Continuous MIT I News Service Cambridge Since 1881 Massachusetts Volume 97, Number 40 Friday, September 23. 1977 - I New charge filed Soule apologizes for Grogo picture By Mark James stated in that letter that Soule withdrawal of all copies of the concerning his charge calling for Freshman Picrturebook Editor "has come to realize the basis of picturebook. They do not specify the expulsion of the entire TeA David Soule'79 has issued a letter the pain (caused by the publica- how this withdrawal was to be ac- staff. of apology to those offended by tion) among some members of complished, according to the Mack said that he had been the inclusion of the Grogo picture [the] MIT community. Further- source. told by some of the students in- in the Technology Community more, I feel that his apology is in Assistant Director of Admis- volved that the picture Aas INSIDE -.. - Association produced Pic- earnest." sions John Mack '73 spoke with directed against Amin, and that turebook. The new charges were brought The Tech on Monday evening TCA's Sept. 13 letter of explana- Geils celebrated its tenth an- The Committee on Discipline by a group of East African stu- I - ,, tion, which denied that the p.c- niversary together as a band (COD) received a third complaint dents against the editoral board r ture was intended to be political. this week with two fantastic To the mnembers of the MIT about the photograph on Mon- of the Pictureb6ok, according to a showed "a total iack of conccrn concerts at the Music Hall. A cornmuni ot: day. The firsi complaint called for well-informed source. During the past two weeks I ,ith getting the truth of matters review of Wednesday's concert the expulsion of Soule; the second They state that the picture of have tried to understand what out" alnd "complicity A th Soule" including a back-stage inter- asked for the expulsion of the en- the gorilla statue called Grogo, I did when I published the pic- in his actions. view appears in Arts. tire TCA membership. and its caption, "Harvey Grogo He said that he has seen and is I ture of Grogo. I now realize Soule's letter (see box at right); - Kampala, Uganda," were that I cannot expect to fully endorsing the charges presented --------------p6 states in part that "I cannot ex- directed against Ugandan Presi- understand the insult some by Assistant Professor of Politicai pect to fully understand the I At the New England Women's insult dent Idi Amin. They say that it is people saw in the picture but I Science Willard Johnson. Aho some people saw in the picture Single-Handed Cham- insensitive to joke about Amin, am now aware of the insult. asked for the explusion of Soule. but I am now aware of the insult. pionship, MIT sailors took because his actions are a serious My inclusion of the picture Mack said that he realized that four of the top six spots. My inclusion of the picture was a political matter that affects many was a grave mistake and I the COD does not normall, ac- grave mistake and I want to Africans. want to apologize to those cept charges w hich name no apologize to those people whom I In addition, the charges say people whom I have offended. specific persons. but that he felt p8. have offended." that the racial implications of the I am very sorry and if I were that TCA should identify those His letter was given to The Tech picture cannot be ignored. given a second chance, I would responsible. or those not respon- EXCEREPS together with a letter from a The students ask for an sible should come forward and Michael Dukakis, Frank Bellot- never allow the picture to be Ugandan student who had been apology- the charges were is- published. disclaim TCA's actions. ti, Ed Brooke, Paul Guzzi, and one of the original students to sued before Soule's letter was The Interfraternity Conferencet: Bob Crane. move over. Make complain about the picture(see Sincerely, released - for suitable dis- David P. Soule '79 met Tuesday, but it issued no room for Anita Bryant. For letter. P. 4). Petero Kwizera G ciplinarN action, and for the L I , , . , statement on the matter. she, it would seem, will be on the hustings with the political i heavies of the Commonweaith a year from now as the 1978 Eary droIp date under consideration I political season reaches a peak. By Kent Pitman ibilitv offered by a late drop date The matter ,,ill. therefore, be proposed change could be voted -What is expected to bring The Committee on Academic gives students avgreater chance of discussed by the CEP thoroughly upon immediatelx and action Bryant to Massachusetts is the Performance (CAP) has prepared trying to become involved with in order to decide whether it could be taken at any- time. If ap- effort by the state's gay people an analysis recommending that other activities without a com- should be heard by the Faculty proved, the new drop date could to win legal protection against the drop date be located earlier in plete loss of grade security. and with what recommendations. go into effect as early as this descrimination. Bryant, who the term than its present date. At the CEP meeting yesterday, Once obtained by the faculty, the spring. gained national publicity this The analysis, submitted by the these topics were discussed, spring as a result of her ";'Save CAP to the Committee on however no decisions have been II Our Children" campaign. Educational Policy (CEP), was made. I which resulted in a vote to obtained by fiursday and quoted The article in yesterdav's thurs- repeal a Dade County in part by Ron Newman '79 in day alleged that the CAP was not (Florida) ordinance yesterday's issue. interested in the students' views of prohibiting discrimination ] "That report is being discussed an early drop date because "the against gays, is expected to in the CEP today," Professor of responses would probably not be launch a similar effort here Physics Robert Hulsizer, objective ones, since there is a next year. Chairman of the CEP, told The natural reaction against any Actually, Massachusetts Tech )esterday morning. change which limits one's op- gays-and their supporters Huisizer w-ent on to sav that he tions." would be pleased to see feels it "isn't crucial" that the Commenting on this statement, Bryant, because her presence subject be heard immediately at Hulsizer said that to the best of would mean that the the next Faculty Committee his knowledge, the only reason legislature would have enacted meeting (scheduled for Oct. 19), that some form of student poll Professor of Physics Roberi Hulsizer amended version of a bill to and that he would like the CEP to had not been conducted was that prohibit discrimination have "ample time for discussion the CAP study was made over the against gays in public employ- and hearings before we make summer, and the majority of the Baker tradition filled ment. recommendations to the student body was unavailable for Editor's note.' This i.s the second of kindness ind Lenero,,,::, - Richard Gains Facultv.- comment. article in a series exanziinng iradi- Sociall'.. the rca? t.t; Baker i I The Boston Phoeni: Elaborating on his personal The drop date issue originally ltis at .MIT dormitories. Janmes becins Xlth the ruh anid Xt.!.tC- L~Is IlL· __- . 1 veiws of the i I I situation, Hulsizer arose when Professor of Electrical .Wtoody '76 is a former resident of nent of R ( &tck. renc ,cd i II The University of Georgia has pointed out that there are basical- Engineering William Siebert Baker touse wtho offered to share friendships. dalk partl¢e. and I been looking for a new vice- Iy two factors involved. backed a resolution proposing hix recollections with us. ,parkle-eced freshtmcn. Baier i'ha d I president for academic affairs. .. It [a late drop date] puts an that facultv advisors in Course VI Baker House traditions spring recent], been taking a morte I Opposition developed on the extra load on the faculty." The should not sign drop cards after from its unique architecture. poSltive role during Ru. h WXck. II I Se-arch committee to one of the,i current policy leads students to the fifth week of the term. Baker's serpentine brick edifice by activel, presentingLts lifc-titc j finalists - Virginia Y. Trotter, delay their decision to drop a Siebert's proposal, which was was derived from noted Finnish and character to freshmen. I i of the Department of Health, course for such an extended brought before his department's architect Alvar Aalto's fantasy of .Nonthly house parties are oc- II Education, and Welfare. period that extra work on the part Undergraduate Education Policy a pregnant worm squirming along casionally plain mixers. but usual- II Her critics, reported the of the faculty is called for, grading Committee was approved, and the Charles. Architecture students Iv have a theme. Past themes have II Athens (Ga.) Observer, were papers and in other ways aiding was to take effect this term (see from all over the world come to included Baker Starship. Rock i upset over some of Ms. Trot- students who have not firmly The Tech, Thursday, May 19, marvel at Aalto's strange crea- Revival, Halloween. Roman I ter's publications in her field, committed themselves to the 1977). tion. The undulating construction Orgy, and Square Dance. Twice - j home ecomomics.
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