University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-12-1901 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 06-12-1901 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 06-12-1901." (1901). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1304 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i Book Binding u Blank Book Was Job Printing promptly .xteutW In oo4 laaM Ka nasi nal atyls at TMB CITIZEN Blndary. hoaldbaat TMB CTTUBN 'he Albuquerque Daily Jofe Room i item VOLUME 15. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 12. 1901, NUMBER 175 states that the organisation will con- tragic death of the young New York ! stitute at least 76 well trained er, and to prove the assertion that BUTTLE UN and skilled employes, with a monthly IE DISASTER he was ahdlcted to the frlahtul tnor BIC pay roll aggregating at least 13.000. phlne habit his flesh showed that he S1KE Agents for There will be about a hundred guest naa liberally used the needle." McCALL BAZAAR MAIL ORDERS rooms, and everything will be conduct- Continuing, said the friend: PATTER MS. ed on the most Improved plan equal- knew Filled Sams the Downing family for years All Psttems 4t igc ly as nice as the finest hostelry In and did all In my power to stem the io THE InsurgentsJWere Rout- New York or any of the big eastern Many Bodies Recovered downward course AH NONE I1IOHER. Day as Received. pursued by Elbert the Ship Yards to cities. when be came to Albuquerque and ed plunged headlong Into a debauch and Dispersed. Town, by Rescue Party. that Close Down. Fire at Anions ended with his life) but he paid no loo Special to The Cltlten. aucmion to my appeals. He wag be EnT Sellgman, Arts., June 12. Fire start- yond redemption, and I am supersti ed In the Harvey house here shortly tious enough to believe that the dear Judicial Districts Formed in Ex Semi-Centenn- before noon, almost wholly consum- Modern Woodmen Hold old mother, grieved beyond expression ial Jubilee of Y. B3T Wo Start Out Now in This Beautiful Month of ing the building. Telegraph wires are or words over the fate of her son, the Philippines. crippled, the Postal losing all of citing Competitive Drills, had a presentiment that the worst M. C A. in Boston. Juno theirs. The fire la not yet under had come and yielded up her own life to Give tho Men and Wonion of Albuquerque the PAR so as to be on hand to plead for her wayward son a more righteous Lieut. H. T. Mitchell in Iowa before EXCELLENCE of THEIR, Arrested MUDGE AND KENDRICKt. Husband Crazed With Jealousy ana nigner triDunai. King Edward Presents Medals to BARGAINS WHOLE LIFE. Manila for Embezzlement. Fatally Shoots His O Well Known Railway Officials Pleased Wife. Reuben T. Posey Dtsd. South African Veterans. With Work Here. Reuben T. Posey, a well known at Domestic II. V. Muuge, general manager of torney, died at the home of bis daugh- Challles. Fe railway; W. Hen Men's Furnishings. HAZING PROHIBITED AT WEST the Santa J. SHRINERS HAVING E. h POINT. GRAND TIME. ter, Mra. Dixie Uulnlan, In Socor MRS. IcKINLEY GETTING 25c for wide part Cotton with Satin Stripe. dricks, third vice president In charge ro, tne other evening from apoplexy, WELL. W, 11. Regular 40c quality. A nice range of patterns to select SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. of operations; Storey, Jr., aged 71 years. 8 months and 23 days. chief engineer, all from Topeka, Kan- Mr. Posey was born In Henderson. from. Our price this week 25c WaBhlnKton, June 12. Acting Ailju sas, and Division Superintendent F. West Nowton. Pa- - June 12. The NeWDOrt News. Men's Balbriggan Cnderwear, tant Ward nan a or Ky., and was one of thirteen children V. lima it i. received C. Fox, with headquarters at Las Ve death Harry Deveredge last night eight wmm rn mnmivi . ama cable messRKfl from General MacAr brings of whom are still living. He innonnran the regular 60o for a rait quality, our dot- gas, came In last night In their spe the total number of fatalities In thousand men will be laid off Challles. thur Riving olllclal confirmation of th of the Port Royal up studied law Louisville, Ky., and at at the ing out price only iBo garment AU cial cars attached to the No. 1 passen mine disaster William and Mary college, Virginia. yards of the Nmiwid Mi.. ahin the recent aerioua enxagement with the ger train from the north, and side 10 eignteen. The last rescuing party Building and Dry 45c for Wool Cliallles, in Stripes, Figures sizes shirts and drawers. mos-ag- In 1882 he came to New Mexico and Docks company on Insurgents near Li pa, Luzon. The tracked for the night at the local entered the mine shortly before mid- account of la was a member of the law firm of the machinists strike. This and Polka Dots, In all the new prevailing shades. The as follows: depot. night and explored It for a distance wm mass a or x.ooo "On the morning of the 10th Capt of about Posey ft Socorro. He re total men out. It regular VEc quality. This week only 45e the yard Mr. Kendrlcks was only elected to three thousand feet. The turned to Kentucky a few years ago. is expected that the entire plant will Men's Mottled Underwear. Wm. H. Wllhelm, Twenty-firs- t Infan the above important position body of David James was found this be by at the wnere aoout eignteen months ago he closed Saturday night. Colors, Brown or Blue try, encountered a large force neai recent meeting of the board of direc- morning. There have been five bodies It IB the UndrstSnHln ftinr .Kb. all Mottled, la all site l.lpH. H. Lee, of suffered sunstroke, from the effects of Lieutenant Walter tors of the Santa Fe company, he recovered since the first exnloslon. which he fully the shin yards of th om.n.rv Walstlngs. shirts and drawers. The regular M quali- the corps of engineers, and Captain There are still bodies In never recovered. An coming from olt the Northern Pacific thirteen the ternlnesl not to acceda tn th itaniinJ. - ty tor the suit. Our closing pries, Antonio Hprliiger, of the First Infan mine. hour or two before his death ha had 50c (or 80- Inch Wool Waist Cloth with Silk Stripes. oat per road, and this Is his first official trip an attack of apoplexy and remained oi me inacninists and all the plants suit. Is only 40c, or toe the garment. try, were killed. Captain William H over the road, coming as far south as There Is some talk of flooding the wnvre Colors, New Blue, Green, Rose Reds, Greys, Black and Wllhelm and unconscious until ho passed away. in macninista nave gone out First Lieutenant Charles this city. mine. More explosions are looked for Will Shut down Indeflnitalv rith h White. Regular 75c quality. This week only COc yard. It. Itamxay, of the Twenty-firs- t Infan This morning ,ln company with the and the danger Is even greater than Is O grant the demands. try, seriously Lively Free-for-A- Men's Balbrlggan wounded. Four enlist other officials, he visited local rail- generally known. Trot. V Underwear, men were the California, Kansas and Kentucky O ed wounded. The insur way shops and Inspected the work Y. M. C. A. Jubilee. the regular 75c quality for a suit, this Is the gents were dispersed." Modern will compete In an exciting free-for-a- Silk Striped Challles. being performed on the addi- Woodmen. Boston. Mass.. Jim is urrk best domestic make. Our closing out pries tions to shops St. Paul. June UAPIeasant weath trot at the fair ground next Sun- the 5c for Imported the and the day afternoon. Margaret," International Jubilee convention Challles in solid colors with Satin Is 50c the salt, or 25c the garment. MANILA NEWS. new hotel and depot, after which er gave the Modern Woodmen a good "Ijuiy am m. u. a., yes- day owned by Joe Rarnett, Is a pacer ui i. wnicn began Stripe of self color. Regular for quality. Colors, Black. he took a Jaunt through the exten- for the opening competitive drills terday, waa In full swing In all LUutsnant Mitchell Arrested Judicial sive yards and expressed himself well at Camp Northcott Over fifty from the Golden state, while "Deck,' brannbea Greys, Blues, Cream. This week only 8Se the yard owned by V. L. Trimble, comes Presentation of Y. Nci's Districts to Be Formed. pleased with the condition of things teams entered. Consul W. A. North- from M. C. A. problems, and of subjects ixfrM ia.irl su I'Hcrwur. Manila, 12. Lieut. Henry T of Illinois. C. W. the Sunflower state of Kansas. T. J. - June is he found them here. cott. Head Clerk bearing on the work nf art m... the regular 75e quality for Mitchell, of Forty-firs- t regiment Hawes. of Illinois, Shinlck's "Action" will represent the Muscilie Stic silk or a garment. In the Mr. Mudge was seen by The Cltisen and Head Adviser the main feature of 's program. .silk it jiHlci.
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