MBS Mac Plugin Documentation Christian Schmitz July 16, 2017 2 0.1 Introduction This is the PDF version of the documentation for the Xojo (Real Studio) Plug-in from Monkeybread Software Germany. Plugin part: MBS Mac Plugin 0.2 Content • 1 List of all topics 3 • 2 List of all classes 59 • 3 List of all modules 61 • 4 List of all global methods 63 • 5 All items in this plugin 65 • 24 List of Questions in the FAQ 483 • 25 The FAQ 493 Chapter 1 List of Topics • 17 Network 429 { ?? Globals ?? ∗ 17.1.1 AFPLibraryPresentMBS as boolean 429 ∗ 17.1.2 AFPLibraryVersionMBS as Integer 429 { 17.2.1 class AFPURLMBS 429 ∗ 17.2.3 clear 430 ∗ 17.2.4 IsAFPURL as boolean 430 ∗ 17.2.5 MakeURL 430 ∗ 17.2.6 ParseURL 430 ∗ 17.2.7 ServerVolumes as AFPVolumesMBS 430 ∗ 17.2.9 lasterror as Integer 431 ∗ 17.2.10 Password as string 431 ∗ 17.2.11 Path as string 431 ∗ 17.2.12 protocol as string 431 ∗ 17.2.13 server as string 432 ∗ 17.2.14 URL as string 432 ∗ 17.2.15 UserAuthenticationModule as string 432 ∗ 17.2.16 UserName as string 433 ∗ 17.2.17 volume as string 433 ∗ 17.2.18 zone as string 433 { 17.3.1 class AFPVolumesMBS 436 ∗ 17.3.3 Count as Integer 436 ∗ 17.3.4 Mount(volume as string) as Integer 436 ∗ 17.3.5 Sort 437 ∗ 17.3.6 Volumename(index as Integer) as string 437 ∗ 17.3.8 lasterror as Integer 437 ∗ 17.3.9 MountAtStartup(volume as string) as boolean 438 3 4 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 5 Alias 65 { 5.1.1 class AliasInfoMBS 65 ∗ 5.1.3 Constructor 66 ∗ 5.1.4 Constructor(AliasHandle as Integer) 66 ∗ 5.1.5 InfoForAliasData(data as string) as AliasInfoMBS 66 ∗ 5.1.6 InfoForSaveInfo(data as string) as AliasInfoMBS 66 ∗ 5.1.8 FileCreator as String 67 ∗ 5.1.9 FilesystemID as Integer 67 ∗ 5.1.10 FileType as String 67 ∗ 5.1.11 Flags as Integer 68 ∗ 5.1.12 IsDirectory as Boolean 68 ∗ 5.1.13 LastError as Integer 69 ∗ 5.1.14 NodeID as Integer 69 ∗ 5.1.15 ParentDirID as Integer 69 ∗ 5.1.16 PathString as String 69 ∗ 5.1.17 Signature as Integer 70 ∗ 5.1.18 TargetCreateDate as Double 70 ∗ 5.1.19 TargetName as String 70 ∗ 5.1.20 VolumeCreateDate as Double 70 ∗ 5.1.21 VolumeHasPersistentFileIDs as Boolean 71 ∗ 5.1.22 VolumeIsAutomounted as Boolean 71 ∗ 5.1.23 VolumeIsBootVolume as Boolean 71 ∗ 5.1.24 VolumeIsEjectable as Boolean 72 ∗ 5.1.25 VolumeName as String 72 ∗ 5.1.27 kAliasInfoFinderInfo = 4 73 ∗ 5.1.28 kAliasInfoFSInfo = 32 73 ∗ 5.1.29 kAliasInfoIDs = 16 73 ∗ 5.1.30 kAliasInfoIsDirectory = 8 73 ∗ 5.1.31 kAliasInfoNone = 0 73 ∗ 5.1.32 kAliasInfoTargetCreateDate = 2 74 ∗ 5.1.33 kAliasInfoVolumeCreateDate = 1 74 ∗ 5.1.34 kAliasInfoVolumeFlags = 64 74 5 • 16 Mac 387 { ?? Globals ?? ∗ 16.1.1 AppearanceSmallFontMBS as string 387 ∗ 16.1.2 AppearanceSmallFontSizeMBS as Integer 387 ∗ 16.1.3 AppearanceSystemFontMBS as string 388 ∗ 16.1.4 AppearanceSystemFontSizeMBS as Integer 388 ∗ 16.1.5 AppearanceViewsFontMBS as string 389 ∗ 16.1.6 AppearanceViewsFontSizeMBS as Integer 389 6 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 6 Apple Script 85 { 6.1.1 class AppleScriptErrorMBS 85 ∗ 6.1.3 AppName as String 86 ∗ 6.1.4 AppSerial as MemoryBlock 86 ∗ 6.1.5 BriefMessage as String 86 ∗ 6.1.6 Errorcode as Integer 86 ∗ 6.1.7 ErrorCodeAvailable as Boolean 87 ∗ 6.1.8 Message as String 87 ∗ 6.1.9 RangeAvailable as Boolean 88 ∗ 6.1.10 RangeEnd as Integer 88 ∗ 6.1.11 RangeStart as Integer 88 { 6.2.1 class AppleScriptMBS 90 ∗ 6.2.3 close 90 ∗ 6.2.4 Compile(text as string) 91 ∗ 6.2.5 CountScriptProperties as Integer 91 ∗ 6.2.6 Error as AppleScriptErrorMBS 92 ∗ 6.2.7 Execute 93 ∗ 6.2.8 ExecuteEvent(eventname as string, parameters() as string) 93 ∗ 6.2.9 Result as string 94 ∗ 6.2.10 ResultAsStringArray as string() 94 ∗ 6.2.11 ResultDisplayString as string 95 ∗ 6.2.12 ScriptProperty(index as Integer) as string 95 ∗ 6.2.13 Source as string 97 ∗ 6.2.14 SourceTextStyle as string 97 ∗ 6.2.16 CanUnicodeText as Boolean 97 ∗ 6.2.17 Handle as Integer 98 ∗ 6.2.18 Lasterror as Integer 98 ∗ 6.2.19 ResultID as Integer 98 ∗ 6.2.20 ScriptID as Integer 99 ∗ 6.2.21 UnicodeText as Boolean 100 ∗ 6.2.22 Binary as string 101 ∗ 6.2.23 ScriptPropertyValue(name as string) as string 101 ∗ 6.2.25 Periodic as Integer 103 7 • 7 Catalog Search 105 { 7.1.1 class CatSearchMBS 105 ∗ 7.1.3 close 106 ∗ 7.1.4 Search(volume as FolderItem, allowRecursiveSearch as Boolean) as Boolean 106 ∗ 7.1.5 SearchNext as Integer 107 ∗ 7.1.7 BackupDateEnd as Integer 108 ∗ 7.1.8 BackupDateStart as Integer 108 ∗ 7.1.9 CreationDateEnd as Integer 108 ∗ 7.1.10 CreationDateStart as Integer 109 ∗ 7.1.11 creator as String 109 ∗ 7.1.12 FileFlags as Integer 109 ∗ 7.1.13 FileFlagsMask as Integer 110 ∗ 7.1.14 FileType as String 111 ∗ 7.1.15 LogicalDataForkSizeEnd as UInt64 111 ∗ 7.1.16 LogicalDataForkSizeStart as UInt64 112 ∗ 7.1.17 LogicalResForkSizeEnd as UInt64 112 ∗ 7.1.18 LogicalResForkSizeStart as UInt64 112 ∗ 7.1.19 ModificationDateEnd as Integer 113 ∗ 7.1.20 ModificationDateStart as Integer 113 ∗ 7.1.21 name as String 113 ∗ 7.1.22 PartialName as boolean 114 ∗ 7.1.23 PhysicalDataForkSizeEnd as UInt64 114 ∗ 7.1.24 PhysicalDataForkSizeStart as UInt64 115 ∗ 7.1.25 PhysicalResForkSizeEnd as UInt64 115 ∗ 7.1.26 PhysicalResForkSizeStart as UInt64 115 ∗ 7.1.27 ResponseTimeout as Integer 116 ∗ 7.1.28 Result as folderitem 116 ∗ 7.1.29 UsedCatSearchForLastSearch as Boolean 116 ∗ 7.1.30 UseIndexedSearch as Boolean 117 8 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 10 Controls 161 { 10.1.1 class ClickThroughMBS 161 ∗ 10.1.3 Constructor(target as window, mode as Integer) 161 ∗ 10.1.5 Lasterror as Integer 162 ∗ 10.1.6 Mode as Integer 162 ∗ 10.1.8 kActivateAndHandleClick = 3 162 ∗ 10.1.9 kActivateAndIgnoreClick = 2 162 ∗ 10.1.10 kDoNotActivateAndHandleClick = 1 163 ∗ 10.1.11 kDoNotActivateAndIgnoreClick = 0 163 9 • 8 Clipboard 119 { 8.1.1 class ClipboardMBS 119 ∗ 8.1.3 AddData(FlavorType as string,data as string) 119 ∗ 8.1.4 AddText(Text as string) 119 ∗ 8.1.5 AddUnicodeText(Text as string) 120 ∗ 8.1.6 clear 120 ∗ 8.1.7 close 120 ∗ 8.1.8 DataAvailable(FlavorType as string) as boolean 120 ∗ 8.1.9 DataSize(FlavorType as string) as Integer 120 ∗ 8.1.10 GetData(FlavorType as string) as string 120 ∗ 8.1.11 GetText as string 121 ∗ 8.1.12 GetUnicodeText as string 121 ∗ 8.1.13 PictAvailable as boolean 121 ∗ 8.1.14 ScrapFlavorCount as Integer 121 ∗ 8.1.15 ScrapFlavorFlags(index as Integer) as Integer 122 ∗ 8.1.16 ScrapFlavorType(index as Integer) as string 122 ∗ 8.1.17 TextAvailable as boolean 123 ∗ 8.1.18 TextSize as Integer 123 ∗ 8.1.19 UnicodeTextAvailable as boolean 123 ∗ 8.1.20 UnicodeTextSize as Integer 123 ∗ 8.1.22 Handle as Integer 123 10 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS • 9 ColorSync 125 { 9.1 Globals 125 ∗ 9.1.1 ColorsyncAvailableMBS as boolean 125 ∗ 9.1.2 CountColorSyncCMMInfoMBS as Integer 125 ∗ 9.1.3 CountColorSyncProfileInfoMBS as Integer 125 ∗ 9.1.4 CreateColorSyncBitmapMBS(p as picture,dontcopy as boolean) as ColorSyncBitmapMBS 126 ∗ 9.1.5 GetColorSyncCMMInfoMBS(index as Integer) as ColorSyncCMMInfoMBS 126 ∗ 9.1.6 GetColorSyncProfileInfoMBS(index as Integer) as ColorSyncProfileInfoMBS 126 ∗ 9.1.7 GetDisplayColorSyncProfileMBS(index as UInt32) as ColorSyncProfileMBS 127 ∗ 9.1.8 GetSystemColorSyncProfileMBS as ColorSyncProfileMBS 127 ∗ 9.1.9 LaunchColorsyncControlPanelMBS 127 ∗ 9.1.10 LoadColorsyncProfilesMBS 128 ∗ 9.1.11 OpenColorSyncProfileMBS(data as string) as ColorSyncProfileMBS 128 { 9.2.1 class ColorSyncBitmapMBS 128 ∗ 9.2.3 ColorSpaceType as Integer 129 ∗ 9.2.4 Data as memoryblock 130 ∗ 9.2.5 height as Integer 130 ∗ 9.2.6 PixelSize as Integer 130 ∗ 9.2.7 PixmapHandle as Integer 130 ∗ 9.2.8 RowBytes as Integer 130 ∗ 9.2.9 width as Integer 131 { 9.3.1 class ColorSyncCMMInfoMBS 134 ∗ 9.3.3 Description as String 134 ∗ 9.3.4 DescriptionASCII as string 134 ∗ 9.3.5 DescriptionUnicode as string 134 ∗ 9.3.6 Name as String 135 ∗ 9.3.7 NameASCII as string 135 ∗ 9.3.8 NameUnicode as string 135 ∗ 9.3.9 Type as string 135 ∗ 9.3.10 Vendor as string 135 ∗ 9.3.11 Version as Integer 136 { 9.4.1 class ColorSyncProfileInfoMBS 137 ∗ 9.4.3 OpenProfile as ColorSyncProfileMBS 137 ∗ 9.4.5 className as string 137 ∗ 9.4.6 DataColorSpace as string 137 ∗ 9.4.7 Location as ColorSyncProfileLocationMBS 138 ∗ 9.4.8 ManufacturerDate as Integer 138 ∗ 9.4.9 ManufacturerID as Integer 139 ∗ 9.4.10 ManufacturerModel as Integer 139 11 ∗ 9.4.11 ManufacturerSerialNumber as Integer 139 ∗ 9.4.12 name as string 139 ∗ 9.4.13 Platform as string 139 ∗ 9.4.14 PreferredCMM as string 140 ∗ 9.4.15 ScriptCode as Integer 140 ∗ 9.4.16 Version as Integer 140 { 9.5.1 class ColorSyncProfileLocationMBS 141 ∗ 9.5.3 Data as MemoryBlock 141 ∗ 9.5.4 FilePath as String 141 ∗ 9.5.5 isFile as Boolean 141 ∗ 9.5.6 isMemory as Boolean 141 ∗ 9.5.7 Path as folderitem 142 ∗ 9.5.8 Type as Integer 142 { 9.6.1 class ColorSyncProfileMBS 143 ∗ 9.6.3 Copy(target as folderitem) as ColorSyncProfileMBS 143 ∗ 9.6.4 CountElements as UInt32 143 ∗ 9.6.5 Description as string 143 ∗ 9.6.6 ICCData as string 144 ∗ 9.6.7 MD5 as string 144 ∗ 9.6.8 Modified as boolean 145 ∗ 9.6.9 Name as String 145 ∗ 9.6.10 ProfileElementMemory(tag as string) as Memoryblock 145 ∗ 9.6.11 ProfileElementString(tag as string) as string 146 ∗ 9.6.12 RefCount as Integer 146 ∗ 9.6.13 Save as boolean 146 ∗ 9.6.14 Validate as boolean 146 ∗ 9.6.16 Handle as Integer 147 ∗ 9.6.17 Lasterror as Integer 147 ∗ 9.6.18 Location as ColorSyncProfileLocationMBS 147 ∗ 9.6.19 NameASCII as string 147 ∗ 9.6.20 NameMac as string 147 ∗ 9.6.21 NameUnicode as string 148 { 9.7.1 class ColorSyncProfileSetItemMBS 149 ∗ 9.7.3 profile as ColorSyncProfileMBS 149 ∗ 9.7.4 renderingIntent as Integer 149 ∗ 9.7.5 transformTag as Integer 149 ∗ 9.7.7 cmAbsoluteColorimetric = 3 149 ∗ 9.7.8 cmPerceptual = 0 150 ∗ 9.7.9 cmRelativeColorimetric = 1 150 ∗ 9.7.10 cmSaturation = 2 150 ∗ 9.7.11 kDeviceToPCS = 1 150 12 CHAPTER 1.
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