A MESSAGE FROM OUR PATRON On behalf of all those associated with cricket in Ireland, I am delighted to welcome this magazi ne as the official Journal of The Ir is h Cricket Society_ Our appreciation of the work and enthusiasm of the many who have brought this first issue to frui tion is deep and sincere. We thank the publi shers and congratu­ late them on their confidence in this valuable publication. Equally we we lcome the foresight of its advertisers who recognise that cricket lovers hasten to respond to the sincerity of these sponsors of the great game. Elsewhere appear acknowledg­ ments to those who have aided the creat ion of this publication but I am su re that every reader with me, will wish to recognise the ge nerosity of the many contribu­ tors for their gifls of the high quality text and illustrations. I take this opportunity to welcome contributions from the va rious cricket unions. Our Society co-operates with cricket in Ireland at all levels. Perhaps, one day, this magazine will reveal the record in more detail, meanwhile, we are happy that a new fo rm of communication is available to reinforce our collaboration. 'Irish Cricket ', then, is not only the official journal of the Society, it is a medi um of commun ication wi th a tremendous potential to unite members of the Society and the untiring campaigners for the health of cri cket in Ireland. The Committee of The Irish Cricket SocielY are confident in the future of this splendid magazine, they are sure thal its vigour will be reflected throughout the spectrum of Irish cricket and they assure its editorial panel of their continuing and enthusiastic support. I am delighted to be identified with all I rish cricket lovers. ALAN BU CHANAN, Patron, The Irish Cricket Society. CRICKET THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE IRISH CRICKET SOCIETY ON THE WAY Contents BACK A Message from our Patron Alan Buchanan 1 Our Cricket Needs a Ruling Body M. N. A. Brennan 5 IT IS not possible 10 edi t this first Universities E. M. Power 7 edi tion of Irish Cricket without appre­ A Dream Come True Norman H. Lush 8 ciating the devotion to the game of The Guinness Cup S. K. Pender 9 some dedicated contributors. Reluctantly, several report instances Phoenix Squeeze Through to a Record M. N. A. Brennan 10 of fixtures unfulfilled. shortage of A Trophy to Bridge the Gap M. P. Ruddle 13 plu}ers. a dearth of coaches and even Revival in Galway J. F. Smith 13 of clubs closing down. Wh at must be recognised is thai If You Need a Bore Pick the Right One Henry Kelly I' cricket has had to compete with a vast Cricket in the North-West J. Caner 15 new concept of leisure occupation Cricket on the Inside Rev. Fr. P. Lavery SJ . 16 during the past decade. D. H. Donovan 17 It is a \alid criticism. I think. that The Battle is on to End that Apathy the game's administrators at Lord's Unity Through the Societies Ron Yeomans 18 were 100 concerned wilh the health of Welcome to the New Magazine 19 {he first class game. and finding Ihe New Sih"er Trophy (0 Honour O'Donnell 22 mcuns of artificial fertiliser at the top to worry about the forces chopping al The Aim of the Leprechauns Morgan Dockrell 23 the roots. The Irish Representative Team In Canada Donald King 2' Happily, the dangers inhcrCni in Northern Cricket Union 26 such a si tuation have now been widely recognised. For example. no longer Cork All Set (0 Mark up thai Century 28 will Loughborough College pass out physical training teachers with no knowledge of how to te,leh cricket. And yet. ex traordinary to relate. that was a situation which existed for some years. PUBLISHED BY Obviously it is far easier to set boys SPORTS PUBLICATIONS running round a field than to instruct LONDON them in cricket. which has a complex variety of arts unsurpassed by any PR1NTED BY other game. WILLIAM GIBBONS & SONS LTD Other significant udvllllces have been WOLVER HAMPTON made. too. through e\ery echelon of the sport but th:ir effect will take some EDITOR time to filter through. LAURENCE MUMFORD fhe point is that cricket is too great EDITORIAL PANEL a game 10 be the prerogative 01 the !\t.N. A. BRENNAN fa voured few. Assistant Editor Its heritage must not just be pre­ T. C. SEGRAVE s",rved but enlarged. But appreciatIon needs educatIon and Ihis is whe re I am sure the Irish Cricket Society can, and PICfURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS-­ WIll, play its fu ll parI. GREG LEDWIDGE TOMMY COLLINS THE EDITOR THE SPORT AND GENERAL PRESS AGENCY LENSM EN WELCOME TO THE NEW MAGAZINE see page 19 3 WHY CAN~T OUR VOICE BE HEARD AT LORDS? TO ANY SlUdcnt of cricket the ad­ ministrative structure in Ireland is not the .mOSI ad\lUllagcous for the pro­ OUR CRICKET motion of the game in all ib facets in this country. No ruling body exists to control :mel administer the game on a national basis. NEEDS The provincial unions administer the game in their own :!Teas Lcinstcr in the Dublin ;ITea : Munster in the soulh By M . N. A. Brennan of Ireland: and The Nonhern Cricket Union in Ulster c .~cepl for Ihe area A Honorary Secretary. under the control of The North-West Cricket Union. The Irish Cricket Society. The sole function of the Irish Cricket Union is 10 arrange international fix­ RULING tures. Without a gmcrning bod}. Ireland is 1l0l a member of the International Cricket Conference. An} alterations BODY or changes to the laws of the game can be made b} the I.e.e. without refer­ For instance. the League competition Argentina. Brazil. Canada. Denmark. ence to Ireland. in Leinst..:r is pla}ed on a time basis East Africa. Fiji, Gibraltar. Hong The Irish cricket team i\ selected on while that in the ,,"orth is decided on Kong, Israel. Malaya. The Nether· <.In all-lrd:ll1d oasis with selectors from 0\ crs. lands. Singapore. Sri Lanka (Ceylon). the \<.Irious prodncial union ... making Yet when the nalional X I play ,LS the United States and West Africa. up a selection committee. The same Ireland. players from North and Soulh Why not Ireland? formula is used for creating the LCU. playas a unit despite the difference in All these countries attcnd the Inter­ Comrnitt..::e. The I rish Cricket Union their domestic backgrounds. national Cricket Conference held at has no control o\er any of the other Cricket in Ireland is now at the Lord's each July and submit proposals unions. cross-roads. Do we continue as we for con~ideration relating to various This situ:llion is wrong and it is have b..::en doing for Ihe past 50 years ,Lspecls of the game. generally agreed th,Lt a go\..::rning body or do we do something positive and Ireland's voice is nOI heard. Surely should admini~ter the game. create a Board of Con~rol for Cricket Ihis situation must be put right. As there is no directi H:. the \arious in Ireland? The necessary change can be made unions run matt..:rs a\ the} sec them. Forgetting :Lbout Test match· playing if the provincial unions wish to create but with no merall plan for the game countries the following ha\e est:Lb­ :1 governing body and thereby advance on a national basis. lished gm..:rning bodies for cricket: the game for the good of all in Ireland. SPORISGEAR (Ireland) Ltd. * SUPPLIERS OF CRICKET EQUIPMENT * SPECIAL CLUB/SCHOOL DISCOUNTS IRISH TOUR TO AMERICA /CANADA '73 * SOLE AGENTS IN IRELAND FOR * MONTHLY CREDIT ACCOUNTS MAY LlLLYWHITE FROWD. MILETA BE OPENED It is well known that we are number one in cricket equipment in Ireland. but did you know that we also have complete stocks of equipment for: - SOCCER, RUGBY. SQUASH, HOCKEY, BADMINTON, KARATE, TABLE TENNIS, WEIGHT LIFTING , TENN IS. GO LF? As you can see no sport can stump us-'How's That' 22 BLESSINGTON STREET, DUBLIN 7 TELEPHONE 304280 5 UNIVERSITIES THE fl. 1AN "ho comed the phrase taking more than 40 wickets WIth his .. glonous uncertainty " to descnbe rm .. dium pace seamers . cncKet must surcl} ha."c had a uni\cr· Marathon Final The spinners, Alan McCully and sit) team HI mind. John D;l\cy. and pacemen Dcssie Kane In SCH:rat rc~pccts 1973 has been a delays a and Ernie Halliday each took more lyplCa l season, \\ Ith the IrISh ullIvcrSII) than 25 wickets a good team effon . mil'S rna~Hlg such uncertain progrc:ss Crothers. McCull). McGill and Kane thai all three hlllshed ncar the boUQIll Honeymoon all represented Ulster Town during the of \heir respecti\\! leagues. season. At Ihe same time, they ha\c had by E. M. Power Queen's path to the cup linal con­ their moments 01 glory. occa:.ionally tained much good cricket: a huge produclIIg performances of such score of 242 to beal Ballymena: a good ;luthonty and enthusiasm as 10 make Only John Silverstone was really ex­ tea m effort against Cliftonville; a fight­ them seem unbeatable. perienced. and often it was left to the ing 7th wicket stand bctween McCully Who would have cxpcc\<.!d Ih;.!\ a lower batsmen. especially John Shaw. and McGill to ovcrcome Banger: and Combined Unh crsilles Side y, ithout to raise a reasonable score. a real thriller of a semi-final when a bowler of regular Guinncss Cup ex­ In the bowling.
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