.. Notice No.Al/1620/2016-1 NOTICE Sub:- P.S. - TS&SSR 2015 - Naib Tahsildars - Adilabad District - Provisional Adhoc Annual Panel for the year 2015-16 approved by the CCLA, TS, Hyderabad - Published - Objections filed for revision of seniority - Notice Issued for revision of seniorit,{'in-']UftY&r'o'AssistZll1fS""'cfRCf'Se'hTbf"ASsistant Cadre - Reg. Ref:-1.CCLA, TS, Hyderabad Ref.No.Ser.II(2)/1332/2016, Dated: 10.12.2016 2. CCLA, TS, Hyderabad Ref.No.Ser.II (1)/516/2018, Dated: 02.05.2018. 3. Collector, Adilabad Notice No.A1/1620/2016, Dated: 4. Smt.K.Srilatha, Naib Tahsildar % RDO Adilabad of Adilabad District Dat ed: 08. 05.20 18'" ..k-··"'·"· .." -:"., .r"'-'P«"····ti"..;}".,.:·8,>:<;'?1"'~,""'··1;.',--'" ':"'~ 5. Collector, Adilabad Lr.No.A1/1620/2016, Dated: 11.06.2018 6. CCLA, TS, Hyderabad Ref.No.Ser.II(2)/1332/2016, Dated: 22.06.2018 $$$ The Chief Commissioner of Land Adrnlnlstration, T.S., Hyderabad vide reference 1st cited has communicated the approved adhoc Naib Tahsildars Panel for the year 2015-16 pertains to Adilabad District and requested to publish the same in all Revenue office calling claims and objections if any within (07) days. Further, the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, T.S., Hyderabad has requested to furnish publication certificate of above Naib Tahsildars panel. Accordingly, the above approved adhoc Naib Tahsildars Panel for the year 2015-16 of Adilabad District (R'ecefVea/thro'u~:jhVreference'lst cited) has been published at Notice Board of Collectorate, Adilabad, District and requested the District Collector, Mancherial, Asifabad and Nirmal, all the Revenue Divisional Officers, all the Tahsildars and officers concerned to publish the same in the notice boards of their jurisdiction vide Collector, Adilabad Notice No.A1/1620/2016, dated 03-05-2018. Subsequently, a total of (10) claims have been received, out of which (01) claim filed by Smt.K.Srilatha, Naib Tahsildac.O/o, B.DQt.\diJabad.is with regard to revision of seniority in the cadre of Junior Assistant, Senior Assistant. As per Rule 33 of the Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 read with Government Circular ,Memo No.16/Se.A/93-39, GA (Ser.A) Department, Dated: 21-04-1999, the Seniority of Direct Recruits has to be fixed as.per their merit. The above claim of the individual. has been examined with reference to the rules and the guidelines in vogue and the claim is sustainable and accordingly the revised - . ' .~. Naib Tahsildars panel for the year 2015-16 of Adilabad District duly including the name of the individual has been submitted to the CCLA, TS, Hyderabad vide reference 5th cited stating that, subject to revising of seniority of all Junior Assistants who were appointed during the SC/ST backlcq recryitmJ:mt_.;.20~Q7according to their merit in Junior Assistant cadre and subsequent seniority in Senior Assistant cadre. The CCLA, TS, Hyderabad vide reference 6th cited has requested to furnish the revised Naib Tahsildar panel for the year 2015-16 duly revising the seniority or' all "_"" .....,....." _......... _ i,.... ..... _ '- .... ;.......~ Junior Assistants who were appointed during the SC/ST backlog recruitment 2007 and subsequent seniority in the Senior Assistant cadre. //2// In this regard, it is informed that, the following (09) candidates have been selected and allotted to Revenue Department for the post of Junior Assistant as per the . ,,_~,"';¥' ~''''::'!1<'i;'~':'''-;:~~.... ¢~"':~~1(~:f~~~;f:'~J"i·~~"t~.:;;ti!':":"""".::""_Y.""-'-1f."-......... • Intermediate Merit under SC and ST category through SC/ST Backlog Group-IV services of District Selection Committee - 2007 as detailed below: Remarks SI.No. Name of the Marks Secured Percentage Candidate "" "~>""" In;Jnter:,lXtediate,,.;.-:."...""~ SC 1 K.Nalanda Prlva 941/1000 94.10 % ST 2 D.Saritha 904/1000 90040 % ST 3 K.Srilatha 886/1000 88.60 % SC 4 K.Sravani 885/1000 88.50 % SC 5 B.Swathi 883/1000 88.30 % .. -_;U""14~M!"W..,q;WJM<>8811'f0'0."MO.....~"iJP'..88.ioe % ST 6 R.Hima Bindu SC 7 T.Pushpa 880/1000 88.00 % SC 8 M.Kavitha Rani 873/1000 87.30 % SC 9 Upre Jyothsna 861/1000 86.10 % The individuals were appointed as Junior ~A~~istants in Revenue Department. Accordingly they had' joined in to duty as Junior Assistants. On regularization of services and declaration of probation in Junior Assistant cadre, the seniority of the above individuals was fixed as per their date of joining in Junior Assistant cadre initially as detailed below. SI.No. Name of the Seniority fixed at SI.No. Junior Assistant in Junior Asst. Cadre 1 D.Saritha 453 2 k.Natanda Priya 454 3 K.Sravani . 455 ,4 T'.Pushpa 456 5 R.Himabindu 457 6 Upre Jyothsna 458 7 K.Srilatha 459 ........_,;~~~_I ., ,460 8 M.Kavith~ Ranl- «: 9 B.Swathi 461 Further, Out of above (09) individuals, (06) individuals along with (02) others,' rave been promoted as Senior Assistants at a time as per the seniority fixed in Junior Assistant cadre according to their date of joining and subsequently the seniority has been fixed in Senior Assistant cadre as detailed below: Seniority fixed at SI.No. Roster Point and Name of the Caste Earmarked for Candidate SI.No. in Senior Asst. --- - , . - --- " Cadre 717 1 1-62 SC (CF) K.Nalanda Prlva SC 719 2 1-66 SC (CF) Upre Jyothsna SC 721 3 1-72 SC (CF) B.Swathi SC 723 4 1-77 SC (CF) U.Santosh SC 716 5 2-560C D.Saritha ST 718 6 2-570C R.Hima Bindu ST 720 7 2-58-ST (W) K.Srilatha ST 722 8 2-59-0C I.Sujatha OC In view of the above, the Senioity in respect of Naib Tahsildars mentioned at address entry in Junior Assistant cadre (acCording 'to merit in Junior Assistant cadre) and the subsequent seniority in Senior Assistant (as per revised seniority in Junior Assistant cadre to be fixed now and rule of reservation) is hereby proposed to be fixed as detailed below: " 1-'1 ' ~ - .. //3// JUNIOR ASSISTANT CADRE ,_ •..., _'¥J.:';,.:,!.,~ .•_<~;..•...i>'. O'I':~~:'''''<4~~'':**l,,'Io1~':;-~~<:::'~~~ Seniority to be SI.No. Name of the Marks Secured Percentage Caste fixed at SI.No. Candidate in Intermediate in Jr.Asst I Cadre I K.Nalanda Priya 941/1000 94.10 % SC 453 1 .,,-~.:; . " :?2'f.:i""~;90'?:¢e,·>olo~i."".«,~ ST 454 2 D.Saritha <"' •.'"~ 04"'1'1'008 455 3 K.Srilatha 886/1000 88.60 % ST 456 4 K.Sravani 885/1000 88.50 o/~ SC 457 5 B.Swathi 883/1000 88.30% SC 458 6 R.Hima Bindu 881/1000 88.10 % ST 459 T.Pushpa 880/1000 .6a.~.QQ!(o SC 7 ".. 460 M.Kavitha Rani 873/1000 87.30 °10 SC 8 461 9 Upre Jyothsna 861/1000 86.10% SC SENIOR ASSISTANT CADRE SI.No. Name of the Senior Seniority to be fixed at SI.No. in Assistant Senior Assistant cadre 1 K.Nalanda Priya 716 2 B.Swathi 717 "-~, ~.;¥ ro..~1r'l: ,~'(,._......(J,f 3 Upre Jyothsna .. • ,j~' Ii '( • 7·18 4 U.Santosh 719 5 D.Saritha 720 6 K.Srilatha 721 7 R.Hima Bindu 722 LSujatha 723 8 , - Hence, the same is hereby communicated to all the concerned. Sd/- D.Divya, District 'Collector, Adilabad To Smt.K.Nalanda Priya, Naib Tahsildar % Tahsildar, Gudihatnoor Smt.D.Saritha, Naib Tahsildar % DCSO Adilabad Smt.K.Srilatha, Naib Tahsildar % RDO Adilabad Smt.K.Sravani, Naib Tahsildar O/o'Tahsiidar Ve'manpally 'of Mancherial District Smt.B.Swathi, Naib Tahsildar % DCSO Adilabad Smt.R.Hima Bindu, Naib Tahsildar % DCSO Nirmal of Nirmal District Smt.T.pushpa, Naib Tahsildar % DCSO Nirmal of Nirmal District Smt.M.Kavitha Rani, Naib Tahsildar % DCSO Adilabad 5mt.Upre Jyothsna, Naib Tahsildar % Tahsildar, Hajipur of Mancherial District Sri U.Santosh, Naib Tahsildar % Tahsildar, Bazarhatnoor 5mt.LSujatha, Naib Tahsildar % Tahsildar, Mavala , with a request to communicate. Copy to the District Collector, Mancherial / Nirmal} the same to all the concerned Copy to the District Civil Supplies Officer, Adilabad working in your administrative Copy to the Revenue Divisional Officer, Adilabad jurisdiction. Copy to the Notice Board of Collectorate, Adilabad / / Attested/ / Administrative Officer ~ollectorate, Adilabad.
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