The Daily Register VOL.99 N0.141 SHREWSBURY, N. J. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1976 15 CENTS Bicentennial is heading for its last hurrah WASHINGTON CROSSING, four replica Durham boats to them move he knew he was feat The battles of Loaf Is- I'nrumonia and dyseatery Pa. (AP) — America's Bicen- accommodate the overflow of still alive land. Fort Washington Fort are rampant Desertta— in- tennial it running out. IU last history buffi in this Bicenten- Here Is how it was on lhat Lee are still fresh thoughts. crease, suasblae patriots hurnh may come Christmas nial year. blustery night of Dec IS. 5.0M Americans lost in the Mucking ideals for a roof Day when a band of long- 1771: past three months Vermla scurry over the qul johned compatriots reenact If the wind is right, the George Washington's troops The pudgy general, who as vtrtRf bodies of the remain George Washington's crossing l.M loyal souls who will re- •tare at the ice chunks bob- a major In the French and In- lag MM men. some little of the Delaware IM yean enact the crossing here will bing in the Delaware River dian War once attempted to more than boys defying a shiver a bit. But they'll leave "1.00 p.m. It Is fearfully cross another ice-choked rlv king no bloody (ootprlnti In the er, the Allegheny, and fell in. Some 15,000 persons are ex- snow. cold and raw and a snow One, Ll James Monroe. II. pected to watch. storm is setting in." writes a prays will, like hu commander, be- George Washington will Those and other horrors of soldier "The wind is northeast and come president of the United be played by St. John Terrell, this country's first war un- Christmas. 1776 beats In the faces of the States a onetime theater producer folded in 1771 at the camp be- Watchword for the at- men," writes the soldier 1 from Lambertsville. N.J. neath Bowman's Hill, during tempted crossing i> "Victory "Some of them have tied old In England It is believed For the first time, there a time when lice were a sol- or Death," a chancy battle rags around their feel, others the war la over The red of will be two crossings in the dier's solace, for if he felt cry for a man dogged by de- are barefoot " See Bleealeaatal, page I .3 million area projects get tentative U.S. approval By SHERRY CONOHAN subject to final clearance of dlesex County, was rejected, Law School. Newark. II mil- Township Sewerage Authority SlatekMse CMrespaadeat the projects by the U.S. Eco- however lion, athletic field construc- had been sought to finance In- nomic Development Adminis- "I am naturally dis- tion at William Paterson Col- stallation of unitary sewers TRENTON - Projects pro- tration. appointed by the rejection of lege. 1)10,000. and heating in the Flat Creek area off Rt. posed by four municipalities Individual alloca- our top priority state proj- and plumbing work at Rut- M east of Poole Ave Homes and two sewerage authorities lions,according to a break- ect," Gov Byrne said I gers' Newark campus. In the area now use septic in Monmouth County totaling down of projects by the gov- have directed Commissioner 140.000 tanks $3,387,750 were among those ernor, include 11,041.222 for Sagner (State Commissioner All the other funds go to Mrs Marie Purcell. office which have received tentative Monmouth Beach. 1785.219 for of Transportation Alan Sag- municipalities, counties, manager for the authority, approval from the U.S. De- Highlands. 1521.109 for the ner) to make every effort to school districts and local utili- said she had heard nothing partment of Commerce for Long Branch Sewerage Au- find other sources of state ty authorities about approval of Ihe project federal funding under the thority, 1424.087 for Eaton- and federal funding for this "The flow of funds lo con- until contacted by a reporter Public Works Employment town, M11.016 for Oceanport sorely needed improvement ' struction-ready projects Highlands borough officials Act of 1976 and 1205,117 for the Haalet The state projects that re- across the stale will put thou- said the. I7S5.II9 grant will be Gov. Brendan T. Byrne yes- Township Sewerage Author- ceived approval were con- sands of New Jersey men and used lo renovate the terday announced the Com- ity. struction of a refuse rebelling women back lo work, with a borough's water plant at Mill- merce Department has ten- The projects tentatively ap- facility In the Hackensack concentration of Jobs in the er and First SIS tatively approved federal proved include five submitted MeihWlands, l« 9 million, construction industry where Mayor Cornelius J Gulney funding totaling 199,938,628 for by the state with a total cost construction at the Neuro- the unemployment rate is es- Jr said the grant la expected New Jersey projects under of 110 million. The state's top Psychiatric Institute. II mil- pecially high," Gov Byrne lo cover the entire cost of the the federal legislation He priority request, funds to lion; library, classroom and said project said the tentative approval is complete Rt. 18 through Mid- office renovations at Rutgers The $205,117 for ihe Hatlet See prajeru, page 2 Califano to get HEW REENACT FAMOUS CROSSING - A group of men dressed as George PLAINS, Ga. (AP) - Presi- might not play the customary complained of not feeling as attorney general He said Washington's troops practice crossing the Delaware River In a Durham dent-elect Carter Is preparing dual role of heading the CIA. well. Mrs. Carter U 78. he was concerned about los- boat for their Christmas Day reenoctment at Washington Crossing, Pa. For to complete his cabinet by There had been speculation And Carter's contro- ing his initiation fees the first time the ceremonies will provide two crossings to accommodate the naming Washington lawyer that the intelligence post to versial nominee for at- But In a statement issued overflow of history buffs In this Bicentennial year Joseph Califano Jr., to head be announced would go to torney general. Atlanta law- from Carter's office in Plains the sprawling Department of Theodore Sorensen, a key yer and former federal Judge yesterday. Bell said he had Health, Education and Wel- White House aide to President Griffin Bell, said he Is quitt- decided to give up the private fare (HEW). John F. Kennedy. However, ing three exclusive private clubs because he wanted to Carter scheduled a nation- sources here suggested yes- clubs that have no black serve as "a symbol of equal- ally broadcast news confer- terday that Sorensen would members. ity before the law " Bell ear- Carter, Artis make ence this morning to in- not be involved in today's an- Bell had been under fire lier canceled a news confer- troduce Califano, a key ad- nouncement. from black leaders for his ence scheduled for today viser to Lyndon Johnson and The President-elect talked membership in the all-white Carter, during his aerial In- one of those behind Johnson's to the three reporters aboard clubs Black congressional terview, said he takes at face a bid for bail today Great Society programs. • his small Air Force jet during leaders had indicated they value indirect assurances he The President-elect also the return flight to Georgia would fight hit nomination be- has received from Soviet was expected to name former from Chicago, where he at- cause of the club member- leader Leonid I Brezhnev PATERSON (AP) - Rubin sons in the Lafayette Bar & recantation and testified for tended funeral services for ships, out of concern for his that the Soviets will not try to "Hurricane" Carter and John Grill in June 1966. the prosecution at the retrial. Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger as his new energy Mayor Richard Daley, who civil rights record while on lest him in his first month in Artis were to return to court Passaic County Jail Warden "We didn't have a retrial, czar and to reveal his choice died Monday. the federal bench and be- office, as was the case with today - this time for a ruling John DeYoung said there we had a rerun," Carter, for a top Intelligence post. Shortly after returning cause of his support of G the late Premier Nikita Krus- on whether they can be freed dressed in jail denims, said. were no problems with either Harrold Carswell. a Richard chev and Kennedy Bui Car- on bail pending an appeal of In a 45 minute Interview home to Plains, Carter was Carter said the case would man, and that he .was holding Nixon nomine* to the Su- ter added. "I'll be prepared if JeaephA CaHtaa«Jr their second conviction for a with three reporters yes- driven to a hospital in nearby have been helped by an ap- them in isolation because preme Court my belief is ill founded " triple murder here 10 years terday, Carter binted that he Americus to see his mother. be held In Japan later next pearance by Arthur Dexter "there's a lot of pressure on ago. them. planned to announce his Lillian Carter, who had been Bell had indicated as late as Asked if he might attend an year, he replied. "Possibly " Bradley, "but we couldn't choice to be director of cen- admitted for what a spokes- economic summit meeting of "Everyone else in here Tuesday that he would try to He said he will keep over- At a jailhouse news confer- find him to testify for us." tral intelligence, indicating man called "a few days of ex- leaders of major non-Commu- would want to talk to them," keep his membership in the seas trips to a minimum in ence yesterday, Artis and the Bradley and Alfred P.
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