TEXOMA SENIOR SOURCEBOOK Th e Defi nitive Guide for Seniors & Active Aging Also Inside: What happens when life throws you a curve? Grief & Dementia KNOWING Opioid Crisis Frankie in Texas Valli Pg. 22 16TH EDITION TCOG.COM Look inside for a comprehensive list of Federal, State, & local resources for seniors Committed to Excellence in Total Patient Care Every patient deserves medical care that will enable them to reach their highest level of function and improve their quality of life. We treat our patients with dignity and respect. QUALITY HOME HEALTH CARE, INC. will work with your Physician to help you reach a higher level of mental and physical wellness. H ME EA O L H T Y H T I C QUALITY HOME L A A R HEALTH CARE, INC U E Q Improving the Quality of Life Since 1992 1515 S Sam Rayburn Fwy Phone: 1-800-619-9993 Sherman, Texas 75090 www.qhhcinc.com | [email protected] Fax: 1-903-870-0580 Don’t Let Aging Slow You Down SENIOR PASSPORT PROGRAM AT WILSON N. JONES Senior Passport is a comprehensive exciting travel opportunities, enjoyable Your Senior Passport is available in two benefits program offered exclusively social events and special discounts at different levels of service to meet your by Wilson N. Jones Regional Medical local retailers, Senior Passport is the exact needs. Center (WNJ), designed to serve the complete program for seniors. From Visit the Services & Specialties tab needs of seniors 55-plus. personal attention to special services, at www.wnj.org for details about the we are committed to meeting the needs From health screenings, exercise available plans. programs and wellness classes to and lifestyles of active seniors. Begin your journey today. For more information about Senior Passport or to enroll in the program, call (903) 870-3630. You may also download and print the enrollment form online or stop by the hospital gym on the ground floor. 500 N. Highland Sherman, TX 75092 | (903) 870-3630 | www.wnj.org/Senior-Membership TCOG’S AREA AGENCY ON AGING IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION OF A Comprehensive System of Services in Texoma AVAILABLE FOR CITIZENS IN COOKE, FANNIN AND GRAYSON COUNTIES OVER THE AGE OF 60 OR WITH DISABILITIES: %HQHÀWVFRXQVHOLQJ Long-term care ombudsman Care coordination Medication assistance Caregiver services Senior Corps Information, referral & assistance (903) 813-3505 or Toll-Free (800) 677-8264 TCOG’S ADRC CONNECTS PEOPLE TO Long-Term Services for Independent Living THE AGING AND DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER (ADRC) OF TEXOMA SPECIALIZES IN: Information and referral Long-term care options counseling Connections to services that can help maintain Referrals for transitioning good health from nursing facilities to the community Toll-Free (855) 937-2372 The ADRC of Texoma serves Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties We believe that by being better leaders, by training better leaders, and by supporting better leaders, we will build better lives. Better Leaders Building Better Lives is plan for bringing additional resources more people. This effort is essential, TCOG’s vision to build quality of life in a to our region; for growing our organiza- as growth and progress in Texoma will more meaningful and more sustainable tion and expanding our services and ultimately be measured by the quality way for all Texomans. It is our game programs; for making life better for of life we offer. 1117 Gallagher Drive | Sherman, TX 75090 | (903) 893-2161 | www.tcog.com | fb.com/texomaCOG texoma council of governments aging services department The Area Agency on Aging of Texoma is responsible for the development and coordination of a comprehensive system of services for citizens age 60 and over and with a disability residing in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties in North Texas. Th e overall goal of the Area Agency on Aging is to the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), promote Older Texans lifelong independence, providing local contributions from individuals and businesses, alternatives in long-term care options through a wide foundations support, funding received from the Older variety of services. Programs are partially funded by Americans Act and a variety of other federal grants. SERVICE DEFINITIONS BENEFITS COUNSELING their health and wellbeing, NUTRITION SERVICES RESPITE CARE Counseling for Medicare reducing disease, disability Home-delivered meals (Meals A break for caregivers who Benefi ciaries on prescription and/or injury. These programs on Wheels of Texoma) for the provide ongoing supervision drug programs, Social Security are demonstrated to be highly homebound and congregate and care of a person with a benefi ts, food stamps, and effective and participants can functional impairment. meals at a senior center or other benefi ts; representative choose from the available free payee assistance. classes in their area. other sites provide 1/3 of daily SENIOR HOUSING nutrition while enjoying a meal OPTIONS CAREGIVER PROGRAMS and/or socializing with others. Includes providing information Support, education and HEALTH MAINTENANCE temporary relief for caregivers SERVICES on assisted living, nursing of older adults with Alzheimer’s Assistance to eligible applicants OMBUDSMAN facilities and retirement and/or dementia related in acquiring glasses, dentures, Services to protect the communities. illnesses, Parkinson’s disease, hearing aids, and other health, safety, welfare, and chronic illnesses, including approved devices necessary rights of residents of nursing SENIOR CENTER services for grandparents/ to promote or maintain the PROGRAMS facilities and assisted living relatives raising grandchildren. health and/or safety of older Local Senior Centers provide facilities, including identifying, individuals. a variety of recreational and CARE COORDINATION investigating, and resolving educational programs for older Assistance for families in INFORMATION AND complaints made by, or on adults throughout our tri-county assessing the comprehensive REFERRAL/ASSISTANCE behalf of, residents. area. needs of older adults and Specialists provide assistance coordinating services to help and links to available services TRANSPORTATION them remain independent MINOR RESIDENTIAL and resources. (MEDICAL) to prevent premature facility REPAIR Information on services placement. Services consist of minor LEGAL ASSISTANCE for older adults or persons repairs or modifi cations of Referral advice and with disabilities who lack EVIDENCE-BASED dwellings occupied by older PROGRAMS representation for certain legal private transportation or who State Certifi ed Coaches provide matters such as government individuals that are essential are unable to utilize public comprehensive training for program benefi ts, tenant rights for the health and safety of the transportation for medical participants on improving and consumer problems. occupant(s). appointments. TEXOMA SENIOR SOURCEBOOK CONTENTS WHAT HAPPENS KNOWING WHEN LIFE THROWS FRANKIE 12 YOU A CURVE? VALLI GRIEF & DEMENTIA 28 OPIOID CRISIS 17 IN TEXAS 22 New to Texoma? Visit one of our area chambers of commerce online: BONHAM fannincountytexas.com POTTSBORO pottsborochamber.com DENISON denisontexas.us SHERMAN shermanchamber.us DENISON TOURISM discoverdenison.com SHERMAN TOURISM shermantx.org GAINESVILLE gainesvillecofc.com 838Area Agency On Aging Federal Services 47 Associations & Societies 31 State Services 38 Social Security Administration 48 Health & Wellness 32 Aging 38 Medicare 49 Hospitals & Clinics 38 United States Department of 32 Disability 50 Housing Options for Veterans Affairs 33 Financial Seniors 40 Other Services 35 Texas Department of State Health 51 Home Health Agencies 40 Legal Assistance Services (DSHS) Home Repair/Renovations 44 Emergency Assistance 53 Texas Department of Insurance Transportation 36 44 Employment 55 37 Texas Department of Public Safety 45 Education 55 Volunteer Opportunities 37 Texas Workforce Commission 46 Food and Nutrition 55 Helpful Senior Links DISCLAIMER The Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services of Texoma is not responsible for the reliability of advertisers. The Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services of Texoma neither endorses nor guarantees any of the products or services listed in this Resource Guide. All readers are strongly encouraged to always research products and/or services prior to purchasing or making a fi nal choice of provider. Medicare Open Enrollment OCTOBER 15 – DECEMBER 7 It’s time to compare insurance plans and make sure you have the right health and prescription drug coverage. During the Open Enrollment Period, you can: 9 Switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage 9 Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another 9 Switch from one Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan to another 9 Drop your Medicare Part D coverage altogether Stay with your current plan or look for a new plan with better coverage, higher quality and lower costs! 9 Medicare changes for the 9 Advanced Directives Assistance 9 Explanation of Benefits upcoming year 9 Appeals for denied benefits 9 Coordination of Benefits 9 Do you qualify for Extra Help 9 Outreach and education 9 One-on-One Benefits Programs 9 Social Security Benefits Counseling BEFORE YOU MAKE A DECISION ON YOUR MEDICARE PLAN, COME GET PERSONALIZED MEDICARE COUNSELING FROM US - AT NO COST TO YOU. call us today to learn more (903) 813-3505 or (800) 677-8264 AREA AGENCY ON AGING OF TEXOMA - 1117 GALLAGHER DRIVE SHERMAN, TX 75090 - WWW.TCOG.COM/AAA SERVICE DIRECTORY Area Agency on Aging of Texoma CAREGIVER Caregiver Support Groups Alzheimer’s Caregiver
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