CERNJuly/August 2020 cerncourier.com COURIERReporting on international high-energy physics WLCOMEE CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the July/August 2020 issue of CERN Courier. From giant detectors at the receiving end of artificial neutrino beams to vast sub-ice or subsea arrays and smaller setups investigating whether neutrinos are Majorana particles, neutrino experiments span an enormous range of types, scales and locations. Today, as explored in this issue, a new generation of reactor and NEUTRINO accelerator experiments – including DUNE in the US, Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan and JUNO in China – are gearing up to complete the measurements of neutrino- EXPERIMENTS oscillation parameters and establish the neutrino mass ordering. Meanwhile, a series of shorter baseline experiments are scrutinising the three-neutrino paradigm. STEP UP Coordinated global action has seen Europe, via the CERN neutrino platform, European strategy update unveiled participate in the long-baseline neutrino programmes in Japan and the US. This Neutrons on COVID-19 has proved a major success. The 2020 update of the European strategy for particle Big Science economics physics, released on 19 June, recommends that the neutrino platform receives continued support. Its highest priority recommendations are to pursue an electron–positron Higgs factory to follow the LHC, and that Europe explores the feasibility of a future energy-frontier hadron collider with a Higgs factory as a possible first stage. These are exciting times, and this month’s Viewpoint also calls on particle physicists to highlight the broader socioeconomic impact of our field. Elsewhere in this issue: a global network of ultra-sensitive magnetometers called GNOME homes in on exotic fields; neutron facilities prepare to study the structure of SARS-CoV-2; graphene-based Hall probes trialled at CERN; reports on the virtual IPAC and LHCP events; CLOUD experiment breaks new ground in atmospheric science; and much more. To sign up to the new-issue alert, please visit: http://comms.iop.org/k/iop/cerncourier To subscribe to the magazine, please visit: https://cerncourier.com/p/about-cern-courier EDITOR: MATTHEW CHALMERS, CERN DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY IOP PUBLISHING CCJulAug20_Cover_v3.indd 1 23/06/2020 17:47 CERNCOURIER WWW. V OLUME 6 0 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 0 2 0 DIGITIZER CAEN CERNCOURIER.COM FAMILIES Electronic Instrumentation IN THIS ISSUE V OLUME 60 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 02 0 A new high density and flexible digital solution R5560 - 128 Channel 14-bit @125 MS/s Digitizer R Cubitt J Goodman J Versatile readout system with exceptional performance designed for 3He tubes in neutron detection applications, PMTs, High Purity Germanium Detectors, RPCs, Silicon Strips and others. M Br ice/CER N-PHO T O-201906-179-2 It is equipped with an open FPGA easily customizable by the user with the included programming tool SCI-Compiler, for real-time data processing. HAWC eye Gamma-ray observations are I spy Neutron diffraction offers unique Hold on tight How fundamental research • 2U, 19” Rackmount unit with automatic fan NEW being pushed above 100 TeV. 12 advantages for studying SARS-CoV-2. 43 drives socioeconomic progress. 47 control • 128 analog input channels, differential input NEWS PEOPLE (single ended version coming soon) ANALYSIS ENERGY FRONTIERS FIELD NOTES CAREERS OBITUARIES • 14-bit @125 MS/s ADC Strategy update concludes Quartic coupling probed IPAC goes virtual Surveying the P Lazeyras 1931–2020 T2K publishes CP fit LHCb interrogates LHC physics shines A Michelini 1930–2020 • Maximum flexibility thanks to USB3.0, • • • surveyors • • Top-Higgs interactions X(3872) • Baryon source amid COVID-19 crisis. 21 CERN demands skills • A Minten 1931–2020 Ethernet, and Optical Link interfaces, supporting remote • CLOUD on smog in proton collisions and tools beyond the • A Pullia 1935–2020 management and very fast data flow DT5560SE • Graphene debuts • LEP-era discrepancy scope of normal • T Rodrigo Anoro 32 Channel 14-bit@125 MS/s • Funky physics unravelled. 17 surveyor jobs. 53 1956–2020 • D Tlisov • 2.4” touch screen display for quick configuration and status • 100 TeV photons. 7 1983–2020. 58 control • Easy multiboard synchronization FEATURES Hyper-Kamiokande Hyper-Kamiokande GNOME NEUTRINOS CP VIOLATION NEUTRON SCIENCE Sensing a passage Tuning in to The search for Neutron sources through the neutrinos leptonic CP violation join the fight NEW unknown A new generation of Boris Kayser unpacks against COVID-19 SCI-Compiler A global network of accelerator and reactor one of the key questions Advanced neutron magnetometers has experiments is opening in neutrino physics. 40 facilities can enable a User Firmware Generator and Compiler for CAEN begun its search for an era of high-precision deeper understanding exotic fields beyond the neutrino measurements. of SARS-CoV-2. 43 Programmable Boards Standard Model. 25 32 • Block diagram based user firmware generator and compiler • Automatic VHDL generation starting from logic blocks and OPINION DEPARTMENTS virtual instruments VIEWPOINT INTERVIEW REVIEWS FROM THE EDITOR 5 A price worth Lofty thinking Fiction, in theory NEWS DIGEST 15 • Automatic generation of drivers, libraries and demo paying Jasper Kirkby looks at Big Bang • New APPOINTMENTS 54 software for Windows, Linux and macOS to implement Large research how CERN’s CLOUD Perspectives on Matthew Kapust/SURF & AWARDS infrastructures are experiment has Einstein’s E = mc2. 51 communication between devices and PC software RECRUITMENT 55 through USB, ethernet and VME protocol essential drivers of merged the best of On the cover: Preparations economic progress, particle physics and for the DUNE cavern at Sanford BACKGROUND 62 argues Rolf Heuer. 47 atmospheric science. 48 Underground Research CAEN Facility, South Dakota. 32 www.caen.it Small details… Great differences CERN COURIER JULY/AUGUST 2020 3 R5560_2020.indd 1 19/06/20 13:12 CCJulAug20_Contents_v3.indd 3 24/06/2020 15:25 CERNCOURIER WWW. V OLUME 6 0 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 0 2 0 CERNCOURIER.COM HIGH PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES FROM THE HIGH VOLTAGE. EXACTLY. EDITOR OUT NOW A neutrino success story M Brice/CERN M n the 64 years since the direct discovery of the neutrino WITH ONBOARD from a reactor source, experiments with reactor, solar, Iaccelerator, atmospheric, cosmic and geological neutri- nos have taken physicists ever closer to this most ethereal of PYTHON SCRIPTING Standard Model particles. The revelation that neutrinos have mass, confirmed in the 1990s via the discovery of neutrino oscillations, also launched promising theoretical speculations Matthew on the existence of particles beyond the Standard Model. Chalmers Today, as our cover feature explores, a new generation of Editor reactor and accelerator experiments are gearing up to com- plete the measurements of oscillation parameters (p32). A priority is the complex phase of the mixing matrix, which Neutrino platform ProtoDUNE modules in CERN’s EHN1 hall. encodes potential leptonic CP violation (p40) and for which the T2K experiment in Japan recently published hints (p8), while s p e c t r o m e t e r a n d c o nt r i b ut i o n s t o T 2 K’s n e a r- d e t e c t or N D 2 80 another target is the neutrino mass ordering. Three upcoming and its upgrade. ND280, which was built inside the magnet mega-projects – DUNE in the US, Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan from the UA1 experiment in a collaboration with CERN dating a n d J U NO i n C h i n a – h a v e t h e s e e n i g m a s fi r m l y i n t h e i r s i g ht s. from much earlier, is vital for reducing neutrino-interaction Meanwhile, a series of shorter-baseline experiments are to s y s t e m a t ic s, w h i l e t h e N A61 e x p e r i m e nt a t C E R N i s h e l pi n g t o scrutinise the three-neutrino paradigm. improve neutrino-flux predictions. A strong need exists for From giant detectors at the receiving end of artificial further such experiments if maximal physics is to be extracted neutrino beams to vast sub-ice or subsea arrays and smaller from DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande. setups investigating whether neutrinos are Majorana parti- The recent go-ahead for Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan, along cles, neutrino experiments span an enormous range of types, with the continuing uncertainty over the International Linear scales and locations. Their latest results will be showcased at Collider sited there, have slightly obscured the neat global Ne ut r i n o2020, w h i c h w a s g e t t i n g u n d e r w a y i n a f u l l y v i r t u a l vision of particle physicists back in 2013 of a world with an It would be format as the Courier went to press. intensity frontier in the US, a precision frontier in Japan, and a n e n e r g y f r o nt i e r i n E u r o p e. B ut it w o u l d b e d i ffic u l t t o d e s i gn difficult to NEW Coordinated action two long-baseline accelerator-neutrino experiments more design two Following the recommendations of the 2013 update of the d i ffe r e nt t h a n Hy p e r-K a m io k a n d e a n d DU N E , a n d t h a t br ings long-baseline European strategy for particle physics, Europe chose to par- richer physics opportunities.
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