mm r n m m ' f ■ ' -I " ' ' I ■ -V' . y WIDNSfiDAT. feSPTBMBliK U» IM l IP O I TVIEM'ff-90UE - The Weather i^nrh^jBtfir lEnettfng Hi^ralit FeieeMt ef U. 8. Weatbdr Bareoa ;* ’ iT"'.-;'.. SaaMnber •, lasi piestdnt; Mrs. i^bett, reoordlng maans: ICrt, Robart iandall, tela- Wtody.j.warmr toaight ami 9M- SL kridgat's K o« u7 Soctaty man Jr„ Mrs. Evsretf Johnson, 8^ Jtonday at 7 p m Pngrams fer phons; Mrs, lasmiiwsr, mamber- wtn cman Its M Men Wadnewlay. Rally Simday Set Kenneth DooUtUe, .Mr*. Clifford Potluck Planned the yaar .wUi be anaouneed. Bsorstary; Mrs. Woodwiry, oorrs- d»y motiung, eheweni Ukety. Zww mending ssoretary; Mrs. *v*rstt; ahlp and welcoma;*Bome; Mrs. Rlebek, 13,345 Ai^utTow n Sept 90, with a Rosary and Ben^ SulUvta, Miss MMlyn Arm­ Mrs. Vannua J. Abbott Jr. haada •8 to 79. ClelM«^r, lem heuM hP strong, Mias Lbiioro Johnson, Mias j l ™ a 5 k , . trsasuMr,^ snd^Mm. magasiiMs: Mrs, Benurd Johnson, Member of the Aadit diction at 7:90 p m at the church, By Omreh School By Alnni^p.Club tha o O n ^ ’ eomtnlttee, aaalated by hlatortsn; Mrs, JonMlIia Blmls, Anwui ef OfawMlatloii Friday eftenioea. Hlglt 86 te SB. U n n Vrin ba a tanch'tm and foQowad by a buffet supper at the Dorc^y Beat, IOm Carol Wards- MM, Rogar A. Woodbury, Mra. Oeotge A. Krlriok and Mrs. Daniel Un, Miss Janet RWlaen, Mias In- T. bdu«r, program eo^Bhalmen. settltmant sf^wbl; Miss Marcella Manchditer~~^A C&y o f Village Charm PMOur aaettoa.ataitinc at noon to- K of C Hinpe. Those who plan Emanuel Lutheran Church will The Mandiaster Ar«a Ahinuiaa Reniy B, Hleoek and Mrs. Boyd A. Burke, re<Mnmendatlen: and Mrs, taonam at tha honM o f Mia. Roaa to attend may call Mrs. Rose galUl Spangberg, Mrs, Donald Ibenunger Jr. Comhilttta cdialrman Include Mrs. resume Church School aeeaiuns Biqadt, Miss Janet Rid^oan, Dur- Club of Pi Beta PId will bold a pot- Howard Lattmep Jr^ ndviaer to Sdiroaiaa. 109 Mathar St, Sbr Schwoarer, 108 Mather S t, or The other ottleers for the 1981-88 Walter. Wehner, puMlel^; Mrs. Connoetieut Atpnn Conptor ht ttw Sunday with observance of "Rally ____ Miller, Thomas Reed, and hick at the home of tl^ mealdent VOL. LXXX, NO. 293 (TWiNTY-rOUB PAGES—IN TWO SEChONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1961 (Claeelfied AdvertMag. en Page M ) PRICK FIVE CENTS raairvattona caU Mca. SObwoarar. Mrs. James Peak, 81 Main S t Mra. Edward M. WeUta. 8M Spring aeadon are Mrs. Isemlnger Jr., vies Raymond TrlbeUiom, ways sad UMverstty of Omneetieut. ' .... - - n ■ Procaada will go to charity. Sunday" at 9 and 10:80 a.m. serv­ William Stephens. The axecutivu board of Wad­ ices. Pupils will be promoted at Mia. jaoranoa Stiabtar, chair­ dell School FTA will matt tonight that time to their new classes. man o f tha wmya and mahna com- at 7:80 In tha achoOl cafeteria. Urged fo Agree mlttaa of Andoraon-Shaa AuziUary Edwin Naschke is superintend­ StateNews of tha VFW, will hold a Utchan ent of Binanuel Church School, Ih e Central Connecticut Chap­ and Herman Johnson and Mrs. aodal tomorrow at 8 pjn. at the ter of tha American Institute of poot homa The pubUe la Invited. Darrell Morrissette, principals. AMPLE FREE PARKING Industrial Engineers will hold its Church School teachers are MAIN STREET Roundup first fall meeting Monday at 6:80 Richard ElUiwton, Mrs. Cecil REAR OP STORE The Stain C9ub will meet at 8 p m at The Alden, Wethersfield MANCHESTER Union, GM Get o'clock tonlflit at the VFW homa Young, Mrs. O. Albert Pearson, Ave., Hartford. The program will Mrs. York Strangfeld, Miss Bhra include a talk on "Union-Manage- Jolmson, Miss Norma Johnson, GOP Leaders, Itoop 198, B8A, wiU hold iU moat Relations" by Roy Stevens, drat w meeting At 7 o'clock to­ Mrs. Ihigene Montany, Miss Wini­ Bid Nixon Run night at the Second Congrega­ a director of the U n lM Steel­ fred Rlcnwood, Miss Karen Jo­ Plea tional Church. workers’ Union, and a color tech­ hansson, Mrs. John Milier, Mrs. nical film, "Introduction to Work Douglas 'Porter, Mrs. Dorothy In California St. ^ Maiy*a l^lacopal Church Sampling." Rlchwood, Mrs. Jack Delbrook, THE PACKABLE Miss Joan Carlson, Miss Melody Detroit, Sept. 14 (/P)— ^Theflnto Wgb gear production of 1962 will provide a Manchester Memori­ Weir, Mrs. Herbert Huffield. Hartford, Sept. 14 {IP)— Re­ al Hoapltal chaplain next week. federal government renewed oars before next week ie gone, Greenwood Opens Also, John A. Johnson, Mrs. despite the fact that five more publican leaders from 11 east­ Covenant Congregational Church BACK-TO-SCHOOL pressure today to get snagged will preaent the WINF religioua Thomas Strattop, Oscar Moberg, plant-level settlements were com­ ern states went into closed broadcasts next weak, with the Dancing Oasses Kenneth Benson, Charles Bode- contract negotiations be­ pleted overnight, bringing to 83 sessions tpday to discuss A llie s F ix Files Formal Complaint Sunday broadcast at 7:98 pm . and tween General Motors Corp. the nuasber of local agreements party strategy for the con­ dally 65-oee(md messages at un Alan Greenwood, a professional BERET ^ and the United Auto Workers worked but with striking UAW gressional elections of 1962 spadlied intervala Both services ballroom dancing teacher who locals.. Some 90-plue GM plants moving toward a final agree­ have beien idled since Monday, and the presidential election are provided by the Manchester conducts the dancing classes at ment. 7 Packers, 3 Chains Accused Ministerial Assedation. Loomis School in Windsor, will dfiefiy beoaues of bargaining in 1964. A direct Bippeal to both partly A pproach hold a dancing series for young breal^w ns at the local level. ' More than 180 party leaders Due at UN 1.99 from President Kennedy wai read Idlenees at key plants could registered for the 2-day confer­ The committee on arrangements people in Manchester this year. t>y Secretary of Labor Arthur J. cause a parts idiortage that ulti­ ence which opened last night. It for tha West Side Old Tlmeis' re­ The series will meet at the Ma­ • newest fall shades in soft velvet with a silk Goldberg on a national television union will meet at the West Side sonic Temple on alternate Thurs­ mately could force a complete is the first of four such meetings Of Controlling Lamb Prices tassel jwogram (NIBC’s "Today"). shutdown of GM's 129 plants and being held across the country to T o Russia Ree Friday at 7 p.m. ’ days beginning O ct 12. There ■ The President's statement said Tuesday will be late afternoon classes in affect production at other auto invigorate GOP state . organiea- ■both parties have problems, but makers who buy parts from GM. tions. Washington, Sept. 14 (IP)— '^sales of iamb meat to the chaln'^Heath and Holley were charged The Italian American Ladles ballroom dancing and deportment they also have "an obligation to By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER stores. with the following: millinery—^main floor In reading the President’s state­ Addressing a banquet last night. Secretary of Agriculture Or­ By THE ASSOCIATED PREBS Auxiliary will meet tonight at for the sixth grade group, u d the country to settle these local The department said issuance of (1) Failing to conduct their evening assemblies for o 1 a e r ment, Goldberg added that, for Republican National Chairman Washington, Sept. 14 (^P)— ville L. Freeman today ac­ 7:80 at tha clubhouae, ESdildge differences quickly and expe­ his owil part, he was hopeful that the complaint does not prove those lamb buying operations in competi­ The Soviet government an­ groups. WiUtam Miller of New York aaid Secretarl^pf State Dean Rusk St ditiously." differences could be worked out the GOP’s 1960 loss of 11 statea cused seven meat packing named have violated the act: A de- tion with, and Independently of, nounced today that Foreign Invitations are available to the ■ITie message said Kennedy hopps promptly and GM plants, .every­ opens a cwference with west­ companies, three national partment hearing examiner will each other. Manchester aeries upon request by representing a million votes while Minister Andrei Gromyko 'Miss Charlene Southerglll, .that “by this weekend the prob- where could be back in operation losing the presidency by only ern foreign ministers here to­ hold a hearing on the charges at (2) Making arrangements or calling Greenwood Gallery, 888 food store chains and two agreements that they would not was ready to meet U.S. Sec­ dmighter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ■lems between OM and the union by Monday. 120,0^ votes "displays a lack of day to chart the Allied ap­ Craig, Colo., beginning Nov. 14.,un­ Southerglll. 8 Hendec Rd., has Main St., Hartford. lamh dealers of trading prac­ compete against each other in buy­ retary of State Dean Rusk on KNIT-KNACK can be resolved and the plants put Before resuming negotiations and need for org^zation." proach to. Russia next week less those named waived such hear­ entered her freshman year at Uni­ back in full operation” by Monday. tices which have the effect of ings by admitting the charges or ing lamb.s In certain producing German problems. today, Bari R. Bramblett, OM's di­ He aaid this shortcoming was on negotiations for a Berlin areas. versity of Connecticut Stolrs. double knit wool jersey It added: "So let's get on with the rector of labor relatione, comment- "the Achilles heel of the party.' manipulating or controlling failing to answer the complaint.
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