony on Friday at Public works supervisor Bret Smith plans to Marsing’s football fi eld. –– See Homedale, page 3A HMS magnifi es its microscopes The new microscopes will Students in all four grades can now be used when Life Science study science in miniature students are studying cells. Boys and girls taking the Homedale seventh- and help expand the cache of the elective course Diversity in eighth-graders are getting a devices at the school. While Biology will study single- closer look at the world with the seventh- and eighth-graders celled organisms by peering new microscopes. are using the new microscopes, through the eyepiece at Middle school science the school is still using its structures magnifi ed for easier teacher Kim Portwood said existing set. viewing. about 16 microscopes costing a “The old microscopes will Last week, students observed total of $3,000 were purchased be given to the fi fth- and sixth- cell structures by analyzing with school supply funds and a grade students and will be a plant cells as well as skin cells Homedale Middle School science teacher Kim Portwood $200 grant from the Homedale great way to start learning how taken from inside their own (center) inspects the work of seventh-graders Grant Waltman Farmers Market. to use microscopes,” Portwood mouths. (left) and David Piersol during class Thursday. Waltman and The new microscopes said. — JPB Piersol prepared slides of plant and animal cells. Subscribe today Renewable contract? Pg. 2A: BOCC signs pathology pact Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Marching rocks! Pg. 8A: Marsing band channels Led Zeppelin directly to you each Wednesday Bruneau and Beyond, Pg. 9A: Local author speaks at library Only $37.10 (incl. post. & tax) in Owyhee County Call 337-4681 Husky pride, Pg. 1B: Brick fundraiser for new ticket booth Obituaries, 5-6A • Commentary, 6-7B • Looking Back, 8B Page 2A Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Commissioners sign renewing contract with Canyon for pathological services It’s unclear if the contract “Stock” wording will be rewritten to adhere potentially could more specifi cally to state law. The term of the agree- obligate future ment began Oct. 1 and will boards run through Sept. 30, 2019. Homedale chief gets jump on Fire Prevention Week According to the “stock lan- National Fire Prevention Week began Sunday, but Homedale Fire Chief Dennis Uria guage” in the copy of the con- visited Story Time at the Homedale Public Library earlier this month to show children how The Board of County Com- tract obtained by The Owyhee to stay safe in a house fi re. The volunteer fi refi ghters will visit a prechool and Homedale missioners has signed a new Avalanche, the agreement will Elementary School on Thursday to continue the lessons. pathological services agree- automatically renew for one- ment with Canyon County. year terms unless terminated. The contract, signed by Either county can terminate Owyhee County commis- the agreement with a 60-day Lions bingo returns to Marsing sioners on Oct. 1, authorizes written notice. the Canyon County coroner’s There is no mention of a Another season of Marsing If someone bingos on that president Herb Churruca have offi ce to perform autopsies, specifi c yearly renewal vote. Lions Club bingo begins number, they when the been bingo callers in the past. corpse inspections, and pro- Under the contract, Em- Saturday. progressive pot. The hot Other benefi ciaries each year vide related services. Canyon ery and county Coroner Aar- Every year, the Marsing Lions number pot rolls over each include the Sandbar Restaurant County coroner’s offi cials will on Tines have discretion in hold a series of monthly games month until a winner is found, with a Cause and the Marsing also provide court testimony, what services are requested. to raise money for various or the entire pot is folded into High School graduation if necessary. Owyhee County will have causes in the community. the stakes available at the fi nal celebration fund. The contract contains lan- sole jurisdiction at crime The Lions’ community bingo of the year. Games will be played on the guage that implies the agree- scenes. This will also absolve service fund is the benefi ciary Bingo costs include: second Saturday of the month ment will automatically renew the Canyon County coroner of of Saturday’s proceeds. • $1 per early bird sheet except for November, which each year even though state the responsibility to suggest Bingo nights are held • $1 for hot number entry will be moved to the second law prohibits current govern- services. monthly October through April • $15 for the fi rst card of the Friday because of a scheduling ing boards from committing Canyon County will pro- at the Phipps-Watson Marsing regular series of games confl ict. future boards to agreements vide services only after spe- American Legion Community • $5 for a second card for the The club also takes a hiatus or indebtedness. cifi c written requests. Center, 126 N. 2nd St. N. regular series in December. But on Monday, county Compensation for services An early bird game is played Daubers are also sold, and Other dates include: Prosecuting Attorney Douglas provided by Canyon County at 6:45 p.m., followed by the refreshments are available. • Nov. 9 D. Emery said the agreement will include: regular series of 12 games at The Lions Club always has • Jan. 12 uses “stock” language and it • $1,850 for each autopsy 7 p.m. popcorn for the players, too. • Feb. 9 will, in fact, have to be agreed performed. Each night starts with the Club president David • March 9 upon annually with a vote. • $1,300 for each limited selection of a hot number. VanWassenhove and past • April 13 “Those are year-to-year autopsy performed. According agreements, and they hinge to pubmed.org, limited autop- based upon the current need sies are “autopsies that answer of the county and its ability questions about the cause of to pay for it with its budget,” death and the complications of Emery said. the disease and its treatment.” Emery said that, absent • $200 for external forensic some unforeseen circum- inspection. stance, it would likely be re- Owyhee County will reim- newed. burse Canyon County for any “An example would be if additional services performed the county retained its own by a third-party agency or independent pathologist,” he company. said. — TK 337-5588 Open 7:30 am - 6 pm A&S Lumber Monday - Friday & Supply 8 am - 5 pm Saturday 328 Hwy 95 in Homedale Wasp & STOVE Fly Spray We have bug control PELLETS Sprays, Traps, Masks & More FALL IN STOCK! CLEAN-UP TIME! RAKES, BAGS, TRASH CANS PROPANE WHEELBARROWS & MORE! Tanks & Fills New Stock Arriving Weekly Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Page 3A From page 1A √ Parade: Cabalgata has its beginnings in aftermath of Pancho Villa raid bill the event as family friendly parade,” co-organizer Ronnie donated to the Homedale Lions 8-mile ride to the ranch near Event sponsors include and alcohol-free. Soldano said. Club for use in community the Idaho-Oregon line. Fiesta Guadalajara, Las Dos Sunday’s parade is fashioned It’ll cost $30 to participate in service in town. A photographer from Kuna, Pricesas Promotions, Silverios after the annual Ride of Sunday’s colorful and festive The horses will ride out of Soldano is organizing the Carpet LLC, Rancho La Remembrance held each year procession, which will begin Riverside Park, up North Main event with Fiesta Guadalajara Loma and Ground Breaking in Columbus, N.M., to exhibit at 11 a.m., at the Deward Bell Street, turn right onto West restaurants owner Modesto Construction. goodwill between Mexico and Stadium parking lot adjacent Idaho Avenue and continue Vega. Vega because a U.S. The fi rst cabalgata took place the United States. to Riverside Park. Anyone out of town to Rancho La citizen earlier this year, to restore peace, friendship and “We want to do it because in wanting to participate is asked Loma on Sipes Road. There, a Soldano said. goodwill between Mexico and Idaho there is a large population to arrive at the staging area by barbecue and social gathering For more information, the U.S., in Columbus, N.M., of Hispanics and under the 10 a.m.
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