ANNUAL REPORTS OF T HE OFFICERS OF TilE Town of Bedford FOR THE Financial Year Ending February 1, 1909 BOSTON: THE WORCESTER PRESS, PRINTERS OLD SOUTH B UILDING 1909 z 3 Officers, 1908-1909. Trumu Bed/urd Free Public Library. Town Abram E. Browu, term e.A"J?ires 1911. / <::eorge R. Blinn, term expires 19~. 2- Charles W. Jenks, term expire, 1909. Elihu G. Loomis, term expires 1910. 'e(('Ctmen. To,,ether with the chairman of the Board of Selectmen, chairman oi . d m expires 1910. 1911 ,he S~hool Committee and pastors of the three churches. George )1. Dimon H' ter rd D ~kelton tenu exp1~d . expire,. 100 owa · ~ In·iog L. Hode: on, tern, • Shaicaheen CemdenJ Commitlu. .-t w.-s11r . Charle.,, \\·. Jenks, tenn expires 1910. .\bram E. Brown, term expires 1911. · George R. Bliun, term expires 1909. Willi.:! G. Lane, l~~~i1:1£~j;~t\J~~•: 8:~r::t!-~1~·tcnn p-,:pire, 190\I. Consiables. O'CC'surs of the Poor. 1 Charle, E. Willi..'l~. .-\. Elmer Blake. Thom.'\S R~·an. · 1909 \v·1t· B Hu.,he, t erm expires- HHI.II t m exf:1re,, • · 9 Edward \\'abh. Edward P. Kelley. • 'I iam . .., \\'illiam G. Rar1we . er I' ·, ··11·om,; term l'Xpire., I 10 ('ha rle, '.. I 1" • F ield Drirers. To1r11 Clerk. Pa trick Rooue,·. W'illiam H . )ludgt•. I. Brown 1en11 expire;: 1911 H. Howe. ~ \br '"uu .. , (:eorge Quincy . Cole. Collertr,r Qj Ta:r~ Tutnt rrcasurer. .\. Elmer Blake. (;eorge .\rtbur :-kehon. Pound Kt!eper. The ~uperintendent of the Town Fann. Tuu·11 .I cu/it,,r~. I I I • I l I • :-hem,an G. Rich. Wallace C. ""ehber. Tree Warden . II 'ate,· Commissio11crs. Charles W. Jenks. · I term expire.- 191 1. · 910 (;eor~e ~I. D11non1\e· 11n· I). L,·01L~ . term exp1r(", lB. k:e 1er111 e" p1re, 1909. Par/: C<rmmiasioner8, · · Charle~ .\ • ur · :-1ephe 11 .\ . \\ ood. lf. D., tenn expires 1009. • Boorvl i!/ //rolth. Elihu G. Loomis, term expires 1910. D . ~keltoo. Olh·er J. Lane. term expire- 1911. George )I. Dimond. Howanl lnin~ I.. llodg1l011. i-:,chool ('ommillee. Fence 1· inccrs. IO . In·i111,r L. Hodgdon. David L.B. Fitch. .. - I ll T :-11110II. ( I, . !Cl·111 CXl)Ll'e3• 19• - 1911 William G. Hanwell. )I~. \\ nnfrec . 1,·1··11u C. l,00111i,. te~m exp11rc"H - . tenu expire.- 1909 . • I En,e,t I . o.,mer. ·un~yors of £,,mber. Rtyiitrar8 oJ l"oters. \\'illinm Thomp$0n. Lane. Howard IJ. :-\kelton, Oli\'er J. Edwin A. Hartwell. G~r!(e )I. Dimond. C. Willard Plastridge. Daniel E. Hayne,,. Herbert L. Clark. C'h.'lrles H. Clark. .\hmm E. Bro\\n. Quincy •. Cole. Roger ""· Brown. .,11rrry11r ,if llighiroy~. Da\'ill I.. B. Fiteh. ~Decea.,,ed Aug. 12, 1908. 4 Officers .Appointed, 1908-1909 TOWN CLERK'S REPORT. By the Board of Selectmen. Pdi.ce Officer, Edward P . Kelley. Special Police. Warrant For Town Meeting, March 2 1 1908. ·watlace G. Webber. Harry L. Challies. Daniel E. Baynes. Everett F. Wright. William Thompson. Jacob Tingley. Engi neers of Fire Depa.-tnuml. John Q. B lake. Immanuel Pfeifier, Jr. Charles E. Williams. Forest TI"arden, Charles E. Williams. }liddlesex. ss. '-- Sealer of Treighls and .lleasures, Edwin A. Hart"-ell. Public W eighers. T!) either n/ the Constables of the Tmrn of B edford. Greeting: R W Brown Hiram E . Young-. Elihu G. Loomis. oger ·eatberi~e~E. O'Dowd. John l snor. In t he name of the Commonwealth of }Iassachusett , you Gaugers of Liquid JIeosu,-es. H . Oliver Staples. are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town Charles H . Clark. Oliver J. Lane. Jnspedll1"~0f Pro,;isions. of Bedford. qualified by law to Yote in Elections and Town lnttpector of .-lnimals. Cbarl;s H. Wood. affai1 ~, to meet in the Town Hall in said Bedford. on }Iondar , Charles H. Wood. • II Keeper of Lockup, Edward P. Ke . ey. the second day of i\'.Iarch ne:.\."t. at seven (7 ) o'clock in the Burial .-tgent, .\ bram E. Brown. forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles of JIeasurers of lTood and Bark. the Town Warrant: \V'ff G Hartwell. Charles H. Clark. Willis G. Lane. ed J ,,. It I iam ·. Howard D. Skelton. Alfr . a er. Article 1.-To choose a ::\loderator to preside at said ~uperintendent oj lTorkfor Exterm,ination of )Joths. meeting. Warren A. Cutler. Chose as moderator Chru·Les W. Jenks. He wa. duly By Committee on Public Buil~ings. q ualified and appointed Dudley P . Ladd to preside at, the (Consisting of SelE;Ctmen, C!;ahinnlaCn oftL!t~)' Trustees, and Chairman of :SC oo -0mm1 • registering ballot box. He was duly sworn. Box was de­ Ja11ilor of P ublic Buildings, Harry L. Cbalbes. declared to be empty, and being locked and the key held by By Trustees of Free Public Libra.ry. .-lssistant Ltbranan. t he con table, the meeting was declared by the Moderator Librarian. Clara Howard ·Hartwell. to be open. Fannie A. Wood. By Overseers of the Poor. Superimendent and J/atron of the Town Farm. Art. 2.-To hear reports of Committees and Town Jfr. and )lrs. William Thompson. Officers and act upon the same. By the School Committe~- . Voted, That the report of the se,·eraJ Town Officers as J anitor of Union School B uilding. & rry L. Cballies. they appear in the printed book, also the report of the Select­ Trua,i1- Offi.cer, Charles E. Williams. men on guide boards, be accepted and placed on file. 6 ' Art. 3.-To choose all necessary Town Officers for the Overseer of the Poor. hree years. en ·uing year, the polls to be kept open for voting for :,aid \Yilliam B. Hughes. for t officers the length of time the meeting may decide upon. Voted, That the polls be now opened for the choice oi Auditors. G. Rich one Selectman for three years, one ..\;;,,e,ror of Taxe.-; for 'Wallace G. Webber and 'herruan three years, three Fence Yiewer-., a Town Clerk for 3 years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, a Town Treasurer, Park Commissioner. one Collector of Taxe,, t wo Au<litors, one Park Commis­ Olfrer J. Lane, for three year,; sioner for three ye:lr,;, one member of the School Committee . for three years, one Tru tee of the Public Library for four School Committee Elihu G. Loomi,. for tlirce years. years, one member of the Cemetery Committee for three years, five Constable,. one .... urvPyor of Hiu.bway , one Tree Library. Warden, and that thPy all he votecl for on one ballot by each Trustee of Bedford Free Public voter, and that the poll,., he kept open until 5.35 o'cloci;: Georo-e R. Blinn. for four ye:n,. p. m. Al o that the poll, be kept open the :::ame Ier,gth f time ior women to depo:;it votes for School Commi t e. Cemetery Committee. · John Q. Blake and Louis Pfeiffer wPre appointed by ., ,e .-\br:rn1 E. Brown. for three yeat·". 1Ioderator a'- tellers and were ;;worn. Constables. The re,ult of the ballot wa, a:-: folio\\·<- Charles E. William-.. Thoma, R,·a• tl • .c.1L' 1"ant . \Yal,h, Town Clerk. ..\. Elmer Blake, Edward l'. Kelley. ..\bram E. Brown, for tluee years. Surveyor of Highways. DaYid L. B. Fitch. Selectman. Howard D. Skelton, for three ) ears. Tree Warden. Charif',. W ..Jenk,,. Fence Viewers. Irving L. Hod ..do n. David L. B. Fitrh, William G. Hurtv.ell. The followma officer.: werf' rho-,eo b~· nomination at large: Assessor of Taxes. Surveyors of Lumber. Irving L. Hodgdon. for three yeal"'. Wm Thompson. C. \\'illard Plastrid!!'.e Charles H . Clark Olrver .J. Lane, Daniel E. Haynes, Quincy ;..... Cole Edwin ..\ . Hartwell Herbert L. Clark. Ro0 er \Y. Brown Town Treasurer. ' Geor~e Arthur . kelton. Field Drivers. Patrick Rooney. William H . :\!udge. George H. Howe. Collector of Taxes. Quincy . '. Cole. ..\ . Elmer Blake. 9 Pound Keeper. 20 per cent: ~ orth Di trict, 20 per cent; Centre Ddrict. 40 per cent. The sum of 1,000 of the amount for highways T he •'uperintendent of the Town Farm for the time being. ..ball be di,·ided a~ follow 1'iz: 00 ,::hall be pent on the old road to Billerica, Brooksby or Page R oad, in the discretion Art. 4.-To ,·ote on the question shall license:. be of the Highway 'urrnyor: • 200 i-hall be spent in the Ea t granted for the sale of intoxicating l iquors in the Town of Di,:trirt. T he , 'un·eyor of Highway,: ;:hall procure and use Bedford? Y~. or ~o. cru::-hed ,;tone in hi;; di,-c-retion. Taken up in connection with Article :1. The re-ult was: Ye~ 13; ~o. 15:,. Art. 7. To de,-ignate the time and manner of collect­ in~ the taxe:-:. and fix the compen,-ation Art. 5.- To rai,-e such ;;um,- of mone~· a,, mar be neces­ of the Collector of ,,arv Lo tlefra,· the expen,,e-. of the Town for the en;;uing year, Taxe" for the ensuing year. and make u·ppropriation,; for the ,-ame. Voted, That ,-inglc poll taxe-.. are pay,1hle on demand. Voted, To rai e and appropriate the following .. unr of on all other taxe:-., if one-half i,, paid on or before the -.econd money to rlefray Town charg:e,-. for the em-uin~ year: \\'edne--day of October. H>O . and thr remainder on or l,efore For ;,:chool,.; . • :,,250 00 the ,-econd \redne,-day of Januar~·. 1909, a deduction oi -.ix Text boo~ and ,-upplie:- .
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