i ii JAVANESE LOCAL WISDOM IN WEDHATAMA PART I iii Laws of the republic of Indonesia No.19 of 2002 concerning Copyright Copyright Scope 1. Copyright is an exclusive right for an Author or a Copyright Holder to announce or reproduce his Work, which arises automatically after a work is born without reducing restrictions in accor- dance with applicable laws and regulations. Criminal Provisions 1. Anyone who intentionally or without the right to commit acts as referred to in Article 2 para- graph (1) or Article 49 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be sentenced to a minimum impris- onment of 1 (one) month each and / or a minimum fine Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah), or a maximum imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). 2. Anyone who intentionally broadcasts, exhibits or sells to the public a Work or goods resulting from infringement of Copyright or Related Rights as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be sen- tenced to a maximum of 5 years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 5.00,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah). iv JAVANESE LOCAL WISDOM IN WEDHATAMA PART I DR. ESTI ISMAWATI, M.PD DR. WARSITO, M.PD TRANSLATOR: DRA. SRI HARYANTI, M.HUM v First published 2021 by Gambang Buku Budaya Perum Mutiara Palagan B5 Sleman-Yogyakarta 55581 Phone: +62 856-4303-9249 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission inwriting from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Indonesia Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data JAVANESE LOCAL WISDOM IN WEDHATAMA/Esti Ismawati & Warsito xi + 158 hlm; 16 x 24 cm ISBN: 978-623-7761-02-0 Contain & cover design by Afaf El Kurniawan vi THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH PRODUCTS FUNDED BY THE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY AND HIGHER EDUCATION NUMBER SP DIPA DATE 05 DECEMBER 2018. RESEARCH TITLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL WISDOM-BASED LITERATURE TEACHING MATERIAL IN SERAT WEDHATAMA, WULANG REH, AND TRIPAMA AS CONTRIBUTION OF JAVANESE CULTURE TO GLOBAL WORLD RESEARCHERS DR. ESTI ISMAWATI, M.PD DR. WARSITO, M.PD TRANSLATOR: DRA. SRI HARYANTI, M.HUM PUBLISHED BY GAMBANG BUKU BUDAYA PUBLISHER OF YOGYAKARTA IN THE ORDER OF DISSEMINATION OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH RESULTS IMPLEMENTATION YEAR IN 2019 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE__ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS__xi CHAPTER I LOCAL WISDOM AND HOW TO PASS IT A. Definition of Local Wisdom__1 B. Javanese Local Wisdom__5 C. Ways of Local Wisdom Inheritance__14 D. Summary__22 CHAPTER II FORMS OF JAVANESE CULTURE AS LOCAL WISDOM A. Forms of Culture__24 B. Javanese Local Culture__32 C. Contribution of Javanese Local Culture__37 D. Summary__44 CHAPTER III LURIK WEAVING AS LOCAL WISDOM A. Introduction__45 B. Weaving and Weaving Process__49 C. Udan Berkah Motifs and Women’s Bag Industry Design__66 D. Summary__71 viii CHAPTER IV LOCAL WISDOM IN SERAT WEDHATAMA A. A Brief Biography of KGPAA Mangkunegara IV__72 B. Introduction of Serat Wedhatama and other Works__73 C. Previous Examiners of Wedhatama__82 D. Summary__92 CHAPTER V EDUCATION VALUES IN WEDHATAMA A. Introduction__93 B. Contents of Values in Wedhatama__94 C. Principal Teachings of Wedhatama__97 D. Summary__99 CHAPTER VI NOBLE VALUES IN WEDHATAMA A. Character Education__100 B. Outline of the Wedhatama Teachings__102 C. Implementation of Character Values in Life__106 D. Summary__107 CHAPTER VII MANGKUNEGARAN PALACE AS A CULTURAL HERITAGE A. Introduction__108 B. Mangkunegaran Cultural Heritage__110 C. Parts of the Mangkunegaran Palace__117 D. Summary__120 ix CHAPTER VIII THE UPHEAVAL OF MANGKUNEGARA IV’S SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS IN WEDHATAMA A. Introduction__122 B. Education and Character Building__124 C. Mangkunegara IV Local Wisdom in Clothing__127 D. Wedhatama as the Culmination of Mangkunegara IV Local Wisdom__129 E. Opening Poem of Serat Wedhatama__130 REFERENCES__135 APPENDIX__141 x PREFACE Praise be to Allah SWT, God Almighty that has given His grace and guidance so that this textbook can be published. This book is the result of the First Year Development Research funded by the Directorate of Research and Community Service of the Director General of Reinforcement Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in accordance with the Research Contract DIPA- / 2019 in the 2019 fiscal year. The title of this book Javanese Local Wisdom in Wedhatama, is a cultural heritage of our ancestors that is still relevant until now. Local wisdom produced by this research is not only from the aspect of language, but also from aspects outside the language, in this case the striated (lurik) weaving handicraft which is also a cultural heritage of the ancestors. In the first year of this research, we present the patent of Udan Berkah Weaving motif from Klaten, industrial design of women’s bags with the letters Wedhatama and Wulang Reh written on one side and Infinit van Klaten on the other side, ISMA 59 trademark, and two-way weaving draft patent designs. What has been achieved in the first year is as the basic capital for the second year with the specification of the topic to be studied is the Literary Tourism and manuscripts of Wulang Reh by Paku Buwana IV of the Palace of Kasunanan Surakarta. This book consists of 8 chapters (without chapter 2 in Indonesian version) and an appendix of the Wedhatama manuscript studied in the first year. The presentation of the book is as follows: Chapter I: LOCAL WISDOM AND HOW TO PASS IT Chapter II: FORMS OF JAVANESE CULTURE AS LOCAL WISDOM Chapter III: LURIK WEAVING AS LOCAL WISDOM Chapter IV: LOCAL WISDOM IN SERAT WEDHATAMA Chapter V: EDUCATION VALUES IN WEDHATAMA Chapter VI: NOBLE VALUES IN WEDHATAMA Chapter VII: MANGKUNEGARAN PALACE AS A CULTURAL HERITAGE xi Chapter VIII: THE UPHEAVAL OF MANGKUNEGARA IV’S SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS IN WEDHATAMA Appendix: Wedhatama Manuscripts studied. The preparation of this book is inseparable from the intervention of various parties, who have helped from beginning to end. Therefore, we express our deepest gratitude to: 1. Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc, Ph.D., the Director of Research and Community Service of Director General of Research Strengthening and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and National Research & Innovation Agency. 2. Prof. Dr. Triyono, M.Pd., as the Rector of Widya Dharma University 3. Arif Julianto SN, SE, M.Si., as the Head of LPPM Unwidha Klaten. 4. Prof. Dr. Herman J. Waluyo, M.Pd., as the Director of the Postgraduate Program at Widya Dharma University 5. Indonesian Literature and Language Teachers in Klaten city and students who are willing to be respondents in the feasibility test which includes pretest and posttest, as well as PBSI students at Semester III and Semester VII of Unwidha Klaten. 6. The resource persons, RM Darajadi Gondodiprojo and R.Ngt. Dra. Darweni, M.Hum from Puro Mangkunegaran Surakarta. 7. Development Research FGD Team both from campus and from outside the campus, especially the Surakarta Mangkunegaran library staff and resource persons. We realize that this book is still far from being perfect; therefore, we receive suggestions and constructive criticism for perfection. Thank you. Klaten, October 18, 2020 Chief Researcher Dr. Esti Ismawati, MPd NIP 19611018 198803 2 001 xii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS All praise is due to Allah Almighty who has bestowed mercy and fortune so that this research is completed without getting in the way. One of the development research products funded by the Directorate of Research and Technology DRPM is the book you are currently reading. We are grateful to various parties who have helped carry out research until the realization of this book: Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, MSc, Ph.D, Director of Research and Community Service of the Ministry of Research, Technology and National Research & Innovation Agency who has given an opportunity for research and adequate funding, also to Prof. Karna Widjaya, MSc, Ph.D (UGM) and Prof. Ir. Totok Agung, MSc, Ph.D (UNSOED) who has given motivation. Sri Paduka Mangkunegara IX from the Mangkunegaran Palace in Solo, Mrs. Dra. Darweni, MHum and Bayun Marsiwi, SS as informants from the Solo Mangkunegaran Library, and RM Darajadi Gondodiprojo, the oldest person in community and descendant of Mangkunagara IV, as the leader of Wisma Gondopuri. Prof. Triyono, M.Pd., the Rector of Widya Dharma University of Klaten, Arif Julianto SN, SE, M.Si. Head of the LPPM Unwidha Klaten, Kun Andyan Anindito, SS, M.Li. Publisher of Gambang Buku Budaya Yogyakarta who has realized this book and all parties who cannot be mentioned one by one. Hopefully all the good deeds of all whom mentioned above get a reward in kind from Allah Almighty and may this book be of use to the global world in order to preserve the beautiful local wisdom of Java. Suggestions, criticisms and input are greatly accepted that we can make the next edition better. Klaten, October 18, 2020 Dr. Esti Ismawati, M.Pd. Dr. Warsito, M.Pd. xiii xiv CHAPTER I LOCAL WISDOM AND HOW TO PASS IT A. Definition of Local Wisdom Local wisdom consists of two words, namely local and wisdom. Local etymologically means something that comes from the region itself, something that comes from the original area. In KBBI (the big Indonesian Dictionary) local has 3 meanings. Local is a homonym, because the meanings have the same spelling and pronunciation but the meaning is different. Local as a noun states the name of a person, place, or all objects and everything that is nominalized.
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