f t T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND HAZKTTK KSTA HI.ISH ED 1S40. t TWO DOI.LAKH A YEAR IN ADYANCBt ROCKLAND COURIER ENTAI1I.1KHEI) 1874. £be $rcss is % ^rt^iinchfan $cbcr tjnit globes tbc £3lorlb at £too dollars a JJear I SINGLE COPIES PRICE FI^E CENTS. V o l. 8 .— N ew S e r ie s . R O C K LA N D , M A IN E, T U E SD A Y , MARCH 12, 1889. N umber 9. BURNED FLAT. A PROPOSITION. HARRISON'S CABINET. MARCH MUS INGS Piggott suicided. Unfortunate that he did FLOUR. not do so years before. J. H. Simonton of this city has made a prop Secretary of State—Jnmes G. Blaine of There is one industry in this country in Which nobody learns anything by experience, The Lowest Prices in Knox Co. The Catholic Chnrch Tnkcs Fire and a osition to the Thomaston Board of Trade to Maine. and that is the business of thawing out dyna­ The lobby was knocked silly on the free VERY FINEST FLOUR MILLED .............» 7 4 0 Fen Charred Beams Tell Ihc Story. establish a clothing manufactory there. The Secretary of the Treasury—WilliamWindom mite cartridges on a stove.—Bangor Commer­ text book bill, and 'twas a powerful lobby, REST 8T. LOUIS FLOUR MILLED........ 7 0 0 Board thinks favorably of tbc proposition nnd of Minnesota. cial. too. BEST PATENT R O L L E R .......................... O 4 0 appointed a committee to solicit stock for such Secretary of War—Redfield Proctor of Ver­ Our Augusta friends need not worry nhont GOOD " “ .......................... li 0 0 Hard Work by tHe Firemen Saves tHe a business. It is thought that 810,000 will be mont. Skowhegan refuses to lie a city, Perhaps the removal ol the State Capitol to Portland. the fate of Waterville has frightened her out Parsonage. needed. Secretary ot tbe Navy—Benjamin F. Tracy If it is taken from Augusta it will be shipped of New York. by express to Fort Payne, Alabama.—Rich­ of it. MARKET DEPT. About midnight, Wednesday, at 12.15 o’clock JUVENILE CONUNDRUM. Secretary of tbc Interior—John W. Noble of mond Bee. BEST TENDERLOIN orSIRLOIN ROAST. ISfl Missouri. The following is the latest care for Insomnia: the alarm was rung In from box 37, corner of The Senate vote on the free text book bill BEST SIRLOIN STEAK ...................................... 8 0 c Louie S-------had been to sec a little baby, Postmaster General—John Wanamaker of "Take a napkin, dip it in Ice water, wring it Park and Main, the Catholic church being on wns 14 In favor and 12 ngainst. 'Twonld be slightly, and lay it across the eyes.” REST RUMP STEAK ............................................. IRc Are. Henry Tominskl, who boards on Plena and wbb somewhat surprised nt the scantiness Pennsylvania. 2 LBS. CHOICE ST E A K ....................................... Sflc of its hair. On his return home he propounded Interesting to hear the reasons of that dozen ant street, whs on his way home, smelled the Attorney General —W. H. Miller of Indi­ 3 LBS. NEW VALENCIA RAISINS.................25 e the following conundrum: for their opposition. Vessels named after governors arc having NICE'.BROOM............................................................ 10 c smoke when near the church and investigating ana. hard times.Tbe Governor Ames was dismasted, saw the flames through the vestry window “ Why is it that people are bald-headed at the Secretary of Agriculture—Jeremiah Rusk TOBACCO, per lb......................................................3 0 c The English capitalists who formed a syndi­ and the Governor Robie ashore. Republican CA ’NED CORN........................................................10c He hurried to tbe parsonngc and aroused tbo head of life, and bald-headed nt the tail of of Wisconsin. life, too ?” cate some months ngo for the purpose of buy­ governors, too! C, .NED,TO M ATO ................................................ 10c inmates, and then gave a general nlnrm. --------------- ------------------- Mr. Blaine needs no introduction. He re­ ing up a lot of breweries in this countrv, hnve NiCK COFFEE...........................................................84 c The night was rainy and the mud deep, so LEETLE AIRLY. turns to tbc old position he occupied in Gar­ stopp’d all negotiations for the purchase of Twill soon lie time to "play ball," and tho breweries in this S tate, ns th y are wniting to " BARS NICE SOAP ............................................... 215c that when the Are department arrived on the big city dailies will he filled to overflowing CHEESE....................................................................... 1 0 c field’s cabinet, ns docs Mr. Windsom who was learn the results of the prohibition election to scene the Interior of the church was ablaze He Forces tHe Season WitH Ripe Tom­ Garfield’s secretary of the treasury. be held In June.—Philadelphia Retold. with the doings of the great "Kell" and BEST SICILY CAN ARY S E E D ........................ Be "Baby” Anson and the rest. Great are tho PRUNES ............................................................... Bo The smoke was so dense in the church that atoes and Unripe CHicks. Redfield Proctor, the new secretary ol war, President Harrison is reported to have city did ies! BEST BOD A ............................................................... Be none of the furnishings could he removed, a A. S. Rankin has ripe cherry tomatoes which has been twice re-elected governor of Ver­ BEANS......................................................... fle piano taken from the basement being the only caused a number of banners removed from he has raised in the house this winter, in- a big mont. the inaugural procession in Washington yes­ A correspondent of the Bangor Whig gives a BEST NEW DATES 10c LU., 3 LBS 25c. article saved. pot us one would a plant. General Tracy, who succeeds Mr. Whitney terday because they were designed to insult list ot the unfortunate occurrences at Boyd’s BINE FLORIDA ORANGES........................3Be The wind set toward the parsonage from Mr. Rnnkin has also a flock of a dozen en­ the Democrats. Thus the first official act of NEW PICKLED LIMES. nt tbe head of the navy department, is a Brook­ the new administration wns in tiie interest of Mills, where the recent Maine Central accident which all the furniture was removed and set it terprising Plymouth Rock chickens, which N E W FIGS 15c LB., 2 LBS. 25c. on fire several times, but the firemen pluckily lyn lawyer 59 years old. He acquired his mil­ non-partisianship.—Boston Herald. occurred, to prove it to he an unlucky place. shelled out tiie 20th ult. itary title by gallant service in tbe civil war, 2 LBS. GOOD W A LNUT 3................................... 3Bc fought it, inch by inch, and saved it in a — -•♦.— ---— Criminal carelessness will make any place nn- VERY FINE SAGE CHEESE. damaged condition. Tbe fire was then kept which he entered nt the head of a New York There is talk of a library in fashionable ucky. Very Bert White Tongues end Sounds.............. S c WHAT’S IN A NANE? regiment. within its original limits, the wet ground and Paris to be made up wholly of books written General John W.Noble is another Ohio man, by women. If the recent works of some of “Innocuous Desuetude" and "offensive buildings extinguishing the flying sparks. A correspondent says she thinks she has partisanship" have now given wny in political I lb. Choice Tea 5 0c— Warranted though he has hailed from Missouri since the I our best known female writers are a foreshad­ The full ot tbe steeple towards II. H. Flint's found n curious association of similar and parlance to the following from President Har- 1 BAR AMERICAN SOAP FREE. war. He was born in Lancaster,Ohio,and is 58 | owing of what is to come such a lilirnry would store made a little hot work there for a time, duplicate names in a store in this city. r. i inaugural: "Persistent importunity but the building was drenched and saved with years old. When the war broke out he enlist­ not be the place to find the purest literatute of The are two Cobbs, two Crocketts, two ed in an Iowa regiment and returned home in the day. wul not, therefore, be the best support of an POTTLE & TUTTLE, a slight scorching. Mr. Flint’s insurance on application for otltee.” Emmas, two Ernests, two Fullers, two Helens, 1865 with the merited rank of brigadier. Spear Block, 310 Main Street. his grocery stock expired the Sunday preced­ two Perrys nnd two Walters, nnd there are There need he no tears shed because Gen. ing the fire and he neglected to renew it. Ilis also two, the Christian name of one and the John Wanamaker, the merchant prince of Harrison did not come into Washington with Denver, Col., has a terror, “Jack the Choker” stock was removed from the store, and when surname of the other commence with D. There I’hiladelphla.assumes control of the mails, and a flourish of trumpets. He knows the way by name, who springs upon unprotected if he is as successful in that as in other lines about in that city, and those who want to meet the danger was over the goods were put back is also one whose Christian name and two him will huve ample opportunity ip the coming females at night, throws n rope around their McLOON & CROCKETT. without the lenst injury. There was an in whose surnames commence with a W. of business be will give the country Ihe best four years, while he hnnsolt will see all the necks nnd chokes them. The citizens arc or­ surance ol 83000 on the church nnd its contents, —--------♦*--------- service it ever had. Mr. Wanamaker was parading be desires in the next four or live ganizing a Choking Society of their own.
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