INDEX TO VOLUME 40 Leading articles are in bold f_acetype; notes, abstracts and reviews are in ordinary type. Only minerals for which definiie data are girr"r, a." indexed. AaoKaodating method (Wasserburg, Alurgite, x-ray data. 984 Hayden). 340 Amblygonite,analysis. 56 Absorption spectra of smoky quartz Ammersooite(van Der Marel). 552 from an Arkansas vein deposit Amphibole,hydrous, structural for- and from a Sierran miarolitic mula of (Nicholls,Zussman) granite (Marshall). 53.5 .\mstutz, G. C. (Book Review).. 361 Adams, F. D. The Birth and De_ Geologie und petrographie velopment of the Geological der Ergussgesteineim Verru_ Sciences (Book Review). 1153 cano des Glarner Freiberges Age determination, uranium_lead (BookReview)...... 366 method, studies in. (Eckel_ Anleitung zu Optischen Unter_ mann, Kulp). 313 suchungen mit dem polari_ Age determinations on zircon based sationsmikroskop (Berek) on radiation-damage rreasure_ (Book Review).. ments (Holland, 129 Head, Witter) 320 Apfel, E. T. .. A.I.M.E. symposium. problems 308 oi Ardennite from the Grants uranium Clay and Laterite Genesis district, New (Book Mexico (Sun, Review) 363 Weber) Albite twinning in plagioclase 338 feld_ Arnold, D. C. with Willden. R. spars, note on (Gay) 343 Spot grinding, a technique Aldanite (Bespalov). for ... 369 finishing rock thin sections.. JJ/ Alexander, L. E. with Klug, H. X_ Arnott, R. J.. 309 ray Diffraction for polycrystal_ Arsenosulvanite(Betekhtin, Mik_ line and Amorphous Materials heev) . (Book 368 Review). 131 Asbestos,synthetic,investigations, Alkali feldspars:'I. Orttocl".u- II: X-ray and other data on microperthites (MacKenzie. synthetic fluor_richterite, Smith). 707 -edenite, and -boron edenite If. A simple x-ray technique for (Kohn, Comeforo). the 410 study of alkali feldspars Auskern,A..... (Smith, MacKenzie). 779 733 Australites from Harrow, Victoria Allen, R. D. and Kramer, H. (Baker). 775 Hornblende in diorire pegma_ Axelrod,J.M... .. 326 tite near Camp lrwin, San Ber_ with Milton, C. Beyrichtite, nardino County, California. a discredited species. 767 Allen, R. M. practical Refrac_ Azaroff., L. V. and Buerger, M. tometry by Means J. of the Mi_ Refnement of croscope(BookReview)...... the structure of _ 549 cubanite, Allen, CuFezSr. 213 V. T. (Book Review). 130 Allison,E. B... 346 Baddeleyite phalaborwa, Alluaudite from @isher). I 100 Eastern Transvaal (Hiemstra) Almandite garnet 275 stability range Baker, G. (Yoder). 77s 342 Baldaufite:Hureaulite(Strunz) .. 3IO Altschuler, Z. S.. 308 Baldwin,B...... 337 rt57 1158 INDEX slider {or polar- A. ' 776 Bertrand-Lasaulx Bannister,F. ' ' ' ' tt?o and tavorite' two new izingmicroscoPe(Fisher) Barbosalite Franklin' from BerYllian idocrase from phosPhate minerals 118 (Lind- N.J.(Hurlbut).. "" "' Minas Gerais, Brazil 369 952 Bespalov, M' M' berg, Pecora) 828 944 Beta-roselite (Frondel ) Bari6,L.. Nuf- and Beta-uranoPhane (Gorman, Barnes, W. H. "Hewettite" 634 ,,metahewettite"..... 689 field) A. G. ' 368 with Donaldson, D' M' The Betekhtin, structures of the minerals of the descloizite and adelite grouPs: II. PYrobelonite; III' irackenbuschite"'580'597 Barsanov,G. P' 941 Basalt flows in central New Mexico, forms of halloYsite' 122 correlation of bY fusion tech- Birth and DeveloPmentof the Geo- nique(Jicha). " 323 Bate,G.L....... "" 324 Bates,T.F...... " "' 309 Bauer, L. H. with Frondel, C' Kutnahorite: a manganese dolomite,CaMn(COe)z'' ' '316,748 Bloss, F. D. RelationshiP between H', Memorial of Bauer, Lawson light absorPtion and composi- (Frontlel) 283 ti-onin a solitl solution series 371 of Bauxite dePosits Jamaica' Bloxham,T. W.. 345 mineralogY and 313 B. W. I., the Boato,G. " (Hill) 676 genesis of Borborema Pegmatites; PhosPhate Bazzite (:scandian berYl?) (Hut- tenlocher, Htigi, Nowacki) " ' 370 Belovite (Borodin,Kazakova) " " 367 Belovite (Nefedov) 552 Benitoite, on the stabilitY and hY- drothermal sYnthesisof (Rase, Roy). ' 542 Berek, M. Anleitung zu OPtischen Mineral DePosits of Barstow Untersuchungen mit dem Quadrangle, San Bernardino PolarisationsmikroskiP (Book CountY, California (Book Re- Review) 129 view) . 935 Bergendahl, M. H. Wavellite sPherulites in the Bone ValleY formation of central Florida ' ' +97 Berillite (Kuzmenko) 787 Berman,E. R. Unit cell dimensions of uranite. 925 Berman, J. Identification of metamict minerals bY r-raY 805 diffraction 329,885 Bertlierite, FeSbzSa,crystal struc- L. I. (Book Review)' 940 ture of (Buerger' Hahn) 226 Briggs, INDEX 1159 'W. Brindley, G. Stevensite,a mont- Campbell,W. J.. 310 morillonite-type mineral show- CaO-MgO-CO2system, studies in ingmixed-layercharacteristics 239 (Harker,Tuttle) .. 319 -.-(BookReview)... .. 360 CaO-VzOnHzOsystem (Marvin) 326 . ..310,775Carbon 14 age research (Broecker, Broder, J. 341 Kulp) 310 Broecker,W.... 310 Carbon in petroleums and other or- Broken Hills range,Nevada, wall- ganic constituents of sedi- rockalteration in (Vitaliano) 339 ments, isotopic composition of Brophy, V. A. with Strock, L. VI. (Silverman, Epstein) 335 Synthetic zinc sulfide poly- Cardenite(MacEwan) l.t/ type crystals. .. 94 Carlson, S. J. Activation of photo- Brown,G. .. .. .347,777,729,780 luminescence in artificial cal- Brown,G. M. ... 344 cite by stannous ion 540 Brown, p. W. E. with Smith, J. and Carr, J. M.. 311 Lehr, J. R. Crystallography of Carter,D. 8... .. Jlo monocalcium and d.icalcium Carthew, A. R. The quantitative es- phosphates. 893 timation of kaolinite by differ- Brunton, G. Vapor pressureglyco- ential thermal analysis. r07 lation of oriented clay minerals 124 Catalogue of Meteorites, with spe- Buck, D. C. and Strock, L. W. Tri- cial reference to those repre- morphisminzincsulfide..... 192 sented in the Collections of the Buddington, A. F. Presentation of British Museums (Natural the Roebling Medal to Cecil History), (Prior) revised and Edgar Tilley. 289 enlarged by M. H. Hey (Book Buerger, M. J, and Hahn, T. The Review) 936 crystal structure of berthierite, Centrifuge tube, new, for mineral FeSb:Sr 226 separation (Nickel) 697 with Azaroff, L. V, Refine- Cerianite, CeO2: a new rare-earth ment of the structure of oxidemineral (Graham)... cubanite,CuFezSr. z 7,) Cerul6ite from Wheal Gorland, 319 Gwennap, Cornwall. (Russell, Brrlfonteinite, CaoSirOroHuFr, ;; Claringbull) 933 accurate determination of the Chalchihuitl-a study in jade cell dimensions of (Megaw, (Foshag).... .1062 Kelsey).... .. 773 Chalconatronite (Frondel, Gettens) 943 Bulfonteinite from Crestmore, Cali- Chamosite variability and iron-ore fornia (Murdoch). ... 900 petrology problems (Youell) 347 Charnockite series in Bunger Lake Cadisch, J. and Niggli, E. Geologie area, Antarctica, occurrence of der Schweizeralpen (Book Re- (Apfel, Huang) . 308 view). 361 Chattanooga shale, mineralogy and Cadmium sulphide, Iattice dimen- petrography of (Bates, Strahl, sions of (Smith). 696 Short, Silverman, Camilli).. 309 Calcareous odliths, origin of (Mona- Chayes, F. A point counter based ghan, Lytle). 328 on the Leitz mechanical stage 126 Calcium carbonate, factors influ- Chen, W. T. with Morey, G. W. encing the artificial precipita- The action of hot water on tion of (Zeller, Wray) 3+2 some feldspars . 996 Camilli,E. 309 Chiklite (Bilgrami) 1155 1160 INDEX Chlorite species, r-ray identifica- crystal structure of (Christ, tion of (Brindley, Gillery) . 310 Clark, Evans) 3I2 Chlorites,four coarsely-crystalline, Collectorfor concentratinga min- examination of by rc-ray and eral phasefor analysis,a simPle variable-pressured.t.a. tech- (Frechette). 931 niques(Stone, Weiss) 780 Colloid Chemistry of Silicaand Sili- Chlorites : gonyerite and melanolite cates(Iler) (Book Review). 1150 (Frondel).. 1090 Columbite-tantaliteseries, relation- Christ, C. L. and Clark, J. B. The ship betweendensitY and com- crvstal skucture of murdochite 907 positionin (Campbell,Parker) 310 (Book Review). 783 Columbium and tantalum and cer- . 3rr,3l2 tain associated minerals' Pre- Chromite, secondary alteration of liminary report on investi- (denTex).. .. 353 gations of minerals of Claringbull,G. F... 933 (Hutchinson)... .. ..322,+32 A. Clark, J. R. with Christ, C. L. The Comeforo, J, E. with Kohn' J. crystal structure of murdochite 907 Synthetic asbestos investi- .)tz gations, IIz X-taY and other fluor- Clarke, R. S. Jr. 308 data on sYnthetic -boron Clay-mineral dehydroxylation, r- richterite, -edenite, and ray diffractometer thermal edenite . ' 4lo studies of (Weiss, Rowland) 341 Concentration of heavy accessories CIay minerals, determination of from large rock samples (Fafu- specific heats and heats of re- bairn) . .315,458 action by thermal analysis Consequenceslor d.t.a'of assuming (Allison)..... 3+6 a reaction to be first-order Clays of the clay-schist formation (Sewell)..... 346 in the Modenese Appenines, Convergentlead ages of earth'sold- mineralogical composition of est monazites and uraninites some(Gallitelli) .. 345 (Ahrens) . 933 Clays and Clay Technology (Pask, Coombs,D. S. 777 Turner, editors) (Book Re- Corey, A. S. with Heinrich, E' W' view).... 937 Montebrasitefrom Eight Mile Clays, a kinetic study of the dehy- Park, Fremont CountY, Colo- dration reaction in, and its rado.. ' ' ll41 bearing on differential thermal Corrensite(Lippmann).. 137 analysis (Murray, White) 3+6 Cotter,P. G. with Kohn, J. A. and CIays in coals and their ashes (En- Potter, R. A. Directionalhard- dell) .. 345 nessvariation in tungsten car- Clinopyroxenes, ion substitution in bide (WC) monocrYstals 522 the diopside-ferropigeonite Craig,H...... 313 series of (Kuno). 70 Crystal Data. Classificationof Sub- Coal and
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