1939 QONGRESSIONAL. ;RECORD-HOUSE 10705 Charles F. Wis$enbach, Bolton. OKLAHOMA James D. Sullivan, Danvers. Leonard C. Peterman, Davis. John H. Gilboy, East Brookfield. Weltha Guilford Heflin, Erick. Patrick F. Shea, Fitchburg. Charles H. Hatfield, Hydro. Harold J. McCormick, Gardner. Joseph R. Reed, Lawton. Robert P. Sheehan, Harvard. OREGON James J. Dowd, Holyoke. William W. Lower, Creswell. Edward Thomas Murphy, Hyannis. Ruth E. Hoffman, Jacksonville. Mary E. O'Toole, Leominster. Burt E. Hawkins, Klamath Falls. William F. Goodwin, Plymouth. Lewis Lee Mead, Nehalem. Timothy W. Fitzgerald, Salem. Volney E. Lee, North Powder. William E. Brennan, Whitman. Richard J. Collins, Oceanlake. MICHIGAN John C. Bilyeu, Tigard. Ozro K. Hess, Akron. Emmett Lee Chenault, Union. Bernie C. McLeish, Bay Port. Harold R. White, Wasco. Cornelius Oosta, Caledonia. UTAH Kay Rice, Camden. Jabez W. Dangerfield, Provo. John A. Yagley, Dearborn. VIRGINU George B. Mcintyre, Fairgrove. Edwin L. Toone, Boydton. Stuart J. Haddrill, Lake Orion. Grady W. Garrett, Cumberland. Frank E. Moore, Lakeview. Herbert H. Rhea, Damascus. Emmett E. Scofield, Leslie. H. Thornton Davies, Jr., Manassas. Clare E. Bishop, Millington. Forrest L. Harmon, Melfa. James F. Jackson, Mohawk. Garnett A. Kellam, Onley. James J. Harrington, Painesdale. Virginia S. Lucas, Pembroke. Glenn Davis, Rockford. VictoriaS. Nye, Rose City. WASHINGTON Hazel A. Graham, Whittemore. Emma H. Davis, College Place. Thomas H. Mansfield, Forks. MISSOURI Marcus 0. Nelsen, Kent. Adam B. Jenkins, Advance. Ronald L. Chard, Pomeroy. William A. Barton, Alton. Jessie A. Knight, Shelton. Felix P. Wulff; Argyle. Ezra W. Matt, Armstrong. WEST VIRGINIA Jesse D. Burwell, Browning. Olga 0. Baughman, Belington. Arthur J. Clayton, Brunswick. Robert Lake Bailey, Bluefield. George W. Shelton, Dixon. George J. Carter, Jr., Fort Gay. Roy M. Burchett, Elsberry. Glenn A. Fowler, Harrisville. Claud W. Boone, Gainesville. WYOMING Mary E. Woody, Golden City. George H. Case, Lander. Orville L. Davis, Keytesville. Champ C. Ray, Middletown. Edward H. Mertens, Morrison. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Clyde E. Walker, Mountain View. ·Lloyd M. Weaver, New London. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1939 Mary G. Kenton, Norborne. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Helen T. Meagher, Oregon. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor of the Gunton Fred A. Lambert, Princeton. Temple Memorial Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C., Dayton A. Street, Purdin. offered the following pra.yer: Charles E. Logan, Spickard. 0 Thou who art found by those who . truly seek Thee, Thomas W. \Vithrow, Troy. known by those who love, and .seen by all whose hearts are Carl A. Baldwin, Vienna. pure, we desire to begin, to continue, and to end this day Fay B. Swicegood, Weaubleau. with Thee. Blanche E. Tucker, Westboro. Mabel Smulling, Wyaconda. We pray that all the barriers that separate us from Thee and our fellowmen may be submerged by a renewed love and MONTANA consecration, and that every thought of our mind may be Forrest L. De Rasia, Libby. brought into obedience to the spirit of the Christ. James J. Price, Three Forks. Wilt Thou lift upon us the light of Thy countenance so NEW JERSEY that it may be a day of unclouded vision. May we give our­ Cameron M. McCurdy, Fair Lawn. selves unreservedly to the Great Companion of our souls who Albert P. Troy, Palisade. is too wise to err and too kind to injure. NEW MEXICO In His name we pray, whose will is our peace. Amen. Filiberto E. Lucero, Espanola. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Robert S. Sanchez, Estancia. approved. Alta V. Short, Monument. SUNDRY MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Thomas N. Lawson, Tucumcari. Sundry messages in writing from the President of the Vera Clayton, Tularosa. United States were communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, NEW YORK one of his secretaries. Verner Sharp, Altamont. Eber T. McDonald, Cayuga. MESSAGE FROM_ THE SENATE Guy C. Hazelton, Coeymans. A message from the senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative Harry D. Hickey, Lewiston. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the James T. Crotty, Monroe. following title, in which the concurrence of the House is Charles S. Donnelley, Utica. requested: · Stewart A. Farrar, Warrensburg. S. 2864. An act to provide for the financing of a program Herbert D. Carlton, West Chazy. of recoverable expenditures, and for other purposes. · 10706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE AUGUST 1 The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the at the John Ericson statue in Potomac Park, Washington, report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing D. C., July 31, 1939. votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the House to The SPEAKER. Is there objection? the bill <S. 281) entitled "An act to amend further the Civil There was no objection. Service Retirement Act, approved May 29, 1930." PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE INVESTIGATION BY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Mr. PIERCE of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, I ask. unanimous Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a priVIleged resolu­ consent to proceed for 1 minute. tion from the Committee an Accounts and for its immediate The SPEAKER. Is there objection? consideration. There was no objection. The Clerk read as follows: [Mr. PIERCE of Oregon addressed the House. His remarks House ~esolution 278 appear in the Appendix.] Resolved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation au­ NEW SOURCES OF TAXES thorized by House Resolution 277, incurred by the Committee on Ways and Means, acting as a whole or by subcommittee, not to exceed Mr. DONDERO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent $5,000, including the expenditures for the employment of experts, to proceed for 1 minute. clerical, stenographic, and other assistants, shall be paid out of The SPEAKER. Is there objection? the contingent fund of the House on vouchers authorized by such There was no objection. committee or by any subcommittee thereof, conducting such investigation or any part thereof, signed by the chairman of the Mr. DONDERO. Mr. Speaker, it will be distressing news committee and approved by the Committee on Accounts. to the American people to learn that yesterday a new "sweep. SEc. 2. That the official committee reporters shall be used at ing investigation" into the Federal revenue structure was all hearings held in the District of Columbia. arranged by a special House Ways and Means subcommittee. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the reso­ For what reason and for what purpose, listen to this: lution. To search for new sources to tax to help raise money to pay The resolution was agreed to. growing costs of government. INVESTIGATION OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I say that it will be sad and distressing news to the thrifty, Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following privi­ hard-working American people to learn that and know at the leged resolution which I send to the desk and ask to have same time that their Congress has done nothing of late years read. to reduce the cost of government; and we are asked to con­ The Clerk read as follows-: sider today another bill, the lending and spending bill of the House Resolution 265 President, which will plunge this Nation deeper into debt in Resolved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation au­ the sum of $2,000,000,000. The committee will have to find thorized by House Resolution 258, incurred by the special committee ways, if this bill passes, to further tax and burden the people appointed to investigate the National Labor Relations Board, act­ to pay that back, together with the colossal sum of more than ing as a whole or by subcommittee, not to exceed $ , $40,000,000,000 now burdening ·the American people. including expenditures for the employment of experts and clerica.l, stenographic, and other assistants, shall be paid out of the con­ The power to lend this money is inseparable from the tingent fund of the House on vouchers authorized by such power to buy political support. This means more centrali­ committee, signed by the chairman thereof and approved by the zation of power in Washington. The purse strings in the Committee on Accounts; and the head of each executive depart­ ment is hereby requested to detail to said special committee such hands of a paternal government is the lash to whip the number of legal and expert assistants and investigators as said people into submission and obedience. committee may from time to time deem necessary. We are asked to do this in the face of the fact that we are SEc. 2. That the official commtttee reporters may be used at all now borrowing 39 cents out of every dollar expended by the hearings held in the District of Columl!lia if not otherwise officially engaged. Federal Government and taking 23 cents out of every dollar received by the wage earner of the country in taxes. With the following amendment: Lord Bryce, with a degree {)f pride in his work, when he Line 5, after the dollar mark, insert "50,000." wrote The American Commonwealth, pointed out that in The amendment was agreed to, and the resolution as 1880 only 1 person out of 652 received public aid. Today amended was agreed to. one person out of every six is feeding at the public trough, INVESTIGATION OF ALASKAN FISHERIES under a policy of government that believes in wasting what Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker,. I offer the following privi­ a thrifty nation amassed by free enterprise. PubUc credit leged resolution, which I send to the desk and ask to have will collapse some day, and that day may be near at hand, read. 1 and the present trend is bringing it nearer with accelerating The Clerk read as follows: speed. We have doubled our public debt since 1932.
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