, . , • • Ration Calendar lR 7. 1943 Cool PROCESSED FOOD stamp. R, 8 and T ell~eSept. 20; MEAT .tamps X and Y expire Oct. 2; L On. per. ~ coupon •• '42-'43. expire Sept. 30 ; PR ED Iowa: CODtiDued cool &oda, )'0008 atamps 11. V and W eXPire Ott. • 10: 8UGAR , tamp 14 and home cannln• • tampa 15. IS expire Oct. 31; FVEL OIL per. 1 COUpOnl, ·t3-'44. expll'e Janl I ..... Iowa City's Morning Newspaper === ~B. AIIOV~T.D ns FlVEeENTS ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNFSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1943 T•• A'IOCIAnD P.... VOLUME XLIlJNUMBER 289 I - Ive .... ~n a·r Ina a·se-- ars a IngsI · .* * * * * '. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City • American the Mu. Yan'ks Threbten Jap Base ea ~ew York New Guin led in the , 8-28. ARENA IN WHICH ALLIES LAUNCH FIRST INVASION OF EUROPE Ins famous 1 :ed during -fchief of Staff Declares Series I and 1936 ·u.s. 'Chutists Within one of th~ oits to be 'ar. Of Offensives Mounting; 4voids. lrks of the Twenty Miles of [oe ,e. Chirico Iiong with ALLrED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PA· EurOPean CIFIC, Wednosduy (AP)-Amcl'ican paratl'oopers who landed Guess at When Allies Will Win Sunday in t he Markham valloy and eized aD airstrip now have In painters advan ced to wi tliin 20 miles of th e .'apancse sea and air base By WILLIAM F. FRYE !xhibit are of [,,8 0, Now Ott incn, G noml MacArthur announced today. WA, HINGTON, Wedne'day (AP)-Gen. (ll'orge '. MIII-shnIl, pel', Kane 1'h cse t 1'00 pH. who 'ch1ltcd hom transpol'ts which had the big. ~ hil'f of rrtaff of th al'my, reported y . tl'rday that the war has gest e~CO l' t of filth leI'S and bom bers ever employed in the south ~ ntercd it final pha l', with thl' alii ' mounting a . ri of of· Pacifi c, Ill ude theil' original .landings 'at thc Nadzab airstrip of wbicll end only tbe ob 'olut dl'feat the ax.i. the Markham l'i \'el·. ren i\'cs will with of A\'oiding any prediction 0/[ how lon~ the war will 13 t, bllt luses Ground reinfOl'cements are being flown into the sector, which " with complete 8!iSurance of the final \'ictory tu comp," he ~lIb· is behind Lac. The original Inndings were witnessed personally mitted to 'ccrctaryof Wllr • 'tim!!on his biennial report, , k<'tehing by Oen. Douglas MacArthur, who flew in a Flying Fortress over Tynftenian Sea Here ramatically the nation 'Ii transition from perilou ' nnprrpar,t:rlnc. s the Owen Stanley mountains. ill th summer of 1941 to unpreced Ilt d military POll' l' cl'rtllin trees Were Australian forces which landed aturday above Lae from boats of triumph. !en blown which had an escort of American ]n th mid. t of victories 011 el'ery front and !>w(,l'pinA' plan. for Iowa City warsh ips now have pushed fo r. swept the gr at n W offen~i\'\~s, the c:hirf of th mightk·t army thi olin h'y i2:15 Mon. ward from their bea ·hheads to hI\. eve/' known-an Rrmy created, equipped Ilnd trained under eloclty was Soviets Claim hiH )('ad rship-fliM:losl''l that. a point neal' the BURU river only cording to 8 few miles cast of the enemy two )'1'111'11 Rg-O he w!ltched the !au at the baBe. Previous reports had placed ominolls allJ.:re:~ions of lhl' .Jup. aU reached an i(', np\,C'!' in doubt th"it' Uleir advance units within 10 Over A20,000 Allies Plunge or r the trees r pllrpos, bllt helol tn l"Pin· le base or miles of Lae. Medil.nonean force the Phillppincs ~ause the MitcheU medium born b c l' s IUSed by a dropped 65 tons of bombs in the Ahead in Italy soldiers and machines did not l' at Dodge Malahang plantation area of Lae. Nazis Killed exist. kened the The enemy has an airdrome at Marshall says that two yearll town mast Malahang. British Take Palmi; ago he feared disintegration of :reet crews Enemy positions and bivouacs 1,080,000 Wounded, ' , ~' , .,SOUTHERN ,ITAL Yl ~ men spent his army ot 1.500.000 men, had to were the targets. 38,600 Captured In ~ , SCA" 01 MItII· \. Secure Firmer Footing vi ng fa llen Two mlles northwest of Lae plead Cor extension of the elect­ tric power Two-Month ,Offensive Iii i I To Widen Bridgehead In tbe Markham va.lIey, 80 tons • U 10 100 '10 ive service period beyond a single s were not ., explosives were dropped by day morn. LONDON, Wednesday (AP)- ALLIED HtADQUARTERS IN year. Today, commander of on lobr-eilrlned bombers on an­ NORTH AFRICA (AP) _ The army of nearly 8,000,000 which has e reported elber enemy stronl"lcJolnt. Jacob· The Russians announced in a ape- SROWN ON TJI1I: ABOVE MAP Is the southern half of the Italian Imiles up the coast from the point on the strait of Messina where arm. MIl'. plantation. Fires set In fuel ciaJ oftlcial statement last nl.ibt , ~b..wa, where the allled armies began their Invasion of 1he con- first landlnes were made. captured Palmi and dug Inkl the Interior British Eighth army extended its proved Itself in bottle, he can re­ ami IUPPly dumps were visible that more than 420,00 Germans'. tiDen" of Enrope las' week. Troops have now pushed their way 60 In an advance which took Delanuova. invasion brldiehead in Italy to a port that the enemy has lost the watt-hours lor at mlles. width ot at least 60 miles yester- initiative in every theater, Is being month are had been killed, at I-.t 1,0110,.000 day with the capture of Palmi In The Japllnese airforce. wh!J:h wounded and 38.600 captured in , . a 10-mile advance, while great inexorably cru$hed by 1 0 tillht- the in. was absent during Sunday's para­ • ctric gen· the first two months ot the Red fleets of allied bombers struck by ening rings of allied air. lond and n airplane troop landings, so complete was MacArthur's surprise. put in a army'. big summer offensive, day and night at the Naples al'eo sea strength. ;t rUftS in In a concerted effort to wither the "Stratellically the cnemy in belated appearance. Out of an which swept on today unchecked Fire, Train Wrecks enemy's war ellort in southern Europe has becn reduced to the enemy force of 30 planes. allied along a 600-mJ1e front. Italy. defensive and the blockade is lighters shot down two Japanese The Red army also took a great Deepening their inland lhrust on complete," Marshall writes. bombers and five fighters for toll In material from the ret~eat­ the Calabrlan peninsula, the Bri- "In the Pacific the Japanc e are certain and probably destroyed Houston Hotel Blaze Government Favors- Ush and Canadian troops pushed being steadlly ejected or rather six other planes. Only one allied ing Germans, Including 5,729 Philadelphia Wreck Claims 76- planes, 8,400 tanks, 5,192 guns and another 10 miles in the Santo Ste- eliminated Irom their conquered fighter was lost. lano wedge to seize Delainuova, territory... , Today's communique, In reo more than 28,000 trucks, Moscow's Causes 45 Deaths; . I The village is 15 miles due east "In brief. the tren ..th of the lerrlnr to operations of the Aus· announcement said, of Scilla on the Aspromontc moun- enemy Is steadUy decUnl1l&' Indicating perhaps the haste ot 3 Dead in New York Rail Blasi trallans above Lae, said these 32 Persons Injuted ~Cool;ng' taln spine of the peninsula. while the combined power of troops, many of them veterans the German retreat as well, as its Axis assertions that all southern the united nation is rapidly In- ot tbe African campa"n. "are extent, the Moscow statement Calabria had been abandoned PlllbJlIf rapidly forward." listed among the captured mater­ Origin Undetermined Period PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Sev- CANASTOTA, N y, (AP) - seemed confirmed by the scant op. creasln.. , more rapIdly wUh eaoh I Io an engagement 10 miles from ia l 1,041 tanks, 2,018 guns. 5.382 enty-eight bodies lay in the Phila­ Three crewmen died yesterday as position. Extensive demolilions to succeedlnr month. There can be Lae with an enemy force at Sin­ machine-gUns and 7,953 trucks. In Most Deadly Texas delphia morgue last night-victims 20Lh C t L"t d t roads, bridges and tunnels and the but one result and every re- 30.0011 Square Miles By THE A 880 01ATED PRESS the en ury Lml e , s ream- source we possess I beln, em- lIaua plantation, the Japanese Disaster Since 1937 of the nation's worst railroad dis­ lined luxury train, slewed crazily extreme ruggedness of the ten'ain ployed to hasten the hour or vlc­ were defeated, Unoffi~ ia l calculations based on WASHINGTON- The American made progress slow, The invadef3 government was said on high au­ aster since 1918, the wreck of the over four lracks when its locomo- were some distance east of Melito tory without undue acrlllce of "Our western ground forces in the RUSSian advances as recorded HOUSTON, Tex. (~) - Fire the Markham valley have brushed in the daily show Pennsylvania railroad's crack Con­ live boiler blew up as the train In their drive east along a southern the Uve of our men," I comm~niques sweepjng a small, ancient hotel thority yesterday to favor a "cool­ aside enemy outguard resistance t~at the Red arm>, 10 the offen­ Ing oft' period of at least several gressionallimited in the northeast­ hurtled along at 80 miles an hour.
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