i - H I • ' ■ ' — — The Weather ATtrAge Daily Net Firess Ron ForeeiMt of V. S. Weather Bneaa For tho Week Ended Joke 4th, 1960 Oloiidineae, mild tontght. Low In. 60a, Tneedagr wamy a chaaea of A. ecatte i ^ ahoweia aad thnate* 13,125 •howero bi aftenioon aad e«eala(. Member at the Audit High In aOe. ' Bureau at CSrcnlatloB Manchester— A City of Village Charm ^RfAlfCHESTER, CONN., MONfDAY, JULY 18, I960 (CtaaaifM Advertising on Page U) PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXXIX, NO. 245 (FOURTEEN PAGES) Ikeda F Powers’ Trial Slated Aug. 17 Iron L e f tjr^i^Crisis Moscow, July 18 (A*t—Aug. lum 17 has been fixed for the trial ine Strike of Francis Gary Powers, the American U2 pilot shot doSvn over Soviet territory May 1, Tokyo. July 18 (jiPj-^Tough, Tass announced today. Pow- • outspoken Hayato Ikeda was era is charged 'with espionage, elected prime minister of Ja­ for which the maximim^sen- Hartford, July 18 <)P)— Irontwith both sid^o^day. but they tence is death by sjiodting. were unabjo^o produce an agree­ pan today and immediately The 30-year-oW,'pnot will be Workers Locals in Hartford ment, , faced an explosive leftwing tried in openoourt before the and New Hav'en today kept unions also ask continuation crisis at a strife-tom Kyushu military sqetion of the Su­ their men off construction the current pension and her/.h coal mine. preme Court of the USSR the jobs because of a contrac^ and welfare payment provisions, - The 60-year-old financial expert So'vjet'^news agency said. pute with contractors and the right of "referral” where­ won overwhelming approval over by the union would have the power two Socialist opponents in hot! ^ e d Willlaina. buMneSMgent of to approve those hired fpr jobs. Local 424 of the,>c^^L.-CIO Struc­ houses of parliament to succei' ‘Situation Serious,’ tural Iron Worttera Union, denied The association, which points out Nobusuke Kishi, who stepped out 3 Boys Seized the unlqpa^ere striking. that workers are now getting 64,10 after 3',i years in o/fiqe. Kishi is He,^^aaid the members Just de- per hour, feels that pension and recovering from leg stab wounds health and welfare coverage should inflicted by a rightist assailant By Police for 6d not to work without a con- be eliminated if 'such, a 2-cent boost Foreign Chief Says "tract. is put in. It also wants the elim­ July 14. Charles F. Grisham, executive ination of the right of referral. Ikeda began selecting his cab­ Shooting Man vice president o f the Connecticut inet for installation within a few Charles F. Grisham, executive State Chapter of the Associated days.' Brussels, Belgium, July 18 (/P)— The cabinet met in emer* ■ i T ' General Contractors, said the ac­ secretary of the association, said A continuation of pro-western Berlin, July 18 (iT*)—Three today that' iron workers are "ex­ gency session today, to consider the Congo’s threat to ask for tion of the locals was a strike. ceptionally well paid, compared to policies through alliance with New Britain boy^ were taken Soviet troops unless Belgian soldiers are withdrawn by to* One large job on which work was other skilled trades In the state. America is assured, although the into custody today by State morrow. halted today by the iron workers “ He said that other trades have government is expected to be short-livedr New nationwide par­ Police in connection with the “The situation is very serious,” Foreign Minister Pierra were the I>aSalette Sem inary now signed new pacts for 15 cents and accidental shooting yesterday under construction In Cheshire. less Per hour. liamentary elections are planned Wigny told reporters after the mectirig. Fifteen iron workers were employ­ Also, he said, most of the iron this fall. of a Berlin fisherman. Ministers emerged from the session with tense, tired faces. ed on that job. workers do not undertake “ hazard­ Ikeda's election never was in State Police from the' Hartford None but the foreign minister would comment. A government About 600 iron workers in the ous duty” jobs.. Contractors now doubt. The Liberal-Democratic Troop identified one of them as spokesman emphasized, however, that Belgian troops are in pay in 15 cents an hour for pension party, which has sizable majorities Ronald 3^ Laskey, 16. of 109 Rich­ State are affected by the dispute. ards St., "New Britain. The other the Congo trying to save lives and would remain as hmg Williams said, however, that and eight cents for health and wel­ fare, in addition to regular pay. (Continued on Page Nine) two boys were not identified be as needed. from 30 to 44 Independent con­ cause of their ages, 15. tractors have signed new contracts Wigny left for The Hague to inform his colleagues of the with the union. He said these in­ T h e aiithorities said the three five other European Economic Community nations about the dependents handle iron work qn a boys had been camping in the ^Igian position toward the -Congo. The others are France, sub-contract basis and consequent­ Swing to Reds Slowing Brickyard and had been shooting at birds, tin cans and other tarr W'est Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. ly some large projects will not be gets with two .22 caliber rifles. affected by today's work stoppage. One of the shots hit Walter Gle- Leopoldville, Congo, July 18 )— Swedish Maj. Gen. Carl — The-unlons said-Friday the Iron niewski, -owner-*—of —the. Berlin (/P workers would be orders to stay Trucking Co., who was fishing with Ton Horn ldday to6k~cornrnand of U.N. Tfillitary forces in away 'from their Jobs If - the con­ T^uba Si. his brother-m-law, CaSmlr Kozi- the Congo as Congolese officials threatened to ask Russian tractors failed to sign a work kowski, of 44 (Jrescent St.. New troops to intervene. agreement. Britain, at the Old Brickyard Von horn and his staff arrived The two Iron Workers Locals are Pond. ' from Palestine, where he has-head­ seeking 20 cent more an hour re­ Havana Crowds Yell CSenlewicz was taken to New ed the U.N. Truce Mediation Com­ UAQ 2 Unions troactive to July 1, anqther S Britain General Hospital where his mission. Troops for his force were cents on Jan. 1, an additional 20 condition was given as "not seri­ already on hand from foUr African cents next July 1, and 20 cents By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ou s” although a bullet remained nations—Ghana. Tunisia, Morocco Meet Tuesday more on July 1, 1962. lodged In his right, shoulder. Hi and Ethiopia --- but most of the “ Cuba si, Russia no!” shouted crowds of Catholics follo'w- New Britain Police were notified The contractors best offer so far ing an anti-Communist Mass yesterday at Havana’s Cathe­ job of trying to restore order still Is reportedly 15 cents an hour this and they searched the area. Det. To Renew Talk dral. It was the most spectacular anti-Red demonstration Stanley Mickiewicz foupd Stanley fell on the 6,000 Belgian troops year and another 15 cents next^ fanned out over the vast new Cen­ year. The present wage scale Is since Fidel Castro’s regime took the turn to the left. Brofr, 436 Crescent St., Berlin, owmer of the property, not far tral African nation. Hartford, .July 18 (/P> — Face-to- 64.10 an hour. In a switch from the "Cuba si.*' The continued presence of the face talks between the Interna­ Federal and state mediators met Yajikees no!” chanted by Castro's from the scene of the shooting. .Rroff told police he had used Rare Photo of Eichmann Belgian troops .angered the gov­ tional Association of Machinists followers on every occasion, ernment of Premier Patrice Lu­ and United Aircraft Corp. will re- churchgoers vented their feelings rifle to shoot turtles in the' pond Former Nazi Col. Adolph Eichmann. now aw-aiting trial in Israel but denied firing any shots at the mumba. and a cabinet minister an­ •sunie Tue.sday morning at. the against the government trend fol­ State News for mass murder of Jews during World War II, posed Tor this time Cieniewicz was shot. nounced that the Soviet Union Statler Hilton. Small Parties lowing a Mass dedicated to “\ic- photo in 1955, w'hile in hiding in South America. Taken at Por­ would be asked to send in troops This was announced this noon by tims of Communist persecution.” Broff was released after ques­ to Alegre, in southern Brazil, it is one of the few photos of Eich­ State Labor Commissioner Renato tioning and no charges were placed unless Belgium withdrew her A handful o f hecklers had to be Roundup mann known .to exist that werf taken while ha waa in hiding. forces within three days. The Bel­ E. Ricciuti as thq multi-plant In Italy Stand rescued by a police car when they •gainst him. (Photo copyright Look Magaaina.) State Police, entering, the search gians made no move to comply. strike. largest in Connecticut’s his­ shouted. "Cuba si! Yankees no!” at But western officials were gravely tory. went into its 42nd day. the .throng which poured into Ca­ at the request of New Britain Po­ Against Reds lice, found two of the boys at their, concerned over the development. The announcement by Ricciuti, thedral Square f611o\ving the Mass. Pinball Games The Congolese minister charged Men and woman pounded on the camp site in the shooting area one of Governor Rlbicoff'a top around 2 a.m.
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