Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 4-16-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 16, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1991 Volume 76, Issue 136 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Tuesday, April 16, 1991, Vol. 76, No. 136, 16 Pages Coming home Cheney: U.S. troops to leave Iraq in days WA SHI GTON (UPI ) - of southern Iraq 00 Feb. 2li at the international relief organizations .... Defense Secretary Dick Cheney conclusioo of fighting in the four- let not our responsibility to take on saId Monda ~ U.S. forces WIll be day ground war, will come out"in (relief effons) on a perm anent out of Iraq Wlthm a maucr of days, a few days," Cheney saul. basis." although some will stay just inside "Of course they will still be in He also said no finaI decision has Iraq near th e border until U.N. the southern part of Iraq where the heen made about how much U._. observer troops arc in place. buffer zone is _. and they will slay military equipment to base ;n the Cheney also said a few U.S. there until the U.N. forces arc in area in case unrest eruptS again and persoonel WID be mcluded wlthm place .... I th mk we'll have U.S. troops must retum. Published the U. N. force that will patrol the everybody out within a few days," ropons said about enough Iraq-Kuwait border to act as a hesaid. equipment to outfit a lank divisioo whistle-blower should Iraqi troops He said there would be "a few would be kept at the King Khalid try toaoss into Kuwail individuals with the U.N. Military City. Speaking to reponers in the peacekeeping forces, but they'D be near the nonhem Saudi town of hallway of a House office building under the auspices of the United Hafr aI-Batin. after testifying to a special Nations." "It's prernawre to say a decisioo co.mmission examining a list of Asked about the Kurdish has been made," saidCheney. "We mIlitary installatIons he has refugees along Iraq's nonhern arc interested in working with our recommended be closed, Cheney border, in southern Turkey and allies including the Saudis, the also Satd U.S. force.:; would proICCt Iran, Cheney said, "Right new our Kuwaitis, the gulf Slates, 00 post­ a refugee camp on the Iraq-Saudi biggest problem with the Kwds is war security arrangements. Some Arabian border until it i; sune the simply gelling them the 3SSISIance, of that is likely to include camp is safe. the supplies to avoid the loss of prepositioning equipment but it The troops, who look up life. In the long tern\ we would like would be premawre at this point to JXlSIlJons covering aboul 15 percent to pass on that responsibility to say a decisioo has been made." Two CCFA dean candidates invited for campus interview By Natalie Boehme to come to the campus. School of Music al the University Staff Writer "I have not made a decision to of Arizona in Tucson, will be on invite the other two individuals campus APril 17 to 2D to meet with '!Wo new candidates have been yet," Shcphen! said. Shepherd, the CCFA staff and other Staff Photo by Fred Hal. invited to SIUe 10 be intaviewed The CCFA dean position remains IICIIIanic deans and SUJdcnlS, for the CoDege of Communication open after Michael T. Marsden, Besides serving as assistant Taxing protest and Fine Arts dean position. associate dean for academic affairs director of the School of Music, Greg A. Steinke and Gerald C. for Ihe College of Arts and Steinke has filled positions as a Elsie Speck, Carbondale resident and member of the Stone were invited to the campus Sciences at Bowling Green professor of music, director of Peace CoalItion of Southern Illinois wears a mask that University, declined the job last summer wod<shops and programs, for interviews. said Benjamin A. she saId symbolIzes the "draIning of taxpayers' blOod," week because of a disagreement in scholarship and recruitment Shepherd, vice president for She was protesting high talles Monday afternoon, the contract terms. commiuee and the bonors program academic affairs and research. deadlIne to file Income t8lt returns, at the Carbondale Steinke and Stone were the ooly Marsden was the only one from in his three years at UA. IwO of four remaining candidates the commiuee's lOp three choices Steinke also has laught music at Post Office. More than 240 panlClpated In the coalitIon's submiued by the CCFA Dean to be offered the positioo. t8lt demonstratIOn, See related story page eIght, Search Commiuee who were asked Steinke, "";<tant director of the See CCFA, Page 5 USG president finds job takes up time Gus Bode By Doug TOOle noted the num­ from three to six hours on Tuesday Staff Writer ber of hours sbe and Thursday allending meetings spends in the and representing USG at various :-iEWS She is referred to by a number of USG office functioos. names - the Ghost President, the from 8 a.m. 10 "My physical appearance in the Profiles on Invisible Lady, the Holder of the 4:30 p.m. during office is unnecessary if everything USG candidates Lame Duck Term of OffICe. the week. is running the way il should be," She is Lissa Kuethe, senior in Kuethe esti- she said. -PCII]e 9 marketing and Undergraduate mates she Representing USG at committee Coal project Student Government president. and spends around I LIssa Kuethe meetings, at formal occasions, to Gus says senators and her tern\ is aIm16t over. 1/2 hours on administrators and to student offICe staff are wondertng II gets funding The nicknames come from Mooday, Wednesday and Friday in the new president will cast a -Page 8 senators and omcc staff wbo have the office during office hours and See KUETHE, Page 5 shadow or not. Mi!!J6 Toxic gases present in manure pits Rail walkout Dawgs lacking looms as union in conference claim 150 lives across United States votes on strike --Page 16 By Brandl llpps in Iowa who had a pump pit, which SlaffWriter transfers the manure from the pil to WASHINGTON (UPI) another ....,., - Railway union leaders l·hS Manure pits can become death He said something went wrong met Monday with Minority pits in a Mauer of minuteS. with the pump and a farmer went Transportation Secretary -Page 7 Aboul 150 people have died down 10 fix it. The farmer was Samuel Skinner as negotia­ Classified nationwide within the past year overcome by the toxic gases tions continued LO avert a -Page 10-12 because of falling inlO the pits or present in the pit and was nationwide walkout with Comics enteri"g them withOUl a breathing unconscious within a few minutes. potentially devaslating ec0- investment group. nomic consequences. -Page 13 apparatu s, according to the He said the caUle or pig manure Other members of his family National Safety Council. witnessed him passing out and The eight unions, which is scraped or flushed through slats represent more than A manure pit is a storage unit in the flcor in the pen thaI coolains went down to help, Williams said. They were overcome by the gases, 150,000 workers and whose buill below the ground and the livestoCk. collects manure from livestock and within minutes, all three family last contracts expired three ""'UH'· The manure is laler used for years ago, have threalened confined to pens, said Larry fertilizer for the farmer's aops, be members were dead, he said. ~ Wtlliams, the district coordinator of Williams said mosl farmers with said. s... RAIL, Page 5 Partly sunny, 70s community education for Country Williams said be knew a famil y ., Companies. an insurance and See MANURE, Page 5 Page 16 April 16. 1991 Sports n.III.' I-.J.! \pti.m . Suulhem lIIinni"i l ni\.{'rsit~ at Carhund'lle Dawgs hope to turn things around By Eric Bugger have had trouble scoring runs. This Staff Wr.ar weekend the Dawgs left 39 runner.; on base in the four-games series If the sruc baseball team could with Creighton. Riggleman said a just play non-conference games, it after the team left Omaha, another clutch hit at the right time could bus came 10 up the team. probably would have one of the pick This have turned around several of the bus it to Murphysboro best records in the country. befi . out of gas",. Salukis' 20 losses. The Salukis have lost II games Freshman outfielder Dan Esplin in the Missouri Valley Conference. was disjIatchI:d to continues to lead the offensive but hold a 13-9 rocord against non­ picr up-the tearn and finally. at auack for SIUC with a .358 batting conferenee opponents. The Salukis about 10a_m_ the players got Jtome_ Affer dropping four games average. have been swept by Creighton and • tlie-Ieam was Freshman second baseman Jeff Bradley on two four-game series Cwynar (.344), senior outfielder pm. and were knocked off three times - FJe1!i at'4 Jeff Nelson (.310) and senior against MVC newcomer Southwest fora'.rilatl:!fup designated hitter Bob Geary (.308) Missouri State. ·3 pm. 1Oday: ¥ are the ooly regular.; hitting above SIUC baseball coach Sam the .300 mark.
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