1673 BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 12, No. 65 April 20, 1967 Thursday 104 School, City Officials Okay Juvenile Jury Teen Court Due Soon Traffic law enforcement for teenagers took a giant step forward this week as officers of school and city organizations put the stamp of approval on a juvenile jury system. Student Council and Teen Town members met with the Juvenile Advisory Council Mon- day night and were asked their opinion of a jury of teens. Both groups unanimously favored in- stituting such a system as soon as traffic offender'scan be pro- secuted in city court. Rep.Donald Reed said a sta- tute change to allow teen traf- fic offenders to be haled into city court would be introduced to the Legislature in Tallahas- see next week. The bill could legally be introduced April 25. Interest was high this week in the Florida Atlantic University Semi-finalists for the Miss Boca Raton High be chosen from the six and crowned at the high No juvenile has had to appear student sidewalk art show. Here an artist and prospective client School Contest are (left) Donna Noell, Sharlene school Spring concert tonight. The concert, fea- before a city magistrate in discuss some of the paintings. Boca Raton for about two years0 Fox, Sandy Gilbert, Cindy Frambach, Janet Bold- taring the band and chorus, will be held at 8 p.m. cases continue to be backlogged izar, and Pat Roll. The girls were selected Mon- in the school auditorium. by the Police Department. day evening. Miss Boca Raton High School will According to present law, all offenders must be sent to the 10 'Make History' county level and cases referred back to the city on a individual bases. County officials, how- With New Degrees 51st St. Planning Proposal ever, chose to send down a blanket referral which they say Ten young men will make ed- engineering to be conferred covers all juvenile traffic ucational history Sunday, April anywhere in the free world. cases. Former City Attorney 23, at Florida Atlantic Univer- Among the 478 graduates in Hits Snag, Gets Deferred John Quinn issued an opinion sity when they receive the first FAU's seventh and largest in 1965 that blanket referrals undergraduate degrees in ocean graduating class will be the A recommendation from the M-2 (industrial) to R-B-l (mo- knife-slim building permitted. were insufficient and cases University's first two recipi- Planning and Zoning Board to tel-business) and R-3 (multiple This doesn't seem wise, btice ceased to be handled here. ents of the master of science rezone certain areas south of family). other buildings like this in other Municipal Judge Kenneth M, degree. They are John H. Flynn, 51st sto hit a snag Tuesday night Councilman Harold Maull was parts of the city are having a Dix applauded the juvenile jury Milk Prices Riviera Beach, and Gerald R. when City Council refused to go the most outspoken critic. hard time," he said. system. "It has good possibi- Freeman, Ft. Lauderdale. along, and deferred it for fu- "You're going to rezone an Deputy Mayor Pat Honchell lities if properly imple- Dr. G. Ballard Simmons, vet- ture study. area that has only 100 feet in pinned down the fact that the mented," he said. "It would be Plummet Here eran dean of the college of The P&Z Board proposed to depth. By the time parking lots proposed route of N.E. 2nd ave. strictly unofficial, but would education, will award 281 de- rezone a parcel from M-l and are built, there'll be only a would bisect the tract, but no be as much of a benefit to the Boca Raton food stores are in grees. Education, FAU's larg- provisions were being made jurymen as the accused. the midst of a milk price battle est college, is turning out 119 for right-of-way. "I think it would give them that for once is delighting milk masters and 162 bachelors. Maull asked Planning Direc- an insight to the workings of consumers in the area. Other colleges accounted for Shakedown Cruises tor Walter Young: our penal system instead of This week milk prices at Pub- graduates as follows: humanit- "Isn't it true that we would the court being some very mys- lix hit an all time low of 29 cents ies 64, business and public Boca Raton's new police boat will all be boatmen and famil- have to pay more for right-of- terious place," he added. for half a gallon while other administration 60, science 35, ^ will take a couple weeks of iar with laws of the water, way in an R-3 zone?" Judge Dix believes a juve- stores are gradually dropping and social science 28, - shakedown cruising before it Brown said. "We'll be looking When the answer came back nile jury system could reach far their milk prices to a 39 cent The size of the current class goes on full-time duty, Chief for violations of the wake law "yes," council ended the 30- beyond traffic court. "It might average. forced ceremony planners to W. Hugh Brown said yesterday. and reckless operation on the minute discussion by the re- well be considered for some Highest price for half a gallon forego use of the central patio ' 'We want to make sure it is Intracoastal." (Continued on Page 12A) cases on up to age 21 for drink- of milk is 55 cents at Seven- area which served for the two in good shape and the men are ing and like problems," he Eleven. Kiwk Chek is offering on-campus exercises. The Sun- thoroughly familiar with it be- said. half a gallon at 37 cents, while day event will take place in an fore we start actual patrol," "Traffic is annoying and does Great Value and A&P are hold- area immediately adjacent to he said. create problems, but real ser- ing to a 39 cent price. the Administration building. Since no budget was set forth ious business in teenage con- The battle, which began last Palm Beach County contri- for the operation of the boat and duct I'd say would be things week, has milk prices dropping buted the greatest number to funds had to be transferred, like vandalism, petty larceny, ten cents, sometimes as much assault and battery and drink- as 30 cents below the mid 60 the class, 166; Broward came Chief Brown said the craft would second with 148; Dade account- operate on a weekend schedule. ing. cents prices asked for half a "Friday, Saturday and Sun- "Most teenagers are limited gallon of milk just two weeks ed for 96; other Florida count- £ day are our heaviest days on (Continued on Page 12A) ago in area stores. continued on Page 12A) the waterway," he said. "We'll probably patrol between the hours of 9 a.m. and about 6:30 Just 2,000 from Boca Raton p.m. This schedule could be changed if necessary to handle the bulk of traffic." Officers handling the craft 9,000 Attended Fiesta 250 Attend Two thousand Boca Raton turned over $49,566 to the lea- Mrs. Drummond said the fig- residents attended the Fiesta gue to be added to the fund for ures she quoted were after ex- de Boca Raton in February, ac- maintaining the hospital, but penses for such things as elec- Library Event cording to Mrs. Robert J. Drum- more money is still expected to tricity, decorations, publicity, mond, fiesta co-chairman. come in. office supplies, properties, in- More than 250 persons Mrs, Drummond told mem- "We still expect another $700 surance, parade plus many trekked into Boca Raton Library bers of the Debbie-Rand Mem- profit to come in from Fiesta others were taken out. Tuesday to help celebrate Na- orial Service League at its an- activities," Mrs. Drummond She also said she figured tional Library Week. nual meeting that admissions said, ' 'so a definite total profit about $17,000 of the expenses The occasion was the li- to this year's fiesta totaled cannot be known at this time." go right back into the com- brary's open house, sponsored 9,003, over 1,500 more than However, she did break down munity, * 'We try to do most of by the city's three woman's last year's 7,390. the known profits into groups our business with local firms," clubs. Tonight a special pre- However, she told the women which included advertising, $4,- she said. "So we figure about 90 sentation on Russia will be that only 2,000 of the persons 577, or $1,000 more than last percent of our expenses go shown by Dick Leitch at 8 p.m. who attended the fiesta were year's profits; cafe, $2,413, right back into the community in the library. Boca Raton residents. The rest compared to last year's $1,577, economy." Activities geared to the Li- of the 7,000 came from as far This year the Fiesta ball She estimated that 1,017 res- brary Week theme, "Explore north as Palm Beach and as far netted a $31,385 profit, a de- idents worked on the Fiesta Inner Space, Read * come to south as Fort Lauderdale. Pom- crease from last year's $36,- this year, 800 of which were not an end Friday. The last day pano Beach residents flocked 822. "The reason for the de- members of the Debbie Rand §- • art work done by fifth grade to the Fiesta at a rate of 1,108, crease in ball profits is that so League.
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