9362 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE May 28 functions in the public rooms ·on · the I shall await the reply of the Commit­ the President ·under subsection (a) of sec­ Senate side of the Capitol and in the tee on Rules and Administration to my tion 3066, in the rank indicated: Senate Office Buildings. I have made letter. If, as a Member of this body who To be lieutenant generals clear that there are some of us who be­ has demonstrated time and time again Maj. Geil. Theodore William Parker, lieve that this is a horrendous example in his many years of service his complete 018369, Army of the United States (briga­ to be setting for the youth of this coun­ parliamentary fairness to all other dier general, U.S. Army). try. Each day literally thousands of Members of the Senate, I cannot obtain 1. The following-named officer to be placed high school and college students, who a hearing on my resolution, if I cannot on the retired list, in the grade indicated, bring before the Committee on Rules and under the provisions of title 10, United represent the greatest wealth we have, States Code, section 3962: come through the corridors of the Capi­ Administration the witnesses who wish Lt. Gen. John Honeycutt Hinrichs, tol and the corridors of the Senate Office to testify on the resolution, I shall use 017174, Army of the United States (major Buildings. I do not believe it is a very every parliamentary right at my com­ general, U.S. Army). good thing to have them visiting the mand from now until Congress adjourns, 2. The following-named officer, under the Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings no matter when that is, even if it is not provisions of title 10, United States Code, and receiving information that at official until Christmastime, to focus attention section 3066, to be assigned to a position of Senate functions and parties in the Cap­ on the great moral issue that has been importance and responsibility designated by itol and in the Senate Office Buildings raised by my resolution. the President under subsection (a) of sec­ hard liquor is served. If anyone thought the senior Senator tion 3066, in the rank indicated: Maj. Gen. August Schomburg, 018422. I know that when one takes the posi­ from Oregon was treating his resolution U.S.Army. tion I take, he must expect to receive a in a light vein when he submitted it, he good many criticisms, and to be accused could not have been more mistaken, be­ •• ..... •• of being a prude or a bluenose or one cause, so far as the Senator from Oregon who wants to regulate the lives of others. is concerned, the policy which the Senate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have no desire to regulate the lives of is following in serving hard liquor in the others. I have said before, and repeat Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings MONDAY, MAY 28, 1962 tonight, that if Senators want to give a cannot be justified in the public interest. party at which booze is served, they The taxpayers are entitled to have the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. should go downtown and rent a reception practice stopped, and I shall use every Rabbi Meir Felman, Judea Center Syn­ room at a hotel. power at my command to try to stop it. agogue, Brooklyn, N.Y., offered the fol­ But I have said also, and repeat to­ If I fail, it will not be because I did lowing prayer: not try. night, that the taxpayers of the Nation Almighty God, we lift our hearts in have a right to a voice on this subject. praise and gratitude for the spiritual They will have no voice in it unless the RECESS UNTIL MONDAY NEXT heritage of America; for freedom of representatives of the taxpayers stand altar, home, and school; for patriot on the floor of the Senate and are Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I move, under the order previously entered, that souls, heroes of the spirit, loyal to Thy counted on the question whether they living word, who offered full measure of wish to endorse a policy of serving hard the Senate take a recess until 10: 30 o'clock a.m. on Monday, next. selfless devotion that this precious legacy liquor in the public rooms of the Capi­ might be preserved to us and to our tol and the Senate Office Buildings. The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock and 53 minutes p.m.) the Senate children. I have written a letter to each member took a recess, under the order previously As we enjoy the rewards earned by the of the Committee on Rules and Admin­ labors of our Founding Fathers, may we istration, in which I have· respectfully entered, until Monday, May 28, 1962, at 10: 30 o'clock a.m. fully comprehend that the tasks they so asked whether the article published in nobly advanced are never finished; that the Washington Post is accurate, and in freedom is not inherited, it must be which I have said that if it is accurate, CONFIRMATIONS merited; that liberty is not bought, it I should like to have the committee at must be taught; that brotherhood and least reconsider its action long enough Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate May 25, 1962: peace are not possessions but goals to be to accord me a hearing before the Com­ reached and ideals to be attained. mittee on Rules and Administration in ENVOY Merciful God, bless our glorious land support of my resolution, and give me an Mrs. Eugenie Anderson, of Minnesota, to and the eminent men and women who opportunity to present to the committee be Envoy Extraordinary and .Minister Pleni­ direct its destiny so that peace and se­ a list of witnesses from across America potentiary of the United States of America to Bulgaria. curity, happiness and prosperity, right who, my correspondence shows, are de­ and freedom may forever abide in our sirous of coming to Washington to testify DEPARTMENT OF STATE midst. Amen. concerning this question. · Lucius D. Battle, of Florida, to be an As­ Representatives of various church or­ sistant Secretary of State. ganizations, of various civic organiza­ AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT THE JOURNAL tions, and of various business organiza­ Seymour M. Peyser, of New York, to be tions are entitled. to an opportunity to Assistant Administrator for Development The Journal of the proceedings of be heard on this issue. They want to Financing, Agency for International Devel­ Thursday, May 24, 1962, was read and come and testify on the issue because opment. approved. in my judgment, they recognize that it is U.S. ATTORNEYS a much more serious issue than the Louis C. Lacour, of Louisiana, to be U.S. members of the Committee on Rules and attorney for the eastern district of Louisiana MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Administration apparently realize. The for the term of 4 years. A message from the Senate by Mr. representatives of these organizations Ben Hardeman, of Alabama, to be U.S. McGown, one of its clerks, announced recognize that the people of the country attorney for the middle district of Alabama for the term of 4 years. that the Senate had passed a bill of the have the right to be heard, the right to following title, in which the concurrence petition, and the right to testify before U.S. MARSHALS of the House is requested: their Government with respect to a Roland S. Mosher, of Arizona, to be U.S. S. 3225. An act to improve and protect policy which involves an issue of such marshal for the district of Arizona for the farm income, to reduce costs of farm pro­ term of 4 years. vital concern to so many millions of peo­ grams to the Federal Government, to reduce ple as is this one. Edward Hussey, Jr., of Delaware, to be U.S. the Federal Government's excessive stocks marshal for the district of Delaware for the of agricultural commodities, to maintain Mr. President, this question cannot be term of 4 years. laughed off; it cannot be minimized. In reasonable and stable prices of agricultural U.S. ARMY commodities and products to consumers, to it my judgment, is a problem which deals The following-named officer, under the provide adequate supplies of agricultural with the social fabric, and the policies of provisions of title 10, United States Code, commodities for domestic and foreign needs, the American people in relation to the section 3066, to be assigned to a position of to conserve natural resources, and for other social fabric of the Nation. importance and responsibllity designated by purposes. 1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 9363 The message also announced that the ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY, financed that agency's programs of :fi­ Senate agrees to the amendments of the MAY 31, 1962 nancial assistance. The bill would House to a bill and a joint resolution of place the fund on a more permanent the Senate of the following titles: Mr. MOSS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ basis by removing the statutory limita­ mous consent that when the House ad­ s. 2132. An act to approve the revised journs today it adjourn to meet on tion on authorizations to appropriate June 1957 reclassification of land of the Fort to the fund and the separate limitations Shaw division of the Sun River project, Mon­ Thursday next. on the amounts of appropriated funds tana, and to authorize the modification of Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, reserving which may be utilized for each of the the repayment contract with Fort Shaw Ir­ the right to object, I do not know whether Small Business Administration's :finan­ rigation District; and the gentleman from California who is cial assistance programs.
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