Renaissance Learning, Inc. 9/30/2009 12:27:10 PM Customer Quiz History For: Marina Del Rey Middle School (262714) Sorted Within Quiz Type By: Title Quiz# RL Pts IL Lng Quiz Title Author Order # Type 5 4.3 2.0 MG EN RP "B" Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn ORD0858977 7573 2.0 0.5 LG SP RP ¡Aquí viene el que se poncha! Kessler, Leonard ORD0793265 9506 3.0 0.5 LG SP RP ¡Verdadera historia de los tres cerditos! Scieszka, Jon ORD1986230 8451 7.5 6.0 UG EN RP 100 Questions and Answers About AIDS Ford, Michael ORD1367087 18751 3.9 5.0 MG EN RP 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents Wardlaw, Lee ORD1986230 101453 5.0 9.0 UG EN RP 13 Little Blue Envelopes Johnson, Maureen ORD2650839 39863 5.1 6.0 UG EN RP 145th Street: Short Stories Myers, Walter ORD2650839 26051 8.4 3.0 MG EN RP 14th Dalai Lama: Spiritual Leader of Tibet Stewart, Whitney ORD0840678 11101 7.7 1.0 MG EN RP 16th Century Mosque Macdonald, Fiona ORD1920264 661 4.7 4.0 MG EN RP 18th Emergency Byars, Betsy ORD0793265 5976 8.9 17.0 UG EN RP 1984 Orwell, George ORD1986230 30561 5.2 3.0 MG EN RP 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Vogel, Malvina ORD1913841 523 10.0 28.0 MG EN RP 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne, Jules ORD1876140 (Unabridged) 34791 9.0 12.0 UG EN RP 2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur ORD1986230 34787 7.8 13.0 UG EN RP 2010: Odyssey Two Clarke, Arthur ORD1986230 34785 8.3 11.0 UG EN RP 2061: Odyssey Three Clarke, Arthur ORD1986230 11592 3.8 1.0 MG EN RP 2095 Scieszka, Jon ORD2350471 593 5.6 7.0 MG EN RP 25 Cent Miracle Nelson, Theresa ORD1180968 34786 8.3 9.0 UG EN RP 3001: The Final Odyssey Clarke, Arthur ORD1180968 166 4.6 4.0 MG EN RP 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie ORD0858977 9001 4.0 1.0 LG EN RP 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Seuss, Dr. ORD1876140 46278 5.6 4.0 MG EN RP 6-321 Laser, Michael ORD1986230 413 4.7 2.0 MG EN RP 89th Kitten Nilsson, Eleanor ORD0793265 8851 6.1 9.0 UG EN RP A. B. C. Murders Christie, Agatha ORD0793265 19378 4.6 4.0 MG EN RP Abby and the Mystery Baby Martin, Ann ORD0793265 19385 4.5 4.0 MG EN RP Abby and the Notorious Neighbor Martin, Ann ORD0793265 19373 4.9 4.0 MG EN RP Abby and the Secret Society Martin, Ann ORD0793265 19346 4.9 4.0 MG EN RP Abby's Lucky Thirteen Martin, Ann ORD0793265 6030 6.0 8.0 UG EN RP Abduction Newth, Mette ORD1384672 101 5.9 3.0 MG EN RP Abel's Island Steig, William ORD0950544 8151 7.7 10.0 UG EN RP Abode of Life Correy, Lee ORD0950544 14931 3.0 3.0 MG EN RP Abominable Snowman of Pasadena Stine, R.L. ORD2090281 18652 5.2 1.0 LG EN RP Abraham Lincoln D'Aulaire, Ingri ORD1986230 29341 5.3 2.0 MG EN RP Abraham's Battle Banks, Sara ORD1986230 5524 4.1 0.5 LG SP RP Abran paso a los patitos McCloskey, Robert ORD0793265 12573 5.1 6.0 MG EN RP Absolutely True Story...How I Visited... Roberts, Willo ORD0858977 108588 5.6 10.0 UG EN RP Abundance of Katherines Green, John ORD2650839 102718 4.8 5.0 MG EN RP Accidental Love Soto, Gary ORD3015297 6001 5.2 3.0 LG EN RP Ace: The Very Important Pig King-Smith, Dick ORD1180968 8452 7.8 3.0 UG EN RP Across America on an Emigrant Train Murphy, Jim ORD1367087 102 6.6 10.0 MG EN RP Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene ORD0950544 6901 4.6 8.0 UG EN RP Across the Grain Ferris, Jean ORD1384672 36046 4.6 4.0 MG EN RP Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary ORD1293459 11701 4.8 8.0 UG EN RP Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me Johnston, Julie ORD1986230 1 6.5 9.0 MG EN RP Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth ORD0858977 36908 8.0 14.0 UG EN RP Addicted to Danger Wickwire, Jim ORD1986230 301 4.9 4.0 MG EN RP Addie Across the Prairie Lawlor, Laurie ORD1986230 6301 4.6 4.0 MG EN RP Addie's Dakota Winter Lawlor, Laurie ORD1986230 Page 1 of 89 Renaissance Learning, Inc. 9/30/2009 12:27:10 PM Quiz# RL Pts IL Lng Quiz Title Author Order # Type 451 4.6 2.0 LG EN RP Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein Hurwitz, Johanna ORD0793265 20251 4.3 1.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Captain Underpants Pilkey, Dav ORD2056136 29468 4.9 3.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Laiken, Deidre ORD1913841 501 6.6 18.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark ORD1876140 (Unabridged) 109092 7.7 2.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Marco Polo Freedman, Russell ORD2650839 401 3.3 1.0 LG EN RP Adventures of Ratman Weiss, Ellen ORD0793265 30506 5.9 3.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Vogel, Malvina ORD1913841 30517 5.7 3.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vogel, Malvina ORD1913841 30525 5.3 2.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Tom Sawyer Laiken, Deidre ORD1913841 502 8.1 12.0 MG EN RP Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged) Twain, Mark ORD1876140 26133 9.3 2.0 UG EN RP Afghanistan...in Pictures Geography-Department, ORD0840678 18653 3.1 0.5 LG EN RP Africa Brothers and Sisters Kroll, Virginia ORD0793265 6401 5.6 4.0 MG EN RP After Fifth Grade, the World! Mills, Claudia ORD1180968 351 3.8 8.0 MG EN RP After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret ORD0798871 5201 4.5 3.0 LG EN RP After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy ORD0858977 352 3.7 8.0 UG EN RP After the Rain Mazer, Norma ORD0798871 71140 5.2 5.0 UG EN RP Afterlife Soto, Gary ORD3015297 353 5.0 4.0 MG EN RP Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet ORD0798871 26057 6.5 3.0 MG EN RP Agatha Christie: Writer of Mystery Dommermuth-Costa, Carol ORD0840678 10826 8.8 19.0 UG EN RP Age of Innocence Wharton, Edith ORD1180968 201 5.3 5.0 MG EN RP Agony of Alice Naylor, Phyllis ORD0798871 5901 5.1 0.5 MG EN RP Aida Price, Leontyne ORD1180968 102137 4.4 6.0 MG EN RP Airball: My Life in Briefs Harkrader, Lisa ORD2650839 69010 4.8 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000 Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 47403 5.7 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko and the Great Wall of Trudd Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 61266 5.6 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko and the Intergalactic Zoo Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 75289 4.7 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko and the Journey to Toog Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 53556 5.5 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko in the Castle of Alia Rellapor Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 42797 5.7 3.0 MG EN RP Akiko in the Sprubly Islands Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 45101 5.7 4.0 MG EN RP Akiko on the Planet Smoo Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 86067 5.6 5.0 MG EN RP Akiko: The Training Master Crilley, Mark ORD2650839 74909 3.5 7.0 MG EN RP Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer ORD2350471 9901 6.3 1.0 MG EN RP Al Gore: Vice President Stefoff, Rebecca ORD1180968 20151 3.8 0.5 LG EN RP Alabama Welsbacher, Anne ORD0793265 5051 3.3 5.0 MG EN RP Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron ORD0798871 7101 6.1 16.0 UG EN RP Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat ORD1729577 20152 4.7 0.5 LG EN RP Alaska Italia, Bob ORD0793265 26106 8.8 2.0 UG EN RP Albania...in Pictures Geography-Department, ORD0840678 651 4.7 2.0 LG EN RP Aldo Applesauce Hurwitz, Johanna ORD0793265 5401 4.8 2.0 MG EN RP Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna ORD1180968 5202 3.5 1.0 LG EN RP Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Krull, Kathleen ORD0858977 452 3.2 1.0 LG EN RP Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen ORD0793265 108597 9.1 1.0 MG EN RP Alex Rider, the Gadgets Horowitz, Anthony ORD2650839 5451 3.7 0.5 LG EN RP Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Viorst, Judith ORD1180968 Good, Very Bad Day 26085 8.7 2.0 UG EN RP Algeria...in Pictures Geography-Department, ORD0840678 17751 4.8 5.0 UG EN RP Alice in Lace Naylor, Phyllis ORD1876140 5052 4.9 6.0 UG EN RP Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis ORD0798871 503 7.8 10.0 MG EN RP Alice in Wonderland and Through the Carroll, Lewis ORD1876140 Looking-Glass 12373 2.9 0.5 LG EN RP Alice Nizzy Nazzy, the Witch of Santa Fe Johnston, Tony ORD1986230 18654 3.0 0.5 LG EN RP Alicia's Tutu Pulver, Robin ORD0793265 Page 2 of 89 Renaissance Learning, Inc. 9/30/2009 12:27:10 PM Quiz# RL Pts IL Lng Quiz Title Author Order # Type 18951 3.7 4.0 MG EN RP Alien Applegate, K.A. ORD0793265 402 3.2 1.0 LG EN RP Aliens for Breakfast Etra, Jonathan ORD1986230 5203 3.7 1.0 LG EN RP Aliens for Lunch Etra, Jonathan ORD1986230 19776 7.7 19.0 UG EN RP Alive Read, Piers ORD2022420 302 4.0 3.0 MG EN RP All About Sam Lowry, Lois ORD1986230 39556 4.5 0.5 LG EN RP All About Turtles Arnosky, Jim ORD1180968 726 6.8 26.0 UG EN RP All Creatures Great and Small Herriot, James ORD1986230 20051 4.2 3.0 MG EN RP All Is Well Litchman, Kristin ORD1876140 251 3.8 3.0 MG EN RP All New Jonah Twist Honeycutt, Natalie ORD0793265 17301 2.4 0.5 LG EN RP All of Our Noses Are Here and Other Schwartz, Alvin ORD0793265 Noodle Tales 701 6.0 10.0 UG EN RP All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich ORD1367087 10827 6.8 36.0 UG EN RP All the King's Men Warren, Robert ORD0793265 20052 3.7 4.0 MG EN RP All the Money in the World Brittain, Bill ORD1876140 16703 7.8 21.0 UG EN RP All the President's Men Bernstein, Carl ORD1986230 53782 4.5 5.0 MG EN RP All the Way Home Giff, Patricia ORD1986230 7102 6.7 23.0 UG EN RP All Things Bright and Beautiful Herriot, James ORD1729577 5351 4.1 2.0 LG EN RP All Together Now Hughes, Dean ORD0858977 26059 7.0 3.0 MG EN RP Allan Pinkerton: The Original Private Eye Josephson, Judith ORD0840678 82196 5.3 6.0 MG EN RP Allies of the Night Shan, Darren ORD3015297 35803 9.4 3.0 UG EN RP Alligators: Beneath the Blackwater Sleeper, Barbara ORD1180968 105510 3.2 3.0 UG EN RP All-Night Party Stine, R.L.
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