0 VAX 8600 Processor Digital Technical Journal ofDigital Equipment Corporation Editorial Staff Ediwr- Rid1ard \V. Beane Production Staff Production Ediwr - :'-1. Tnri Auticri J>csi!(nt:r- Charlotte A. Bell An Din:nor- (;illian S. Cowdny Tq)escttin!( Programmer- jamt:s K. Scarsdalt: Advisory Uoard �amuel II. Fuller. Chairman Rohc·n .\1. ( ; lorioso John W. �kCrt:dic John F. 1\lucd Maht:ndra R. Patel (;rant f. Sa,·ins William 1>. Strt·c· kcr \-!aurin· \'. Wilkes The f)igitaf recfmicaf journal is puhlishl'd hv Digital Equipmt:nt Corporation. 77 Reed Road. Hudson. Massachusl'tts 0 17•i9. Comml'nts nn tht· t·ontt·nt of any paper art· wei­ com(.'{!. I 'sl' tht: Rl'adt·r Rt:sponsc card or writl' w the editor at :'vlail �wp HI.02-5/K I I at the puh- 1 ishcd-by adclrt:ss. Comments can also he sent on the ENET to RDVAX::BEANE or on the ARPANET to IIEANE'X,RDVAX.DEC�i)DE<:WRI.. Copyright <D I fJH'i Digital Equipmt:nt Corporation. Copying without fee is pnmittnl provided that such copies arc macll' for usc in educational institu­ tions by faculty members and arc not distrihutnl for commt:rcial advantage. Abstracting without credit of Digital Equipment Corporation's author­ ship is permitted. Requests for other copies lor a fee may ht· made to the Digital Press of Digital Equipmt•nt Corporation. All rights reserved. The information in this journal is subject w chall!(l' without noticc and should not bc construed as a commitmt·nt by Digital Equipment Cc>rporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no respon­ sibility for anv nrors that may appear in this documcm. ISU!'; 0-952576-8.�-'i Documentation Number EY-5--I5';E-DP The following :tre trademarks <>f Digital Equipml·nt Corporation: DEC. tht: DIGITAL logo. HSC-'>0. Kl-10. KL-10. PDP-II. lii.TRIX-11, UI.TRIX-32. VAX. VAXclustt:r. VMS. VA.,'\-11/7HO. VAX- I If7H'; , VAX 8600. CDC is a registered trac.kmark of Control Data Corp .. :'vlinnt:apolis. :-.IN. CRAY is a rt:gistered trademark of CRAY Research. Inc.. Minneapolis. MN. Cover Design IBM is a registered trademark of International llusint:ss Machines. Armonk. NY. Aspects of the VAX 8600 design are featured in Ibis issue. Motorola is a rcgisu:n:d trademark of \-lotor­ The component tecbnology in the 8600 is the macroce/1 array. ola. Inc .. Schaumburg. IL. with l!C/. semiconductors. Uur cover shows a module with its The manuscript lor this book was created using 1•arious electronic components, notaiJ�)' the macroce/1 arrays generic coding and. via a translation program. was and their multilevel heat sinks. automatically typeset on DIGITAL's DECset lntt:­ grated Publishing System. nook production was The cover was designed by Deborab Falck and William Capers done by Educational Services Development and of tbe Graphic Design Department. Publishing in Bedford. MA. Contents 6 Foreword Hoben :\1. (; lorioS<J �cw Products H An Overview of the VAX 8600 SJ'Stetn Tryggn· Fossum . .James 11. \ll'Eiro\·. and \X'illi:1111 English 24 The VAX 8600 I Box, A Pipelined llnplementation of the VAX Architecture :\brio Troiani. S. Stephen Ching. :-Jii N <)uaynor. John F. llloem. and Fernando C. Colon Osorio 4 5 The F Box, Floating Point in the VAX 8600 Systen1 Tn·ggn· Fossum. \\'illi:lfll 1�. Crundmann. and \'irginia <:. Blaha ·),! Packaging the VAX 8600 Processor Jallll'S II. McEiro\· () 1 Signal Integri�)' in the VAX 8600 Syste111 John II llackcnherg (J() Cooling the VAX 8600 Processor E. !Irian Kalita and \\'illiam l'nglish 7 1 Designing Reliability into the VAX 8600 System William F. 1\ruckert and Ronald F. Josephson Editor's Introduction The pipeline paper, by Mario Troiani. Steve Ching, Nii Quaynor, John Bloem, and Fernando Colon Osorio, explains the VAX 8600 pipeline in terms of a general model. This starting point is important in understanding the unique contribution of the pipeline's key dement, the instruction prefetch unit. The paper explains how this unit fetches instructions, achieves control, and maintains data integr-ity. The 8600 fea-tures fast, efficient floating point operations. The paper by Tryggve Fos­ sum, Bill Grundmann, and (;inny 13laha dis­ Richard Beane W. cusses the instruction flow in the tloating Editor point accelerator and the role of emitter-cou­ pled logic in its design. The authors describe how algorithms are processed and how The Digital Technical journal bridges a gap microcode controls those operations. in the information published about Digital's The next three topics arc closely related products by providing an �:xplanation of becau·se decisions in packaging, signaling, their technologica'l foundations. In th<.: past, and cooling must be made with their inter­ such explanations appeared in papers writ­ acting effects in mind. The paper on packag­ ten by Digital's engineers for various periodi­ ing. by Jim McElroy, discusses the evolution cals. Unfortunately, anyone wanting concise of the process that identified the best wav to technical details had to search through the package the modules and components. J�hn gamut of this literature. Hackcnbng's paper on signal integrity This journal was created to pr<.:sent that describes the software tools that enabled the information in one publication. The papers design team to distribute power while con­ ar<.: written by the engineers who developed trolling noise and avoiding cooling th<.: products, in terms of th<.: technologies problems. The solutions to those problems. that went into their designs. Our audience is including the use of thermal design rules and composed of engineers within Digital. as special measuring techniques. arc discussed well as cngine�:ring educators and by Brian Kalita and Bill English. customers. The final paper, by Bill Bruckert and Ron This issue, our inaugural one, features the josephson. explains why reliability consists VAX 8600 processor. Its design. with a pipe­ of the avoidance, tolerance. and minimiza­ lined architecture and emitter-coupled tion of faults, and the improvement of MTfR. logic, offers many innovations besides The authors discuss the techniques used to increased speed. New packaging. cooling, reduce failures. to identify those that do and reliability techniques, and new auto­ occur, and to make repairs easier. mated simulation tools were used to develop These papers represent a cross section of this product. Some papers explain the final the activities in a large design project. and results of the development process; others they relate the results of design decisions as discuss the process itself. All give the reader well as the process for making them. a sense of the unique ways in which Digital develops its products. The first paper, by Tryggve Fossum. Jim McElroy, and Bill English, is an overview of the 8600's salient features. The distribution of processing into the various "boxes." the specific performance improvements. and the reI iabi 1 i ty and data integrity features are amply discussed. This paper establishes a framework to assist the reader in fitting the more detailed papers into an overall <:ontext. 2 Biographies Ginny Blaha is a senior engineer, currently work­ Virginia C. Blaha ing on the datapath design for the execution unit in a new high-per­ formance CPU. On the VAX 8600 project, Ginny designed the multi· plier module and several gate arrays as a member of the team that developed the tloating point acceleratOr. She joined Digital in 1981 after receiving a bachelors degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University. Educated at Northeastern University (13.S.E.E., 1969 John E. Bloem and M.S.C.S., 1973). John Bloem joined Digital in 1969. He first designed custom module systems, then the interfaces for PDP-11 and PDP-8 systems. As a senior engineer, he helped to develop the PDP-11 Commercial Instruction Set. John was the project leader for E Box development on the VAX 8600 project, and he also helped tO design and test the 1 Box. He is presently an engineering manager planning a new high-end computer system. In 1969. Bill 13ruckert joined Digita'l after William F. Bruckert receiving a fi.S.E.E. degree from the University of Massachusetts. Later, he received a M.S.E.E.jC.E. degree from the same university in 1981. Starting as a world-wide product support engineer. I3ill later worked on a number of PDP-I 0 system designs as a senior engineer. As a consulting engineer, he developed the cache, memory, and direct memory access designs for the VAX 8600 processor. He is currently investigating cache designs for future memory systems. Steve Ching is a consulting engineer now develop­ S. Stephen Ching ing the design for a new high-end CPU. On the VAX 8600 team, he worked on prototype debugging, code optimization, and simulation development. After joining Digital in 1977, he worked on developing test generation tools in the LSI area and on a simulation system used in VAX system development. Steve earned a B.S.E.E. degree ( 197 2) with honors from California State University and a Ph.D. ( 1976) in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri. -� Hiograpbies Fernando C. Colon Osorio Fernando Colon Osorio graduated from the l 'niversity of Puerto Rico (ll.S.E.E .. 1970) and the l'niversit\' of Massachusetts (M.S., Ph.D .. 197(l) . .Joining Digital in 11)7(), he wo �kl'd on several high-end PDP- l I systems and managed tht· Local Area Net­ work Group in Corporate Research. ()n the \'AX H<lOO rroject. Fer­ nando managed the RT-Ien·l simulation and prototvpe design verifica­ tion. lie is presently the manager of S\'Stcm research and advanced development in Digital's High Performance Systems (;roup.
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