-r rI J rr DESCENDANTS OF JAMES MUNDELL AND HIS WIFE, MARGARET (GARRETT) MUNDELL OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY, DELAWARE, AND GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA: And The Migrations Of Their Children Into Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas And Other Western Stateso Compiled and Publisherl By Ruby Mundell Barry And Audrey Lee Woodruff 1 9 6 8 I wish to dedicate this family history to the memory of my grandfather BENJAMIN MUNDELL At the tender age of thirteen years, he gave me the original record of his grandfather:s Land Purchaseo This so 1mplanted a love of family and its traditions within me that I was impelled to search out and write his family's history - an all consuming task of the past four yearso - Ruby Mundell Barry I dedicate this book to the memory of my great grandmother ISABELLA ANN (MUNDELL) MAY A pioneer woman who experienced both high adventure and extreme hardship in raising her family on the Iowa and Nebraska prairieso - Audrey Lee Woodruff Ack:no1t1ledgments Our heartfelt gratitude to the following persons - Alice Mundell Demmon, Verna Shingleton, Thelma Osborne, Lois Orrell, Guy Bailey, Clyde Mundell, Iva Trimmer, Kathryn Stephenson, Merle Harris, Oma Hill, deceased, and others v;ho contributed their family recordso TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 JAMES :r·TIJI'TDELL and 1J1rif e MARGARET (GARRETT) o o o 1 THEIR CHILDREN 2 II JONATHAN MUNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 III ABNB.H MUJ.'fDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 2 o IV ANDREW MUNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 2 V MARGARET MUNDELL HART 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 VI JAMES MUNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 2 VII ELI riUNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 2 VIII LEVI MUNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 IX JOSEPH MUNDELL O O O O O O O O O O O 0 57 2 X ELE.ANOR MUNDELL o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 2 I JOHN I'1UNDELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 3 lQ James Munde11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 3 2o Margaretha Mundell Thompson o 97 3 ., 3o .And_rew Munde11 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 3 4-o Mary Mundell Mills 0 0 0 0 0105 3 5o Sarah Mundell Akers o 0 0 0 0106 3 60 Eleanor Mundell Seaton 0 0 .108 3 7o Joh_r1 Munde11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oll0 INDEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0115 (. Price: $5.00 Order from compilers-',liJ5"" Ruby Mundell Barry ~ Round Lake Rdo AptoCo Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Audrey Lee Woodruff 7231 Sycamore, Kansas City, Moo 64133 1 THE 1'1UNDELL (MUNDLE) ·FAMILY JAMES MUNDELL1 , our immigrant ancestor, was born about 1720 in Ireland (relation to known dates; Pao family records and tra­ dition)o He died in Greene County, Pao James left a will dated 27 Augo 1805, and probated 12 Novo 18050 (Will Book 1:50-51, Greene Cooj Pao) He is buried in Mundell Pioneer Cemetery on . the original homGstead known as "Mundell's Choice" near the little vill~ge of Ceylono (Clyde Mundell & Oma Hill, descendants) James Muiidell married Margaret Garrett on 12 July 1751 at Holy Trinity Church,·Wilmington, Delao, non-communicant memberso (Records of Old Swede·s Church, Volo 36:17; Published Book, page 689) · .· Margaret Garrett was born in Christiana Hundred, near Wil- mington, Delao (residence of her parents) Margaret's exact birthdate is unknowno She died after 1805 (James Mundell's will), and is buried in the Mundell Pioneer Cemetery beside her husbando (family records) Margaret is the daughter of John Garrett1 and his second wife, a widow, Nargaret Jamcso John Garrett1 was the original owner of land on RQot Clay Creek, purchased in 1726, where he established the first mills ·in the areao Will of John Garrett, of New Castleo This 14th day in the year of our Lord, 1749, I, John Garret, of Christian Hundred in the county of New Castle Upon "Dellawarc" bei1lg of Sound Mind and perfect Memory Tho weak of body and Calling to mind the Uncertainity of this transitory Life do make this my Last will and Testament Touching the Dis­ posal of t'hat Temporal Estate I have o o oHereby Revoking & anuling all former willso Imprimus I 1-1ill that my body be buried according to the Discretion of my Executors Hereafter namedo Secondly after my Debts and funeral Expenses are fully paid & Dischargedo Item I give a.nd bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Margaret Garret is to have her thirds & the roanpassing mear and the pyed heifer and passtcr for them as allso her Chaise of the rooms in the house During her Difetime and all to fall to my children at her deatho Item I give to my Son Thos Garret all my right and title of all the Mills & Lots in Mill Creek Hundred, Justice, Justins and Swithin Gustins, and 620 lying in Virginia near black oak thicket branchoooand further my wife is to have no Share in my Son Thomas Sharcooo 2 Item I give to my Son Johri Garret· all this Estate of Land and Mills Lying on Cp.ristiana hundred in New Castle --Upon Della­ ware and Some in Mill Creek hundred Wilich I now possess and . riff'el.gun and he must pay to his Sisters Elizabeth & Ann & Sara & Margrett the Su~ (not legible) pound to Each of them in five years afftcr he ComGs to Injoy the place if they & he Live -­ to that time which is to be above the Equall Division of the Movables the Morgagc Deed now ¼ing in the office is to be paid out of the rent of the above Said PremisesoooSara Garret is to have the roan Maars Colt & Margret ye Next Colt:o She is to have & my Son John ye Next if the Mear Should have them & further a.1=1- my Debts ·is to be paid out of the Estate, I appoint my son Thomas Garret -to be "r.:-~ Executor; Endorsee(s) Hene-ry (x) Brachino Thoso Ful~on & Williri:m Buc~inghamo Signed: John Garrett (Seal) Will proved 4-th._Scpto 1757 by Henry Brachin & William Bucking-. hamo (BuckinghuID. was later the father-in-law of Jonathan Mundello) (New Castle Wills, Liber N, Po 267 ffo Appeared in Maryland & Delaware Genealogist., vol·c 2, # 2, whole # 6~ •winter 1960-1961, page 59, submitted by 11'1rso Po Do Shingletqno; _ - Aft.er the death of John Garrett, his sons c~~v~rted the mills to .the production of snuff, and amassed the great .Garrett- =- ~ ' ' . ' . ~ Snuff fortuneo (Tb.0 Garrett Snuff Fortune, ~y .Co Ao. Weslager, . .: . The Knebels Pross, Wilm~ngton, D~lao 1965, Po 5-19} early the Family is A s11:mmary of the· history. of Mundell. 1 found in two lctt.ers, writteD:_by de~c~ndants of James Mundell, still living in tho immcdiat~ areao April-.2, 1968 Mrso Michael Jo Barry, . _.. Dear distant cousin, I have some information for you, and I find your -letter ·to- contain the only information-on your grand- father, - John, .tho.t -we now have a · · -· Sometin.e nc:l=- 1700, an Irish immigrant-brought his son· James into the general area near··Philadelphia, Pao This nan was a wheelwright, building wooden gear wheels for water powered mills: :etc o - · He found business so :pronising that he apprenticed his son, James to_ a cask1:1nkorj Gngl ;ed in building barrels, tubs, buckets, etco from woodo. ; The father t:1c11 sot sail for IreJ.and, intent on bringing the others of his fauily to Anerica, but he never·reached "Ireland, presunably lost a.t sea" .. ··After serving his apprenticeship, James (known as the-· in-•j : nigrant) j-oined n gi:oUp of yo1mg. nen, and traveling west, ·to: the Monongai.11.ela River,: near Pittsburg, Pao• traveled south, :(up river) to near Mason·cown, Pao") then up a creek westward, for·; about ~¼ nile~, _f1:adc a deal vrLth the Indians, and took up a "·~omahawk clain~' -of abou_t l sc o nile O .-· • .-.- ~re· ci.arr~ed.· Mar·garet _Garr Jtt, daughter of a vecy afflu.ent.'­ and influential fani~y, and bu.ilt a.:}iouse g He._ later gav.e :tl;lis. 3 house to a son 1 o..nd built another house .nearer the center.of: his tract of larid, o..nd put a cooper's shop nearbyo . I was reared until about 14 yrso in this house, which had been built ~nto the 2nd nost ·vaiuablo property in Monongahela Twpo by Janes II~ son of the .innigranto This Janes II'j brother of. your John was ny direct ancestor, and we had no I'Gcord of John or his descendants o I own a¾ interest in tho 63 Acres left after division of the original 640 Ao anong heirs, and land saleso A brother of your John'1 Eli, donated a square perch of land for a fanily ceuotory which was to be pernnnently owned by.the fanily, non trnnsforrableo It was on a hill top about¾ nio fron ny honeo I own 16 Ao in the valley of the creek up which Janes I the i:t10igrant traveled to his claino A part of this 16 Ao is believed to be a corner of the original claino Janes the Innigrant had the following childreno lo John (Your ancestor) .
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