RAILROAD PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES Coach mtd Car (Metal) "JIetnlsteel" Puint SurPfwer 13uilding and Statiuu "Metnl" Comas Prc$cr\cr ".Vrtnl" Canvaa Proof Paints Paint Preifiht Cnr Paints St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co. ST. LOUIS XAKEKS- NEW YOllIi PANTASOTE Galena-Signal Oil Co, The National Standard FRANKLIN, PENN. for Car Curtains and Car Upholstery SOLE ~IASUFI~CTURERS OP CELEBRATED AGASOTE HEADLINING GALENA LUBRICANTS IYATERPROOF Prrfectiou Vwlre nud Sigunl Oils AOXOGEXOUS iu its Co~nposit.iou; AND will uot wlrp, blister or separate. G;I~~II;IIhilwny Safety Oil -t-- FOR SESD FOR SAXPLE Steam and Electric Railway I-se -- 0- Esclusi\ ely Gunruutcccl Cosl THE PANTASOTE COMPANY B.l~pc?.i Soquice Free 11 l$ro;~d~i~y,Sew Y01~li l isher Illclc. 793 >Ionaduoeli Blda. 'Iric-:~go, 111. Bun Fruncikeu, Cnl. S. A. MEGEATH, President I Con. P. Curran Printing Co. 1 Printers, Designers, Engravers, Lithographers, Blank Book Makers PHONES EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS Bell, Xaiu 5191 I Rinlorll, Crutrnl 9!)1 ST. LOUIS, MO. Mention us when writing to advertisers, it mill help us both. TIIE PRISCO-NAN 1 Insures more 1208 Michipsn It:~ilroad Jlrn Pays >lore Railroad Avenue JIen I.:mploya more Ex-Rail- CHICAGO road Men TIIAS ASY OTIIER COXI'AXY Refore I'm 1111rt S:l111<*........................................................... tell mc Ilow little .\rltlress .......................................................... Ill~~olllcIl:~1:r~lll~c ~osts. .\xr.. ............ Oc(:u~)f~tioll.................................... SECURITY SECTIONAL ARCHES I FOR LOCOMOTIVES I 30 Church Street, NEW YORK I American Arch Company, mccorrnick Building, cHlc*co I UNIFORMS UNIFORMS 223 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO , i\Iention us when writing to adwrtisers, it will 11ell) us both. 2 THE FRISCO-MAN THE HEWlTT SUPPLY CO, WHEN VISITING KANSAS C STOP AT C. AI. FIEWITT, President BLOSSOM HOUi HEWlTT BABBlTT METALS RUBBER GOODS 803 Bailway Exchmgc, CHICAGO THE TEXAS COMPANY Texaco Fuel Oil Conlorrning to Government Specifications HIGH IN FUEL VALUE ElTicient - Economical Texaco Railroad Lubricants Cut down the wear and tear on rolling stock Illuminating Oils Signal Oils THE TEXAS COMPANY OPPOSITE UNIOS DEPOT Manufacturers of all klnds of Petroleum Products EUROPEAX I'LAS ST. LOUIS FROG & SWITCH CO. XXYUFACTURER - INSULATED WIRES and CABLES 7'gE- v The performance record Frogs, Switches, Crossings, of KERITE,covering over Switch Stands for half a century, is abso- Steam and Electric Railroads lutely unequalled in the whole history of insu- Oliver lated wires and cables. Electric & Mfg. Co. RAILROAD AXLE-LIGHT PARTS AND REPAIRS 2219-2221 Lucas Ave, ST, LOUIS, MOW Mention us when writing to THE FRISCO-MAN 3 FLINT Varnish Works FLINT, MICHIGAN Varnishes, Enamels, Engine Finishes, Blacks, Colors, Primers, Surfacers, Etc. FOR THE RAILWAY TRADE .-* The ~riend-" That Never Fails This Is the frlend that you cau go to Don't Pum~Your Life Awav IUV hour of the day; the frieud that llis your wants anti saves your money; .- . .he frieud that ministers to every mem- The No. 2 Rockford Car is a light, Ier of the family-Montgomery Wnrd weedy. serviceable runabout for the k Compou)'~~ntdogue. - It oficrs you the lowest prices on SIMPLE in con*trnction. :lothing iu the height of iushion, on the latest Ideas iu household goods, iu ,ools, light xunchinery-on ,yerpthlng 'rorn gius to iiutomobfles. lhough an lrtlcle is in big demand you can buy t from this Catalogue at a bargaiu price. The thousma-page display of ~uerchandiveis a uever-failing source of wonder iu variety uud values. The Montgomery Ward &z Company Catalogue fllls every want, meets every emergency according to a forty-one Tear single standard of honesty. 811 articles are priced by an unvarying rule. On any purchase which does not satisfy. your ruouey is refunded wlth- out question or cluibble. Xontgoxuery Wnrd & Company's lat- est Cntnlogue conveys to millions of customers a11 these advnutages In full Xu. 2 Hockford Car measure. Send for Catalogue No. 43. Addre88 Dept. 00 MONTGOMERY WARD & COMPANY Sew York, Chicago, Knnsas City, Fort CHICAGO PAEUJIATIC TOOL C:O. \Vorth Texas, Portland Oregon. CHICAGO NEW YORK (\YC hikw e~t~~bli~hili~ntnin enctl ol nlrovo 1E7 Bfsher Bulldlng 50 Church St. ..,.ntevs. Srnd cn 11o11ltnenrclit yea.) Brunches Everywhere. - -- -- . - - -- -- - - -- Vol. VIII, No. 2 SAINT LOUIS,MO. February. 1914 - pp-- "EFFICIENCY IN SOLICITATION" "Efficiency in Solicitation" lnrans the adoption of the bcst ~nethnds of secnring the maximum of profitable tonnage, either in carloiids 01. less quantities, with the minimuru of cost, and tlic avoidance of duplicw- tion or lost motion. TTnder the New Agency Plnn, each Agent holds the position and ;Is- snmes the duties of n Saleq~nanfor the Company, and it is our ilmhition ant1 clesirc to huild up the very bcst owmixation of Salesmen that is possible. mTe Iiilvc the talent in our rilnks--service that is attrnctive to the shipping public--and with the proper and sj-sternatic effort on the piirt of our Salesmen in educating thc shipper or receiver of freight to spccily 011 1~i.sorrle~ "VIA FRISCO" whc?~hit c~oodsare ordered, a long stcp will be made in the direction OF greater tonnage and a great dc;~lof ilnnccessary work will be clispcnsctl with. Do not overloolr the import;lnce of cultivilting the Traveling Sales- man. ITe can be of the greatest ~Sistilnccin F~zrnishinginformation as to hnsiness moving nntl oftcn ciln assist in sccuhg the routing. It is an estahlished fact that thc greater part of the freight solicita- tion or the present day iq on bnsincsc; that is mli.cc1c71j bought or sold, and uniim. tlic prcsent method it rcqnircs the scrvices of two Transportation Saleslnen to srcure an order-the Agent, or Salesman at point of destina- tion Ienrns of an order that hos hew plaeed in the territory of the Gen- eral Agent or Salesman presenting that territory-Salesman No. 1 irninediately sends Salesman No. 2 an "Advice" or "Information" Let- ter and asks him to secure, and with prompt, action and good work a grcat dral of husiness is secured-hut if Salesman KO. 1 conld have an- ticip~tedn fcw days and conld hare inducetl his c~storne~to specif!- rolltinrg "VTA FRTSCO" whe?, ilra order was placed, the services of 6 THE FRISCO-MAN Salrslnan So. 2 woultl not ha] c heen necessary in ally way on this par- ticular rrlovement, and his time could have been devoted to the securing of other business. This is especially true in the purchase and movement of so-called "Season Goocls" such as Agricultnrul Implements. Canned Goods, lkans-and various other colnmociities that could be na~necl. The JIerchandise Salesman is not satisfied \\it11 securing promises from his custon~ersto purchase from his firm at some time in the future, Imt uses his bcst etrorts in securing the order Lhc,t n?td 17~ei-e. In the same 11 ay, the Traffic Salesman should endeavor to educate his customers to route "VIA FILISC07'on his orders instead of sending subsequent routing orders which rnay be delayed, lost or ignored. This company has gained a very enbiable 1.epatation for the tcanl- uork hetncen its representntivcs, and its \ritl~ecauuot he over-estimated, bnl if this is snpplelnented by indixGdna1 effort, intelligently directed, even better results will follon-duplication will be avoided-and nlore time given to a11 of our salesmen. Routing orclc~srequire teanl-work-rontiwg on orders represeuts individual work-the first is good but contains s "perhaps"-the sec- ond is better-prncticallp assures us the toniii~gcimrl reprewrits thc re- lilrrl~wntol' "JCITicicncy ill Solicitation." '(I I(, . ' .. -- THE FRlSCO-MAN 7 Address .................................... L ............... Remarks: .................................................. A sr~pply of individual business cards be mailed promptly at the end cw rtls and prospecstire traffic cards of each trip. hale been furnished all passenger con- When additional cards are needed a dwtors on the Frisco, with a viex to requisition on the office of Superin- having them assist in the solicitation tendent nil1 bring a new supply of bnsiness. promptly. A record of the number of The i~~dividualcards I~earthe motto, cards tnrned in by each conductor is "lt will always be our desire to make to be kept for cornparatirc and other your tril) con~tortableand pleasant on purposes. a Frisco train." Thc prospective traf- The Frisco interests are surely our tic cards bear the motto, "Let us have interests and it is hoped that each an opporti~nityto den~onstlateto you conduclor will be a "booster" and an that n e can handlc your carload and ardent solicitor of business for the I>. C. I>. business to your entire satis- Frisco. This can have hut one resi~lt faction. Our service is strictly first -Increnscd Revenue. class." Lct us give our hearty co-operation Tlre purpose of these cards is 01)- and sincere support to this plan that vious. This plan of soliciting busi- it may be a snccess. ness is being tried out, based on the well knov,n fact that passenger con- ductors are nell acquainted with a large number of shippers and receiv- Springfield Workout. ers of freight and are adding to their At one of the most intcresting and nrquaintance daily. enthusiastic meetings of Frisco men, ~f a conductor nieets a prospec-t~re Springfield, 310.. January 20 and 21, sllipyur on any of his trips, he is to whir11 mas largely attended by repre- baud 11im one of his husiness cards, sentatives of all departments, impor- also om? of thc prospective traffic cards tant matters pertaining to transports- . to fill in-or the conductor may fill in tion, operation and traffic on the Fris- the prospective traffic card for the (o TI ere gone into thoroughly, and sug- shipper-after which it is to be mailed gestions made by ninny were disrusscd.
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