E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2009 No. 42 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was tion for economic decline. The stock for the Department’s community called to order by the Speaker pro tem- market and other indicators are show- health center, which already has 10 pore (Mr. MCINTYRE). ing that. full-time positions. The community f More than half of the Americans pay- health center plans to add only two ing higher taxes under the Democrat more jobs—two, not 40. We need to be DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO plan are small business owners filing as dealing with what is rather than what TEMPORE individuals. Raising taxes on small the Democrat majority and the Presi- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- businesses where a majority of Ameri- dent want the American people to be- fore the House the following commu- cans go to work every day will not put lieve. nication from the Speaker: American families back to work. Rais- Let me say again, the budget, the WASHINGTON, DC, ing utility rates on every household in stimulus, spend too much money. They March 10, 2009. America will place an undue burden on tax too much—the largest tax increase I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE MCIN- families struggling to make ends meet. in history. They borrow too much TYRE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Cutting deductions for charitable giv- money—the highest level of borrowing day. ing will harm higher education, sci- ever. This is not the way to get our NANCY PELOSI, entific research, and religious organi- economy back on track. The Demo- Speaker of the House of Representatives. zations struggling to do good in our so- crats are going in the wrong direction. f ciety. House Republicans understand that MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Democrats are on the side of more the American people are hurting. We government and more taxes. House Re- had an alternative plan that created The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- publicans are on the side of the Amer- twice as many jobs for half the cost, ant to the order of the House of Janu- ican people. And let me talk just a but it was summarily dismissed. ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- minute about that so-called stimulus Republicans aren’t saying ‘‘no’’ to nize Members from lists submitted by bill which passed here a couple of everything, we’re presenting better al- the majority and minority leaders for weeks ago. ternatives, but the Democrat majority morning-hour debate. We were told that the stimulus bill and the President want you to believe The Chair will alternate recognition had to be passed, had to be passed im- that all we’re saying is no. That’s not between the parties, with each party mediately because it was going to cre- right. We’re ‘‘being’’ rather than limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- ate 3 to 4 million new jobs in this coun- ‘‘seeming.’’ ber, other than the majority and mi- try. Now, some of us were skeptical f nority leaders and the minority whip, about that from the very beginning, limited to 5 minutes. but we want to make sure that what is BETTER CHOICES FOR AMERICANS f promised is kept. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Now, I come from the State of North Chair recognizes the gentleman from HOUSE REPUBLICANS ARE ON THE Carolina, Mr. Speaker, as you do. The Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- SIDE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE State’s motto in North Carolina is ‘‘To utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Be Rather Than to Seem.’’ I think it is Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, it Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from a good motto for all of us to live by. was interesting to listen to my good North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- And let me give an example of how the friend from North Carolina with her in- utes. stimulus package is a package ‘‘to terpretation. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, the Amer- seem’’ rather than ‘‘to be.’’ You know, it’s interesting. My Re- ican people are hurting. Congress was Here’s a Democrat stimulus myth in publican friends simply had no solution right to take action to get this econ- the State of Montana. A press release other than to gut the infrastructure in- omy moving, but higher taxes and mas- from Senators BAUCUS and TESTER vestments that are so critical, the im- sive Federal spending is not the cure claimed that $1.3 million in stimulus portant health care initiatives, and re- for what ails this economy. The Amer- money would create 40 new jobs for the place them with more tax cuts, most of ican people know that, too. They know Flathead City County Health Depart- which would not meet the needs of peo- we cannot tax and spend and bail our ment; sounds great, sounds like a good ple who need help the most. way back to a growing economy. excuse for voting for a waste of money. I will tell you, I invite people to look Raising taxes during a recession on But here’s the reality; the money will at what we did. Indeed, the $6 billion almost every American is a prescrip- simply provide another year of funding that is flowing to my State of Oregon b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3107 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 23:35 Mar 10, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR7.000 H10MRPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H3108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2009 over the next 2 years has made a crit- and not performing very well. Let’s percent spending increase for those ical difference to support State serv- send the message there’s a bipartisan programs in 2009 from $378 billion to ices, to be able to invest in cleaning up consensus that we’re going to fix that. $680 billion. This spending increase by the environment, to save and create In the area of transportation, there is the Democratic Party is unprecedented jobs. I’ve posted a guide on my Web a vast coalition that has emerged in American history. site to each and every one of those pro- around the country that wants to help The domestic spending programs visions—62 pages in all—where people the Federal Government get more which the omnibus focuses on have not can track for themselves. There are money and streamline the Federal been cut in the past decade; in fact, not, for example, tax increases for partnership. They are willing to work they have only increased from 2001 most Americans. My friend from North with us so that there are more choices, through 2008. These programs grew 23 Carolina is just flat wrong. If she would higher standards, and sustainable rev- percent faster than inflation, including research the bill that we approved here enue. The Chamber of Commerce, orga- increases for education at 35 percent, on the floor, she would find that in fact nized labor, environmentalists, transit health research at 37 percent, and vet- 95 percent of the people get tax cuts. advocate bicyclists, all combine in an erans benefits at 54 percent. It is appar- Nobody is having tax increases over approach to make America’s transpor- ent that during these fiscally chal- the next couple of years, even the very tation partnership with State and local lenging times these programs could wealthy. And it’s what, in fact, Amer- governments better and stronger. have survived without some of these ica has asked for. We don’t need to rely on the same old large increases. I would suggest that it’s time for us patterns. We can, in this Congress, Regrettably, the omnibus bill does to step back from some of this goofy take action that unite people all across not offset this new spending. It does back and forth because I think there the spectrum all across the country. not attempt to cut spending or insti- are a wide range of areas that we can We’ve got a President who can use the tute reductions in inefficient or dupli- agree that reform needs to be made. bully pulpit. I strongly urge that we cate or worthless government pro- I like what I heard from President work with him for a new vision, more grams. And let me just give you fur- Obama on the campaign trail and what value, better choices for Americans, ther example, Mr. Speaker, where some I heard from the rostrum here when and to do it now. savings could be made; $55 billion in the President addressed his first joint f annual program overpayments, $60 bil- session of Congress. There are a num- lion for corporate welfare, $123 billion 2009 OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL ber of areas of health, energy, tax, and for programs for which government agriculture that actually can bring The SPEAKER pro tempore. The auditors can find no evidence of suc- people together. Now is not the time Chair recognizes the gentleman from cess; $140 billion in potential budget for commissions and study groups or Florida (Mr.
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