2432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 21, bill to forbid the sale of intoxicating liquors in all Government am entirely in order in making the request I have made, and that buildings, etc.-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. it is not a technicality. Also, petition of Wolverine Division, No. 182, Ordru: of Railway The PRESIDENT pro tempore. There is only an hour to be Conductors, Jackson, Mich., favoring the Foraker safety-appli­ given to legislative business. If there be no objection, the Chair ance bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. will receive morning b~siness. By Mr. REEDER: Petitions of the Western Retail Implement ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, ILLINOIS. and Vehicle Dealers' Association, of Abilene Kans.; also of nu­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ merous dtizens of the Sixth Congressional district of Kansas. in munication from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a opposition to the parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post­ letter from the Assistant Secretary of War, submitting an esti­ Office and Post-Roads. mate of appropriation for Rock 4land Arsenal, R ock Island ill., Also, resolutions of Lincoln Post, No.1, Grand Army of the Re­ $185 000 to replace a storehouse destroyed by fire February 11, public, Department of Kansas against the erection of monuments 1903; which, with the accompanying papers, was refen·ed to the on United States grounds in honor of those who fought against the Union-to the Committee on the Library. Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. STEPHENS of Texas: Papers to accompany House bill MESSAGE FROl\1 THE HOUSE. 2785, for the relief of Elijah Crudgington-to the Committee on A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. W. J. Military Affairs. · BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed By Mr. YOUNG: Petition of the Merchants' Association of a bill (H. R. 17046) making appropriations for fortifications and New York City, in relation to the ship- ubsidy bill-to the Com­ other works of defense, for the armament thereof. for the pro­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. curement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other Also, petition of H. J. Stager, Philadelphia Pa., in relation to purposes; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. second-class mail matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. and Post-Roads. The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the following enrolled bills, and they were thereupon signed SENATE. by the President pro tempore: A bill (H. R. 9682) for the allowance of claims of certain citi­ [Continuation of session of Thut·sday~ Febru,a1'1.J 19, 1908.] zens of Virginia for damages to their property incident to the At 11 o'clock a.m., Saturday, February 21,1903, the recess hav­ encampment at Manassas, and march from Camp Alger to Thor­ ing expired, the Senate reassembled in executive session. At 11 oughfare Gap, Virginia, as recommended by a board of officers o'clock and 20 minutes a. m. the doors were l'eopened. appointed for the consideration of claims for damages to property ORDER OF BUSINESS. by volunteer soldiers during the war with Spain; and Mr. BEVERIDGE. Mr. President do we have now the regn-· A bill (H. R. 12141) to amend an act entitled '~An act amend­ lar order of morning business-the presentation of petitions, the ing section 4708 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in reports of committees, the introduction of billS and joint resolu­ 1·elation to pensions to remarried widows," approved March 3, tions, and so forth-or is it in order to ask unanimous consent for 1902. the present consideration of a bill? . · _ PETITIONS .AND MEMORIALS. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. As to this legi.Slativa day,, the Mr. PENROSE presented petitions of the Trinity Lutheran regular morning hour-has expired, and the Senate is simply now Sunday School of Milton; of Sunbury Council, No. 31, Daughters in legislative session. of Liberty, of Sunbury; of D. Faust, of Philadelphia; of the con­ Mr. BEVERIDGE. I ask unanimous consent for the present gregation of the First United Evangelical Church, of Sunbury; consideration of the bill (H. R. 16) to provide for the erection of of the congregation of the West Washington Methodist Episcopal a bronze equestrian statue to the memory of the late Brig. Gen. Church of Washington; of the congregation of St. Matthews Count Casimir Pulaski at Washington, D. C. _ Lutheran Church of Bloomsburg, and of 745 citizens of Wash­ 1\-Ir. PENROSE. Had we not better go on with the morning ington, all in the State of Pennsylvania, praying for the enactment business? - of legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in Gov­ Mr. BEVERIDGE. That is the question I asked of the Presi­ ernment buildings; which were referred to the Committee on dent of the Senate just now, and he stated that the morning busi­ Public Buildings and Grounds. ness for this legislative day had been disposed of. Mr. GAMBLE presented the petition of D. L. Printup, of Brit­ Mr. PENROSE. That is only a technicality. There is morn­ ton, S. Dak., praying for the enactment of legislation to reinstate ing business here to be presented. graduates of the Naval Academy who have been honorably dis­ Mr. BEVERIDGE. I am willing that mOl'ning business shall charged; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. be received. - He also presented the petition of Rev. 0. W. Hntterfield of Mr. BACON. I rise to a point of order, Mr. President. Groton, S.Dak., praying for the enavtment of legislation grant­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Georgia ing to the States power to deal with intoxicating liquors which will state his point of order. maybe shipped into their territory from other States; which was Mr. BACON. ~Iy point of order is that the new legislative referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. day will not begin until the hour of noon by our rules. Mr. QUARLES. I present a telegram, in the nature of a peti­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The new legislative day will tion, from tb,e Merchants and Manufacturers' Association of Mil­ not commence until the Senate adjourns. waukee Wis., praying for the-ratification of the 1·eciprocityt1·eaty Mr. CULLOM. And that has not occurred. with Cuba. I ask-that the telegram lie on the table and that it The PRESIDENT pro tempore_. And that has not yet occurred. be printed in the RECORD. - -Mr. BACON. That is in accord with the suggestion I was There 1>eing no objection, the telegram was ordered to lie on making,-- and therefore morning business is not now necessaricy the table, and to be printed in the REcoRD, as follows: in order, ~s I understand. - [Telegram.] The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It is not until this legislative MILWAUKEE, WIS., F ebruary f O, 1903. day has been concluded. Hon. J. V. QUARLES, United States Senate, Washt"-ngton, D. C.: Mr. BEVERIDGE. I wish to say to the Senator from Penn­ The following unanimously adopted this day by the Merchants and Manu­ sylvania [Mr. PENROSE} that I have no objection whatever, of facturers' Association of Milwaukee~ "Resolved, That it is the urgent desire of this association that the treaty now pending in the United States Senate course, to the intr9duction of bills o~ anything of tha~ kin~. I for reciprocal relations between this country and Cuba. be ratified during rose to ask the Chair that very question, and the Charr demded the pre ent session of Congress. And the Senators from this State are re­ that morning business was not now in order, having been con­ spectfully requested to use their best endeavors." E. A. WADHAM S, cluded at our last session, and therefore, and only therefore, President. I asked for the present consideration of a little bill, not to take away from Senators the privilege of introducing bills, reports> or Mr. QUARLES presented a petition of Mellen Division, No. 372, resolutions. Brotherhood, of Locomotive Engineers, of Fond du Lac, Wis., The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Indiana praying for the passage of the so-called Grosvenor anti-injunction (Mr. BEVERIDGE] has the floor. bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. BEVERIDGE. Mr. President, I ask- unanimous consent He also presented a petition of Typographical Union No. 211, for the present consigeration of Order of Business 2840, being of Oshkosh, Wis., praying for the repeal of the so-called desert­ House bill No. 16. land law and the commutation clause of the homestead act; Mr. PENROSE. I object until the introduction of bills and which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands. other morning business has been gone through with. He also presented petitions of Iron Molders• Union No. 286, of M1·. BEVERIDGE. I am perfectly willing that shall be done. Sheboygan; of Machinists' Union No. 501, of Green Bay; of I only want the Senator from Pennsylvania to understand that I Machinists' Union No. 173, of Eau Claire, and of the Trades and 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2433 Labor Council, of Racine, all of the American Federation of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be placed on the Labor, in the State of Wisconsin, praying for the passage of the Calendar. so-called eight-hour bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. :Mr. H ...t\..RRIS, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom Mr. BURTON presented a petition of the Americus Club, of was referred the bill (S.
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