.1.0 ! MDGEK PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1016 EVENING ... - gLrU Hiirs. They live ionfrcr and do more efficient tinthjepath "H work ns adults. The moral of this Is that Tom there should bo more and better school play- Daly's Column frUBttC LEDGER COMPANY grounds. CtRUS H k CURTIS, Hmmr "It's a Boy!" Chfle lM,udlnton Vie President ; John C Martin, tTlie alvMTTieBage from A. A., one Of our (ecretatr n Philip 8. Collins, John B NOT EVEN A SPORTING CHANCE charter Williams, Director.Trnioftn contrlhs, came otr the telephone on Saturday.) Blcsalnxs on EDITOMAt, BOARD! The b'nltut listen In an iioorly prepared the little lad! Brlnp; -- And his Mother! and egad! Ctatis If. K. Ccatlf, Chairman for Vnr thnt two TrnnM Blessings, hnnat 111 anpplr o'ilr'nrllllerjr ammunition too, upon the Dad! ' .JX. fMMmxW''' 'irT'SSpMvw . Mm f H TrBALBT ... null.) Executive Editor nml four darn nae nrr l(a rifle rnrtrldnea. si' ' JOHN C. jLfAnTJN.,.7. .ajnTraiRulne Maimer Km mobile nrmr In only nliout tttlce tlif . Joy wo wish to patents both; eiv poller force, with rib me naoy daily Irr of lork'a io rapid Rrowtn Published at PctLio i.roant rtutidinr. Irnlnril rraoMea. Our wertlth la the ny n noiy Uread of sloth. Independence Square, Philadelphia. of the vrorlil. Prennredneaa H nntloiml inu T, Lttan,CiiK-rA- tlroad and Chestnut Streets naauranee. If It our wo Atuxtlo Cut... .. ...... ....rrrt.i-Unlo- n Rulldlnc weie joungster, Tons i.lTO-A- . Metropolitan Totver Would delight to make him be Slit , Chestnut street filled for six yulto lrroir,... S28 Ford Building IMAGINE company of an Infant prodigy. Br. IOcls.i. ... 400 UMt Democrat Building with a marching V Chicaoo. r. ... Il'02 rrflmne Building women extending from curb to curb. We would put within his reach news bureaus i Everj thing designed Wini!tmn BcRio ni(t Building Imagine the sidewalks filled with men to leach . Mastery of , Nmr YoK RcatAC i i., The Tim's Building watching the procession, while they had written spech. utaut. tlrteio . VO FrledrlchMraie iNNif iitirm jiarconi nouse, mrana placed In front of thim Mong rows of little Think upon It, parent, think! Fakir nemo. ................ .12 Rue Louis le Urand ..1.11.4...... 'I.. -- ....1. h ...r... II. Af tltnl Dmitri ..nAO you .IMIUIUil III OULH U 1 lilt i,. ww... Though give him milk to drink BtlBSCniPT ION TERMS Let him know Ink. Tit carrier, l nl per (th. By mall. peitpsld their mothers. aohiewhat of mt side of Philadelphia, except her foreign postage Is required, one month. Hrenti-.flv- rents; on seer. Imagine a team of four maddened horses, Let him, sitting In his crib. three dollars. All mall uncrlptlona pajahlo In attached to a heavy dray, running away Wipe his pen upon his bib-- Let him be our "Child Contrlb." NoTtrfc Subcrlher nlihln address 'hanged mu and headed for tho marching women. aa tfell aa new nddrtes. lire old Imagine the men ordering a itoaen boa Think upon it, parents, do! 10M I . niPffiKwJr1. HiiibMraLCSIir -- Wk BKI.L. J0O0 WALNUT KEYSTO.NE. MAM and girls, 7 or 8 years old, to rush out and Fame for baby 'and for J on tn Jin.1ip ",:i'ju Much reflected glory, tool RT AC(lm fltl eomitcnifrtllaii In Evrntita stop the runaway animals. ?V Square, '?. J' .?. MM I W1 "1 .'l T T 'T VM, B. V .kfliM.iBiB.HI ..,.Aj:,W7 Wm Ltrlatr. Initii:idinet 7Villoilla. you made .. MBFIIMHhl BMTTM IT Tfi Htr'TWI When you have done this have "injured About His Legs" says a head- arKssfttt strait) at xne rmubwrrm moTorrrcr m tco.iB a plcturo of the situation In which this cou- line In a Charleston paper, wo lemem-be- r DUII Mill. UiTTII and nty would find Itself If It hould bo nttneked that's the way we felt many years ago by any of tho or second rate l'owcrs. pig- THE AVSltAUH NET PAID UAlt.Y (.'IRCULA first when our first love tossed her scornful TtOV OF TIIIJ EVE.Vl.Vd I.Kt)llntt Our nimy wolild have no better chance tails and called us "pipe-stems- vMfflmr.XtiBi --- wm FOR DECEMBER WAS 0.78J. for Its llfo than would the children who should attempt to slop n team of maddened WIJ had a lot of money we'd employ MsiwiM?a - " mmWmmMWmwrr"-''- M would IK Wss&xsBSPSh- r" ntlLADELPIIIA. MO.tDAV. JANUARY K. 1)16. horses, and our cities and towns bo Itlng W. Lardner as sporting editor of this crushed lis the women would fall beneath column. Being poor, the best we can do Is of the wheels of some A man Is very apt to complain at the tho feci nnlmalt and tho steal nn occasional bit from other paper, York Kvcnlng of those who have risen tar nfiot'c the dray. like thU from the New The British have dhauvcrcd what linp-pe- Sun: Jkfm. f1: i . ,jv --. Johnson. ,i:r .iyH,'T-n.KW- ii kflHnH i :. .. t.t--- .irr " mmmi. when they go to war unpiepnrod. Their ht .1 jJH,vv'tJ CHICAGO. Jan. 13. Krcnil Harcy Well "J.tejHS':.-"- "- -- - J' WfW - ' -- young men who Were .""cut to the fiont Hiiney It look Yule long to get thero W'if$Z'" tHj. Tho price of pence Urynnlsm. a time ii. ;T.iw.'"fiii,' without adequate preparation weie shot revenge but they ilnely got It because of coaiae --L.L'-m- --.V"' Ml down llko no many frightened animals. II must of been a Yale man that framed things The best arguments for prcparcdncas ate up for Percy Haughtnn to lul the Brave. Tho Government had been w'arned of the -ri- URimlly made by those opposed to II." When be gets well Harvey be will impending danger by men who knew and lent foine bitter lessons and line out where a It had urged to prcpuie for what must llnivanl coach has got It all over n B. It. Which Is better, four billions In pensions len tnngnate. you keep ecrtalnlj happen, but it igiioicd the warning. cant Kvers and lifter the war or u billion so thcte won't Rudolph and and mnrnmllle on the side and which now enjoys tho distinction of No Is thtcateuiug I'liltcd States Tlcr AMUSEMENTS be nny? Power the lines uu till the last wk. of the aeason and DOHENY, OIL being the greatest Institution In tho world of time. Hut Is nothing in our teRtn K. and team K. play the 1st. T nt this thcio leac Its kind. The Mexican Pettoloum Company ACADEMY OF MUSIC own or In history of of tho scedule. MEXICO There will have to be n lot of history the conization KING OF only mnde wealthy, wo The let. 150 games counts Jest ns much as not has Its hackers but IJ before nil tile ItiBccts nro put of which Justifies u h in assuming that will PHILADELPHIA P out business the Inst I. And you cant looeo cry game Old-fashion- vastly to tho business expansion of never be A Prospector the has added In Mexico. attacked. from the middle or April till the 2d. wk. In of nn Important section of Mexico. When the ntliu'U mines It Hboiilil find Oct. and then claim the championship becauao Kind, n Man ORCHESTEi N'. Y. but Business of the The Philadelphia Divinity School, which us ready to meet it with it allotting chance .otl happen to beat the slants tome LEOPOLD BTOKOWSKI, Conductor 1 Saturday P. M. And If the cubs or by TO PETERKIN IN HEAVEN r 1. I 1:1 ,.. ... Xjl of Mtccesu. Unless la change In our Modern Succeeded Hard, oympnony i ;j n, t In not quite 60 years old, Is developing Into thetc a Phlllys acts rough nml ungcntlcmaii like In I rnuay Altera jnr. 21, at 3:9) a vigorous outlt. policy we shall be compelled to sacrifice the or 2 serious ngalnat nu ou cant drop Ihcm Constant Work Jolly playmate once von were. Concerts Saturday Ev'n'p, Jan.22,8t8;lW eyes dark-brow- n lives of our young men as wnutonly as otT next f. slate but ou got to play them Amber nnd fur, poioipw j.iiiL.i.t!.n viounitt nfi light along of them shock- Kinunllng tall nnd friendly spring moan ams Arc not enough though we had ordered little chlldtcn Into nnd take tho chance andI Mexico, It Is said, do not mix, & there trusts at home to be ing our ho.s with lliric bad niaunets. And OIL and Mcir.v, tiny, living thing! 0erture, "Don Olomnnl" ...........lIOZAll) Investigated without CoiiBrcss going after tho street to stop u team "of runaway If ou get the hunch thnt Riooktjnft going to et tl Two ejen lit with sulphur flames concerto ror violin nnu urcneitla, 1 your hiding In games; n u DEETHOVH the Blsnl tvvlno trust of Yucatan? horses. ha.c a good elcen In 1918 )ou cant refuse ticklish subject to handle, for present Showed plnce Kvmphontc Poem, iSTIUtJB and a In a book "Eln llelilenleben" We have todn a mobile at my of about to rcedule them but .ou got to Inkn them purposes It Is only Llko lion's tseaia iow on tiaio ai iiui'rus, 1118 CHE8T on 22 times or may be more. And they alut Sometimes gleamed your kitten's, look. "Blockade of Germany to Ho .Made For- 25,000 men, or nbout twice the number of the game necessary to speak no way .von, can squeeze out of a with Now thnt jou were so gay mal," says the New York Sun, which has police force of New Yoik.
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